22: End in Perfection

Hermione stood in front of a full length mirror staring at the person reflecting back. She was wearing her wedding dress, her hair in thick shiny curls falling below her shoulders, Lavender had done her makeup to perfection, completing a light natural appearance while still accenting her big brown eyes.

Ginny went on her tiptoes to insert the comb of the cathedral veil into Hermione's hair.

"You look absolutely perfect" Mrs. Weasley was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, her hands clasped in front of her looking in awe of her daughter.

Hermione turned away from the mirror to look at her mother.

"I still cannot believe you are here." Hermione said reaching for her mom to give her a hug.

"Don't cry." Mrs. Granger ordered, half stern, half humorous, "You'll ruin your makeup."

The other two girls standing in the room were wearing black dresses with brightly coloured shoes, Ginny wearing bright yellow (the only colour that wouldn't horribly clash with her hair, she said) and Lavendar wearing bright pink. Each of the girls were holding boquets of gerber daisies that added even more colour to the mix.

It was a long conversation that Hermione had with Angelina, not planning on having more than just Ginny in the wedding party and Katy Bell in Angelina's, but both girls decided, to keep peace with the family, that the girls marrying in that were closer than Romania should probably be involved.

They could hear Mrs. Weasley flurrying around downstairs calling orders to the various caterers.

Hermione let a big breathe, "How's Angelina getting along?"

"She's good," Mrs. Granger said, "I just ran into her parents on my way up here. She's excited to be able to wear an outfit she can breathe in as soon as the ceremony is over."

"I know how she feels," Hermione said, attempting to take in a deep breathe but being restricted by her corset, "ah well, at least I'm pretty."

"You are beautiful!" Lavendar gushed, "This is going to be the most amazing wedding ever, and I've been to so many over the last 3 months, Seamus's wedding was an absolute boreā€¦"

Ginny and Hermione exchanged a look, Mrs. Granger looked amused.

"I had better go downstairs," She said, "The mom's are going to be seated shortly, dad is downstairs waiting. See you soon!"

She left the room and Hermione turned to look at herself in the mirror one more time.

"If George doesn't cry I'm turning around." She said abruptly.

Ginny burst out laughing, "If he doesn't cry, I know all sorts of hexes to make him into a blubbering idiot."

"Ron cried at my wedding." Lavender declared lifting her chin slightly in pride.

"Probably because reality finally hit him." Ginny muttered under her breath so only Hermione could hear.

It took all of her self-control to not snort at this.

Ginny and Harry had gotten married just the day before, it was very quiet, only a handful of people were in attendance. More people would be at Hermione and George's wedding because Fred and Angelina would have their guests as well.

"Alright. It's about that time." Ginny peaked out the window. Everyone is seated it looks like.

The decorators had really outdone themselves this time.

The wedding was on the Weasley property, but this time, the Ministry had spared some of their own staff to help enchant the yard for the 3 days of weddings taking place. Rather than there be snow and cold blowing wind, the managed to dome the property to keep it warm but also bewitch the snow. It was a winter wonderland, without the chill. Light, sparkly snow was falling, the sun illuminating everything with a golden glow.

The girls went into the hallway towards the stairs, just as Angelina, Katy and Fleur.

"Well now don't I feel like an ogre." Hermione mumbled to Ginny, looking at her sister-in-law in a black dress and blue heels.

"Fleur is like a unicorn. And you are a goddess." Ginny said.

Hermione really did snort in amusement.

"I don't know why I said that. I'm just as surprised as you are sometimes with what comes out of my mouth." Ginny laughed.

Hermione's dad was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, tears welling in his eyes as he saw his only daughter make his way towards him.

"Don't cry!" Hermione said blinking rapidly, "You'll make me cry and ruin my whole look."

"Well, I put a charm on your face so your makeup won't run." Lavender said.

"When?" Hermione asked her surprised.

"Right after you told me not to. I was NOT going to watch perfection fall off your face. Not that you wouldn't look amazing without it, but I don't think I've ever done such a good job on anyone."

Ginny laughed, "You know Lavender, I like you even more now. Well done!"

Lavender grinned at Ginny, Hermione rolled her eyes.

She took her dad's arm as Angelina stood with her dad. The bridesmaids assumed their position at the front of the line.

The rest of the day was a blur for Hermione, the only thing she recalled with George's face as she walked up the aisle. Teary eyed he had taken Hermione's hand at the front of the long aisle. He stared at her through the whole service, having to be prompted several times by the chaplain to say his vows. He almost tripped when it was time to kiss the bride, being caught by Hermione.

"Well, I never knew you to lose your composure." Fred said, "You would think he would be able to contain himself in front of a pretty woman."

"Not just a pretty woman, Fred." George corrected, "My beautiful, brilliant wife. She's perfect." George said, "You're perfect, Hermione."

He took her hand and they walked down the aisle, officially starting their fairy tale.