Chapter 1 A Second Chance

Death and the dead themselves ruled the night as the living made a desperate stand against the army of the Dead and the White Walkers. As much as the living had prepared the fight was coming out heavily one sided and was only getting worse. A charge of the Dothraki horse lords, brought over to Westeros by the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen had been broken, even with the addition of flaming swords thanks to the fire magic of the Red Priestess Melisandre of Asshai all they did was slow down the undead by a few minutes at best. The Unsullied, the eunuch soldiers slave soldiers raised from boyhood to be the best foot in the world, soldiers without fear, master of the short and long spear and short sword who fought in tight interlocking formations had lasted longer but not long they were broken. The Northern and Vale forces who were native to Westeros and fought in heavy plate armor which could protect them almost all harm where slaughtered by the tidal wave of the undead. The ancient tall walls of Winterfell home to house Stark for thousands of years provided some defense for a while but the undead crawled over each other climbing the walls like ants and then an undead giant bashed in the thick oaken gates and the undead came pouring in. Only the two dragons flying above the battle provided any hope of killing the undead in mass as they burned easily however the White Walkers commanded by the Night King also had a dragon and had prevented them from using the Dragons as effectively as they should.

Screams filled the air mixing in with the howling of the wind and the screaching sound of the undead, as the defenders kept being forced back. The outer Northern wall had fallen and the dead now ruled the central courtyard, the outer buildings of the castle were either burning or now had the dead roaming the halls. The newer part of castle, itself being over 500 years old was in the process of being overrun with the dead, however there where pockets within the wall where the living still held out. The only parts of the Castle where the living still controlled everything was the oldest part of the Castle, the ancient drum tower and small southern courtyard. They hadn't fallen yet simply because the dead had yet to reached the location, the Castle had fallen everyone knew this. Still the living defenders of the Castle were not the actual main target of the White Walkers who commanded the Army of the Undead. Their targets weren't even the two living dragons or their riders, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. No the target was a single man sitting under the red leaves of a weirwood tree in the ancient Winterfell Godswood and now they had him.

This man who from the outside looked like nothing more than a crippled young man, not even capable of growing a beard or raising a sword to defend himself was their target. He had been their target for thousands of years, he was the last gifted and trained in the ancient magic of the Children of the Forest, he was the last one who could look into the past and possibly do more. He was the three eyed raven and he had to die and die he would. He was trapped surrounded by the undead and with no defenders left to him. He would die but he wouldn't die at the hands of some undead puppet, no he was too important, this moment of victory over humanity, over life was too important to have some nameless corps do it. He would do it himself, the Night King the first White Walker, the one who created them all, he was made to be a weapon against humanity and even after the Children who created him had made their peace with humans he would carry out his mission, his duty. The Children where gone now, all animal life above the size of a rabbit was dead North of Winterfell now and in time not even rats or spiders would be left alive in the world he would make.

The Raven's last defender fell to his knees before him, as the Night King looked down for a moment at this man who had foolishly charged him in an attempt to kill him. He would have been better trying to throw the spear, it wouldn't have made any difference in the out come but he would have had a few extra moments of life. He wouldn't have those moments now as he drove his dagger deeper into the man's chest, the icy weapon piercing through the steal breastplate like it was thin cloth. Then he raised his blue eyes and looked toward the Three eyed raven, the boy with the experience of thousands of the most powerful magic uses in human history looked on with a sad detachment. With that done he pushed the now dead body to the side and stepped over it, the blood pooling on the snow-covered ground.

He stepped through the bodies of the defenders followed by the dozen walkers who came with him, they would bare witness to this event, the defeat of the Raven. As he walked forward, the Raven struggled a bit, not in an attempt to escape, there was no escape instead he turned his chair in the snow to face him head on instead of from the side. All the better for him so that he would see the final look on the Raven's face as he died and the living memories of humanity with him. With him gone, there would be no one who would know how to defeat him and humanity would fall. The snow covered blood crunched under his black armored boots and flecks of snow moved past him toward the Raven who still sat motionless after finishing the struggle to face him, before them both was the weirwood tree, the heart of the Godswood and the focus of the faith of the Old Gods. They would bare witness to the death of their champion through the eyes of their carved tree.

"I am sorry what happened to you." Said the Raven as the Night King stood before him. "I saw the man you once where, you had a life, a family, a wife, a son."

For a moment the Night King paused and looked down, his blue eyes looking at the blood and gore around him. His "sons" he turned children of the Wildlings Craster and so many others before him who had made a deal with him for their protection in return for their sons to be handed to him to become walkers across the centuries some of his "sons" where almost as old as he was, it was them who stood with him now. He looked at the undead, all of them had families, had loved ones, had wives, husbands, daughters and sons, now they were his. He paused for a moment, as he remembered his son's face as he killed him and the cut off scream of his wife as he snapped her neck with his bare hand. He had never raised their bodies; he had burned them and his home village all those thousands of years ago. None of them marched with him now. He paused for only the time it took a normal human heart to beat for a few seconds before shaking those memories away. With care he reached up and grabbed the hilt of his sword, it wasn't a sword by the standard of most men, a pole with a blade attached to the end but he had used a similar weapon when he was a man, before he became the first white walker and he liked it. He would end the Raven with it, and he would enjoy it.

The Raven didn't look away, he would give him that amount of credit as he would die with some dignity. That is when he felt it, a stabbing hot pain in the back of his neck he raised his hand and pulled the dagger out of his neck. It rippled with a strange steal; valyrian steel he knew. It would have killed anyone else, even his "Sons" would have fallen and shattered if the steal had broken their skin but not him. He spun around and saw a figure of a young woman, hiding among the trees, she was bloody and had a sword on her belt. Still he was impressed, she had thrown the dagger with skill from that distance. All around him his sons drew their swords and began to move toward the girl only to stop when he raised his hand. She was no threat to him and a living witness would be good for the moment.

"Bran…" said the women with fear in her voice.

"It's alright Arya…." said the Raven as suddenly he reached out and grabbed the Night's Kings Arm causing him to spin around and look down at the Raven. "I will see you on the other side, I will see you on the other side as well. I couldn't do this without you."

With that the Night's King eyes widened as the Raven touched the weirwood tree and he felt the magic flow through him and into the Raven and by extent into the tree. The raven eyes rolled back in his head as both their magic flowed into the tree whom face began to glow bright white. The Night King only had seconds as he brought his weapon swinging around to take the Raven's head, he wouldn't allow this. He wouldn't allow his chance to kill the Raven to end here. His blade was inches away when the Raven's eyes opened again and a blinding flash of light.

That light fan out engulfing the entire Godswood and cutting through the very stones of Winterfell, making the crypts where Sansa Stark was preparing to fight and die with Tyrion Lannister and the other women and children against the newly raised Stark dead. It cut through the stones filling all the halls where small bands of the living remained fighting for their lives. It cut though the yard where even less stood, among those Jon Snow with the Valerian sword Long Claw in his hands as he yelled up in rage against the undead Dragon. The bright light went past the walls of Winterfell engulfing Daenerys Targaryen and her wounded protector Sir Jorah Mormont as they fought for their lives outside the Gates of Winterfell. The light even cut through the scales of the black dragon Drogon and the green dragon Rhaegal as it sat on the ground outside of Castle still recovering from the crash landing. The light went out before fading away and with it everything else.

The wind was howling out down the length of the wall as the two figures struggled to climb the final couple of feet. Their muscles screamed in pain even as their bodies where freezing as they hug tight to the wall of ice before them. If they didn't hold tight and sink their ice picks deep into the ice they would fall to their certain death. Finally the man reached the top and reached down and pulled the women the last couple of inches, with that done both of them fell down on top of the giant ice wall looking up at the crystal blue sky. Slowly the women stood up and looked to the North, from here she could see an endless forest of thick pines, oaks and ancient trees, it took her breath away as she looked down on the land of her birth for the first time. Then she turned and looked to south into the Lands of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, where lords and ladies ruled just because of who they were born to not who had earned the respect of those ruling them. It looked remarkable the same only in the distance she could see square fields where farmers grew crops. It took her breath away, as she looked around her, she had never been this high before.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Said her lover, Jon Snow as he stood watching her more than the scenery around him. He had been up here before, not this spot per say but he had been here before. It was something else for sure this section of the wall had likely not been traveled for months or even years. Still being so high up would take everyone's breath away. He never felt it but the others Free Folk nearby saw it, he began to turn to dust disappearing from the legs up.

"JON!" yelled Ygritte as she leaped forward trying to grab him but he passed through her head like dust. "WHAT IS GOING ON!"

None of her fellow climbers had an idea as they turned to look toward where the leader of their raiding party, Tormund Gaintsbane was only a moment before. He was gone, the only thing remaining where flecks of dark dust in the air. He had disappeared just like Jon had. With both of them gone the Free folk raiders looked at each other confused as Ygritte feel to her knees and looked to the South with tears in her eyes.

Far to the South in the ruins of Harrenhal Lord Roose Bolten sat at a table across from Ser Jaimie Lannister and Lady Brienne of Tarth. Both he and Brienne watched as the recently mauled Ser Jaimie tried to cut a piece of meat using only one hand. His other hand was now only a stump and had only been recently tended to and was still in a sling.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Lady Stark was the boy's mother, she would have been hung for treason for letting you go." Stated the Northern Lord Roose Bolton "Instead he lets her sit on his councils and guide his hand like a child."

"Now with the fall of Winterfell and Mount Cailin to the Greyjoys the Starks are cut off from the North." Said Jaimie

"My bastard son Ramsay has already retaken Winterfell from the Iron Man and taken any survivors to the Dreadfort." answered Roose "Now what I am to do with you, maybe I should send you back North to Robb Stark."

"But instead you sit here watching me fail at dinner." said Jaimie "Why is that?"

"Wars costs money." answered Rooose

"And we all know who would pay the most for me." said Jaimie with a grin under that untrimmed and horrible beard. "And we know who would make you pay the most if something should happen to me."

"Your right, maybe the safe answer is to kill you and burn you…" started Roose only to stop mid-sentence as both his guests began to disappear in front of him, they began to break apart as if they were dust and soon two empty chairs sat across from him. He slowly stood up and looked around the room before calling for guards.

Elsewhere in the Riverland a group of men were busy pushing a cart up a small hill while a group of figures walked behind them. One of the figures was cloaked in red while the other two had swords at their hips.

"I don't like that women." said a young girl with a short hair who had in the past pass as a boy herself.

"That is because you're a girl." Laughed the older of the three gathered there. He held a bag of arrow tips in his hands and had just shown them to the other male in their little group. Both of the guys laughed as the women came closer flanked by the two leaders of the brotherhood without banners.

"Forgive me lad." said the leader as two Baratheon soldiers moved toward him with ropes in hand. They never touched him as he began to disappear into a cloud of dust, beside him the young women who he had been talking with also disappeared in a cloud of dust. The soldiers jumped back in surprise as did the red women, however she never said another word as she too disappeared in a cloud. Leaving everyone rather confused as three figures all disappeared before their eyes.

To their west a large group of Northman and Riverman where on the march, they moved down the roads and over hunting paths as they headed toward the twins. As they marched, they passed by a large tent hidden among the trees.

"We will head to the twins where my Uncle will marry one of the Frey girls." said King Robb Stark as he looked at the multiple lords around him. "We will not liger long, once the wedding is done, we will take Moat Calian."

"Moat Calian has never been taken." stated Lord Edmure Tully

"From the South, the Blackfish is already leading an advance team to scout out the Iron Born positions and to make contact with house Reed." Corrected Robb "Roose Bolt men have retaken Winterfell but they do not have a proper Lord to lead them. Lord Manderly sent a raven to White Harbor and a have a ship meet you here."

Robb pointed at a small fishing village in the Bite, north of the twins but south of Moat Cailin.

"Take which ever lords you feel will be most useful and then sail to White Harbor, gather a host and then on the 1st of the year we march from the twins North and you will march from White Harbor and we will take Moat Calian back." stated Robb

"Aye, my Grace." said Lord Manderly before he named several minor lords and second sons who would join him in raising an army at White Harbor. Several of the Lords looked disappointed at missing the wedding but it had to be done.

"Thank you, I know it will mean missing the wedding of my Uncle, but it can't be helped." started Robb as suddenly every single Lord that Lord Manderly had mentioned disappeared before his and every other lords' eyes.

Far to the South King Joffrey Baratheon swaggered into the throne room followed by his Kings guard in white armor with flowing white robes. He himself was dressed in a golden doublet of the finniest silks with a red shoulder cloak over his right side. On the cloak was the lion of Lannister across from the crown stag of House Baratheon, his personal coat of arms showing his mother and father's house as equal in his eyes. In true they were far from equal, the Lannister of Casterly Rock had full control over the Kingdom, the Hand of the King was Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister widow wife to King Robert was Queen Regnant while King Joffrey was in his minority. The only threat to their power currently was the Tyrells of High Garden who had just became allies with the Lannister and whose daughter Margaery Tyrell would soon take King Joffrey as her lord husband.

Standing by the throne where multiple lords and Ladies of the court, they were here to listen what he would declare. None of them knew what he would say, likely it would be another proclamation of which minor western lord or reach knight would get which castle in rebellion against the Iron Throne should they not surrender by the new year. Standing with the Ladies of the court was the daughter of a traitor and sister to a false king in the eyes of everyone at court, Sansa Stark of Winterfell. Her head was down as Joffrey's cold eyes scanned the ladies of the court, she prayed to all seven Gods and the old Gods of the North that his eyes would pass over her without drawing his attention.

"Ah…Lady Stark, I heard your brother is running away from our forces, heading back North." Laughed Joffrey as he stood before her with a smug look on his face. "Once I am married to Lady Margery, I will ride North and cut out his traitorous heart."

"So you say your grace." said weakly Sansa as Joffrey eyed her, he raised his hand to strike her only to hear a throat clearing behind him.

"Your grace, the people are waiting to hear your words." said his mother Queen Cersei as Joffrey's hand was stayed for the moment.

"Yes, we must not keep the court waiting." said Joffrey listening to his mother for once as he moved toward the Iron Throne. As he did a scream went up and all eyes turned first to the screamer and then to what she was pointing at. Before their eyes Tyrion Lannister, Uncle to the King was fading away into nothingness, he wasn't alone as the Ladies of the Court Jumped back as Sansa also disappeared. The court began to panic as the Kings Guard rushed Joffrey out of the room swords drawn but seeing no threat, none of them noticed Lord Varys the Spy Master disappearing in the back of the room. His disappearance was seen only by one man, Lord Petyr Baelish.

The sun was setting outside of the city of Yunkai as Queen Daenerys Targaryen sat on a cushioned bench before the emissary from the slave city of Yunkai. All around her stood the unsullied army, behind her stood her two knights Sir Jorah Mormont and Sir Barristan Selmy as to her side her three young dragons hissed and snapped at each other.

"Take these ships and go back to Westeros, you do not belong here. We are Yunkai, we will not bow to you." Stated the emissary as Daenarys smiled a bit at the threat. Then before the eyes of the emissary and her army she began to vanish, two of her dragons the ones standing on top of the gold given by the emissary began to vanish as well. Sir Barristanie began to pull his sword to defend his Queen only to see that she was now gone, he turned toward Sir Jorah only to see that he had disappeared as well. Looking outside he saw multiple unsullied where also disappearing.

"By the Gods what is happening!" questioned Sir Barristanie but before he could do anything a spear went into the back of the emissary, he turned to see the spear in the hand of an unsullied.

"Murder…the Yunkai have murdered our Queen our liberator!" yelled the Unsullied as the cry of rage went washed over everyone. The Unsullied had been trained only for war and nothing else, Daenarys had freed them and now had disappeared in front of a slaver embassy, the only answer they could think of was murder by some magical means. Before he could do anything the Unsullied where on the move and Yunkai would pay for what they did to their queen.

Far from the Yunkai in the North, light smoke still rose from the remains of Winterfell as the great castle the heart of the North remained abounded. The dead from the capture of Winterfell by the forces of Ramsay Snow remained where they had been skinned alive. Fires still slowly burned in the remains of the once great Castle. Crows and other birds feasted on the remains of the dead and all was quiet and still. Then as one all of them took flight and began to fly away in a panic, with a flash of light people, animals and items began to appear in the abounded halls. Their bodies forming out of clumps of dust which flew together until they began to take on form.

In the yard a body began to form, his armor was dented and his sword was raised even as he screamed out in one "last" rage filled act.

"FINISH IT YOU…." he yelled at the top of his lungs before blinking and falling to his knee his sword tip pressing deeply into the soil as he used it to help him stay up. His head down, his black hair pulled back but loosen from combat. He was breathing heavily and his eyes where unfocused as he looked around, this was Winterfell but there was no snow, no army of the dead no undead dragon about to breath fire on him. He had to be dead, that is what he thought as he stood up on shaking legs only to fall back down and vomit on the ground. After wiping away the vomit he stood back and looked around again.

"What the hells." said Jon as he stood up on shaky legs and looked around, all around him he could see other people, a lot of them in worse shape than he was. They were still having trouble standing or where wrenching like he had done moment earlier. Winterfell was different, yes it was in ruins but the old buildings the ones which hadn't been rebuilt after the Boltons took Winterfell where still there. They were in ruins but they were still there. It was warm, it felt almost like summer or early autumn, the bone deep cold was gone.

"Bran…it has to be Bran." stated Jon as he moved toward the Godswood. As he did he saw more and more people all in a similar horrible state, were everyone one of them dead? He didn't know he had to get to the Godswood and to Bran. He stumbled into the Godswood and moved toward the Heart Tree only to see both Bran and Arya there. Arya was recovering as well, she was standing against a tree using it for support as she vomited as well. Bran for his part looked like death warm over, he was gaunt and thin looking, his cheeks and eyes where sunken.

"Bran? Arya?" inquired Jon

"Good, we made it." said Bran weakly as he coughed a bit of blood. "Don't worry about me Jon, I am recovering that is all."

"Bran? Arya?" inquired Jon again as he put his sword away and moved closer to the two figures. "What is going on?"

"I don't know, I had just thrown this dagger into the back of the Night King's neck it didn't kill him but then there was a flash of light and Bran and I where here and everyone else was gone." answered the Arya as she tried to stand straight up only to vomit again. Then she looked around and noticed all the leaves on the trees and the lack of snow on the ground. "Now I am even more confused, what in seven hells is going on?"

"Bran." said Jon as he got one knee before the man in the wheelchair. "What is going on?"

"I see it work." said Bran weakly as he looked around "I wasn't sure it would, but it did. We have a second chance, now."

"If what worked." inquired Arya as she walked toward Bran on unsteady feet.

"It was my fall back plan, to save humanity and give us a fighting chance after a battle lost but I couldn't do it alone I needed my power and that of our enemy to give us a chance again." Said Bran in a monotone voice as he looked toward Jon and Arya. "We are not dead, we are in the past."

"The past?" inquired Jon as he looked around, this did look like Winterfell and it did feel like autumn but he could be dead.

"No one is dead, this was my doing. I used the magic of the children to rip those people still alive in the battle to send them back in time." explained Bran his voice soft and weak, he sounded as if he had done a great challenge his breathing was short and weak with sweat pouring down him. His robes where already showing stains from his labors.

"What?" inquired Jon clearly as confused as Arya.

"Using my magic combined with the magic of the Night King I sent everyone still living within Winterfell back in time, to give us a second chance." answered Bran still breathing heavily. "To do so I used my magic and the magic of the Night King, as well as taking every little bit of energy from the people traveling past soul to bring their current selves here. It destroyed their past selves but it had to be done, there was no other way. Magic has its limits and that is one of them, no one soul can share two bodies from different times, one has to go."

"And that means?" inquired Jon

"That your past selves, the one who had just climbed the wall is gone." answered Bran as he turned to Arya. "The one who was just about to see her lover taken by the Red Priestess everyone is gone. Everyone who was still alive inside and slightly outside Winterfell during the battle were transported into the past, however their past selves disappeared into nothingness. The energy their souls had used to transport the ones from the battle back to this point in history."

"You killed them?" inquired Arya hoping Jon didn't notice the lover part of Bran's statement.

"In a way, you still have all their memories but outside of the memories those events never happened." admitted Bran as he looked at his arm, the mark of the night king, he had hoped that would have gone but clearly it hadn't. "I used any extra energy to bring as many items of usefulness through and healed the wounds of those still standing. Since they don't have souls, they came back without much of an issue. It was the only way to give humanity a chance. If the Night King had won, then all of humanity would have been fallen and the world would enter an unending Winter."

"I see." said Jon not really understanding what was going on. He knew he had to get everyone together to figure out what was going on, he turned toward Arya. "You should go free Sansa and the others in the crypts they are confused."

"As is everyone else." confirmed Bran

"Much needs to be explained, but not here." answered Bran as he looked at Jon. "Gather the others so that we can all explain it at once."

"Aye, Arya…go get Sansa, I need to see if her Grace is still with us…hopefully she is." said Jon with concern in his voice.

"She is, she is outside the main gate right now." confirmed Bran as he leaned back in his chair. "I will remain here; I need to rest. Bring everyone you can here, I will explain again."

"Lord Snow!" came a voice Jon looked to see a man in battle scared armor holding a blood covered short spear and a shield.

"Grey Worm." answered Jon

"Lord Snow." said Grey Worm in a thick accent. "What is going on? Where is the enemy? Where is the cold?"

"Not totally sure but it seems that we have been sent back in time." explained Jon "Rally your men, I am going to her grace, gather everyone here or the courtyard."

"Yes." stated Grey Worm as he began to yell orders in a mixture of common and a tongue she didn't know.

With that information of Daenerys' location in hand he began to head toward the main gate, stumbling a bit as he moved through the halls and out into the courtyard. Everyone seemed just as confused as him as he reached the gate. It was broken not having been rebuilt when the castle fell, he moved out of the castle and he could see them. Both dragons where there on the ground flapping their wings in anger and confusion as they looked around.

"Daenerys!" yelled Jon

"Jon?" came a voice in reply as Jon headed toward the sound of her voice, it led him toward the dragons. Both dragons stepped aside for him and he saw her, her white coat was bloody, and a sword was in her hand, but she was alive.

"Daenerys." said Jon as he embraced her pulling her to him as she dropped the sword and wrapped her arms around him pulling him toward her as hard as she could. Tears ran down both of their faces as they embraced each other outside the destroyed Winterfell. Daenerys pulled Jon into a gentle kiss which was returned by him as both of them placed their foreheads against each other and closed their eyes, neither one of them thinking about the information that the other knew only about each other. They were brought out of their own little world when something brushed up against the two of them. Both of them looked down to see the massive dire wolf Ghost rubbing up against them.

"Are you alright?" inquired Jon still holding her close.

"I think so." answered Daenerys as she looked past Jon and around her. "What is going on? How did we get here?"

"How am I still alive?" added Jorah as Jon finally looked toward the knight only to see multiple blood stains on his armor but he was up and alive. "I should be dead?"

"Your grace, Bran according to him, sent us back in time." explained Jon as he looked over his shoulder and around at the destruction. "If I were to guess I think we are about 6 or 7 years in the past, before Winter came, before the battle at the wall or even the Red Wedding."

"How, is that possible?" inquired Daenerys as she took a step only to catch by Jon.

"I don't know and I have am not totally sure we aren't all dead." admitted Jon as he helped her grace up and together they headed into the destroyed castle of Winterfell. All around people where coming out of hiding some of them holding weapons others dropping them out of amazement. Some blinked at the sudden sunlight when before it had been pitching darkness. Some cried believing they were dead, while others slapped or pinched themselves believing that if they were dead they would feel no pain.

"JON!" yelled Sansa as she ran across the yard and embraced her brother, Jon for his part pulled her close and kissed the top of her forehead.

"I am glad to see you." said Jon

"As I am to see you all." said Tyrion as he moved forward, he was slower because of his shorter legs but he got to the small group. "So are we dead? Because I find the whole in the past thing a stretch."

"As do I." admitted Arya "However I was there I saw Bran grab the Night King and then there was a flash and I was falling out of a damn tree."

"After the flash I was where I was a second before only, I wasn't facing down an undead dragon." admitted Jon

"We were still hiding behind a tomb and the Dead hadn't found us yet." admitted Tyrion "Maybe we are in the past?"

"Your grace!" yelled anew voice as they turned to see Lord Royce of the Runestone walking toward them, unlike the others he wasn't covered with dirt and grim. He had been in command of the reserves located in the old keep. That part of the castle had been more to the south and the dead hadn't reached that point when the flash happened.

"Lord Royce, good to see you." said Daenerys as the elder Lord bowed his head to his Queen.

"Same to you, my grace and you all as well." Said Royce as more high lords who had been in command of other forces moved forward. Lord Manderly who had been in command of the supply wages located near the southern gate in the old keep. "What is going on?"

"According to Bran we have all been sent to the past, about 6 or 7 years ago I believe." explained Jon as everyone within hearing eyes widened at his words. "I can't be sure of the date or if he is telling the truth, but if he is telling the truth then we are likely some point just after the battle of the Blackwater, before even the Red Wedding."

"Well if that is true these changes everything." said Tyrion "Unless we are dead and that flash was us dyeing."

"I was taken in that flash my lord and the old keep had yet to be broken…as much as I don't understand it I am thinking it may be possible." admitted Royce

"Who would have thought an army of the Dead was possible?" inquired Manderly

"We need to talk to Bran; he may have the answers we need." Stated Daenerys as they headed toward the Godswood. They weren't alone, a lot of people were heading to the Godswood. When they entered the woods was packed with people, the high lords had to push their way to the weirwood tree where Bran sat in his wheelchair waiting for them. Vale Knights stood beside Wildling Raiders, Northern Warriors with Unsullied eunuch soldiers, High Lords and Commoners brushed shoulders and all eyes were on this one man in a wheelchair before a tree.

"You all have many questions." Said Bran as the whole woods began quiet, it was as if they were all in a tomb. Even in his weakened state his voice seamed to carry reaching everyone in the Godswood, maybe it was another display of magic or just everyone paying attention to him, no one cared. "I will attempt to answer some of them, please do not interrupt me."

"Very well…" said Bran as he took a breath. "I had a backup plan to help prepare for the possibility that humanity would lose the battle against the undead, a desperate last move. Using my magic, the magic of the children of the forest and taking the power from the Night King himself I was able to transport everyone living within Winterfell back in time to this point in history. The year is early 300 AC. For those who are concerned that there are now two of you, don't be your past selves are gone. They gave their lives to help bring you here, they also healed your wounds and other issues. They gave their lives so you can live."

"So we won?" inquired a voice from the crowd

"No, the Night King also was sent back." answered Bran "However a soul can't be in two bodies at once, his soul merged with his past self in the lands of Always Winter, he is there now and will move against us in new ways. We must prepare for him."

"And so we shall." Said Daenerys as she stepped forward and looked around her at all the different people gathered in the Godswood, her laic eyes falling on everyone of them. "We have seen the army of the dead, we have seen dead. We have been given this second chance and we will take it. We will prepare and we will win, for humanity we must win."

There was a pause as Jon pulled Longclaw and raised it into the hair, the valerian steal rippling in the sunlight, even with dried blood on it.

"Queen Daenerys!" he yelled, moments later every Dothraki raised their arakhs, the Unsullied raised their spear in the air, the Northman and Vale Knights raised their swords, axes or other weapons into the air, even the free folk where doing the same. Those without weapons began to cheer and clap at their Queen. Even Sansa and the other Northern lords where clapping and raising their hands to their new Queen. Daenerys looked around taking it all in then her eyes fell on the man who had started it this whole thing, he was smiling at her and she was smiling back.

"Now…." said Daenerys as the claps and crews died down and the woods became quiet. "We have much work to do, let's get started."

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and like how I am changing up a story type I have seen before. I know this type of story has been done before and I wanted to add my own spin so instead of sending just a single person back through time I sent everyone who was alive within Winterfell during the battle back through time and sent them to the middle of the war of the five kings. Until next time Thanks Wilkins75.