The Night King and his Wights had fled into the lands of Always Winter. Azor Ahai and King Brandon Stark stood atop the wall staring North as the Free Folk who would not bend the knee to anyone traveled beyond the wall. "A pity we could not find a place for them below the wall." Azor says. Prince Azor was from Volyria a country growing in power as the Lords of Volyria are Dragon Riders.

"A pity in deed...But should they ever wish to come back South, a way has been made for them." Brandon replies, referring to the tunnels beneath the wall. The two men are friends and had crossed the sea to Westeros together.

They go down the wall via a lift. When they get to the bottom the Giants are waiting. "I thank you for your service...You may go now." Bran says to them in their ancient language.

"You know you could have used them in your wars to conquer the North."

He looks at his White Haired friend. The two men are the same height, but Brandon has more muscle. "True. But, they are by nature gentle creatures. I do not want them to suffer the brutality of war."

The wall finished, the White Walkers defeated or driven away. It was a time to celebrate. A great feast is held in the Nightfort; the birthplace of the Night's Watch. "Hail the victorious dead!" Bran says.


Then Azor stands up, "Those of you I call brother stand with me now!" Azor wears black garments and so does the men who had volunteered to man the wall with him. There are two hundred men who stand up. These men are the first commanders of the Night's Watch.

They all say in unison, "Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns, win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the Nights to come..."

The Watch currently is 10,000 strong. There are two castle under construction, Eastwatch by the Sea and Shadowtower.

Two days later Bran says his goodbyes and leaves for his home Winterfell. House dustin is the first to swear fealty to House Stark. The Cerwyns, , Mazins, Pools, Cassels, and Tallharts willing bend the knee. Through war Brandon forces the Glovers, Umbers, and Ryswells to bend the knee. House Bolton the greatest rivals of House Stark for rule of the North bent the knee to Brandon's son King Benjen Stark. House Manderly was once of the Reach and migrated North swearing fealty during the reign of King Jon Stark. House Karstark was a branch of House Stark through Brandon's second son Karlon Stark.

Brandon was a master of magic. In his latter years he began to worry about those who would follow in his bloodline. So one evening he visited the godswood. He placed his hand on the tree and gazed into the future. He saw his eldest son force the Bolton's to their knees, two years after his death. He saw his great grandchildren and all those who follow him on the throne of Winterfell. For five thousand years the Starks ruled unchallenged. Then the Targaryens built Dragonstone, but it was Aegon Targaryen who conquered Westeros.

Torrhen Stark became known as the King who bent the knee. Bran did not fault him for this because Torrhen did it to save his people from the fire storms the Dragons would unleash had he not. The Targaryens ruled through fear, most of the time. Some of the Kings were Tyrants then came the Dance of the Dragons when the Blackfyres, Targaryen bastards who had been legitimized waged war to usurp the Targaryens.

After that the power of the Targaryens dwindled to nothing. Many Dragons were hunted down and killed. And those that the Targaryens had did not survive pass two years. Then came the rule of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen. Bran wept as Rickon the Warden of the North was burned at the stake by the mad King. His son Brandon was forced to watch with a rope around his neck. Every time he tried to move and help his father the rope tightened.

Eddard Stark Rickon's second son became Lord of Winterfell. He allied through marriage with House Tully. Catelyn Tully was supposed to marry his brother Brandon. Led by House Baratheon, Houses Stark, Tully, and Arryn bought down the Targaryen dynasty. Bran hoped that Eddard would take the Iron Throne, but it was Robert of House Baratheon who became King over all of Westeros. By now the Night's Watch had fallen from its true path.

Seventeen years later Jon Arryn dies and Robert Baratheon asks his friend Eddard to be Hand of the King. Bran disapproves of Eddard's decision to allow his nephew to go to the wall. There was the incident on the King's rode, then all that befell Eddard Stark in King's Landing. His son calls his banners to war, after Eddard is arrested. Bran's chest swells with pride as Robb Stark wins five battles against the veteran Tywin Lannister. His pride turns to sadness as Eddard Stark is beheaded. Robb breaks his word and marries Talisa Maegyr. His mother Catelyn Stark betrays her son. Theon Greyjoy the Ward of Winterfell betrays Robb as well.

Then Lord Walder Frey of the Twins murders Catelyn, Robb, Talisa Stark and all Robb's men at what becomes known as the Red Wedding. Roose Bolton also participates in this betrayal. Sansa Stark is forced to marry Tyrion Lannister. Then Sansa escapes the Capital with help from Petyr Baelish the same man who betrayed her father. Meanwhile Arya Stark is captured by the brotherhood without banners. She escapes only to be caught by Sandor Clegane. He almost dies fighting Brienne of Tarth and Arya escapes to Braavos and trains as a faceless man. Eventually Arya returns home to avenge her family.

Jon Snow joins the watch. Then later he kills a brother of the watch to become a spy and gain favor with Mance Rayder. He returns to the Watch after his lover tries to kill him. She dies in his arms during the attack on the wall and Castle Black by the Wildlings. Later he is made Lord Commander of the watch, only to be betrayed by his own brothers for doing the right thing. They stab him to death, but he is bought back to life by a Priestess of the Lord of light. Reunited with his half sister or rather cousin they take back Winterfell from the Boltons...When Jon Snow is made King in the North Bran returns to his body and the present.

For many days he thinks about the things he had seen that could happen. He starts creating spells that will allow his soul upon his death to travel forward in time. "Two years before Jon Arryn dies..." He says to himself in his secret labratory, "...That should be enough time to change a few things. But with whom shall I bind my soul with?" He considers Eddard First, but Ned as everyone calls him is too honorable. "He will not have the strength to wield my magic or do what must be done to save our family..."

Bran considers Catelyn Stark next, but she is not a true Stark. "Robb Stark." He whispers to himself. The boy did break his word to Walder Frey. And when it came to strategy in war, Robb Stark was unconventional. Next he considered, Sansa, but she was too naive. The fact that people would underestimate her gave her a great advantage. "Maybe." He whispered. Arya was one to consider, but she was too young. The girl did have what it would take to save the family. "Bran...No the boy is destined to become the new Blood-Raven. He already has untapped power...And Rickon is too young." So that left him with Robb, Sansa, and Arya to choose from.

For many days Bran considered the pros and cons of giving them his power and uniting his soul with theirs. Finally he made his choice and settled it in his mind. Another three years would pass before Bran lay on his death bed. He said a heart felt goodbye to his children and their children before casting the spell that would send his soul and power into the future.

AUTHOR NOTES: So I really couldn't decide who I would allow to have Bran the Builder's power so I will write three versions of each in separate stories. So in this version I am starting with Robb since he is the eldest.