Reviews for Peter Maximoff v Life, Terrorists, and Awkward Family Conversations
Alexandria.Nymphadora chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
How can Peter cheat at poker when he can’t move fast or get out of bed without getting sick?
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Interesting... XD i loved this! And loved Pietro being into Alex and then Charles being an a** along with Magneto about that and more. It was great! XD
Mischiefs-Hawk chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
Okay so I read this the first time around whenever you first posted it. My idiot self didn't save it or anything so fast forward to now I wanted to read it again but 1. I couldn't remember where it was 2. I couldn't remember if it was real. I was soooo happy to read it again. I love the way you write Peter and to find out there were other parts? Ah hell yes?! Great work , absolutely love it.
fiesa chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
I never really managed to connect to Peter - although I got the feeling he's a favorite character of many people - but maybe that was because I didn't quite now him.

Now, after reading your really impressive story, I really like him.

I especially like the setting you put him into - not the torture one, but the general one. Including snippets from his, Charles and Eric's first meeting, and then taking the story past that but somehow still keeping it in line with the X-Men storyline. You also included many characters that fit the setting, Hank, Alex, but especially Wanda and Magda - and it feels like there is a bond in the making, maybe something like family, maybe not. But it will help Peter. The torture and brainwashing he was subjected to was horrible. But the end feels like he will be alright, somehow, sometime.

The father-son thing between Eric and Peter was fun to read! The change from psychotic mass murderer to just a dick, but what a dick... It was very enjoyable. I liked how you often showed more than one side to the characters. Charles isn't only an idealistic, naive mind reader but also someone who might make mistakes and regret things, Peter isn't only the perfect son and victim but someone imperfect, someone human, as well.

My favorite paragraphs somehow mostly include Charles, as well, you have a wonderful way of describing him, and reading Peter's thoughts on him was a lot of fun. Especially his assessment of Charles' character, the time Eric and Charles have a telepathic argument (I can so imagine that) and the one scene after the lake, featuring Alex, Eric, Charles and Peter.

Your story was well-written and well-built, detailed in some moments and not too crowded, and I especially loved the enumberations and comments! Thank you for sharing it here. It sure was a lot of work - and it is beautiful.
UglyTruth chapter 1 . 10/6/2016
I'm really glad I stumbled upon this one because as hard and unsettling some of the content is (and torture that is written so well just gets under your skin), you maintained the character's neverending humour and wit the whole way through and that just made it so engaging. I think it's incredibly hard to nail his manner of thinking/speaking and keep in mind the way Quicksilver functions as a mutant as well subjecting all that to extreme circumstances - it was super interesting to read. And of course, Magneto coming to the rescue was the most gratifying scene possible and everything that followed from there was just as awkward and simultaneously sentimental as I imagined it. What really makes this story though are the little tidbits, the magazine reading beside Peter's bed, the tea drinking, soup-making Hank, the details of conversation ... just awesome. Thanks for sharing!
LoraRawr chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
This was a great read, very engaging and great small bits of humour, even when bleak.
empty to be deleted chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
i love the format of this and i love the plot

i'm excited to read your other stories!
LCMarvel chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
This is one of the most well written stories I've ever read on here! Your writing style is so awesome and the descriptions and allusions are so incredibly done! Thank you for making this (I'm sure Pietro doesn't feel the same way but oh well)!
EJect chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Really good story in an interesting format, it'd be cool to see more stories as well written as this, thanks
oneiromancer242 chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
Wow... dude, and I though I could be mean to characters at times...
That's amazing stuff. It's not every day I read something that makes me too upset to go straight on to reading the rest of the series, but I need a rest and a Twinkie after that. Keep writing, you're brilliant.
Machaon's Apprentice chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
What an amazing story !
parisindy chapter 1 . 6/16/2016
loved this story.. since the musketeers ended i seem to have become addicted to speedsters... quicksilver and the flash
thanks for writing it
CrazyAngel777 chapter 1 . 6/10/2016
Wow. Super impressed with this story! You did so well capturing Peter, and how he feels about his father, and Erik! Very, very well done!
noamg chapter 1 . 6/9/2016
Wonderful! Just wonderful.
SheLovesGreenTea chapter 1 . 6/8/2016
This is the most uniquely written fic I've ever read. Wow. Loooove the bond between Peter and Erik. Awesome story. Please write more!
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