So, if you've read a few of my stories you've most likely heard news of a new story.
Well, here it is!
Chapter 1
Amy, Amy, Amy. Mad impossible Amelia Pond.
The Doctor really needed to get her sorted. He looked around to the other side of the console to see Amy giving a really not good look. Nope, he didn't like that. Not at all.
"Don't you even try to kiss me again. You're getting married in the morning." He told her.
"I wasn't thinking about that."
"Yes you were."
Amy glared at him. "Where are we going?"
"To get your fiancé. The…" He made a motion by his nose "nose."
"Rory?" Asked Amy.
"Yes! Rory! That's his name!" Said the Doctor.
The two of them stood in silence the rest of the flight.
Man, it was dark in this fake cake.
"Out, out, out!" He heard from outside of the cake.
He burst out. "Rory! That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl. Diabetic. Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiancée. She tried to kiss me. Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man. She's a great kisser."
Someone dropped his glass and Rory looked upset. Oops.
"Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine…" He said.
"Oh, the life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans. It's meant to do that." The Doctor was talking to Amy and Rory from under the console. "Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So, I'm sending you somewhere, together."
"Whoa. What, like a date?" Asked Amy.
"Anywhere you want. Any time you want. One condition. It has to be amazing. The Moulin Rouge in 1890. The first Olympic Games. Think of it as a wedding present, because it's either this or tokens." He popped out from under the console and glanced at Rory's shocked expression. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain."
"It's another dimension." Said Rory.
"It's basically another dimension… what?"
"After what happened with Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories. FTL travel, parallel universes." Said Rory.
"I like the bit when someone says it's bigger on the inside. I always look forward to that." The Doctor pouted.
"So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?" Amy said.
"How about somewhere romantic?" Suggested the Doctor.
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory where standing in Venice's marketplace. Vampires… in Venice!
They were dead now. Oops.
"Now then, what about you two, eh? Next stop Leadworth Registry Office. Maybe I can give you away." He said to Amy and Rory.
"It's fine. Drop me back where you found me. I'll just say you've…" Rory started, but was interrupted by Amy.
"Stay. With us. Please. Just for a bit. I want you to stay." Begged Amy.
Haha yes! He had fixed Amy! "Fine with me!"
"Yeah? Yes, I would like that." Said Rory.
"Nice one. I will pop the kettle on. Hey, look at this. Got my spaceship, got my boys. My work here is done." Said Amy, skipping off into the TARDIS.
"Er, we are not her boys." Rory said.
"Yeah, we are." Said the Doctor.
"Yeah… we are." Rory finally agreed. The two boys stepped into the TARDIS.
The Doctor kept running over one sentence.
There were cracks, through some we saw Silence and the end of all things.
There was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that there was a meaning to that sentence. Something that could affect everyone in the universe.
That was not a good feeling.
Rose sat at the table in her flat. She had her hands around a mug of coffee, but it had gone cold. She hadn't taken one sip.
The news was playing in the telly, (I'm not British, feel free to correct me) but Rose was ignoring it.
Finally her watch beeped and she saw that it was 5:45 in the morning. Time to get ready.
She showered, got dressed, and grabbed her bag. She rushed out of the door and walked to Torchwood.
She got there early. She was always early. Rose took the lift to her floor. She was head of field operations at Torchwood one, so she was right in the middle of everything. She had a whole floor to herself, floor ten, which she thought was pretty cruel considering her Doctor had been his tenth regeneration.
Pete was head of Torchwood, and he had the top floor for his office, but he probably wouldn't be arriving for another thirty minutes. She was normally the first one here every morning.
She sat her bag down on her desk and started up her computer. She opened up her emails and scrolle through all of the unread ones.
She ran across and email that she had saved. It was from him. She couldn't even bring herself to say his name.
The email read: TO: Rose Tyler FROM: John Smith SUBJECT: Read Now.
She opened it up. It said:
Rose Marion Tyler. I never thought I'd have to say this, and even if I did I'd want you to be there in person, but oh well. I barely have enough strength to write this one email. I'm dying Rose. You know I work late at Torchwood on Wednesdays, and some guy was leaving a bar just as I was driving by and, well, he had had a bit too much to drink. Heh, had had. He hit me. I'm at the hospital Rose. The doctors, lowercase, are saying I'll be fine, but I know I'm not gonna live. But hey, it's ok. I think I've lived well, even if all those time and space adventures never really happened to me, it definitely feels like I've lived 909 years. I told the one of the doctors to send this email when I die, because I'm going to write until I die. So, how was your day? No, stupid question. I was there with you. Well then, I should probably say something you've been wanting to hear for almost seven years now. Rose Tyler, you mad, beautiful girl. You are so special to me and I hope you know that. Live a good long life, save cities, heck save entire countries for me. Find someone you love who can love you back. So, before you find someone else to love, let me say this. Rose Tyler, I
The email cut off there. Rose stared at the screen with tears running down her cheeks. Rose had gotten this email on October 11th, 2014. Now, it was October 11th, 2015. Exactly one year since Rose had received this email that had ruined her life.
Exactly one year since the meta-crisis had passed away.
Thanks to all my bowties (readers)
Over and Out ~Greek-Whovian