The First Time They Meet

A High School and College AU

Fandom: The Flash

Main Characters: Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen

Minor Characters: Iris West, Eddie Thawne, Felicity Smoak, Cisco Ramon, (implied) Ronnie Raymond

Pairing: Snowbarrry (Barry x Caitlin)

Words: 467

For Snowbarry Week on Tumblr Day 1: Firsts

Notes: I really wanted to make this longer but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it before the deadline (I know I won't because long one shots takes me weeks to finish). I might go back to this again and make a longer version later on if there is demand. Though probably not. But really, please do review. Any feedback are very much appreciated. :)

The first time Caitlin Snow was aware of Barry Allen's existence was in their junior years in the first class they had together,Advanced Chemistry, an abnormality since he was best friends with Iris and her boyfriend Eddie who were part of the popular group.

However Caitlin was never really concerned with the social ladder and had no patience for gossip, as all her focus was on her studies so that she would be able to get a scholarship to the best bio-engineering program in university and throughout the whole school, there were only two people whom she could even consider friends, Felicity and Cisco.

The rest of the school population? Most of the time she would either choose to ignore them or give them short, curt answers, if they ever chose to interact with her just to use her for her brains. Because of that the other students have always seen her as a cold person and even if she has no patience for gossip, she wasn't deaf; she knows what everyone calls her behind her back, the snow queen.

She had thought that Barry Allen would be just like the rest of them and leaves her to her own devices but they ended up being lab partners and slowly, little by little, his smile and kindness wormed its way into her heart. Soon, without her even realizing they became friends, best friends. Then Barry, not Felicity or Cisco, became the first person she would go to when she was frustrated with the teachers. He became the first person she would go to when she was annoyed with the other students. He was there for her first boyfriend, her first love, then her first heart break.

They were together for their first day in their chosen university since among their group of friends, they were the only two to choose GU, even though they were in different departments, she, taking bio-engineering and Barry in forensic science.

They remain being the best of friends through college, making sure to meet up for lunch and dinner together at least twice a week and though neither wanted to admit, their dynamic had begun to change without their other friends there.

However they continued dancing around each other, both not wanting to ruin what they currently have. They were each other's rock and support and if it went wrong they wouldn't have the other to be there for them. But Caitlin Snow was not one for patience and pining after someone. So on their movie night on Valentines day of their third year into college (which they were coincidentally sharing together since neither had a date), she kissed him for the first time.

And even if Barry Allen was not her first love, Caitlin Snow was glad he was her last.