She noticed the first Doctor walk up to her then as Jack moves away to give them space.

"Hello petal," the first Doctor greeted her as he sat down and patted the seat next to him.

Rose sat down next to him and watched him wearily. "Are you alright Doctor?"

The first Doctor broke out of his thoughts as he realised he'd been staring at her while lost in thought. "Do you want to know a secret petal," he waited for Rose to nod before continuing. "Susan was the first person I left behind and I was seriously thinking about taking Ian and Barber back home and continue to travel by myself when I met a remarkably tiny human that showed me that if I found the right companions then time and space won't be so lonely."

Rose couldn't help the huge smile grow on her face when he told her that. Sighing she placed her head on his shoulder as he placed his arm around her shoulders. "You need to go back to your time line, don't you Doctor?"

"That is where I belong for now," the first Doctor agreed. "But at least now I have hope that one day I will travel with a human that holds my hearts."

The first Doctor kissed her on the forehead before rising to head towards his TARDIS. He disappeared back to his time line as the second Doctor approached her.

"Hello petal," the second Doctor greeted her.

"Hello my Doctor," Rose greeted back with her tongue touched smile.

Rose waited for the Doctor to say what he wanted to know. "I knew the Time Lords weren't happy with me but I never thought they'd banish me for it."

Rose looped her arm through his as she replied. "There's always a cost to anything. When the Bad Wolf gave normal Galifryan's the ability to travel through time, she saw many possibilities. Many ways that things could play out, unfortunately she believed, as I believe that you need to give every being a choice. They choose their own way. All those years ago when only eight years old you looked into the untempered sanctum, what did you see?"

"I saw all the possibilities open to me, I saw a terrible war and what my part could possibly be," the second Doctor explained. "So I choose to run. I took my granddaughter and ran."

Rose nodded at his explanation. "And you've been choosing since then. The TARDIS takes you where she knows your needed but you do have a choice to get involved or not. But you choose to get involved, to do what Rasslion promised all those years ago to do. You fix time, you keep time on tack and without this universe would have gone to hell a lot earlier."

"Thank you," the Second Doctor thanked her. "I guess sometimes I need to be reminded why I get involved." He kissed her on the forehead as the second Doctor and his TARDIS left back to his correct time line.

As the Second Doctor left the third Doctor took the chance to approach her. "Petal," the third Doctor sits next to her. "I never even questioned how you ended up in the 70's."

Rose shrugged. "You had a lot on your mind, you didn't need to worry about me as well."

The Third Doctor took her hand and marvelled at how it seemed to fit his. "I still should've questioned it. I am glade that you were there, a bright presence always there when I needed you."

"You were there for me too," Rose pointed out. Rose leaned over and kissed his cheek like she did as a child but this time instead of a look of wonder on his face he turned bright red. Rose couldn't help smirking as he said goodbye and departed.

"You know petal," the fourth Doctor stated as he sat down next to Rose. "As strange as it sounds the Daleks were one of the only constant things in my life. But you were right that day, stating that it would be wrong for killing off a species because of what they might do in the future."

Rose took the fourth Doctors hand and interlaced their fingers. "Honestly, knowing what I now know about the Daleks and how much pain they'd put you through I honestly don't know if I'd be able to not try and get rid off them. And that thought scares me."

"It scares me as well petal," the fourth Doctor assured her. "Seeing what I have been reduced to you in my older bodies makes me wish I could go back and try. But wanting to kill someone and actually making the choice to are too completely different things and I have no doubt that you would even find compassion for psychotic pepper pots if given the choice."

Rose laughed quietly at that statement as she remembered a museum in Utah. The fourth Doctor hugged her before taking his leave and disappearing back to his time line.

The Fifth Doctor took the chance to talk to her then. "Hello petal," he grinned at her.

"Hello my Doctor," Rose greeted as she grinned back.

She could see that he wanted to ask her something so she waited him out. The Doctor couldn't take it any more. "I ruined your life, didn't I?"

"No, of course not," Rose stated immediately then took his hand on hers. "You show us a better way of living our lives. You show us how important it is to stand up for what you believe and you give us the confidence to be ourselves."

The Fifth Doctor looked in her eyes and saw the truth written there. "Thank you, why do you always know just what to say to make me feel better?"

"Cause I know you, Doctor," Rose told him. "And no matter what body you're in I know you."

The Doctors vision looked cloudy which he refused to believe we're tears before kissing her on the forehead and departing.

The Sixth Doctor walked up and sat next to Rose as he watched his future incarnations interacting with their/his future companions. "How do I know that I don't still turn into the Valeyard? The Ninth me looks like he's a lot darker than the other bodies?"

Rose threaded her arm through the Doctors and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Cause I know you. That was the first one I met, I can't tell you much so you don't have much to forget but I can tell you that you go through something horrible and you regenerate into him. But that's the first body I travel with and I watch as you turn into the tenth body."

The Sixth Doctor turned to her then. "You stayed through a regeneration?"

Before Rose could answer a voice behind them answered for her. "The Tenth you regenerated into that form because of your love for Rose."

The Sixth Doctor and Rose turn to see Jack behind them. Jake swept Rose into a hug much to the Sixth Doctors annoyance and judging by the scowl on his other faces, theirs as well. "And who exactly are you? You feel weird?"

"That's because I'm a fixed point," Jack answered. "And no I can't tell you how I came to be that way. What I can tell you is that I use to be a time agent but I defected from them, then I met a girl hanging from a barrage balloon," Jack explained with a smirk to Rose.

"Hanging from a barrage balloon?" The Sixth Doctor exclaimed also looking at Rose who had turned bright red while scowling at Jack.

"Then I met old big ears over there," indicating the Doctors ninth regeneration. "The moment I saw them together I knew they loved each other. Unfortunately they were too blind to see that they loved each other. The tenth you I met after he lost her, I had never seen anyone with that much pain. But how could you not love her, she turned me from someone that only cared about himself to someone who would do anything for his family which includes her. So you might see this as a warning, Rosie, though we're not related by blood is considered to be my little sister so you do anything to hurt her and I'll hurt you," with that warning ringing in the Sixth Doctors ears Jack wandered off.

Rose hugged the Sixth Doctor again. "Ignore him, cause I know you'd never deliberately hurt me."

"How would you know?" The Sixth Doctor questioned her.

"Cause I know you," Rose assured him again. "You would never deliberately hurt me."

The Sixth Doctor pulled her into a tight hug again before ushering his latest companion into his TARDIS and leaving.

The Seventh Doctor then takes the opportunity to approach Rose and grinning at her he indicates for them to sit. "Hello Petal."

"Hello my Doctor," Rose greeted.

The Seventh Doctor sighed softly before enquiring. "Do you believe it's right to be able to talk people into doing things you know won't be good for them, or lying to them?"

Rose smiled softly at him before deliberately taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. "I know that no matter what body your in, you would only do that if it was for the greater good."

"But how do you?" The Seventh Doctor questioned. "How do you know if it's for the greater good?"

"I can't speak of your other companions, as for myself if it came down to my life or the life of a planet, I would always choose the planet," Rose assured him.

The Doctor kissed her on her forehead. "Thank you petal. I know I'm not always as good as I could be but your right as long as it's for the greater good." The Doctor thanked her again before collecting his companion and entering his TARDIS.

The Eighth Doctor sits down next to her then. "It's coming isn't it?" He questioned. "The biggest war that the Time Lords have ever faced?"

Rose tried to keep her face in a neutral expression as she turned to him. "Yes, and I never did thank you for intervening with Jimmy," Rose cracked a smile. "At the time I was hurt and angry but once the drama died down I understood. So thank you."

"He didn't deserve you," the Eighth Doctor stated vehemently. "I'm not even sure if I deserve you."

Rose laid her head on his shoulder. "You do what you can with the choices your given but you should never take on responsibilities of other people's choices. You choose what you could with the choices given and the Time Lords choose theirs with what they were given. There is no right or wrong answer."

The Eighth Doctor stayed there for a few more minutes as he rested his cheek on top of her head and taking what comfort he could from her before slowly letting go and entering his ship alone. Off to fight a war that he knows will not turn out as great as the Time Lords believe it will.

The Ninth Doctor sat next to her then. "I don't understand," the Ninth Doctor commented as Rose turned her head and looked at him. "I asked you to come with me and you said no?"

Rose smiled fondly at the first Doctor she met. "Then you came back and asked again."

"But I never ask twice, once you said no that's it?" The Ninth Doctor explained.

Rose leaned towards his ear. "But you left out the best bit," she whispered in his ear. At his confused look she elaborated. "You never told me that she travels in time."

The Doctors expression cleared as he realised that he hadn't told her that bit and she had just given him an excuse to go back and ask her. "I was wondering though, I know that I never recognised you from the girl I saw grow up before my eyes, because I didn't want to remember that I had a while not perfect life it was better than after the war. When I took your hand in the basement my time sense, which had been dulled with the fall out of the war, flared back to life. Now I know how and why it came back to life, but the moment I left you in that alleyway they dulled again."

Before Rose could respond the Tenth Doctor spoke for her. "That's because she's the one that became the light to lead us out of the darkness."

The Ninth Doctor turned to face his future incarnation. "I still can't believe that I regenerate into a pretty boy."

The Tenth Doctor grinned at him. "You regenerate into me, through your love with Rose." The Tenth Doctors grin widened even more at the Ninth Doctors stunned look.

Rose rolled her eyes at the Tenth Doctor as she turned the Ninth Doctor to face her again. "What I do know, and I hope you will sense this, is that I fell in love with you and no matter who you change into, I will always love you."

Rose kissed him quickly on the lips as he got up to enter his TARDIS and head back to collect her while the Tenth Doctor took his place.

They just sat there not saying anything as the Tenth Doctor gathered his courage to face her. "I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving you with the metacrisis, he could give you the life I never could." The Doctor informed her as he stared straight ahead.

Rose continued staring straight ahead as she answered him. "But you never asked me what I wanted. You always assumed that I wanted that life, but you never asked me."

The Doctor finally looked at her. "I wanted you to have a good life, a happy life."

"But you never asked me," Rose repeated, finally looking at him. "You keep believing that the universe always takes away from you what you want the most but the truth is, Doctor that you do that all by yourself."

The Tenth Doctor hung his head as Roses words ran around in his mind and he had to accept that yes, she's right that the universe brought her back to him and he's the one that choose to leave her behind especially when he knew what he would become without her.

"I was angry at you for the longest time," Rose continued once the Doctor finally looked back up at her. She ignored the pain she could see in his eyes cause this needed to be said. "You never questioned how I managed to hold the Time Vortex for so long when you couldn't hold it for more than a minute. I asked you about what the werewolf in Scotland said and you dismissed it. The fact that I was hardly ever hurt, could keep up with your running and when I was hurt I healed very fast. The fact that when I started dimension hopping yet I was the only one that never had any problems. The moment I did find you again we were immediately thrown into a dangerous situation and as soon as that was over you dropped me back in the parallel world and I never had a chance to tell you what my family and I found out."

As she spoke the Doctor winced at each point she made until he felt like his hearts were too badly fractured that they'll never be whole again. "Rose," he managed to croak out. "I'm sorry," he grimaced, he knew that it wasn't enough.

Rose gave him a tight smile. "I was angry at you and John, your metacrisis took it well. We started out as friends but I couldn't help but fall in love with him, I knew that it would only bring me heartache but I allowed myself to anyway, cause I would rather have fifty or sixty happy years with him to look back on than centuries of regretting what could've been," she knew it was a low blow but she needed to say it.

"I'm sorry," the Tenth Doctor crocked again. He went to get up when he felt Rose take his hand like she use too and smile gently at him.

"Do you know what I hated the most?" Rose questioned as the Tenth Doctor shook his head. "I hated the fact that I couldn't hate you. No matter what you did I still loved you and I never gave up hope of meeting you again."

The tears the Tenth Doctor was trying to hold back, started falling down his cheeks as he dove forward and wrapped his arms so tight around her that she could hardly breathe. "I'm so sorry, believe me if I could go back and redo that day I would ensure that I kept you with me forever."

Rose pulled back slightly and kissed his lips quickly before urging him on his way taking Mickey, Martha, Donna and Jack back with him.

The Eleventh Doctor took the opportunity to approach her then and nudged her shoulder as he sat down next to her. Rose looked over at him. "Let me look at you," Rose demanded as she turned him to face her. "No more sticky uppy hair, now it's floppy but still just sort of brown hair. Trousers that are a bit too short for you and braces," she grinned as she gently snapped them.

"Oi," the Eleventh Doctor complained with a grin.

Rose returned the grin as she continued. "And a bow tie. Bow ties are cool."

The Eleventh Doctor giggled at her. "See I always knew you would get that," the Eleventh Doctor grew serious then. "When I regenerated from him, I regenerated missing you. You were the last face that, that face saw and the TARDIS made sure you were the first face that I saw. I spent most of this regeneration forgetting everything but I could never forget you."

Rose reached up and wiped the tears dripping down this Doctors cheeks. "As you've seen I will love you no matter what you look like."

The Eleventh Doctor wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a quick hug before kissing her on the forehead and ushering his companions into his TARDIS and sending them back into their time stream.

The Twelfth Doctor sat next to her then and reached for her hand, interlacing their fingers. "You know what surprised me the most? It was that in all my regenerations our hands always seemed to fit perfectly."

Rose grinned at him with her tongue touched smile. "What surprised me was the fact that out of thirteen bodies, not one of them is ginger. No wonder you envy people with ginger hair."

The Twelfth Doctor faked being shocked. "Rose Tyler, I do not envy anyone. Though I'm sure if my hair wasn't grey this time it probably would've been ginger."

Rose chuckled softly. "It seems like you've reverted back to what your ninth self was like."

"I suppose I have," the Twelfth Doctor thought out loud. "I certainly don't like hugs anymore or really holding hands with anyone. Yet like with my ninth self it seems that I don't like to with anyone but you. Can you promise one thing Rose," the Twelfth Doctor waited for Roses nod. "Promise me you will consider fixing our timeline so you stay with me. With my Eleventh self, though he wouldn't mention it, became selfish and didn't care about others feelings, like River. I married her to save the universe that she almost destroyed to change a fixed point yet even before I married her I made it clear that she would never have my hearts, that I already gave them to you and that will never change. I know she went backwards to my timeline believing that she could change my mind yet it did the opposite, it made me resent her cause it meant that the tiny little hope I had of you coming back was crushed."

"You think by me being there, you wouldn't have to marry her?" Rose questioned.

"Absolutely," the Twelfth Doctor insisted. "Cause I would've already been married to you," Roses eyebrows lifted to her hairline at that admission as the Doctor continued. "I had a ring already to give and had the perfect proposal ready, yet then we encountered the ghosts and it went downhill from there."

Rose closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face. "Oh, Doctor," Rose wrapped her arms around him as she buried her head in his jacket. The Doctor held her just as tightly. It was several minutes before they slowly disentangled themselves from each other. "I suppose you should go."

The Twelfth Doctor lifted Roses chin until she was looking in his eyes. "Remember what I said," Rose nodded in agreement as he collected his companion and disappeared in his TARDIS. Now there was only one Doctor left and Rose turned to face him.

"You don't travel with any companion?" Rose questioned.

The Thirteenth Doctor shook his head. "I've lived a very long time, I close to give up, closer than I've ever been before," the Doctor admitted.

Rose rested her head on his shoulder. "You've seen so much," Rose whispered.

"Do you know, Rose, I have watched you grow into the most remarkable being I have ever met. I feel in love with you the moment you took my hand and said theres me. I have missed you from the moment I walked away from you on the beach and I can honestly say that I will love you till the day I die."

"Then know this, Doctor," Rose replied. "I have seen a lot in my 346 years, met a lot of people but I have never loved anyone as much as you. You had my heart from the moment you grabbed my hand and told me to run."

The Doctor swooped down and captured her lips in a passionate Kiss. It was a good few minutes later that they reluctantly pulled apart and with one quick kiss the Thirteenth Doctor left and Rose found herself on her own.

Bad Wolf appeared next to her then. "Do you know what yu would like to do?"

Rose nodded. "Yeah, will you be there?"

"I will help you when I can," Bad Wolf assured her.

Let me know what you think, should I bring Rose back to after season four, should I send her back to the start of her adventures. Or should I send her back to the beginning of the classic Doctor who seasons. Let me know.