![]() Author has written 37 stories for Star Wars, Misc. Movies, Doctor Who, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Harry Potter, Little Women, Sunshine, Hairspray, Dawson's Creek, Torchwood, Fantastic 4, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, High School Musical, Misc. Books, EastEnders, Dracula, Superman, One Tree Hill, 17 Again, and Dracula Untold. Name: Jane Age: 33 Home for me is: Great Britain, England (Yes I'm a pure Brit, and damn well proud of it to). I have recently changed my pen name from Ani-Obi-skywalker-kenobi-1985 to Purple-Sherlock-1985. I decided it was time for a change and a shorter name as well as something that now reflected my new interests. This is mainly a notice to those who follow my stories, I do not want anyone thinking that someone has been stealing my work. My favourite fandoms to read are: Kingsman, Bridget Jone’s Diary, Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Hotel Hell, Pride and Predjudice, Pride and Predjudice and Zombies, Stephen Kings IT, American Horror Story, Dracula Untold, The Three Musketeers (2011 Version),The Flash, Maleficent, Sherlock, Parade's End, Cabin Pressure, James Bond, Superman (All of the movies), Batman (Batman Begins especially), Red eye, Harry Potter, Twilight, Star Wars, Sailor Moon, Sunshine, Fantastic four 1&2, Ghost Rider, Cry-Baby, X-Men, Little Women, Sally Lockhart Series, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Twilight, Secret Diary Of A Call Girl, Gossip Girl, Glee, Step up, Party Animals, Smallville, Cruel Intentions, 21 Jump Street, Bend it Like Beckham, 17 Again, The Princess Diaries, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Once upon a time in Mexico, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the chocolate factory, POTC, Hairspray, Skins, Queer as folk, High School Musical, RPF, RPS, Big Wolf On Campus, Buffy, Angel, Alex Rider, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, Iron Man, Captain America, Transformers, Star Trek, Heroes, Avengers, Thor, Percy Jackson, Sweeney Todd, Immortals, The Fast and the Furious. My favourite pairings are: Kingsman: Harry Hart/Gary ’Eggsy’ Urwin. Bridget Jones Diary (All three movies): Mark Darcy/Bridget Jones. Pride and Predjudice TV version: Fitzwilliam Darcy/Elizabeth Bennet Pride and Predjudice and Zombies: Fitzwilliam Darcy Elizabeth Bennet. American Horror Story Fandom: Tate Langdon/ Violet Harmon Dracula Untold Fandom: Vlad/Mirena/Mina, Vlad/OFC. The Three Musketeers: Aramis/d'Artagnan, Aramis/OFC. The Fast and the Furious: Owen Shaw/Brian O'Conner, Owen Shaw/Dominic Toretto, Owen Shaw/OFC. Stephen Kings IT: Pennywise/OFC. Harry Potter fandom: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Cedric, Harry/Remus, Harry/Sirius, Harry/Severus, Hermione/Barty, Harry/Draco James/Lily, James/Remus, James/Sirius, James/Severus, Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Remus, Hermione/Sirius, Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Either Weasley Twin, Ginny/Sirius, Ginny/Remus, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks. Twilight fandom: Edward/Bella, Embry/Angela, Embry/OFC, Edward/Jacob. Superman fandom: Clark/Lois/Superman, Clark/Richard/Superman. Batman fandom: Bruce/Crane, Bruce/Rachael Bruce/OFC, Bruce/Gordon, Crane/OFC Crane/Rachael. Angus, Thongs and perfect snogging Fandom: Robbie/Georgia. PRIDESunshine fandom: Capa/Mace, Capa/Cassie. Secret Diary Of A Call Girl Fandom: Hannah (Belle)/Ben. Sally Lockhart Series Fandom: Itv Jim/Sally. Doctor Who fandom: Ten/Rose, Ten.Five/Rose, Eleven/Rose, Nine/Rose, Eleven/Amy Amy/Rose, Amy/Rory, Eleven/Rory, River/Jack, Eleven/Jack, Ten/Master, Mickey/Martha, Jack/Mickey. Torchwood fandom: Jack/Gwen, Jack/Toshiko, Jack/Owen, Jack/Ianto, Owen/Toshiko. Smallville fandom: Clark/Chloe, Kal/Chloe, Clark/Lois, Kal/Lois, Chloe/Bart, Chloe/Oliver. Sleepy Hollow fandom: Icabod/Katrina. Fantastic Four fandom: Johnny/Reed, Johnny/OFC. Ghost Rider fandom: Johnny/Roxy. Redeye fandom: Jackson/Lisa. Sailor Moon fandom: Darien/Serena/Mamorou/Usagi/Endymion/Serenity, Minako/Yaten. Cry-Baby fandom: Cry-Baby/Allison. Once upon a time in Mexico fandom: Sands/El, Sands/OFC. Charlie and the chocolate factory fandom: Charlie/Willy, Willy/OFC Charlie/Violet, Violet/Mike. 21 Jump Street fandom: Hanson/Penhall, Hanson/Judy, Hanson/Jackie, Hanson/Booker. Little Women fandom: Laurie/Amy. Star Wars fandom: Anakin/Obi-Wan, Anakin/Dorme, Obi-Wan/Sabre. Cruel Intentions fandom: Sebastian/Kathryn. X-Men fandom: Scott/Rogue, Scott/Logan, Rogue/Gambit, Hank/Alex, Hank/Xavier, Xavier/Raven, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)/Hank, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)/ Logan. POTC fandom: Jack/Elizabeth, Jack/Will, Jack/OFC. The Princess Diaries fandom: Mia/Micheal, Mia/Nicholas. Mixed fandoms, Crossovers: Harry/Edward (Harry Potter/Twilight) Bruce/Chloe, Clark/Bruce. Johnny Storm/Cassie (Sunshine). Hairspray Fandom: Link/Tracy, Trink, Seaweed/Penny, Penweed. RPF/RPS Fandom: David/Billie, David/Matt, Matt/Billie, Matt/Karen, Zac/Nikki, Zikki, Shikki, Hayden/Ewan, Hayden/Natalie, Robert/Daniel, Robert/Kristen, Daniel/Bonnie, Johnny/OMC, Johnny/Christina, Gale/Randy, Chris/zachary. Queer as folk Fandom: Brian/Justin. Skins Fandom: Tony/Maxxie, Effy/Cook, Cook/Pandora. High School Musical Fandom: Troy/Ryan, Troy/Kelsi, Troy/Taylor, Ryan/Kelsi. One Tree Hill Fandom: Laley. Dawson's Creek Fandom: Charlie/Joey, Pacey/Joey. Iron Man Fandom: Tony/Pepper. Thor: Loki/Darcy Lewis. Ironman/Thor Crossover: Loki/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Darcy Lewis. Gossip Girl Fandom: Chuck/Blair. Party Animals Fandom: Danny/Kirsty. Avengers Fandom: WinterIron/Winter Solider/Ironmn (Tony Stark/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes), Captain America/Ironman (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark.) Captain America Fandom: Captain America/Steve Rogers/Howard Stark. Glee fandom: Kurtbastian, Rachel/Mike, Rachel/Blaine, Mike/Tina, Rachel/Artie, Rachel/Jessie St James, Rachel/Sebastian, Klaine. Step Up Fandom: Moose/Camille, Moose/Andie, Moose/OFC, Cable/OFC. Transformers Fandom: Sam/Mikaela. Sherlock Fandom: Molcroft (Mycroft/Molly), Sherolly (Sherlock/Molly), Johnlock (Sherlock/John). Cabin Pressure Fandom: Martin/Molly (Cabinlock Crossover), Martin/Douglas. Star Trek Fandom: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Khan. James Bond Fandom: 00Q (James/Q). The Flash Fandom: Barry/Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, Barry/Iris, Barry/Felicity, Barry/Caitlin, Barry/Harrison, Barry/Eddie, Barry/Oliver. The Flash Glee Crossover Fandom: Barry/Kurt. (Barry and Sebastian the same person or related). Maleficent Fandom: Diaval/Maleficent Pairings I hate, for some reason or other: Rachel/Finn, Barry Allen/Linda,Troy/Gabriella, Troy/Sharpay, Harry/Hermione, Ginny/Draco, Harry/Cho, Harry/Luna. Penny/Link, Link/Amber, Tracy/Seaweed, Tony/Michelle, Brian/Michael, Justin/Ethan, Ten/Reinette, Ten/Martha, Ten/Astra, Eleven/River, Ten/River, Rose/Mickey, Rose/Jack, Lois/Richard, Clark/Lana, Zanessa, Buffy/Angel, Warren/Layla, Anakin/Padme, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan/Mace, Scott/Jean, Rogue/Logan, Jean/Logan, Sebastian/Annette. Elizabeth/Will, Laurie/Jo, Mamoru/Rei, Mamoru/Ann, Usagi/Seiya Owen/Gwen, Owen/Diane, Martha/Owen, Sherlock/Irene, Sherlock/Any other female character. I believe there is certain pairings that are so perfectly put together, that it is a crime to put them with someone else, for example. Link and Tracy: in my opinion, there is no Link Larkin without his Tracy Turnblad, which is why I find the pairing of Penny/Link AKA Pink nauseating. I loath the colour pink, another reason to dislike this pairing. Seaweed and Tracy, never, same again, I feel Penny wouldn't necessarily be Penny, without the influence of the dark skinned boy, without her Seaweed. Here is another example: Clark and Lois. I don't mind Clark and Lois being shipped with other pairings in the Smallville universe. I love the pairing Clark/Chloe AKA Chlark. It is the Superman universes that I believe that should be left unaltered. Like come on, Clark Kent and Lois Lane have been a famous couple back since black and white TV. Lana and Clark urgh, what were those writers in Smallville thinking. I can perfectly understand first love, but they've taken it as far and extreme as Romeo and Juliet, and gone as far except threaten to commit suicide. Harry and Hermione: Ha, oh please come on. They're like brother and sister; it's totally unrealistic, even if it is a pairing used in fan fiction. There is about as much sexual tension between those two then there is between Sirius and Kretcher. If J.K. Rowling wanted that pairing then she should have wrote them in a different way then what she had originally, instead of giving off the sibling vibe between the two. Here is an example of two other pairings that I find to be just plain laughable: Mamoru/Rei and Usagi/Seiya. Mamoru/Usagi or Darien/Serena, Endymion/Serenity. A couple, who are soul mates, their love has span a thousand years. A couple who have died for each other more then once, and if that's not perfect love and devotion, then I don't know what is. They are perfect, light and dark, just like day and night, the perfect opposites. She is his day and he is her night. And like come on, could Seiya be more unoriginal? Dumpling head? Ah well, I guess Mamoru beat him to meatball head and he had to settle for another word for meatball. Meatball head was like an affectionate pet name Mamoru had for Usagi, even if she did hate being called it. And you'll notice Usagi reprimands Seiya for using the name, saying that it was Mamoru's name for her. Mamoru and Rei: Could anyone besides Ann be more wrong for Mamoru? I believe Rei and Ann only saw what was on the outside and not what was on the inside, like Usagi was able to. Rei was far too obsessive and clingy, as was Ann. At least with Rei, Mamoru had somethings in common with her. But in the end when all is said and done, I believe the things they don't have in common; more then out weighed what they did have in common. Ten/Martha, Ten/Astra and Ten/Reinette. Don't get me started on Ten and Reinette, I mean understand the Doctor is very lonely traveling the universe constantly for as long as he has and will continue to do so, yet what I find impossible to wrap my head around is him falling love at first sight, not once but twice. Reinette, he knew her as a child, which is squick worthy in my opinion. He knew her less then a day, even though it was longer for her due to the Doctor having the aid of the time windows at his disposal. And so what if she saw inside of his head, just because she saw all that and understood how lonely he was does not make her the Doctor's soul mate. If everyone woman The Doctor fell for or took some interest in, in some way or other was meant to be his soul mate, then he'd have one for practically every regenaration. I don't believe the soul ever changes when The Doctor regenerates, that is the one thing about The Doctor that will always remain constant, besides his two hearts and his love of his TARDIS and time travel, and the thrill of danger and running away from the monsters. Astra, here is another example, though I must admit I do like her a lot better then I did Reinette. Her death was tragic, seeing as she gave up her life to save the Doctor and everyone else on board. She was humble; I don't honestly think she had an arrogant bone in her body. In my opinion the tenth Doctor is portrayed as being seriously fickle, more so then any of the previous Doctor's, nine included. I think ten is bit of a ladies man, which I don't necessarily think is a good thing. I must confess I love the character River song, as a character in general, but hate her with the Doctor. Not only did he know her and held her briefly as a baby, but now she looks older then him, in fact he reminds me of a teenager placed beside a mature and grown woman. Alex Kingston who plays River song is 48, while Matt Smith will be 29 this year, that is a 19 year gap. I mean seriously she looks incredible for a woman who will be 50 in another two years time. But then again, when put next to and asked to kiss Matt Smith, the woman looks her age. The term Cougar comes to mind ladies and gentleman. Way to go Moffett to make an attractive woman like Alex look her age when paired with baby faced Matt. What on earth was Moffett thinking, god I miss Davies. I would have honestly enjoyed River and the Doctor sharing the kind of relationship that Ten and Donna shared, she reminds me quite a lot of Donna actually. Now River looked much better beside David Tennant, the tenth Doctor, David is 40, 8 years younger then Alex. Alex and David looked more believable as the Doctor and River when compared to Alex and Matt. Nine, who is played by Christopher Eccleston would have looked even better again, he is 47, only a year younger then Alex. Now Ten/Rose is perfect, just like Nine/Rose, and recently Eleven/Rose, if only those two would ever get any screen time together. Rose stuck with him though regeneration, when most humans would have not been able to cope with witnessing such a sight as someone going up in flames right before their very eyes, before reappearing, looking, sounding, and acting like an entirely different person all together. She had been willing to go back and save the Doctor when he had sent her home on satellite five. She took the time vortex into herself, not caring whether it killed her or not, as long as the Doctor was safe and alive. She had been willing to give up ever seeing her mother and Mickey again, just to be with the Doctor. Rose had placed her life in peril for the Doctor time and time again. I truly find it tragic that they were only separated from each other because of an alternative reality and a void that was impossible to cross in less destroy the whole fabric of time. My favorite actors: Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Bill Skarsgard, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr, Mark Gatiss, Luke Evans, Grant Gustin, Logan Lerman, Tom Hiddleston, Sam Reily, Chris Colfer, Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Craig, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Jonathan Groff, Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, Hayden Christensen, Ed Westwick, Martin Freeman, Jack Connell, Robert Pattinson, Douglas Booth, Christopher Eccleston, Freddy Fox, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Taylor Kitsch, Zac Efron, Cillian Murphy, Edward Norton, Burn Gorman, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp, Johonathan Rhys Myers, Leonardo Dicaprio, Shaun Evans, Tom Cruise, James Marsden, Brandon Routh, Tom Welling, Ioan Gruffudd, Freddy Highmoore, Nicholas Hoult, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Christian Bale, Liam Nelson, Gary Oldman, David Thewlis, John Barrrowman, Jet Li, Elijah Kelley, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, James Masters, David Boreanaz, Orlando Bloom. Gale Harold, Randy Harrison, Chad Michael Murray, JamesMcAvoy, Chris Pine, zachary quinto, Justin Harley. My favourite Actresses: Billie Piper, Louise Brealey, Lea Michele, Karen Gillan, Kristen Stuart, Nikki Blonsky, Georgia Groome, Naoko Mori, Amanda Bynes, Rose Byrne, Natalie Portman, Jessica Alba, Allison Mack, Allison Hannigan, Sara Michelle Geller, Claire Danes, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Rachel McAdams, Christina Ricci, Katie Holmes, Keira Knightly, Ann Hathaway, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, Rene Zellweger, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Alex Kingston, Angelina Jolie. Music I do or don't like: I like Boy George (Culture Club). I also like artists such as Susan Boyle, Adam Lambert, Glenn Miller, The cult, Aerosmith, Bee Gees, Chicago, The Everly Brothers, The Supremes, The Ronettes, The Runaways, Joan Jett, Tina Turner, Clair de Lune composed by Claude Debussy. I like many more from all eras, such as the fifties, sixties, seventies, and the eighties. I also love to listen to a piano or guitar pieces that have no actual lyrics. I cannot stand church or panpipe music. There are very view country and western songs I can stand to listen to. I cannot stand the sound of Dolly Parton, the sound of her voice for some reason makes me cringe, her voice to me is like nails on a chalk board. Favourite Movies: Stephen Kings IT, Dracula Untold, The Three Musketeers (2011 Version), Maleficent, All of the X-Men movies, Wolverine: Origins, Star Trek Movies, James Bond Films (Daniel Craig Movies especially), The Runaways, Chalet girl, Hairspray, 17 Again, Distrubia, Transformers One and Two, All of the indiana Jones Movies, Total Eclipse, Velvet Goldmine, Cry-Baby, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Alice in Wonder Land (Recent Version), Eagle Eye, Holes, Worried about the boy (Boy George Bopic), All of the Harry Potter Films, All of the Twilight Saga, Both princess Diaries Movies (First especially), Iron Man One, Two, Three, The Hulk (Recent Version), Avengers, Thor, Made of Honour, 27 Dresses, All of the Superman movies (Except for the fourth and final one Christpoher Reeves did), All of the Batman movies (Except for Batman and Robin), The Mummy Trilogy, Star Wars Saga, The Rocker, Pretty in Pink, Face Off, Chances Are, Dirty Dancing, The Fantasic Four movies, Red Eye, Breakfast on Pluto, Little Women, Any Christian Bale or Ewan McGregor, or Johnny Depp, and Jet Li films. Bend it Like Beckham, Romeo and Juilet, Life as a house, Factory Girl, Foot Loose., Romeo Must Die, Captain America, Beastly. Favourite TV Shows: Pride and Predjudice, Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Hotel Hell, The Flash, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Gossip Girl, Skins, Heroes, Lois and Clark: The new adventures of Superman, 21 Jump Street, Sailor Moon, The Sally Lockhart series, Secret Diary of a call girl, Martine Cole's The Runaway, Endeavour. Favourite TV Chefs: Gordon Ramsay, Ree Drummond, Jamie Oliver I do not hate men, really I don't. In fact I am very fond of them, Particularly looking at them. But I have to admit one of my all time favourite sayings has got to be: "MENtal anxiety, MENtal breakdown, MENstrual cramps, MENopause," "Did you ever notice how all our problems start with MEN?" That saying never fails to make me smirk, never. If anyone would like to join my C2 Community, please let me know. Just click here, hopefully the link should work: Also if you are a fan of Barty Crouch Jr and Hermione Granger I have a livejournal community set up for that pairing. http://www.fanfiction.ws/community/Muilitple_fandom_for_Slash_Het_pairings/42596/ I also have a journal and two communities here is the links for them: http:///barty_hermione/profile And these are links to my other stories on : I hope these links work, if not let me know so I can do something about it: This is my other fanfiction.net profile: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/935143/JCL-Tennant-Piper-1985 This is to view my photo collection I use for my fanfiction: http:///aj2j0ssqvs5rqhfivca77su503 Here are the links to chapters four and five of my story My Babies Daddy. These chapters are completely uncut, meaning nothing is held back, it's pure smut. You've been warned. I'm going to added the unedited version of chapters seventeen and eighteen here as well: http:///story.php?no=600091721&chapter=4 http:///story.php?no=600091721&chapter=5 http:///story.php?no=600091721&chapter=17 http:///story.php?no=600091721&chapter=18 Link to uncut version of chapter eight of Fools Rush In: http:///story.php?no=600091908&chapter=8 NC-17 version of chapter four of Just you and me lil darlin: Becoming mrs. Larkin: http:///story.php?no=600092092&chapter=4 NC-17 Version of chapter six of Always Meant To Be: http:///story.php?no=600092959&chapter=6 NC-17 Version of How it should have been: http:///story.php?no=600093115&chapter=3 The originally intended chapter twenty nine for An Unwanted Marriage, But An Unexpected love won't appear on FFDOTNET: http:///story.php?no=600017693&chapter=29 http:///story.php?no=600017693&chapter=30 http:///story.php?no=600017693&chapter=31 Chapter one of my Shikki fic: http:///story.php?no=600093139 Here is all the items I will use in my new story Love Lost And Gained, it is a Doctor Who and Torchwood crossover. I will also be posting the links for the chapters I will be posting on AFFDOTNET: This is the engagement ring Jamie will give to Rose, along with her wedding band and his weddng band: http:///Engagement/item.aspx?GroupSku=GRP10015&selectedSku=23101653#f0/0/0/0/0/ http:///Shopping/Item.aspx?sku=GRP00902&cid=288152&mcat=148204 http:///shopping/Item.aspx?fromGrid=1&sku=GRP00370&mcat=148208&cid=288177&search This the engagement ring that belonged Cedric's grandmother and now Harry in Harriett Potter: What it is like to be a witch: http:///natural-ruby-and-diamond-engagement-ring-solid-18k-white-gold-1.html These are the wedding bands once belonging to James and Lily and now Harry and Cedric in Harriett Potter: What it is like to be a witch: http:///solid-white-gold-his-and-hers-wedding-band-33257.html This is what I had in mind for a female Harry only paler skinned and green eyes: This is what Harry's new bedroom and bathroom will look like or at least in my mind what I pictured some of the items in the bedroom as white but are ivory I also imagined all white or copper and vintage in the bathroom use your imagination. Also there is pictures of Artex used on ceilings. Let me know if there is a issue with any of the links: http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Cezanne-Mirror-Door-Quad-Armoire-French-White http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Cezanne-Dressing-Table-Stool-French-White http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Cezanne-Dressing-Table-Triple-Mirror-French-White http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Cezanne-4-Drawer-Chest-French-Ivory http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Cezanne-Bedside-Cabinet-French-Ivory http:///Collections/Cezanne-French-White/Louis-Xv--Genevieve-7ft-Emperor-French-White http:///Collections/Chantilly-Ivory-Collection/Louis-Xv-Glazed-Bookcase?cPath=80 http:///textures-realm-purple-rug-p-4075.html http:///aubergine-121203-dazzle-stripe-muriva-wallpaper.html http:///ProductDisplay?langId=110&storeId=10201&partNumber=075442.P http:///savannah-bedding-range-plum/1438749493.prd http:///search/havwoods-design-herringbone-blocks/hw048-solid-wood-flooring-unfinished-oak-wenge http:///_gcLGI261gYw/TUfgwoTOSHI/AAAAAAAAByc/RLE9p8nwqAA/s1600/DSC05545.JPG http:///boyce-freestanding-acrylic-tub-1.html http:///tall-deck-mount-english-telephone-faucet-with-hand-shower-cross-handles.html http:///bathroom/bathroom-vanities/73-edmeston-double-vanity-cabinet-antique-white.html http:///vintage-towel-bar.html http:///vintage-tempered-glass-shelf.html http:///vintage-euro-toilet-paper-holder.html http:///vintage-robe-hook.html http:///bathroom/toilets-and-bidets/traditional-solid-brass-toilet-tank-handle.html http:///bathroom/toilets-and-bidets/constitution-elongated-toilet.html http:///bathroom/bathroom-accessories/shower-caddies/brass-hanging-shower-caddy-antique-copper.html This is the wedding band from H.J. Potter-Diggory, just imagine a ruby instead of a diamond: http:///item.asp?invky=5923730&ref=cj These are the wedding colours and flowers for H.J Potter-Diggory: http:///nav/decor/paint/interior-paint/blue-green/emulsions/-colourderived/Colours-Everywhere-Matt-Paint-Warm-Blue-2-5L-9596629 This is just a guidline for the flowers not precisely how I picture them when I wrote the chapter, the roses are more beautiful and fuller: Ginny's dress, fascinator and neck lace and earrings in H.J. Potter-Diggory, imagine the dress in spring green. I issues finding the shoes so sorry about that: http:///lafee-prom-dresses-style-e147078-p-92632.html?cPath=6&designers=80 http:///my-shop/prod_2144174-Cressida-Ivory-Fascinator-with-Feathers-on-Hairband.html http:///elegance-by-carbonneau-necklace-earring-set-style-ne358silvergreen-p-64325.html?keyword= Hermione's, Shoes, Fascinator and neck lace and earrings in H.J Potter-Diggory I cannot find the dress at this point I will try at some point: http:///shop/olivia-ivory-fascinator/ Harry’s gifts from chapter seventeen of What it feels like to be a witch: https:///elizabeth-rose-crystal-glass-perfume-bottle-conical-with-black-atomiser-gift-boxed.html https:///annabel-crystal-glass-perfume-bottle-round-with-cream-atomiser-gift-boxed.html https:///annabel-crystal-glass-perfume-bottle-conical-with-cream-atomiser-gift-boxed.html https:///annabel-crystal-glass-perfume-bottle-conical-with-gold-atomiser-gift-boxed.html https:///english-violet-crystal-blossoms-and-sprigs-comb-silver.html https:///earrings/18k-rose-gold-vintage-inspired-blue-sapphire-and-diamond-earrings-103330 If You Thank you to whoever nominated one of my stories, I just never expected it to be this one. This has given me the will to continue and not give up on this story so thank you. http:///-rMBGreFjQDU/U2dnNXBsDPI/AAAAAAAACnY/8ctzPjrhF00/s1600/Purple-Sherlock-19851.jpg |
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