![]() Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, and Tripods series. Hi all, I am Tgfoy, a married, middle aged, ex archaeologist, Steam railway enthusiast who it is probably safe to describe as something of an English Eccentric, especially where humour is concerned. I restarted creative writing, after a thirty year gap, in 2008 having discovered Fan fiction. What I read on various sites inspired me to reawaken an interest not exercised since secondary (Middle to high) school, I was amazed by how much I had forgotten and needed to relearn, a process that thankfully is continuing and that I am enjoying. I write stories that I think I will enjoy, in publishing them I hope others might as well, but I will not publish stories or chapters until I think they are ready so make no promises on frequency of updates. I have been down the road of publishing a story before I had finished it at least to first draft, so that I am happy with where it is going, it didn't end well. Lesson learned and knowing how frustrating it is to really enjoy reading a story and it never be updated/completed. I will do everything within my control to ensure that, that doesn't happen with my stories even if updates are slow at times. This is a hobby, one I enjoy, reviving skills and relearning others long forgotten in the 30 years plus since I left school, but I am not working to deadlines in this as I do in that other life often described as real. I write most of my stories out by hand, allowing for an initial editing process as they are typed up onto computer. After that my method varies from story to story, sometimes I will edit on the machine, or if I am working on a chapter that I feel needs extra work, I print it off double spaced and edit by hand, then again as the edits are typed up. Once I reach the end I usually start again, re editing another time, adding final detail etc before publication. Of course I use the spelling and grammar tools between each edit to help. Even so I and the tools, do miss things occasionally, I am only human after all, and the tools were programmed by Homo Sapiens as well. I do go back and try to catch those I missed at some stage after publication. I have now written stories in three fandoms, two of which are already popular, one much less so, but it is one of my favourite series of books from my youth. I think it is one of the best things about this site that it allows us to explore fandoms and stories we might not otherwise look at, I hope you will have a look at them even if you are not familiar with the source works. That said, to date most of my inspiration has come in the Harry Potter fandom and I can't see me leaving it completely, but it is great fun to explore other universes. I welcome constructive feedback, it helps me improve, helping guide me in any re editing and am more than happy to give an answer to questions about my stories, that are posted in reviews, so long as it is not a spoiler of course. That said, please if you would like a response then log in to the site to review and ensure you have not blocked the PM system here, it is the most effective way of replying to you and I do like to respond even if only to give my thanks. Being English I use UK spellings and formats for dates etc on this page and in my stories. I hope you enjoy my stories, I know not everyone will, but hope you do, I look forward to reading any reviews you might leave for any of them. I have put a short description of ones either published or being published on this site below. My Stories: Works in progress: Currently being published. I am currently working on the next of my stories that will be published here, but it is not quite ready, as soon as chapter 1 is up I shall put details here. Future publications being worked on as and when time allows: Harry Potter (In no particular order). 1) I like to challenge myself every so often, so this is a bit of a departure from my usual and a departure from Canon. An alternate fifth year, currently up to end of the summer, story, having a go at a lost inheritance, super Harry (though not just him), soul bound somewhat cliche, not everyone is who they seem, bashing a few characters, story with this one. A number of chapters drafted so far, up to the end of the summer, not sure whether to continue it further into the school year or what that part of the story could be like. 2) Sequel to Lord of Tang. Following the Modern era story arc, very early stages of creating an outline. 3) Comedy, One shot. A Muggle TV investigation team arrives at Hogwarts. Outline being created. 4) A Harry rescued story set between fifth and sixth years. Downton Abbey. 1) Very early stage of development. Two part fic, based around the man who claimed to be Patrick Crawley in series two. Completed (and published here): Harry Potter; Essence of Revenge: Novel; (Currently being reedited and updated, see news below) The battle was over. The victors woke into a new dawn, a new era had been born. They were free to live, free to find happiness, free to love. But a cloud drew across their world almost unnoticed, a darkness gathered strength. A new plot conceived. Vengeance approached. Harry must face a new battle, a war for his very being. A story of the 14 months after the battle of Hogwarts. Lord of Tang: Novel; Sequel to "Essence of Revenge". This is a dual era story, though not time travel, set both immediately after Essence and in the founders era. I draw on my work as an archaeologist in an attempt to make the founders era parts of the story as authentic as possible, complete with it's own characters and situations. As a result subjects such as battle, sacrifice ( so some descriptions of a bloody nature etc), slavery, religious intolerance and other period attitudes are part of the story for this era, which although not very graphic, they are however reflective of what is understood of that period of UK history. If you find such things offensive, then perhaps this story is not for you. I also add a few Historical notes at the end of most chapters to add background to some elements mentioned during the story. The story tells the tale of a young Lord named Utred who is orphaned in a betrayal of his family and King as well as his descendant a millenia later. It tells how their lives are linked by events in his life that can only be concluded by the actions of his descendant. Following on from Essence as the aftershocks of events in the distant past reverberate through the centuries, a long preordained destiny must be fulfilled, or thousands of souls, including those of his family yet to be born, will forever suffer the consequences. To Hide a Dursley: One shot: Prequel to Essence of revenge following the Dursleys after they left Privet Drive in Deathly Hallows, their lives in hiding right up to them being in London in Essence of Revenge. The Path: One Shot; 500 years after the the events of Essence of Revenge, a new Professor introduces Archaeology to the Wizarding world and specifically to Hogwarts for the first time, determined to show the powers that be that the Muggle techniques are of use. The first excavation investigates the area in the forest, a clearing half a century before, a pivotal site in the Battle of Hogwarts which saw Magical Britain change for ever. The objects uncovered build a picture of events at the school in the past, revealing long forgotten details of the event. During the exploration a student finds an artifact, complete though broken. Lost for 500 years, it's existence a secret his family has kept since it was lost. Call of Duty?: One shot: A view of the events during and immediately after the Battle of Hogwarts from an unusual and possibly unexpected point of view. Is a Mukkinese Battle Horn Bad for your Health: One shot: Comedy, some may say farce, set during September to December of the year covered in Deathly Hallows. Bad jokes and appalling chat up lines abound, as the leaders of the D.A. work with one half of the Wizarding worlds main suppliers of tricksters products, to cause as much mayhem for the Death eaters and their lackys' as well as pull off the biggest prank the school has ever seen all while Ginny simultaneously fights to keep Luna and Fred's naturist tendencies in check. Downton Abbey; The Bride and Groom: One Shot The story of Tom Branson and his daughters' journey back to Downton Abbey having realised life in Boston is not for them. The Valet: One Shot. Set in the period between the African War and his arrival at Downton Abbey, what was life like for John Bates. The Tripods Trilogy; An under explored fandom with few stories, but all are high quality I think. John Christopher's sci fi, suspense filled story of a battle for freedom set in a future where humanity has been controlled by aliens who travel in large machines and denied technology has long been a favourite set of books. Humanity is controlled via the application of a cap, fused to the scalp as part of a coming of age ceremony, but there are some who rebel against the imposition and gather in a mountain in Europe. The original trilogy, later supplemented by a prequel, tells the story of an English boy who travels to the mountains and joins the fight. Back in the 1980's the BBC made an adaptation of two of the books into a groundbreaking series, the first to use entirely computer generated title sequences, but never completed the story. I heartily recommend the series of books to any that have not read them, My story in this seemingly little explored fandom is a missing moment story from the final book, set in the gap between the destruction of the final city of the Tripods and Masters, and the events at the conference described in the final chapter of cannon. The Eloise: Novel. Set between the end of the Battle that freed humanity and the last chapter of "The Pool of Fire" Will makes a personal Journey before setting off on his voyages to explore this world he had fought to free. His welcome home as a hero is not enjoyed by all, though Will is surprised to find another, outside those he expected, had never given up on hoping he would return. As the village continues to recover and welcomes it's own Uncapped Hero, it also has to deal with the jealousy of a man and his son. News and updates: I am slowly (very slowly), between work on writing new works, working my way through Essence of Revenge again to catch any errors I missed. Please let me know if I have missed any (This old addled mind is still fallible I'm afraid) latest updates to chapters are here, all chapters up to the highest number have been re edited. |