A/N: First I have to apologize that it took me nearly an entire year to update this story but life got in the way. With my new plan for updating my stories I hope that it will be far quicker for the next chapter. So, it might be a few month but it should be quicker nonetheless.

Oh, and a little hint…compared to what is to come Umbridge will be the smallest problem :D.

Chapter 33: The Return of the Snake

Salazar sighed again. "I'll have to look into it myself. Onto another matter, who's Headmaster of Hogwarts now?"

"It's someone Lucius Malfoy suggested, and the Board went with it. Dolores Umbridge."

Salazar hummed lowly. "What do we know about her?" he finally asked.

"Quite a bit," Sirius answered while sitting down in one of the chairs that stood in front of the fireplace after turning it towards Salazar. "Her full name is Dolores Jane Umbridge, and she was born on the 26th of August in 1948 to a wizard named Orford Umbridge and a Muggle named Ellen Cracknell. She also had a squib brother. Though she did a pretty good job at hiding that fact and making herself out to be a pure-blood.

"Her father worked at the Department of Magical Maintenance but retired early and left the public eye altogether.

"What happened to her mother and brother I have no idea since they left to the muggle world leaving Dolores and her father behind.

"Dolores visited Hogwarts from 1949 to 1956 where she was sorted into Slytherin. She has a strong loyalty towards the Ministry of Magic and the Minister close to believing everything I say as gospel.

"When she left Hogwarts, she nearly instantly became a Ministry worker in the Improper Use of Magic Office. Before she reached the age of 30, she was promoted and became the Head of the Office. This only shows her ambitions. Before she was announced as the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, she several times applied for the post of my Senior Undersecretary but you know my stance towards bootlickers, hence why I refused her every time.

"She is pro-dark in her believes though she has a strong resentment towards creatures and half-breeds for which the reason is unknown. I talked with her when she was announced as the new headmistress, I told her that I won't accept her treating the creatures living on the grounds of Hogwarts poorly. She said that as long as I don't see or have to interact with them, I pretend they don't exist.

"For now, she will play nice, and I have a feeling that she wants to be seen as the Headmistress who changed Hogwarts for the better. I also think that for now her ambitions and loyalty towards the Ministry outweighs her hatred of creatures…for now," he said, finishing his report.

Salazar nodded. "She could be useful, but I fear that her resentment towards creatures might become problematic especially should you be right, and we have another goblin war looming on the horizon."

"Maybe I can convince her that it is in her best interest to support us?" Hadrian threw in which earned him curious glances from his father and godfather. "I mean she seems to be highly loyal to the Ministry, and I have the feeling, that she is also loyal to the Hogwarts Slytherin house. I'm the heir of the founder of said house. Should I now make clear that I unconditionally support the Ministry too, which isn't that farfetched since you're my godfather, I might be able to at least influence her choices a bit as long as I make it seem that it is in the best interest of the Ministry, not that I would do anything that wasn't."

"The idea has merit. Umbridge would trust you and your suggestions, and as long as her loyalty is greater than her resentment, she might be a good headmaster. At least it is someone we know will listen to us and who is not in Dumbledore's camp," Salazar mused. "Since we don't have any suitable alternative, we'll leave her be but should she become a liability…."

Salazar didn't need to finish that sentence to make clear that should Dolores Umbridge endanger their plans she would be replaced. Until they were either sure that she's suitable or the day it turns out she is not, she'll be headmaster but under very close watch.

"Good, the other thing is, that Hogwarts still has no Defence teacher. Umbridge tried to find someone ever since she was appointed as headmaster but she wasn't able to find anyone, and I fear that if it takes any longer, the grades of the students will suffer considerably because of it," Sirius explained. "It seems that the general belief that the post is cursed is keeping any applicants away."

Hadrian hummed lowly. "What about you, dad?" he suddenly asked, poking his father in the side. "I mean sure, Jack Hardinger is contracted to the Ministry to help the DMLE when needed, but it isn't that it is a full-time job."

"Not that I don't have a thousand other things to do," his father replied with a pointed look.

"Hadrian is right, you're the best suited for that post, at least for now," Sirius explained. "Remus, while a good teacher, is out because I honestly don't want to push our luck with Umbridge so soon. Alice and Frank, while having knowledge of how to defend themselves, have never taught before and they don't have the desire to do so either. You, on the other hand, taught before, and you might be able to find out whether the position is really cursed or not."

"When I checked the wards at the beginning of the school year I couldn't find any indication of a curse. Besides that, if I might remind you, I have to talk with the goblins before we have a war on our hands. Then I have to sort through the mess that is the opposition of our movement and find a way to convince them that we're acting in their best interest. Now you also want me to teach a core subject at Hogwarts full-time too?" Salazar asked in disbelieve.

"And I would have thought, that you realised over the last years that you're not alone," Sirius told him while shaking his head. "Leave the problems with the goblins to the Ministry and me as it is our job, to begin with. Sure, you can act as a mediator if necessary, but I doubt that you'll have to attend every meeting. I also think that it would be better that way because then the general population will see that the Ministry stands behind their decisions and not just one individual.

"Sorting through the mess is also not your job. I have it on good authority that Amelia already sees to it that people don't act rashly. She has Aurors patrolling areas like Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley to ensure peace."

This actually became one of the most sought-after tasks in the DMLE because Amelia didn't really care if the Auror on duty used the chance to enjoy an ice cream during it as long as they did their job. Many saw it less as a duty they were forced to perform like sitting in the office and filling out forms but more like a free day. Strolling up and down the alley and browsing the windows while having an eye on the crowd on a beautiful sunny day, what was not to love about it.

"Should it come to it that you have to leave on short notice, I surely can take over a class or two," his son told him with a shrug.

"Actually, Snape also expressed his desire to have you as his teacher's aid," Sirius piped in.

Hadrian chuckled lowly. "It wouldn't surprise me if he asks me to take over his classes more regularly," he answered. "Or even the entire first-year classes."

Ever since the first lesson that he took over, Snape had asked him to take over the class from time to time while he sat in a corner and corrected the essays from other courses. To Hadrian, it looked as if he was glad that he got some reprieve from teaching dunderheads all day, who loved to blow up their cauldron, even if he would never admit it aloud.

Though it wasn't that he didn't pay attention to what Hadrian taught the class or didn't have an eye open for any mistakes that his students made during brewing, but he didn't have to give it his full attention.

One day this ended in a heated discussion group with the class that lasted the entire lesson after Snape corrected Hadrian on whether it would be more effective to chop the Valerian root into razor-thin strips or small cubes. In the end, they had to concede that they both were correct and that it depended on the potion which way of preparation was more effective. The other students taught it how vital the proper preparation was. It also ended with the other students wishing to have such open discussions in class more regularly because it was far more interesting than merely listening to the teacher.

"You'll make a good teacher," Salazar told his son, stroking over his hair fondly.

He knew that his son was a very patient teacher who didn't look down on someone who made a mistake, Hadrian taught Neville after all, and his godbrother was prone to accidents, at least when it came to potions.

"Thank you, dad. I just hope that my company hurries up and finds a way to make the runic protection ring easier to handle and less easy to break so that I can convince Snape to implement them in his classroom," Hadrian mused.

He was fed up with having to contain some ruined potion every other lesson because someone didn't pay attention and he could sympathise with Snape for having to endure this the entire day. Hadrian didn't doubt that should his company being able to create a stable and nearly indestructible version of the runic containment circle his father had made him use ever since he brewed for the first time, Snape would instantly want enough for his entire classroom.

Shortly before he had been incapacitated, he had hired three Runes Masters via the goblins to research a way to make the runic circle his father had shown him sturdy and easy to set up. Getting it developed wasn't cheap but thanks to the great success that his book was he could easily afford it.

This was inspired when Neville managed to break the protective circle around his cauldron during brewing because he knocked a stone off. Hadrian's idea was to engrave it on a base material like a plate of metal so that you didn't have to set up the runestones every time, which would reduce the probability of errors. They would also have the option to activate and deactivate it whenever needed.

Another thing he wanted to have added was a heating rune in the centre of it that would heat the cauldron and could be regulated precisely by 0.5°C steps. However, what turned out to be tricky was the material they used.

Metal, while sturdy, didn't take the higher temperatures well and consequently, the runes were destroyed. That was also the reason why cloth, Hadrian's first hope since it would be easy to transport, was utterly useless. Before the attack on Hadrian, the Rune Masters were working on several different stones, but those were also very tricky because some tended to break apart under irregular heat or when they came in contact with the spilt potion. Though Hadrian was confident that with time they would find a solution.

"For that, you'll have to ask Remus since he handles those things," Sirius said with an apologetic shrug.

Remus had offered to manage Hadrian's business while he is at school. Sure, Hadrian still made the crucial decisions, but he didn't have to worry about small things anymore like making sure that the bills for the rooms he had rented and where the Runes Masters worked, were paid.

Remus also sorted through interview requests or whether Hadrian or Neville could write an article for a magazine. Those requests came mainly from potions or herbology magazines. When Hadrian had the time, he gladly wrote an article or two per month though now that he was in Hogwarts, his time was severely limited.

"True," Hadrian conceded when his stomach growled fiercely. "Can we relocate this to the kitchen? I'm kinda hungry."

His father laughed but nodded. Together they stood up, and Salazar placed an arm around Hadrian and Sylvia each. He was glad that nothing more serious happened and that everyone was well. However, if Dumbledore thought that he would let an attack on his son slide that easily, the man would have something else coming. Even if it took years, he would find that man and oh yes, Dumbledore will rue the day he was born.

They walked down to the kitchen, where the elves already prepared a meal for all of them. Salazar and Sirius talked more about what to do about the danger of a civil war or a war with the goblins. Hadrian attentively listened while enjoying his first meal in quite some time.

That was when Sylvia spoke up.

"What happened while you were trapped in your mind?" she asked, looking at Hadrian expectantly.

Sylvia knew that it would be better for him to talk about it because a traumatic experience such as being attacked – even if he couldn't remember it – could cause numerous mental problems and most of the time it helped when one talked about it. Sure, Salazar had been with him the entire time but being able to talk about it helps to bring things into perspective and to process everything.

Hadrian looked at her with a small smile, knowing what his mother attempted here.

"I..." he began but had to stop. Whatever he wanted to say didn't want to come out.

"Dad...?!" he asked his father after a few moments of unsuccessfully trying to talk about it, his voice full of confusion. "I can't talk about what happened while we were in my mind."

Salazar's gaze met that of his son's before he opened his mouth. However, he soon shut it again.

"I can't either," he muttered. "It is as if the path between thinking about what I want to say and actually saying it is blocked.

Sylvia instantly became worried and cast several spells on them to gauge whether it was something she missed earlier. All spells came back negative though.

"It is nothing that is on you, so much is clear," she told the two.

Salazar mused about it for a few minutes when an idea struck him. Hadrian in the meantime thought about something.

"The Fidelius Charm, that is the only logical explanation for why we can't talk about it," he said. "He must have cast it over what he did so that even if one of us finds out, we cannot talk about it and henceforth not work against it."

"I really have to look into Horcruxes again," Hadrian suddenly muttered, loud enough to be heard by everyone. He seemed to be lost in thought and not paying attention to his surrounding.

Sylvia looked at him as if he decided to grow a second head when she processed what he said.

"Do you want to say that he made...," she didn't want to think about what that might mean for Hadrian. "A Horcrux?!"

The second she said that Salazar could feel parts of the Fidelius Charm fall away. That was one of the weak points of the spell, as soon as someone worked out the secret, said person could talk about it with everybody else who figured it out.

He couldn't help himself but begin to laugh. "You, my son, are brilliant," he said once he stopped laughing.

That brought Hadrian out of his thought.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I don't know how you did it, but you just circumvented Dumbledore's Fidelius Charm," his father replies still highly amused.

"Did I? I was just thinking about Riddle's Horcruxes...wait did I say that loud?"

"Yes, you did, and it was what made the others realise what Dumbledore did," Salazar said with a smile while ruffling his son's short hair.

Ah yes, that was something else. How could Dumbledore dare to cut his son's hair? Did he think that his son looked more like his birth-father like that?

"I fear that you'll need a hair-growth potion," he chuckled. "Anyway, thanks to your absentminded comment we now can talk about what Dumbledore did – at least most of it – and work out how to prevent any other instance of it."

Hadrian grumbled good-naturedly over his now short hair but had to concede his father's point, he wanted his long hair back.

"Most of it?" Sirius questioned. "Don't tell me that there is more to Dumbledore's depravity."

"Several things actually. Some concerning things I cannot talk about but others...what everyone thinks happened ten years ago, it turned out that it hadn't happened that way at all," Salazar explained before he told everyone what happened in detail.

He told them everything from Riddle stunning Lily, not killing her, his strange look when he saw Hadrian and everything that happened afterwards. Their suspicion about Dumbledore having played Riddle ever since the first day they met and practically being the reason for Voldemort's rising.

"Wait, so you want to tell me that there is a very high possibility that the only reason for why Voldemort came into existence is Dumbledore?" Sirius exclaimed in shock.

"Highly probable, yes. From what I know, Riddle originally wanted to teach DADA in Hogwarts, though the first time he was rejected because of his inexperience which is not all that surprising. Though the second time he applied for the post, he was rejected by Dumbledore for no apparent reason. Afterwards, he tried to go the political route by trying to claim the Slytherin Lordship, not that he was successful. It was only when he was pushed too far that he turned into the monster that he is known as, Voldemort."

Sirius groaned. "Is there anything that he is not the reason for?" he asked sarcastically. "Anyway, I have to get back to the Ministry, less it burns down because of all the idiots running around there. You two get some sleep, you look like you need it."

With a last hug of his godson, Sirius left through the floo.

"He is right, you need sleep," Sylvia said while shooing them to get to bed.

"Okay, okay, mum!" Hadrian moaned but internally was grateful to get some sleep, he was exhausted, it seemed that the state he had been was not restful for his body and mind. "When do you think will I be able to go back to Hogwarts?"

"A day, two at maximum," she replied with a soft smile. "Though, I'll have to check you thoroughly through before you can leave."

Hadrian nodded, and with a yawn, he excused himself and went to bed. He slept through the entire rest of the day and the night until the next morning.

Salazar wasn't fairing any better though and slept even longer. They both needed it.

Dumbledore's Cottage – Location Unknown

Dumbledore was pacing in the living room of the small cottage he was currently hiding at. It was in a remote forest and warded so tightly that no one would ever learn of its location.

He was thinking about everything that happened in the last few years, wondering where his plans had gone so wrong. However, he couldn't find any flaw in his so carefully laid out plans except the fact that his little pawn Potter just couldn't do what he was supposed to do.

It was infuriating. Potter was supposed to be a gullible boy that he could mould into the hero that he was meant to be, sacrificing himself in the end so that he – Dumbledore – could be hailed as the great hero and defeater of yet another Dark Lord. But instead, he was a headstrong boy that didn't even do something as simple as rescuing a peer from a danger. It was unfortunate that the girl seemingly didn't survive, but it was for the "Greater Good" after all.

Dumbledore was interrupted in his musing when suddenly the floo flared to life, and Molly Weasley stepped out. She was enraged, her face as red as her hair, and as soon as she had removed the soot from her dress, she started to rage.

"I still can't believe it. That they have thrown you out of Hogwarts! Don't they understand that you're the only one to keep our children safe?" she screeched in her grating harpy-like voice. "Then all those changes of the laws...letting all those abominations back into our society...those savage beasts. How they can think that they will behave themselves.

"Albus, we need to do something."

Dumbledore just wanted to reply something, when the floo flared again, and Andromeda Tonks together with her husband stepped out of it. Not soon later, they were followed by Alastor Moody, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance and Elphias Doge.

"Thank you for coming," Dumbledore addressed them with a grandfatherly smile before Molly could return to her raging. "Why don't we go into the kitchen since we all can sit down there."

They all nodded and set into motion. Once they reached the kitchen, Molly instantly went to work and prepared tea and snacks for everyone, thankful for having something to do.

"I called you all here because we need to discuss our next steps," Dumbledore began when the door to the kitchen opened, and Snape strode in. "Ah Severus, how nice that you could make it."

Snape shortly nodded towards Dumbledore and sat down in a corner from where he could observe everyone. Moody's magical eye instantly fixated him, and Snape knew that the Auror was more than suspicious of him.

"Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater" was one of his usual arguments to why Snape shouldn't be included in those meetings. However, as always, Snape ignored him as he did with everyone else.

"Severus, my boy, do you have any news from Hogwarts?" Dumbledore interrupted his musings, not that he'd know about his true feelings over these meetings.

"No. Umbridge is still revising what lessons to bring back, as well as searching for a new History and DADA teacher," he answered curtly. "The investigations pertaining the troll incident are still ongoing as well as those regarding the vanishing of Quirrel. The questioning about Potter has been finished as you already aware of."

Dumbledore nodded slowly, it wasn't that he had expected any news.

"Albus, forget about Hogwarts, the ongoing in the Wizengamot is far more important," Doge heatedly spoke up. "They are undoing decades of reformation. If we don't stop this, then those Dark wizards will flood our society and drag us down with them."

"All I did to bring those dark wizards and witches to justice and now? Runnin' around like they belong here. Then that Potter brat...should have died together with him that night. Proclaiming that he's dark as if it is something good. We'll have to be constantly vigilant!" Moody exclaimed.

"I know, my old friends, I know," Dumbledore tried to placate them, but it seemed that Doge didn't want anything of it while Moody looked even more grumpy.

That was when Molly began to rant again.

"All those filthy creatures running around. Just last week I saw a dryad walking down Diagon Alley. A dryad, Albus! What are they even doing here? I thought they all fled during the war?! What if more of those...those things come into our country? It is bad enough that those beasts like vampires and werewolves are allowed to roam freely now, but that?"

"That is why I asked everyone to come here, we ne to talk about how to prevent a further degrading of our land and community," Dumbledore said soothingly.

"But how? You know that we're in the minority in the Wizengamot! You know that there is no way of stopping them!" Molly screeched.

"I already have an idea," Dumbledore replied with a smile. "All will work out, you'll see."

Snape sighed, he had a feeling that this would be a long evening.

Neville was sitting at the Slytherin table and wondering how his godbrother was fairing. It was about two weeks now that Salazar together with everyone else came to get Hadrian and now it was Friday lunchtime. With every passing day that he didn't hear from them, his worry rose.

He wasn't the only one however who was worried. No, nearly the entire school was more or less concerned about what happened and whether it could happen to them too. Some were also worried about Hadrian, mainly the Slytherins but also the leaders of the other houses as well as the Weasley twins. The latter pestered him on a daily basis about whether he had heard any news from Hadrian.

Then there was Flint who was worried whether Hadrian would be back in time for the match against Gryffindor and whether he would be able to play, though he was also worried about Hadrian himself.

Luckily the Slytherins were behaving themselves since help came for Hadrian and Dumbledore was escorted from Hogwarts. That had reassured them and clearly shown that no matter what, there was someone that had their back. It was quite a novel experience for many of them since up to this school year, the only person who truly worried about them and helped them had been their head of house Severus Snape. But ever since Hadrian set foot into Hogwarts things had changed.

More and more Slytherins opened up to the other houses and are now friends with them. Also the view that Slytherin only produces dark and evil witches and wizards was declining the more the other houses saw that the Slytherins were children and teenagers just like them.

However, Neville hated being the interim leader of the Slytherin house. Sure, Gillam was also there to help him, and he surely had more experience in this field, but still. Having to listen to every little thing that the students of the house brought to him, be it asking for advice on a matter, complaints towards students of other houses, solving inner house problems...the list was endless, and he had no idea how Hadrian could cope with it.

Okay, ever since Hadrian held his speech when he took over and the Slytherins were more open to the other houses, the complaints in that regard lessened, but there were still enough, and it was beginning to grate on Neville's nerves. He was no leader material so much was for sure.

Then there was the new headmaster Dolores Umbridge. Neville had no idea what to think of her.

Yes, she was a nice enough woman if a bit patronising and she brought changes to Hogwarts that were long overdue like bringing back several classes for the third and fifth-year students to choose from. However, Neville had a feeling that there was more to her and he didn't know how to handle her yet. For now, he would play nice with her, and maybe Hadrian would know more once he was well enough to return.

Neville was so absorbed in his thought that he didn't hear the doors of the great hall open. It was only when he realised that the entire great hall went silent, that he looked up to see what the reason was.

That was when he saw him.

Striding in with determination was his godbrother, Hadrian. Neville blinked once, thinking that he now imagined things, but he realised that it was real and Hadrian was indeed back. Once he processed that he stood up and forgetting any decorum, he ran towards him and embraced him in a bone-crushing hug, nearly knocking him off his feet in the process.

"Hadrian, you're back. You don't know how much you frightened me when you didn't show up that day after history. Never do something like that again," Neville muttered.

"I can't breathe," Hadrian brought out with a breathless laugh.

Neville instantly loosened his hold and leaned back a bit to give Hadrian a once-over to make sure that he wasn't hurt.

"So no lasting damages?" he asked.

"Nothing except a few missing memories," Hadrian explained but elaborated when he saw Neville's worry. "Just everything after I left you to get my book. Nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to…ugh, I'm just glad to have you back. I hate having to lead Slytherin," he grumbled good-naturedly, hugging him again before letting go entirely.

Hadrian though laughed upon that when he suddenly found himself in another bone-crushing hug, from three sides this time.

"Fred, George," he greeted the twins, who were left and right of him. "How are you? And who is that in my back?"

"Worried sick."

"You cannot scare us like that," they answered.

"They're right, you gave us quite a scare," Susan, who was in his back, added.

"I heard that you two took care of me during my involuntary visit in Gryffindor house," Hadrian told the twins.

"Of course we did," Fred instantly replied as if there was no doubt in that.

"As if we would leave you unprotected. You are our friend."

"I informed my aunt of what happened, she's furious," Susan mumbled into the back of his robe.

"Thank you all," Hadrian told them with a smile, watching how Gillam approached them. "You too, Neville and Gillam. You're true friends, and there is nothing in this world that could express my gratitude for being able to call you that."

The twins hugged him even close before letting go of him, while Neville smiled softly and Susan stepped around him to be able to look at him properly. Gillam, on the other hand, looked ashamed.

"No, I swore to protect you, and I failed," Gillam said, bowing his head in shame as if expecting to be punished for his failure. He was surprised when he felt Hadrian's hand resting on his shoulder.

"Gillam, there was absolutely nothing you could have done. You weren't there, to begin with, and even if you were, I doubt that you could have done much. I mean I don't remember anything of what happened but if my attacker had been hell-bent on getting to me not much would have stopped him should it have been the person I assume it was. Yes, I know that you're an excellent dueller, but even that doesn't mean anything against an opponent that has decades of experience," Hadrian explained.

Gillam looked up into Hadrian's face to see whether he truly meant what he just said. Seeing the soft smile, he knew it to be true, and a small smile stole on his face.

"Well said Mr Slytherin," suddenly Snape's voice echoed over them. "Nonetheless you shouldn't go anywhere alone for the foreseeable future. We don't know what impact the recent events have, and it is highly probable that some students would seek revenge."

The man walked over to them and came to stand behind the twins. He was accompanied by the other heads of the houses.

Hadrian groaned lowly but nodded, it was highly likely that some of the students would blame him for Dumbledore being booted out of Hogwarts. That didn't mean that he liked being followed everywhere.

"Very well, Professor," he acceded.

'Hem, hem!'

"Mr Slytherin, what a pleasure to finally meet you," a new and sickly-sweet voice reached them. "I hope that you recovered well and are back to best health."

Hadrian turned around to find a stout woman wearing a pink cardigan and a pink skirt, standing a few feet away. Considering that he never met the woman, he instantly knew who it was.

"You must be the new Headmistress Dolores Umbridge," he stated in a friendly tone. "Hadrian Slytherin, it is a pleasure to meet you, my godfather told me quite a bit about you."

He held out his hand, but when she took it, he didn't shake it but placed a kiss above her knuckles with a slight bow.

"My what a charming young man, the pleasure is all mine," she sweetly replied. "Welcome back to Hogwarts. When I learned that you were attacked in these very walls, I couldn't help it but had to sign up for the headmaster post. I am glad that I was given the opportunity to make Hogwarts the school once more that it was, the best in the world. I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to help you feel safe again within these walls.

"The children are our future and how Dumbledore could allow them to be threatened is beyond me. This is a school, and a school is meant to nurture the gifts that each and every one of us possesses under careful instructions and within a safe environment. The knowledge of centuries has to be passed down to our children lest it is lost forever to us. Under Dumbledore, the high standards for which this very school stood have fallen to a level that is inexcusable, but with the support of our beloved Ministry I hope to bring it back to the place where it belongs, the very top!"

Hadrian had a feeling that the woman liked to hear herself talk and from the resigned looks that the teachers sported, this wasn't the first time that she held a speech. However, as long as she didn't do anything against him, he could care less about her penchant for holding monologues. It was also apparent that Umbridge indeed wants to be seen as the headmistress that changed Hogwarts for the better, it would only remain to be seen whether it will genuinely be for the better and not just to all appearances.

"Headmistress, I have to thank you, and I already feel much safer, knowing that you take not only the security of the students but also their education seriously. It will take quite some time to reverse the damage Dumbledore has done in the last decades, but I'm confident, that you're up to the job," he replied with a bow of his head.

As it turned out that this was just the right thing to say as Umbridge puffed out like a proud peacock.

"It is indeed a long list of things that have to be changed, but I feel confident that it can be done in time. Maybe you have a few ideas of your own, what would make the school even better," she said with a sweet smile. "As a student yourself I don't doubt that you know better than me what might help to better this place."

Hadrian knew he had been right and that she would suck up to him because he not only was related to Salazar Slytherin but also because Sirius was his godfather.

"I will think about it, but for now I'd love to catch up with my friends," he replied. "I haven't seen them for quite some time after all."

That was when a happy yip sounded from his right and without any forewarning, Shiyo jumped onto Hadrian's shoulder and butted his head against his cheek, his tails waggling happily behind him. Hadrian, however, could see how Umbridge instantly tensed when she saw the kitsune. His godfather definitely hadn't understated her dislike of creatures.

"Is something wrong, Headmistress?" he asked her politely while petting the kitsune.

It was apparent that Umbridge was torn between being polite to Hadrian and her strong dislike. In the end, she seemed to overcome her hatred and smiled at Hadrian, which he found highly amusing. Umbridge definitely was more interested in having him on her side than against her.

"No, nothing is wrong though I hope that you have your little friend under control and that he doesn't disturb anyone or creates chaos," she replied sweetly.

"Shiyo is my familiar and has been so for about five years now. I can promise you that he'll behave and only defend himself should he be attacked. Though since that hasn't happened yet, I doubt that it will be an issue in the future," he subtly warned her that she'd try to do anything to the kitsune, he would retaliate. "If you would excuse me, I want to go speak with my friends."

"Ah yes, of course, of course, maybe you might want to visit me in my office Sunday morning, we could talk over a nice cup of tea, and you could tell me what you think about the changes so far?" she inquired.

Yes, definitely sucking up to him. However, that was precisely the opening he needed, and so he nodded.

"It would be my pleasure though I fear that I won't come alone as my house is concerned about my wellbeing hence why they assigned me two bodyguards," he answered with a rueful smile.

"That was a wise decision...," she began but was interrupted, when the entrance door of the great hall opened and a tall man with long brown hair, wearing some light duelling robes in green and black, walked in.

The man looked around until he spotted Umbridge and walked up to her.

"Headmistress Umbridge," he greeted the woman in a polite tone.

"Ah, Mr Hardinger, I hope you found here well. I'm sorry that no one could greet you at the gates, but we were delayed by the return of a student that was on medical leave for some time," she excused while shaking his hand.

"Yes, I am aware. Hadrian, I heard that you'd return today," Salazar, disguised as Jack Hardinger, greeted his son. "Though it seems that I'll have to up your training."

"Excuse me Mr Hardinger but what are you doing here?" McGonagall asked confused. Had she missed some memo?

"Ah yes, yes," Umbridge tittered. "Give me a moment."

With that Umbridge walked back to the raised platform on which the head table stood, closely followed by Salazar.

Hadrian though followed his father's movements with narrowed eyes. When his father had rejected his idea to teach at Hogwarts a few days ago, he had assumed that the decision was final. But now seeing him here…he could have bloody warned him beforehand.

"Hem, hem," she made to gain the attention of the students. Not even a minute later everyone was looking at her.

"Good, now that I have your attention, might I introduce you to your new DADA teacher," she told them in her sweetest voice. "Professor Jack Hardinger. He was an American hit-wizard before he retired and came to England. Five years ago, he then was hired by the DMLE as a consultant in the aftermath of freeing Mr Black from his unlawful imprisonment. Mr Hardinger also from time to time trained the Auror recruits. Now he agreed to teach here at the school Defense. I hope that you'll give him a hearty welcome."

Moderate applause echoed through the hall as the students welcomed their new teacher, who gave them a curt bow in return.

"You know him?" Susan muttered towards Hadrian.

"Yes, ever since he freed my godfather. He trained Neville and me," Hadrian said with a nod.

"Can't be that good then if you could get caught by an Imperius," she joked.

Hadrian looked at her in feigned shock, but his eyes gave his amusement away.

"I can inform you that inadequate training is not the reason for why Hadrian fell prey to the curse. When your enemy is superior in strength, you should evade him. Though in this case it apparently wasn't applicable and so Hadrian did the only thing that would work in that situation. He played along and waited for an opportunity to get away while he made sure that he came to the least harm possible," Salazar explained patiently.

Just at that moment, the bell went, indicating that the lunch break was over and classes would resume soon.

"This is an interesting view. Maybe we could discuss this further over a drink this evening?" Flitwick asked in obvious interest.

"It would gladly come by, but now I think lessons are due," Salazar nodded in confirmation.

"Mr Slytherin, you have the afternoon off to get settled again. Welcome back," Severus informed him before he stalked to the entrance door, his robes billowing around him.

The other teachers also welcomed him back before they walked to their respective classrooms followed by the majority of the students. Neville, the twins and Susan briefly hugged Hadrian and likewise went on their way. Gillam though stayed with him.

"I have a free period so I'll stay with you, as will Flint who wanted to talk to you about the Quidditch match tomorrow anyway," the boy informed him.

Hadrian nodded and waited for Flint to reach them.

"I suggest we find ourselves a quiet corner in the library, I have some work to do," he told them.

Together they walked to the library, after a short stop at Hadrian and Neville's room for Hadrian to fetch his work, where they sat at a table in a hidden corner so that they wouldn't disturb anyone by their low conversation. Hadrian informed Flint that he would be able to play in the game the other day. Flint was a bit worried as Hadrian hadn't trained with them for two weeks now, but Hadrian assured him that he was up to it.

That was when Gillam pulled an article from one of his books.

"Neville suggested that you might be interested in this," he said while pushing the article over to Hadrian. "It was printed about a week ago."

Hadrian read the headline and knew that it wasn't an article he had read at home while catching up with what happened.

Break-in at Gringotts

It has been several months now, but recently some disturbing new reached us here at the Prophet. There was a break-in at Gringotts. Yes, dear readers, you read correctly.

At the 31st of July this year, some up to now unknown person broke into Gringotts and successfully entered a vault before said person left again. Fortunately, the vault had been previously emptied that day so that nothing was stolen.

According to the goblin spokesperson, it had been kept quiet for so long as to not endanger the still ongoing investigations into the matter. It was also made clear that no one should bother with asking what was stored in the vault and that should anyone try to unlawfully enter one of the Gringotts vaults that they would face their justice.

This news is especially troublesome in the face of the lately strained relation between magical Britain and the goblin nation. It has occurred several times over the last weeks that witches and wizards were forcefully escorted from the bank because of their behaviour towards Gringotts employees.

We can only hope that this doesn't endanger our relationship with the goblins as it could mean another war.

-Andy Smudgley-

Hadrian sighed deeply once he read the article.

"This could be bad," he muttered.

"Do you really think that there could be another goblin war?" Gillam carefully asked.

Hadrian looked around to make sure that no one was close to them before he threw up a few privacy charms.

"I don't have to tell you that this cannot get out," he warned them. "Currently there is not only the threat of another goblin war but also a civil war. It seems that ever since Dumbledore went into hiding he is preparing for something and considering that he with his light propaganda is currently in the minority but not by much…it could very well end in war."

"Shit," Flint muttered.

"You can say that twice. But what is Hardinger then doing here? I mean shouldn't he be with the DMLE and train the new recruits or something like this?" Gillam questioned.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe Bones wants him here to keep things peaceful at Hogwarts?" Hadrian mused.

The continued to talk about it for a few more minutes but didn't get to a satisfying conclusion, so they returned to their work. Hadrian continued to work on the second volume of the potions book that he hadn't been able to finish as had been the plan. Flint and Gillam in the meantime did their homework.

It was after dinner that Snape asked Hadrian to accompany him to his office.

"How are you?" Snape asked in concern once the door was closed behind them and the office sealed with privacy charms.

"Physically I'm at my full health, I only lost the memories of the attack," Hadrian explained, sitting down in the chair in front of the desk.

Snape nodded and sat down in his chair. "Flint will be relieved that you'll be able to play tomorrow."

Hadrian chuckled lowly, relieved was an understatement.

"He is. I hope Dumbledore didn't give you too hard a time over everything that happened," now it was upon Hadrian to sound concerned.

"Fortunately not. He seems to have bought that I still hate you and are glad to be rid of you. A few days ago, Dumbledore called for a meeting of his most trusted. I have no idea where that meeting was held, and unfortunately, Dumbledore was very vague with information on what he plans in the future. They all were very vocal about what they thought of the recent changes in politics though. I fear that he will try something soon," Snape reported of what he heard at the meeting.

Most what had been discussed was inane whining about how everything they had achieved over the years was reversed.

"Who was at that meeting?" Hadrian questioned while thinking about what he just learned and what that might mean.

He already suspected that Dumbledore would try something in time, however, he had no idea what that might be.

"I cannot tell you," Severus growled, obviously irritated about it. "Everyone who joins his Order has to sign a contract that they are not to tell anyone who is in the Order or what they learn during the meetings. My contract was different in so much that I cannot talk about the members but about what I learned to be able to tell the Dark Lord."

"A bit stupid to leave such a huge security hole, don't you think so too?" Hadrian asked surprised.

"Dumbledore thinks that he has me under control because of your mother," the Potions Master sneered.

Hadrian nodded slowly, understanding very well what the man meant. Though he began to fidget a bit when he remembered the attack on him when he was one year old.

"Something the matter?" Snape inquired when he saw the movement.

Hadrian didn't look at Snape and sighed before he took a deep breath and slowly let it out again.

"There is a memory...I don't know whether I should show it to you or not but then again you have the right to know," he carefully said.

"What memory," the man asked intrigued but also a bit pensive. If the boy was hesitantly about showing it to him, it must be severe.

"It is about the attack that night. Until recently it was blocked, but the attack on me removed the block. It...I think it is best if I just show you, do you have a Pensieve?"

"No, why not just using Legilimency?" Snape was a bit confused.

"Because you won't see everything that way. My father and I actually had to view the memory three times before we got everything," Hadrian brought up. "Trixy!"

A house-elf popped up right next to him. "What can Trixy do for young Master?" she asked.

"Could you please bring me my father's Pensieve?"

The elf nodded and popped away only to return shortly later with the requested object.

"Personal house-elves are not allowed at Hogwarts," Snape scolded him lightly.

"I just called her because we need a Pensieve," Hadrian chuckled. "The only other time I call her is to stock up the kitchen in our rooms."

He placed his wand at his temple and carefully extracted the memory before adding it to the large bowl.

"I suggest that you concentrate on the obvious first before reviewing it again for the finer details," Hadrian said while motioning to the shimmering memory floating in the Pensieve.

Snape nodded, and they both touched the liquid with their wands and were pulled in. The memory played in front of them, showing how Voldemort came into the room, stunned Lily after telling her to step aside thrice and walked up to the crib. The killing curse hit him in the back before Dumbledore entered, killed Lily and performed the ritual to make Harry a Horcrux.

Hadrian rewound the memory to the beginning and paused it to give Snape the chance to comprehend what he just saw.

"He...he didn't kill her," the man muttered in utter shock, sitting down in a chair that stood in a corner. "The Dark Lord kept his promise."

"That explains why he spared her," Hadrian mused. "I assume you asked him to spare her?"

Snape nodded mechanically. "She was like a sister to me, and I never wanted her or you to get hurt. After I told the Dark Lord about the prophecy and learned who he was after...I didn't trust his promise."

Too late did Snape realise that he just admitted to being the reason for why the Dark Lord attacked the Potters. However, when he looked up and at Hadrian, he saw that the boy didn't suddenly look at him in disgust or any other way than mild understanding.

It surprised him as he would have expected Hadrian to distance himself over that revelation. However, this was something he would think about at a later point in time, for now, he had more important things at hand.

"That was how you landed in Dumbledore's clutches. Are you up to view it again?"

Snape took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders before he stood up and nodded. Hadrian continued the memory, and this time Snape paid more attention to the Dark Lord, trying to see what the man was thinking.

"This is strange," he said, freezing the memory where Voldemort stood bowed over the crib. "He doesn't look like he wants to kill you. I would have expected the killing curse to fly as soon as he was past Lily."

"My father and I were surprised about that too," Hadrian confirmed. "However, it is doubtable that we'd ever get a satisfactory answer to that question."

They continued to watch when they came to the moment where Dumbledore performed the ritual.

"He made you a Horcrux?" Snape asked in complete shock before he looked in concern at Hadrian.

"Don't worry the Horcrux got removed soon after my father found me," Hadrian waved his concern away.

"How comes it that you know what a Horcrux is? All books on that topic are banned," Snape asked, arching an eyebrow.

Hadrian snorted. "I even know how to create them, not that I ever would, mind you. My father has an extensive library and several books on that topic."

"This is no knowledge an adult should possess, never mind an eleven-year-old," Snape snarled, he couldn't believe that the boy's father was so irresponsible.

"I needed to know!" he exclaimed. "I needed to know what to expect, what could have happened, what still might happen so that I'm prepared if it does happen. Besides, my father is of the firm opinion that the knowledge itself isn't evil or dark, it is what you do with it that makes it so."

"That doesn't change the fact that you're just an eleven-year-old boy. What if you decide to use the magic you read about and get hurt only because you don't understand it properly?" the man raged.

"Do you really think me an average eleven-year-old? That I run around using magic I read about without checking and crosschecking the possible dangers if I make a mistake or the side-effects? Even when I practise a new spell, ritual or potion, I always have at least one person with me who knows how to contain and reverse any damage.

"Professor, don't make the mistake and compare me to those idiots who can barely tell what end of the wand to point at the target," Hadrian retorted.

Snape sighed deeply, this had been a long evening. Hadrian was right, he was anything but an average student, he knew that. However, he couldn't stop worrying about him. Hadrian was one of his snakes, and he'd be damned if he got hurt because he was reckless and that didn't even put into consideration that he was Lily's child. The child he swore to protect.

"You're right, you're definitely not an average eleven-year-old. Just promise me to be careful, there is a reason for why this kind of magic is banned."

"Oh Professor, believe me, I would never dare to meddle in soul-magic, it would only backfire most spectacularly. My inclination lies with potions, battle magic, spellcasting and warding, maybe even a bit of blood and ritual magic. Everything else I leave very well alone. I know my limits," he conceded.

Snape looked around and at the determined face of Dumbledore who was frozen in the middle of guiding the soul-shard into Hadrian. "Good. Would it be possible to borrow the Pensieve so that I can review the memory again in the morning?"

"Sure, just call Trixy, and she'll bring it back home when you're done," Hadrian said with a nod, trusting that Snape wouldn't damage the artefact.

Together they left the pensive and emerged in the Potions Master's office.

"Thank you for sharing this with me," he said in a low tone, continuing with a firmer voice. "I'll see if I can get more information about what Dumbledore is up to and inform you about it."

"Professor, you don't have to do this," Hadrian instantly informed him. "Don't misunderstand me, I am grateful for every information you share with me, but I would never ask you to spy on Dumbledore for me."

"You are wrong, I have to do this. I swore an oath to protect you, and I already failed my oath several times without knowing. No, if this helps to keep you safe, I'll gladly spy on Dumbledore. Your mother would have my head if I didn't do everything in my power to protect you," Snape replied with a low chuckle.

Hadrian knew that Snape was talking about Lily though he didn't know that Snape had sworn an oath to protect him, which surprised him and it showed.

"Don't worry, I did this of my own volition, and I would do it again. As I said, I never wanted you or your mother to get hurt. You're all that is left of Lily, and I would gladly give my life if it means that you live."

"Then let's hope that it doesn't come to that because I would have to find a way to bring you back to scold you for doing something so stupid and Gryffindorish," Hadrian laughed before he turned serious again. "I mean it, I don't want you to risk your life for me. I could never live with anyone throwing their life away only to save mine. My life isn't more valuable than any other."

Snape looked at him, stunned speechless. It seemed that Hadrian continuously found ways to surprise him yet again.

"Anyway, it is getting late, and I need to be well rested for the game tomorrow. So, if there isn't anything else you want to discuss, I'll leave now."

That brought Snape out of his stupor.

"No, that was all for today," he said. "Goodnight Mr Slytherin."

"Goodnight, Professor."

With that, Hadrian left the office and a very confused Potions Master behind, went to the rooms he shared with Neville and after a short trip to the bathroom straight to bed.

Snape, on the other hand, couldn't even think about going to bed yet. Not that he had patrolling duties to perform, but his mind didn't want to stop going over everything he learned this evening.

The Dark Lord hadn't killed Lily. He kept his promise.

That was the main thing going through his head. For years now, he had believed that the Dark Lord just killed her, but no.

Then there was how he behaved when he finally stood in front of the crib. The curiosity in the man's eyes, not to mention the lack of killing curses. It was baffling, but it looked like the Dark Lord never had the intention to kill the child.

But the question is why? Why would the Dark Lord spare the child that was foretold to defeat him, probably kill him? Why spare a woman that was a Muggleborn and on the other side of the war?

It was as if everything he thought he knew about the Dark Lord was false. There were so many questions, so few answers and no way to get them. It was frustrating Snape to no end.

On the other side then was Dumbledore. Snape knew that the man, who wanted everyone to believe him a congenial grandfatherly figure, was anything but. He knew that the man was a manipulative bastard, but what he saw this evening, it turned everything on its head.

The audacity not only to kill Lily when she was defenceless. To think that Dumbledore had managed to guilt trip him with Lily's death several times because he believed that Voldemort had just killed her. Then he made Hadrian a Horcrux!

All this bore the question, what else has he done?

A/N: 'til next chapter!