Anonymous asked: You can make a Snowbarry in Iris's view jealous of the two?

double date escapades

"Okay, I'm not going to lie," Iris laughs as Barry and Caitlin rejoin their little table amidst a cascading thunderstorm of applause. Her focus is on Caitlin, smile bright and dark eyes dancing. "I am completely jealous that you can get Barry Allen to sing karaoke. I can't count the number of times I tried to get him to come out and sing when we were in college."

Sliding into the seat next to Iris, Caitlin laughs as well though the sound is a little embarrassed. A hint of red steals across her cheekbones as she gives the man in question a sidelong glance. Barry just grins widely, knowing they're thinking about the exact same thing. "Well, I may have been a little intoxicated the first time it happened," she begins, voice light and a little flippant. She's always a little torn about the memory. It's not one of her proudest evenings, but all the same, it's a night that helped kick start them on the path to where they are now: out on a double date with Eddie and Iris, having a few drinks after dinner and a movie.

If Caitlin was hoping that her segue way would adequately quench Iris's curiosity, she's sorely mistaken. She's not one of Picture News's best reporters by coincidence, so she leans forward and nudges Caitlin's drink with her own, not even close to satisfied with the vaguely dismissive explanation of drunkenness. "Details please!"

"Yeah Cait, tell Iris about the first time you and I sang Summer Nights together." Barry teases from her right, purposefully being absolutely no help. He easily dodges the hand that comes out to swat at his shoulder, catching it instead and intertwining their fingers in that way that always makes her immediately forgive him for anything. All the same, she rolls her eyes at his antics before hesitantly launching into the story of their drunken evening, right down to her less-than-graceful behavior back at her apartment (at least, as best as she can remember it). Here Barry jumps in, filling in the details that have not gotten any clearer in the months that have passed since that night. She'd be flushing red again, except Barry's running his fingers over the back of her hand slowly and the action is completely distracting her from the full extent of her mortification (luckily for him).

By the end of the story, Eddie and Iris are laughing so loudly at the whole situation that even Caitlin can't deny the urge to join them. It's pretty hard to stay embarrassed by a night that's helped change her life in such a positive way. "I'm pretty sure he just signed us up tonight because I'm tone deaf and he likes showing off and getting me back for that night." She cuts off Barry's token protests with a kiss against his cheek, no actual heat in the accusation. Completely redirected, he winks and snags a real kiss the second she pulls away.

"Still," Iris adds, smiling at them and nudging Caitlin's shoulder affectionately (they're both overjoyed at the friendship they've developed in the last half a year, it's always nice to not be the only lady amongst all the boys), "It's pretty impressive. Obviously he just needed the right incentive."

Not my favorite story I've written, but just a quick, fun take on this idea. Snowbarry & Westhawne date night. Sorry it's not quite to the prompt but I love Iris and I hate writing jealously and I cannot picture Iris being jealous of Snowbarry so I kind of twisted the idea.

Take Care & Best Wishes!