Author's Notes: Hey all, I'm really sorry this has taken so long. I have been having a really difficult time thinking how I want Snape to develop, couple that with my basement flooding and I have had no time to sit down and write. My beta also had to set me straight on a few discrepancies so there was more back and forth than normal. Hopefully I won't go this long again without posting a new chapter.
I know that many were bored with the beginning chapters, so hopefully things will start to pick for you from here on out. I can promise that third year on, things will definitely pick up and romance will start to bloom, though don't anticipate descriptive sex scenes, especially not at 13 years old. There will eventually be references to but no descriptions of sex scenes. If you want action, we need good ol' Voldie for that, so you will have to wait until after the Tournament (Spoiler: There will be a Triwizard Tournament).
I would also like to point out that I have a poll asking for favorite ships. I will warn you that Hermione and Ginny are not options. I like Hermione but there are plenty of stories with her as a main character and I can't stand fan-girl Ginny as a real ship. Sorry.
Another shout out to my beta, Fee-fi-fo-fum, for putting up with me over this chapter and helping to make it presentable. Thanks again for the advice and helping to keep me out of some of those writer pitfalls that others make. I'll be lost without you.
Hadrian James Potter was accidentally saved from Privet Drive and his abusive relatives at 8 years old. Raised by the Potter house elves and a portrait of his ancestors, Hadrian learns he is a druid. He spends the next 3 years studying magic, exploring the surrounding land around his property, riding the family brooms, and making friends with nearby creatures, including some dragons.
On his 11th birthday, he goes to Gringotts and learns that Dumbledore has manipulated his life. After the reading of his parents' will, he learns that his guardian is Pandora Lovegood, one of his mother's best friends and co-worker within the Department of Mysteries. During the reading, he also discovers family in his godbrother, Neville Longbottom, and a close family friend, Susan Bones.
Starting at Hogwarts, Hadrian encounters his mother's childhood best friend, Severus Snape. After an intense interaction where Hadrian gives Snape excerpts from his mother's journal pertaining to him, Snape begins acting cordially towards Hadrian. Hadrian also has his first conversation with Dumbledore and can't tell if Dumbledore is selfish and trying to manipulate him or just messed up trying to do the right thing. But he finally found his long lost house elf Dobby had been in the care of the Malfoy family at Dumbledore's request.
Chapter 9: The Beginning of School
His talk with the Headmaster had him thinking a lot about everything Dumbledore had done, so naturally, he woke up earlier than usual to speak to Ambrose and Acacia. Making his way into his trunk, he sat on the couch across from their painting hanging on the wall and relayed to them everything that happened in Dumbledore's office.
"So, what do you think about everything Dumbledore said?"
Ambrose and Acacia shared a look and Acacia answered, "It's difficult to say without us having witnessed it. We didn't hear his tone or see his body language or look in his eyes. Even if we did, we don't know him well enough to know if he acted differently around you than he would normally.
"Based purely off of what you have told us though… it sounds like he might be genuine. He sounds as though he was in a tight spot and looked up to from all directions and tried to make the best split second decisions that he could."
Hadrian nodded his head and Ambrose added, "If you want our advice, then give him opportunities to prove himself. We have talked to you a lot about how education and Hogwarts is the heart of how Magical Britain grows. Look for things you don't like at Hogwarts, like the History teacher you complain about, talk to your friends about those issues, and try to fix them by coming up with solutions. Bring those solutions to the Headmaster and see what he does about it.
"If he hears you out and actively does something about it, then you have another piece of the puzzle to work with. If he doesn't, then again, you have another piece of the puzzle to work with. It's very similar to your rune projects that you like getting into. If you don't like what you see, try something different. If it still doesn't look right, approach it from a different angle."
"What about Dobby? I really don't like him spying on the Malfoys. I don't feel any different from Dumbledore using him that way. I can't change my mind once he leaves there but I don't him there longer than he has to be. They abuse him!"
Hadrian said exasperatedly and after a moment, Ambrose responded, "We can't tell you what to do Hadrian. It's your decision to make and it is you that will have to live with whatever decision you make, not us. I will say that Dobby has made a choice, so you definitely aren't like Dumbledore.
"You must decide what is best for you and what is best for him and make your decision based on that. It's not like there is a war going on anymore, so take that into account with whatever decision you make."
Hadrian was smiling and nodding his head slowly, "What would I do without you guys?"
Ambrose scoffed, "Well, you definitely wouldn't be a wolf or an owl, I'll tell you that much."
Hadrian chuckled at his ancestors, "Thank you. I think I will take you up on your advice, especially regarding Hogwarts. I always liked fixing things. I need to go on my run now though, it's getting late. I'll come talk to you later."
Following his talk with Ambrose and Acacia, he spent the day thinking about what to do with Dobby and finally decided on a plan but needed to talk to him. Thinking the middle of the night would be the easiest time for the elf to sneak away, he would have to wait.
Thinking about everything else Dumbledore told him, he felt that he should probably tell his friends everything that happened so after classes, they found a secluded corner of the library at Hadrian recounted his conversation with the Headmaster.
They were all torn over whether they thought the Headmaster was sincere or not and if he really did have Hadrian's best in mind. Susan felt that he did but just made a lot of really stupid decisions that had bad consequences for Hadrian. Neville was of a similar mind, but Luna was different.
"While I don't think they are wrong, the Headmaster won't stop trying to manipulate you. At least, his aura hasn't changed in the times that I have seen him."
Hadrian looked at her oddly, "How can you tell something like that? I mean how does your ability work?"
Luna shrugged, "I'm not quite certain. There isn't a whole lot of literature on the subject to reference, so it's more trial and error. It's just like a feeling and an understanding when I see someone's aura. I can always tell when someone is lying and sense someone's mood, like if they are embarrassed or angry or confused or thinking something dark."
Neville was gaping, "That is so cool Luna. I'm jealous. I wish I had an ability like yours."
Luna smiled at him dreamily making Neville blush again, Susan and Hadrian both chuckled at them.
Hadrian wanted to change the subject so he said, "Well, let's get our homework done. I really hope classes pick up though. It was boring."
Susan scoffed, "Well we can't all be as smart as you Hadrian. Besides, I thought you would have enjoyed the day. It was informative."
Hadrian sighed, "I know. I'm really glad that they gave us an overview of the subject and the coursework we would be accomplishing this year, but it was still boring. I have spent a lot of the last year working on the basics of theory and understanding the main subjects. I only worked minimally on the practical."
Neville nodded, "You'll be fine mate. Let's get it done before dinner though. Where do we want to sit for dinner? Ravenclaw?"
Harry nodded, "I think that will be a good routine. Gryffindor for breakfast, Hufflepuff for lunch and Ravenclaw for dinner. Excluding the feasts of course. If we ever make friends with any Slytherins, we can alternate them in for one of the other meals depending on our mood."
Susan snickered, "Now that you mention it, we do have a good mix in our group. Maybe we should try including Daphne Greengrass into our group. She is the only Slytherin in our year that I really know. Well, her and Tracey Davis."
Hadrian quirked an eyebrow, "Oh? How do you know them?"
"Well, Lord Greengrass is on the Wizengamot and since Auntie is on it as well, they speak often and we attended a lot of the same Ministry functions as kids. Neville joined many of those as well because Madame Longbottom is a big voice in the Wizengamot as well.
"The Greengrass family is what is considered to be a neutral on the Wizengamot. They used to have a really good import business years ago during the last war, but they sold it. See, they didn't want to be involved in the whole light vs dark thing and did their best to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. As soon as the war ended, Lord Greengrass did that by selling any businesses that You-Know-Who could have approached him about using.
"Once he sold off his businesses that could have been useful in the war, he purchased the Quidditch team, Puddlemere United. Daphne told me that Lord Greengrass chose to buy Puddlemere United because he always liked their attitude and because they were the oldest team in the league but hadn't been doing too well and he wanted to help.
"They weren't bad per se, but they would barely break a winning season. Since Lord Greengrass has been the owner, the team has steadily done better and for the past 3 years, they have made playoffs each time even if they haven't won yet. I am hopeful that they will be able to pull out a win next year though."
Hadrian looked thoughtful, "How do you know all that? That seems like stuff that he wouldn't go around telling just anyone."
Susan shook her head, "Most of that was what Auntie told me. Lord Greengrass likes her because he respects her and he didn't outright say any of that, but Auntie is very smart and observant. She could be wrong, but I have found that she usually isn't."
Hadrian smiled, "That's really cool though. I bet Daphne will get a lot of attention then from people wanting tickets or to meet the players or something. And how do you know Tracey Davis?"
Susan immediately looked sad, as did Neville, "Tracey was adopted by the Greengrass family. Her mother was a muggleborn, so her parents were killed in the war. The Greengrass' wanted to help by adopting one of the many orphans. Many families took in war orphans."
Hadrian nodded in understanding, "Well, I definitely think we should try including them in our group then. Then you can finally have someone to talk quidditch with since I don't follow the sport."
Neville scoffed, "You really should Hadrian. You are an amazing chaser. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to seeing an ickle firstie fly circles around them."
Neville was grinning and they all laughed at his excitement, "I know I'm decent and I really do enjoy playing. It was really fun. But it's just not something I see myself doing for a career. It requires too many people and coordination to play a game. Reading and writing only need me."
Luna frowned, "Yes, but you aren't alone anymore Hadrian. Now you have friends that are your family."
Neville and Susan nodded their heads in agreement with Luna and Hadrian smiled at them all, "Thanks guys. I think we have put our school off long enough. I am getting hungry and we haven't done anything yet."
Hadrian's daily routine was largely unaffected. He continued going on runs and attuning his magic in the mornings and they continued eating breakfast at Gryffindor, lunch at Hufflepuff, and dinner at Ravenclaw. Many of their evenings after dinner were spent in the library doing homework with his friends, namely Luna, Neville, Susan, Hannah, and Hermione, though Padma and Sue Li would join them on occasion. Hadrian would, on occasion, go outside before dinner to just walk around the lake with his friends and chat or attune his magic. Hadrian was really loving having so many friends.
Hadrian was nervous about Potions though, because he was unsure how the potion's master would react to his mother's journal entries. They were just a few pages talking about how she missed her friend and wished that he hadn't gotten mixed up in the crowd that looked down on others. How she wished throughout the years to have her friend back both to talk to because they were friends and she could have used his help with different spells or potions.
They were in their seats with the Hufflepuffs, so Hadrian was sitting with Luna. Hadrian was explaining some of the basic safety measures to Susan and Hannah, who were sitting next to them, when Snape walked through the door with his cloak billowing behind him. Though he didn't look as angry as the other day, he looked markedly unhappy.
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper in death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.
"Potions can be the most potent form of magic if you know what you are doing… or the most dangerous if you don't. You will either pay attention to what I have to teach you, or you will soon come to find that you will endure a very painful time through my class."
With a wave of his wand, nearly indecipherable writing appeared on the blackboard, "You will find the instructions on the board, the ingredients in the cupboard, and your cauldrons in front of you. Begin. You have one hour."
Hadrian was shocked and while most of the class moved, he just sat there a moment while others moved and finally blurted out, "That's it?! You just finished telling us that if we don't pay attention to this class we could maim, if not kill, ourselves and you don't intend on teaching anything about safety?"
Hadrian was shocked and it didn't help when Snape began glaring at him, "Tell me Mr. Potter when it was you got your Potions Mastery that you feel you are qualified to question me? Once you have attained a Potions Mastery, then perhaps you can have some input into how I run my classroom. Until then, get to work."
Hadrian pulled out his book for reference when Snape spoke again, "By the way Potter. 20 points from Ravenclaw and you have detention tonight at 7. Don't be late or I will see you every night this week."
Hadrian snarled out, "Yes Sir."
Luna grabbed his hand under the bench and whispered to him, "Calm down Hadrian. Attune your magic and focus on my magic as well. Breathe, and let yourself relax."
Hadrian nodded his head and closed his eyes, attuning his magic to help him calm down. Hadrian always felt better when he attuned his magic and heard everyone shuffling to collect their stuff for class. Several minutes later, he opened his eyes to see Luna had collected everything they needed, so he smiled at her and thanked her before dedicating himself to the task at hand. It took Hadrian a moment to realize this potion really wasn't a danger at all even to those without any experience, but it still didn't change that he felt safety should have been at least discussed before they began brewing anything. Hadrian had a ton of safety discussions and warnings before he started anything with Ambrose and Acacia.
The rest of the day went by in a haze until Hadrian walked into Professor Snape's classroom for his detention. He walked in promptly at 7, "Good to see you at least arrived on time, Potter. Your task is to clean all of the cauldrons on the tables. You will clean them until I am satisfied. No magic, begin."
Snape sat at his desk and was grading papers, or so Hadrian assumed, while he set to work on the cauldrons. Hadrian didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't the silent treatment. After his outburst, if anything, he was expecting Snape to sneer at him for acting like his father. Not wanting to test him further, Hadrian scrubbed the cauldrons diligently and after 2 hours, he was almost done with the last of the 8 cauldrons.
"That's enough Potter. Leave."
Hadrian packed up his stuff but instead of leaving, he faced Professor Snape and asked, "Why do you teach? It's clear that you don't want to be here and from everything my mother said about you, I expected you to own the most successful apothecary in Diagon Alley, creating potions that no one has ever dreamed of, all the while collecting obscure books of magic. But instead, you are here teaching children when you can't stand being here. Why?"
Professor Snape ignored him and continued to write on the parchment in front of him. Hadrian knew he heard so decided to wait to see what his response was. 5 minutes later, Snape finally sighed, "You really are nothing like James, are you? James was disrespectful of course, but not in the same way Lily could be. Lily would have done the exact same thing you did, were she in your shoes."
Hadrian couldn't help but be pleased and smiled but he was shocked when Snape looked at him and smirked at Hadrian's reaction, "Tell me what you know of your father and what you think of him."
Hadrian sighed in frustration, "Honestly? I know that he was extremely intelligent and was near the top of his class with little effort, especially in transfiguration. I know that he was a quidditch prodigy and one of the best chasers that Hogwarts had seen in generations. I also know that he spent most of his time on pranks with the marauders, focusing mostly on Slytherins and that once he discovered his attraction for my mother, he took to pranking you specifically because he was jealous of your friendship with her.
"My mum's journal did admit that a lot of my father's pranks were in retaliation to what many of the Slytherin's did to both them and others in Hogwarts, not just the Gryffindors. I know that he was an extremely loyal friend and when Sirius almost got you killed, he gave Sirius a royal tongue lashing and was mad at him for weeks. He was furious that Sirius would do something so dangerous."
Hadrian noticed the surprise in Snape's eyes at this revelation but he continued, "From everything I read in my mother's journal, I never would have expected her to be with someone averse to the rules and so much less mature than her. As for what I think of him? I think that he was an arrogant boy who loved being in the spotlight, but something I noticed in his journals is that my father was two very different people while at Hogwarts. After your 'mudblood' incident and his parents dying, my father changed.
"I don't know exactly what happened to him or how he changed because he didn't write about it. All he said was that it happened and he was distraught. He didn't write again for almost a year and when he did, it was a completely different person writing. He didn't seem as arrogant and didn't care about quidditch as much. He focused solely on dueling and his desire to become the best auror possible to fight back against those that killed his parents.
"My father was two different people while at Hogwarts. I think I may have almost as much distaste for the boy, James Potter, as you do. However, the man that wrote in the journal following his parent's death, was someone I can respect. If you think back, I'm sure you will find that he participated in pranks less than he used to and he took his school more seriously. He went from being an irresponsible, trouble-maker who cared about girls, pranks, and quidditch to Head Boy material within a year. My mother noticed and thought that transformation was enough to give him a chance and she found a man worthy of respect, though she still had to smack him around a lot for being childish because of Sirius.
"You want to know my thoughts on my father? I don't particularly like the boy that pranked, but I love the man that earned my mother's love. I love and respect my mother more than anything else in the world because I feel like I am a lot like her and because it was through her sacrifice that I am alive. My father represents things I disliked in my early childhood and yet, at the same time, he changed into a respected and powerful man my mother loved and adored.
"I respect him. That will never change. He went through a life changing ordeal and came out of it changed for the better. He focused on dueling and his studies, leaving behind a promising career in quidditch, all so he could fight in a war to protect other families from Voldemort."
Hadrian was disheartened to see that even Snape flinched at the name, but he continued, "I respect him because he dueled against and defied a man that, even when he is dead, people can't hear his name without flinching. He stood up to him and he gave his life to protect mine and my mother's. No matter his childhood, no matter how much I dislike James Potter, the boy… I have the utmost respect and love for my father, James Potter, the man."
Hadrian stood there and observed Professor Snape as he sat there. After a moment of looking at each other, Snape turned back to his desk and stared at the parchment on the desk. Another 5 minutes passed and he finally spoke, "It would seem that you hold a modicum of your mother's intelligence behind those eyes that you got from her as well. I can't tell you how many times I had wished the sorting hat had placed me in Ravenclaw. It debated doing so… but told me I could become great in Slytherin. If only I had known the cost then, I would have chosen mediocrity every single time.
"You asked why I am here teaching? It's because, as you are aware, I was a death eater for a time. I may have turned spy for the light, but I had still done many things I am not proud of. I still did many things that I should have atoned for. This was a place for me to be safe from the world that wanted to crucify me."
Hadrian nodded, "I suppose I can see why you wanted safety, but why couldn't you open up your own store? My mum's journal said that was your plan, right? Open an apothecary that would sell ingredients and potions as well as rare tomes. You could sell ingredients as well as use your own stock to create potions for sale and for experimentation but also give you a good excuse to constantly buy books pertaining to obscure magic. I own a good bit of Mulpepper's Apothecary and when I went there for my school supplies, they didn't have many options for available potions. If you were to open up your own store, I imagine you would do very well and I would love to have a shop I can trust that could supply me with obscure books on different branches of magic. Why didn't you?"
Snape scoffed and sneered, "Not everyone is quite as well off as the Potters. Most of us have to work to earn a living without being handed everything on a silver spoon. Opening an apothecary is an extremely expensive venture if you want to have good ingredients and even more so if you want to have obscure books of magic the ministry doesn't approve of. It can be very lucrative but is one of the most expensive businesses to open initially. I had to find work to do until I had enough. I have been saving nearly everything for the day I could do exactly that. But there are certain things I need to be certain of before I can move on to my dream."
Snape finally looked at him again, "I think this conversation has gone lone enough, but I also can't have you questioning me like that again in class, so don't let it happen again. From now on, you will speak to me respectfully, do you understand?"
Hadrian nodded, "Yes Sir. I understand."
Snape nodded his own head, "Good. Now, I believe I told you to leave over 20 minutes ago. I would appreciate it if you kept your James hidden away and would listen to your Lily more. When I tell you to leave, I expect you to do so."
Hadrian smirked when he realized that Professor Snape was actually teasing him so he snorted in amusement before heading towards the door. At the door, he stopped a moment and spoke, "If you decide that you are done teaching, I would be happy to invest in your business. I think it's the least I can do for the man who was my mother's best friend. I know she would want me to. With how good my mother says you are at potions, I can only imagine how lucrative a potions shop owned by you could be, not to mention the books you can find for me."
The next day, everyone was looking forward to their flying lesson in the afternoon. Hadrian was not so enthusiastic. He had been flying for years and did not like thinking about being held back. But everyone else was excited, so Hadrian decided that he would try to help others since he was more experienced than most, from the sounds of it.
Flying lessons were the only class they had that included all of the houses, so Hadrian made his way to the quidditch pitch with his friends. It was a quiet walk until they heard the arrogant voice of Draco Malfoy, "Of course, I'm the best flier of our year. Probably even the second and third years too. I've been riding a broom ever since I could walk. Father says I'm a natural and have a real good chance of joining the professional league once I graduate."
Hadrian rolled his eyes and smirked at his friends but chose not to engage the boy. They all got next to a broom that was laid out on the ground while listening to Malfoy complain several students down the line and Harry couldn't help but agree with him.
"This is what we are expected to fly on? This broom is utter garbage and should have been turned into kindle before I was born. Is this really what they expect us to fly on?"
Ron Weasley apparently wanted to argue, "What's the matter Malfoy? Using the broom as an excuse to not be able to fly? You're pathetic."
Hadrian frowned and raised his voice before Malfoy could, "Actually Ron, Malfoy brings up a good point. The enchantments on brooms don't last forever and the older they are, the less safe they are. Some of these brooms look like they are old enough that they won't obey commands for much longer. It's more a safety concern than anything against being unwilling to fly. Personally, I'm appalled the Headmaster hasn't done anything about this."
Everyone was gaping at him now and he asked innocently, "What? You don't think Malfoy is wrong every single time he opens his mouth, do you?"
Ron finally yelled at him, "How can you agree with him Harry? He's nothing more than a dirty snake!"
Hadrian frowned, "And what does his house have to do with anything? Malfoy is annoying because he is so arrogant that he thinks his blood and money makes him better than everyone else. But that doesn't change that he can still say something smart or accurate. In this case, I completely agree with Malfoy. These brooms should have been turned into kindle long ago. As I stated a moment ago, it's a safety concern."
Some of the kids started looking at their broom a little concerned while Malfoy looked at him appraisingly, but Madam Hooch finally came out and got everyone's attention. After they were instructed how to get their broom in hand, Hadrian was the only one to do so on the first try. Malfoy, Tracey Davis, and Susan got it the next try and the others soon followed.
After being told to mount their brooms and prepare to hover, Hadrian started to get a feeling of dread. Luna must have agreed because she leaned closer to him and whispered, "Hadrian, I don't think Daphne should be flying that broom."
Hadrian looked at her then back to the broom and after seeing the fear in Luna's eyes, he was about to say something to Madame Hooch when she blew her whistle and Daphne's broom took off. Hadrian cursed and asked, "Luna, is anything wrong with my broom?"
Luna shook her head and Hadrian immediately took off to catch Daphne who was screaming and trying to control the broom. The broom was flying higher whenever Daphne trying forcing it down so Hadrian yelled, "STOP TRYING TO CONTROL IT! JUST LET IT HOVER!"
She seemed to hear him because she glanced at him speeding towards her but that second of distraction was enough for her to lose her grip and fall from her broom. There were gasps from everyone and Hadrian was closer to the ground but still a few meters away. Not wanting to take any chances, Hadrian started descending, hoping to catch her before she hits the ground from falling from over 50 ft.
Hadrian was able to get his broom under her just as they were 10 ft off the ground. Daphne had turned around so that she was facing the sky and couldn't see the ground, though her screams were very distracting, he couldn't exactly blame her. Not trusting his strength to catch her, he let out his magic to envelop her and lift her the way he had been lifting objects for years.
Hadrian was happy to see that she stopped her fall several feet above him and he slowly guided her to sit on his broom behind him. The girl wrapped her arms around his middle and after hearing her let out a breath of relief, he smiled, "Hi! I'm Hadrian, nice to meet you."
Hadrian was rewarded with a snort, "Yeah. Pleasure. Can we go down now please?"
Hadrian nodded and descended slowly to be greeted by Madam Hooch and the rest of the cheering class, excluding a few Slytherins. Madam Hooch was looking at them both worriedly, "Miss Greengrass, are you alright? Are you hurt at all?"
Daphne shook her head as her best friend, Tracey Davis, wrapped her in a hug. Madam Hooch sighed in relief, "Good. But I will get an earful if I don't send you to the Infirmary for Madam Pomfrey to have a look anyway. Miss Davis, will you please escort Miss Greengrass and Mr. Potter?"
Hadrian jerked his head in surprise, "Why? I'm fine!"
Madam Hooch stared at him intently, "Because you went through a dangerous ordeal and Madam Pomfrey would have my hide if she hears what happened and I didn't send you to her. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ensure that you were both perfectly alright, physically and mentally. Now, no more arguing. Off you go."
Hadrian sighed, but nodded his head in resignation, making his way with the two Slytherins when he heard Madam Hooch one last time, "And 20 points to Ravenclaw for saving another student, Mr. Potter."
Hadrian turned to smile at her before following along behind the two girls who were talking quickly. Not wanting to intrude on their whispered conversation, Hadrian hung back a little more. A few seconds later, Daphne stopped and turned back to him, "You know, we may be Slytherins but we won't bite. Especially not after you saved me. Walk with us."
Hadrian continued walking on Daphne's other side, "I didn't want to intrude on your conversation."
Daphne and Tracey both smiled, "Oh. Well, thank you. And thank you for saving me. I am normally pretty good on a broom. Nothing like Tracey here, but still, I at least know what I'm doing. I've never been so scared in my life."
Hadrian smiled at her, "You're welcome. And even though I am sorry about what happened, I was actually hoping to talk to you, so now is as good a time as any." She quirked an eyebrow at him but he continued, "My friends and I study most days after dinner in the library. We joked around the other day because we also float from table to table during meals and were only missing Slytherin. Susan mentioned that we should ask you if you would like to join us because she knew you. So, would you be interested in joining us for some of our study sessions after dinner?"
He watched her think about it a moment and didn't want to pressure her, so he added, "I don't want you to feel pressured or anything though. Take some time to think about it. If you do decide to join us, we are usually hidden away near the enchanting section. It is rarely used and there is a large enough spot for all of us to work."
Hadrian watched her nod her head while deep in thought. After a moment of thinking about the brooms and how stupid the Headmaster is he came to a decision, "Dap!"
With a small pop, the house elf appeared, "How may Dap serve Master Hadrian?"
"Two things. First off, once the school brooms are put away, go destroy every single one that looks even remotely close to failing or being unsafe. Once you have done that, I need you to speak to Ted and get him to set up the Sales Rep for Nimbus to come speak to me tonight. Please ensure that Professor Flitwick is informed of everything."
"Yes, Master. Dap will be doing."
Hadrian turned forward and noticed both girls staring at him until Daphne asked, "You have a house elf? I was under the impression that you grew up with muggles."
Hadrian shrugged, "Kind of. I did for the first few years of my life. They didn't want me though, so when I was 8 I was taken in by my family's house elves. I grew up with them until I turned 11 and the Lovegoods were given custody of me."
Daphne blinked in shock, "Did you say that you were taken in by your house elves for 3 years before going to your current guardians? As in multiple house elves?"
Hadrian nodded, "Yeah. One house elf that served my grandparents, one that served my parents, and two that take care of the properties. They didn't want to get just one house elf for that because they felt they would be lonely."
Daphne was gaping at him, "What?"
Hadrian smirked, "Yeah, I'm taken to understanding that is a very unique way to view house elves, but I like it. I've heard that many families treat them as little better than property and they are sometimes abused or beaten because nothing says they can't. I disagree. They may not be human, but it doesn't mean we are better than them. Just different."
Daphne was still gaping at him and Hadrian laughed, "Somehow I get the feeling you find me to be weird now."
Daphne nodded her head before catching herself and blushing before stammering, "Uh, w-well. What I meant was that you are very different from anyone I have ever talked to before. I don't know anyone that thinks the way you do."
Hadrian smiled wider, "Thank you! I find that I enjoy being different. There is something dreadfully boring about being one of the herd. I'm not saying I like attention at all mind you, because I hate it. But I like being different from others. Too many people just go with the flow and don't question anything. They just accept what they are told and never question or experiment. It's a horrible way to live."
Daphne smirked, "I don't know how often we will join you, but Tracey and I will definitely study with you on occasion at the least."
Tracey was nodding her head in stunned silence and Hadrian smiled, "I'm glad.
They made it to the infirmary and were greeted by the school healer. After getting a clean bill of health, class was almost over, so they went their separate ways. The Slytherins to their common room and Hadrian to the library. His friends found him and they worked until dinner when Flitwick approached him.
"Good evening Mr. Potter. I understand that you requested a meeting tonight in my office. Once you are done with your meal, would you accompany me?"
"I'm done now if you would like professor."
Flitwick nodded and they both left the Great Hall. After a few moments of silence Professor Flitwick spoke, "I need you to do something for me Mr. Potter. I need you to do more asking and less doing. If you would like to have a meeting, then so long as you are doing well in your studies, I don't mind. What I do mind, is you informing me after the fact of what will happen rather than asking permission. I do not take kindly to being dictated what to do from students, surely you can understand that. So, will you do me the courtesy of asking permission, rather than informing me?"
Hadrian ducked his head in shame, not having thought how his actions would have been perceived, "Yes Professor. I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to disrespect you or anything. I just wanted to fix the problem with the school brooms and wanted it done now so no one else risks getting hurt."
Flitwick looked at him surprised, "This is about the school brooms?"
Hadrian looked surprised then shook his head, "Of course they didn't tell you. It is a house elf and a solicitor, both of whom highly value secrets. Yes, it is about the school brooms. I asked Dap to destroy the possibly dangerous ones and I am about to purchase new ones from Nimbus."
Flitwick squeaked in excitement, "Oh that is wonderful to hear Mr. Potter! Thank you! I have been trying to evaluate the school brooms every year to ensure that we only keep ones that could be safe for the students to use and we lose more every year. It seems I missed one this year, much to my shame. But, thank you for going out of your way like this for Hogwarts, Mr. Potter. It is a very noble thing."
Hadrian smiled, "Thanks Professor. I just saw something wrong and I am trying to fix it. Besides, I own much of Nimbus, so it will be more affordable for me."
They made it to the office and were only waiting for a few moments when the floo flared to life and a brunette witch stepped out smiling, "Hello again Professor Flitwick. Good day Mr. Potter. I am Candice Weekes, the Sales Rep for Nimbus Brooms."
"Perfect. Thank you for coming Miss Weekes, and I'm sorry for not giving you a bigger heads up."
Candice smiled and after shaking hands she continued, "It's quite alright Mr. Potter. It's wonderful to meet you in person. May I assume that your request to speak to me so suddenly and without a chance for setting up a proper meeting, that this is a matter of some urgency?"
Though there was no real bite to her voice, Hadrian heard the reprimand anyway and couldn't help but wince, "Please, call me Hadrian. And I do apologize for the manner you came here. I didn't realize quite how rude of me that was until you spelled it out for me."
"Well, when one of the owners of your company tells you that they want to meet immediately, we aren't really going to turn you down. Especially when it sounds like a business proposition?"
Hadrian heard the question in her voice, "Yes, it is. You see, the school brooms here are very old and there was an incident today because one of the brooms had failing charms and one of the students was almost hurt. I want to replace the brooms and, because of my association with Nimbus, I obviously would opt for Nimbus brooms. As their Sales Rep, what are your recommendations?"
Candice gaped a moment at what he said before she drew herself up seeming more businesslike, "Well, Nimbus has many good options for brooms as you are well aware. Am I correct in assuming that these will be the school brooms for the first years to learn on?"
Hadrian nodded his head and said, "Yes. I will be purchasing 50, so I would rather not look at the performance line."
Candice nodded her head for a moment, thinking, "Well it sounds like your best option is the Flying Nimbus. They are designed to fit this exact need. Nimbus Cloud is a good option as well because they are more fun to fly with their maneuverability, but with new fliers, and cost, I think the Flying Nimbus is what you want."
Hadrian was smiling and nodding his head throughout the whole thing and when Candice saw his smirk, she glared at him, "That was a test wasn't it? You already knew what you wanted."
Hadrian chuckled but shook his head, "I was fairly certain. I know how all of the Nimbus brooms fly but I don't know the cost of them other than the 2000 is expensive. I assumed it would either be the Flying Nimbus or the Nimbus Cloud. I'm partial to the Cloud myself, but this is for the students, not me. That said, put down an order for 50 Flying Nimbus brooms with the 10 year warranty on each and I want them here, ready to fly come Thursday morning next week."
Candice nodded and pulled out some papers from a bag he didn't see her carrying. After a few moments, she turned to parchment to him for him to sign. Once he did, she smiled, "It was definitely an interesting conversation Hadrian. I'll get this put in right away."
Hadrian smiled, "Thank you Candice. One last question before you go. Any word on the updates to the Cloud?"
Candice smiled and nodded, "All I'm allowed to say right now is that it's very promising."
Hadrian pumped his fist in excitement, "Yes! Thank you again Candice, Professor Flitwick. Have a great night."
After saying goodbye, Hadrian made his way to the library to meet with his friends, surprised to find Daphne and Tracey there working on their Transfiguration.
After leaving the Great Hall following dinner on Friday, Hadrian made his way up to his head of house's office. Professor Flitwick opened the door with a smile, "Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think I would have to send out a search party. Please come in, sit. I will be in the classroom if you need me for anything."
He left and shut the door, happy to see Aunt Pandora and Aunt Amelia already waiting for him, "I'm glad you're here. I have something really important I want to bring up with you."
Pandora prodded him, "Ok, and what is it?"
"Well, you know how I told you about the Potter's having 4 elves but I had yet to meet Dobby and he wouldn't answer my calls? Well I found him."
Though they were happy for him, they were clearly confused again, so Amelia asked, "That's great Hadrian, but perhaps you can get to the part where you needed us to come visit you at school so late at night?"
Hadrian smiled and nodded, "Well, it turns out that my father loaned him out to Dumbledore and Dobby was instructed to do whatever Dumbledore asked as if he were his master. Dumbledore decided to use Dobby as his own little spy and he has been acting as a house elf/spy for Lucius Malfoy for the past decade."
Both women gasped and he continued, "Yeah. Luckily though, Dumbledore called him and gave me back control of Dobby, relieving him of his oaths to Dumbledore. Dobby is still spying on Malfoy for now because he wanted to but I wanted your opinions before pulling him out. I don't want him there, but I know that Lucius is also a death eater so I thought, why not use this to our advantage before Dobby leaves?
"I called Dobby the next night and I asked him to put together a map of the Manor marking any illegal items. I also asked Dobby to mark down any defenses the Malfoy's have, just in case. I just so happen to have that map with me right now. Take a look."
Harry handed the parchment with the map over to Amelia and both women were looking it over very carefully. After a few moments, Amelia was smiling, "That little elf of yours is quite amazing Hadrian. This is wonderful. I can definitely make use of this."
Hadrian frowned a moment, "Actually, that's why I asked Aunt Pandora here as well. I was hoping the unspeakables could raid his house. Dobby mentioned that Malfoy has many informants in the Ministry. Dobby suggested the unspeakables because he doesn't think Malfoy has anyone there and because he knew my mum was one and there were some artifacts that he thought they would like to study."
Amelia frowned at him, "Did Dobby know who any of the informants are?"
Hadrian shook his head, "No. I asked him but he didn't have names. He was only aware of them."
Amelia sighed heavily before handing the parchment to Pandora, "Well it looks like you will have to take this one. If Croaker wants it to be official, I will let him take Arthur Weasley. We can at least be sure that he isn't on Malfoy's payroll."
Pandora nodded and smiled, "Oh, if Malfoy has even half of the things that we suspect, Croaker will be very happy indeed. This is a wonderful present Hadrian, thank you."
Hadrian just smiled, "You're welcome. Happy hunting."
Pandora and Amelia both gave him a hug and asked that hugs be passed on to Luna and Susan, which Hadrian agreed to before making his way back to his common room.
It was Saturday. The day of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team tryouts.
Hadrian was really nervous. He had really enjoyed playing quidditch with his friends over summer and definitely wanted to play for his team, but he was really nervous. He knew that he was good at flying, but his chasing was mediocre and that was against people that didn't play chaser. Was he really good enough to play for the team? Luna had finally talked him into though.
"Either you succeed or you fail. If you succeed, then you win and you are on the team. If you fail, then you learn where you need to improve and you get better. But there is no shame in it either way. It is something you enjoy, so go out and do it. Don't worry about succeeding or failing, just have fun."
Hadrian couldn't help but smile at his brilliant and unique sister. Hadrian still had his morning run and ate a light breakfast before grabbing his book bag and making his way out to the pitch. There were a lot of people already waiting to try out and even more that were in the stands watching. His friends wished him luck and after he took his shrunken broom from his bag, he handed his bag to Luna to hold on to until after the try outs.
Hermione looked at him a little sternly, "Hadrian? How did you get a broom? First years aren't allowed to have their own broom."
Hadrian smirked, "Who says this is my broom? This is Cedric's. He is just letting me borrow it."
Hermione was about to argue, seeing the lie, but Hadrian cut her off, "Look Hermione, the rule was put in place because many first years would bring their own broom and would try teaching their friends to fly without any experience and many students got hurt. That's why we have flying lessons, so students can learn from a professor watching them. After they learn the basics in their first year, it is up to them to be careful in flying without supervision. Since I am proficient in flying, that rule is stupid. But there is nothing in the rules against me borrowing another students broom."
Hadrian smiled at her before leaving for the pitch. Hadrian was the only first year but there were a couple second years.
"Oi! What do you think you're doing little firstie? These try outs are some serious stuff. Why don't you go sit in the stands and watch with your friends? You can try out next year after you have been flying for a little."
Hadrian looked at the boy irritatingly, "And what makes you think that I can't fly well enough to make the team?"
The older boy looked at him and spoke as if to a toddler, "Because you're a firstie. Come back when you have more experience. You can't hack it yet."
Hadrian ground his teeth, "Really? Because I'm a first year I can't fly a broom? I thought Ravenclaw was the house of intelligence. How can you discount me without giving me a chance to even get on a broom?"
The boy looked at him with a deadpan expression, "Because you were in the infirmary after your first flying lesson."
Hadrian couldn't help it so he threw his head back and roared in laughter. It took him a moment to get under control and he noticed the other boy was getting angrier when they heard a voice from behind him call out, "Yo, Stretton, what's the hold up? We are about to start."
The boy, Stretton, turned around to glare at his friend and indicating Hadrian said, "I'm trying to get this firstie to understand that he isn't good enough to be on the team and try again next year. But he is apparently too dense to understand even that."
"Well, I can't imagine that he would be out here if he was that bad. Have you seen him fly?"
"I don't need to. This is the kid that was in the infirmary after his first flying lesson."
The other boy's eyes light up with excitement, "That was you?! Awesome! I was hoping you would show up. Madam Hooch approached me and mentioned what happened. Are you sure you are ready to be flying so soon?"
Hadrian smiled, "Yeah, I'll be alright so long as I avoid the bludgers. So, you mentioned try outs were about to start?"
"Yeah, go join the others. Really quick though, because Madam Hooch never mentioned, what position you interested in?"
"Chaser. I've been told I fly really well and have the build for a seeker, but I think it's a boring and overrated position. I played a few games chasing over summer and I really enjoyed it, so that would be my choice."
The boy was nodding in thought, "Well, I don't know that you can make chaser. We have a pretty solid line up there including myself and Stretton here. Seeker is open but I've heard this second year is supposed to be promising. Well, if you want chaser, go for it. We might keep you on as a flex reserve spot if you are good enough."
Stretton couldn't keep it in any longer, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me Rob. He's a first year that went to the infirmary after one lesson. How do you expect him to fly let alone play?"
Rob quirked his eyebrow, "You obviously didn't hear what happened. He was in the infirmary because one of the other students lost control of their broom. Mr. Potter here saved her from falling from over 50 ft. Granted he used his own body to cushion the fall though, so he spent the night in the infirmary for it. Madam Hooch said he flew really well and had good transition from flying one handed either side. Besides, what's the harm in him trying? If he sucks then he's gone. If he doesn't then we have a nice piece of coal we can mold into a diamond for next year and the following 5 years after that. Now, we have wasted enough time here. Let's go."
Once everyone was gathered, Rob raised his voice, "Alright. Thanks for showing up everyone. As always, no position is secured and everyone will try out with the exclusion of the Captain, yours truly. That said, I am Robert Hilliard, ladies call me Rob because I rob all the pretty girl's hearts."
Hadrian grinned but most everyone else groaned at the bad joke, but he continued, "Now, here's what's going to happen. You will be evaluated based on your desired position. If you want to try out for multiple positions, that's fine but no whining about being tired. We will start off with the Keepers and go from there. I want everyone to pay attention though. These individuals will be your teammates and you need to understand them and how they fly. If I see that you are playing around or not caring about your teammates, that will definitely hurt your chances at making the team. KEEPERS, GET IN THE AIR!"
Hadrian watched intently to see how they chose the keeper and who it would be. If he wanted to be a chaser then he would likely have to try shooting against them during his own tryout. There were only 3 keepers trying out. Two were passable but seemed to be too nervous to be really productive. The clear winner was Grant Page, a third year that did about the same as the other two but was much more fluid in the air and just needed to brush up his skills.
Once they all settled back on the ground, Rob addressed the group, "Awesome. Thank you to our keepers for trying out but the clear winner is Grant Page. Go get in the hoops."
One of the other boys got mad, "Really?! I saved more than he did, why is he the winner?"
Rob just looked at him amused by the outburst, "Because he flies better and didn't flinch when any of the quaffles were thrown at him. He is also a third year, so he has a lot of room to grow. Yes, you technically saved more goals than he did, but he is the better player. He has more potential and will be on the team longer so will be better for Ravenclaw than you. Your whining doesn't help anything."
Rob rolled his eyes as the boy stomped off, "I hate whiners. ALRIGHT! BEATERS, TO THE SKIES."
This was a lot more fun to watch than the keepers. There were 5 boys altogether trying, including the one keeper that didn't leave. They did a lot of passing the bludgers between them and then working of accuracy on non-moving, then moving targets before he had last years chasers run mock plays at the keeper, trying to break them up.
When it was done, two fourth years were chosen, Duncan Inglebee and Jason Samuels. Rob did ask Bradley Dunbar, the guy to try out for two positions to stay on as a flex position in case either player got hurt, which he agreed. Rob got everyone back together and started his next spiel, "Excellent. We have a good, young team right now. Now, for my favorite part… CHASERS, GET MOVING!"
Hadrian got excited and hoped on his broom flying into air when he heard Stretton yelling at Rob, "Are you really going to let that kid fly? He can't even have his own broom, yet he is flying one. You really going to let a rule breaker and irritable little firstie onto the team?"
Hadrian was getting seriously annoyed by the boy, "That's enough Stretton! He's probably borrowing the broom from someone. And if he isn't, it's a stupid rule anyway. Besides, we are about to find out if he is good enough. So, shut up and join the others before I kick you off the pitch for bugging me!"
First drill they did was a simple passing drill. Three chasers would spread out across one side of the pitch and weave while passing the quaffle between them moving closer to the Keeper. Once close to the Keeper, one of the chasers would take a shot. Hadrian was one of the best at that drill though he only scored on one of his two shots.
Next drill was a plain shootout. One chaser attacking, one defending, one shot against the keeper. Hadrian did really well defending, but not so well attacking. He would always get the shot off but most of them were blocked or he just straight missed the hoop. Stretton took a lot of pleasure in pointing out his missed shots.
After everyone had one run through, they did the same drills but with one bludger thrown in so that they had to do all the drills while being aware of the bludger and beaters. Hadrian really showed his worth here. He couldn't explain it, but he always had a sixth sense when a bludger was near and he instinctively avoided it. It helped that he was really good at maneuvering his broom and that the Cloud had excellent acceleration. Perfect for his style of chasing.
The shootout went a lot better for him as well with the inclusion of the occasional bludger. Because he happened to know when they bludger was coming, he was able to use it to give himself more breathing room from the defender and get much better shots on the keeper. A lot of them were blocked but there were none that would have missed the goal entirely if the keeper hadn't blocked it.
Objectively, Hadrian realized that he still wouldn't make the team. Because of the captain, there were only two spots left and there were two boys, including Stretton, that were definitely better than him and one girl that was about on par with him. It looked like they were just finishing up the chaser position and Stretton seemed very smug when he heard a loud voice from the stands, "HILLIARD!"
Hadrian looked to see Cedric in the stands waving their captain over. Confused, Hadrian flew closer as well to listen in. Rob seemed annoyed, "What do you want Diggory? You can see we are in the middle of our try outs."
Cedric was smiling widely, "I know. That's I thought you should know that it would be beneficial to run a small scrimmage with your chasers."
Rob looked like he was getting mad and he spoke dangerously, "Are you trying to tell me how to run my tryouts puff?"
Cedric held his hands up in surrender, "Of course not. You do what you want. I just thought you should know since Hadrian there is a natural interceptor."
Rob seemed to still a moment and without turning away glared at the boy, "How do you know that and why would you tell me?"
Cedric laughed, "I know because we played a bit over the summer. Granted Fred, George, and I aren't chasers, but we still aren't bad and we are all good fliers. Hadrian still didn't have trouble making fools of us. And I'm telling you because Hadrian is a friend. He would be good for your team. But like you said, it's your team and you will do with it what you think is best."
Rob seemed to think it over by evaluating Cedric a moment before he abruptly flew off and called everyone around him on their brooms, "Alright, listen up. We are going to run an impromptu scrimmage with one bludger going. Dunbar, I need you guarding the other hoops. Potter, Davies, and myself will be one team attacking Page. Stretton, Runcorn, and Sykes will be the other team and you will be attacking Dunbar. Chang, are you the only one trying out for seeker?"
The girls looked around as did everyone else and she shrugged, "I guess so."
Rob gaped at everyone, "Seriously? No one in the eagle's nest wants to play seeker?"
Hadrian snorted, "I told you, it's boring."
Chang and Stretton glared at him but most everyone else snickered, "Alright. Inglebee, you're on my team, Samuels, you're with Stretton. Everyone go to your keeper, familiarize yourself with your team, we start the match in 5 minutes. Chang I will let lose the snitch, catch it as fast as you can. Before you start whining, the bludger is cushioned not to hurt anyone during tryouts. That cushion will be removed during practices, so deal with it. Before we separate, beaters, I want you to attack the seeker once for every two hits against the chasers. Got it?"
When there weren't any questions, he nodded his head, "Good. Go to your keepers, you have 5 minutes until we begin and 30 minutes after that we will stop for the final selections. Good luck everyone and no playing dirty."
When Hadrian reached the hoops they were defending, he was surprised when Rob flew up to him, "Was Diggory being real or was he just having me on?"
Hadrian looked to the captain, "You mean about me being a natural interceptor?" Rob nodded and he shrugged, "I think natural is pushing it. Interceptor is definitely the style of chaser I like to play and I excel at, but I don't know if I would say I'm a natural though."
Rob seemed to evaluate him a moment, "Well, I suppose we are about to find out. Alright folks, here's what's going to happen, Potter, just play the game. I want to see what Diggory is talking about. Dunbar, you have some talent in the hoops, your biggest problem is being afraid of the quaffle. You don't have to be afraid of it just because you don't have a bat. Yes, it hurts if you get hit, but that is what's holding you back from being a better keeper. Relax and you will do fine. Stretton tends to shoot heavy on the right side and sucks shooting with his left. Inglebee, when you hit the bludger, I want you to focus more on Runcorn. She seems to have some potential and I know Stretton is good already. Alright, let's get this show on the road."
Rob made his way to the ground in the center of the pitch after gathering the quaffle. Hadrian flew close to Davies and whispered, "Stretton will want to start out aggressive to humiliate me. I'll get the quaffle, get past their defense and I'll pass it to you."
Davies looked at him skeptically, "We already have one chaser down because he is tossing the quaffle, and you want to pit yourself against 3 chasers? Are you always this arrogant?"
Hadrian snorted, "No, this is a gamble. I trust my acceleration more than I do Stretton's ego. Just give it a shot. What's the worst that happens? It's my fault and we are down one shot. We'll get it back."
Davies looked at him a moment but nodded his head skeptically. Hadrian hoped he would actually do it.
"You two love birds done whispering now? Good! BEGIN!"
Hadrian shot forward but instead of flying forward, he flew up hitting the quaffle up and out of Stretton's hands. While Stretton was turning to fly upwards, Hadrian grabbed the quaffle and launched it towards Davies who was alone down the pitch. His pass was slightly off and to the right, but Davies got it and scored easy.
Hadrian smirked and flew forward. Rob wanted to see his style of play, well with only one good chaser on their team, playing aggressive sounded fun. Hadrian flew just behind Stretton hoping Page wasn't paying attention to him. He wasn't and threw a lazy pass to Stretton. Hadrian was able to easily shoot past him and steal the inbound pass making an easy shot into the left hoop.
Hadrian could hear the laughter in Cedric's voice but ignored it to see what Page and Stretton wanted to do now. Thinking Stretton would want to play physical, Hadrian moved back to play more defensive. Stretton eyed Hadrian warily before receiving the pass from Page and moving down the pitch. Hadrian was flying outside of him staying just enough ahead of him, waiting. Sure enough, Stretton finally found an open teammate but Hadrian shot forward.
Not used to his acceleration, Stretton thought he was safe. But Hadrian was able to hit the quaffle out of Sykes arm before he could get control of it. Grabbing it, Hadrian saw Davies on another breakaway but this time had Runcorn on him and their beater was flying high, hitting the bludger towards him. Hadrian rolled to the right and stared towards the ground hoping Davies would see his thoughts and he threw the quaffle deep towards the ground and it went exactly where he wanted.
Davies hadn't anticipated the throw like he hoped, but Davies was good enough that he still got it anyway. He wasn't in position to score like he wanted because of the angle he went but Hadrian flew up, directly above Davies to see what he would do. Davies turned back towards the left, so he flew to the right and down to get in position where Davies shot him a pass across the pitch.
Gripping the broom in his right hand, he caught the quaffle with his left hand and threw to the right hoop. He wasn't nearly as good with his left as with his right, but he still practiced a lot with his left so that he wouldn't be a lopsided shooter. He read that was one of the biggest pet peeves of coaches, was a one handed chaser.
Hadrian was really proud of himself so far. He was doing well. Granted, it was a lot like the first game he played against Cedric and the Weasley twins where he was doing so well because they underestimated him, but he still felt pride at scoring twice and assisting the first goal. Taking a moment to look around, he noticed Rob flying high in the middle of the pitch, just observing everything with a big smile. Hadrian figured he must want to evaluate how they were all playing before joining. Putting his mind back to task, he ignored the captain in favor of the play.
Hadrian covered Stretton again hoping for another steal, but Page threw it in to Runcorn this time and they made their way up the pitch. Hadrian was flying just behind Stretton on the inside, waiting and sure enough Runcorn made the pass to him when Stretton called for it. It was a decent pass but not placed well enough and Hadrian was able to intercept it.
Davies must have been looking for him to do it again because Sykes was three broom lengths behind and falling behind more. Hadrian didn't waste a second and launched the quaffle as hard as he could right to Davies right hand where he shot for the left hoop and made it.
Hadrian moved back and flew higher, barely dodging a bludger, waiting for them to make their way down the pitch. Runcorn brought it in again and made low pass to Stretton who flew across the ground trying to get ahead of Hadrian. Hadrian followed him and slowly got lower moving to block the left hoop and leaving the middle and right hoop to Dunbar.
Just as Stretton was about to shoot, he got distracted by the bludger and the quaffle was stolen by Hilliard so Hadrian shot back higher and flew forward. He easily caught the pass and saw that Davies was covered by both Runcorn and Sykes, so Hadrian made the run down the pitch alone and went to for the shot to the right hoop, but Page blocked it. Hadrian cursed himself but settled in for another attempt at a steal. Page was too wary though and didn't make the pass near him. Sykes got it this time and Hadrian was able to catch up to him. He went to hit the quaffle out his hand but Sykes moved it to his outside arm.
Instead, Hadrian flew beside him and waited. As soon as Sykes moved to cock his arm back to throw it, Hadrian rolled over top of him and knocked the quaffle out of his hand. He dove for the quaffle and got it before he made his way back across the pitch. He was met by Runcorn and though she made a grab for the quaffle, he protected it and heard Hilliard call his name from the ground coming up the middle so he threw the quaffle hoping he wasn't wrong.
Throwing the quaffle straight ahead into the middle of the pitch, he saw the blur that was Hilliard shoot past him and catch the quaffle before scoring on the left hoop. Hadrian pumped his fist in celebration, terrified that he had just thrown away the quaffle.
"Don't celebrate too early. It's still early and the snitch determines the winner right now. Don't let up!"
Hadrian nodded and the game continued. For the next 20 minutes, Stretton attempted to get something going but without good teammates, he only got 2 shots on the hoops and only one went in. His teammates were decent but Hadrian was better than them both, let alone Davies or Hilliard. Personally, Hadrian felt bad for them but it didn't stop Hadrian from taking advantage of them as much as possible. The other team quickly realized that after Hadrian stole it, they had the best chance of letting Page block his shot than giving Hilliard or Davies an opportunity to shoot.
Hadrian got a lot of steals and interceptions as well as a lot of shots on the hoop, but he missed most of his shots because Page blocked them. Chang never caught the snitch but when Hilliard called them all in, he was smiling widely, "Awesome! Really awesome practice everyone. Chasers will be a bit more difficult to determine, so I will post the positions on the message board sometime next week. Don't ask me about it until then. Now everyone go shower, you all stink."
As everyone left to go shower and change, he heard Hilliard call his name so he flew over. Hilliard was smiling, "I don't know how long you've been flying Potter so I don't know if I can say you are a natural, but you're damn good. Putting you on the team will change the way Ravenclaw plays the game. You definitely made the team Potter, I just need to decide if I want you starting or reserve. Congratulations."
Hadrian was smiling and flew over to Cedric who was whooping loudly for him. Hadrian smiled wider, seeing all of his friends still there as they all started congratulating him on playing so well.
After a few moments, Hadrian finally got a word in, "Cedric, thanks a lot. Both for "lending me your broom" and for what you said to Hilliard. He said I'm definitely on the team, he just needs to figure out if he wants me starting or reserve. So yeah, thanks."
Cedric was smiling proudly, "Hey, you are the one that did it. I only gave you a few tips over summer, you are the one that is so good at intercepting. There is no one else at Hogwarts right now that can play that game the way you can. If you can keep that going and get better at scoring, you could easily find yourself playing professionally."
Hadrian blushed at the praise when an unexpected voice intruded, "Well, you actually do fly well when you aren't saving damsels in distress. Who would have known?"
Hadrian looked towards the stairs and saw Daphne Greengrass standing with Tracey Davis. Hadrian smiled at her, "Hey Daphne. I wouldn't have expected to see you out here. You get lost?"
Tracey snickered while Daphne glared, "It seems I might be. I thought I was looking for a friend, turns out I only found a prat instead."
As she turned around to leave Hadrian called out, "Wait, I want a friend! I'm certain this prat you found has already left because your friend chased them off. He seems like a right pleasant fellow."
Tracey was still snickering and Hadrian smiled while Daphne turned her head to quirk an eyebrow at him before she too smiled, "Oh, well that's good to know. I would love to see you and Tracey fly against each other one of these days. She has the same style and is almost as good as you are."
Hadrian smiled at the compliment while Tracey blushed, "That sounds fun! What do you say Tracey? Interested in some pick up games every now and then throughout the year?"
Tracey only nodded her head and Hadrian smiled, "Well, I would like to keep talking, but I'm kinda smelly, so I'm going to go shower before lunch. See you guys at the puff table. I hope you join us Daphne, Tracey. Catch you guys in a little."
Author's Note: Again, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I don't plan on first year taking more than 3-4 chapters. I am only going to hit the major events, so there will be some time jumps. Once again, thanks to everyone for the reviews and wanting another chapter. It absolutely makes it worth the effort.
Reminder to all that I have a poll on my page asking for your favorite ship. Please vote. I won't necessarily pick the winner, but the poll will influence the story heavily.