Hi, thank you for clicking on the pic to read as it is my first one. I am still messing around on this site so I apologise for any inconvenience. Please review and feel free to leave constructive criticism as it will help me improve.

So, Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this pic that is recognisable as Harry Potter.

Hailey was tired. She had barely got any sleep last night as she had been doing all her homework. Hermione was beside her, lecturing her that she should of done it over the weekend instead of playing Quidditch. She thought that was unfair since she hadn't had any fun since 'Umbitch' had become her teacher. As she entered the great hall she didn't react as the whole school seemed to quieten. She wasn't naive, she knew they were talking about her. Probably how much of a 'deranged lunatic' she was. She stole a glance up at the head table to see 'the toad' glaring at her. Subconsciously he rubbed the back of her hand, a notion that was not missed by Umbridge or Hermione. She sighed, he hated that woman. She was probably the worst DADA teacher ever and that list included a mad death eater. Hermione and Ron both thought that she should go to Dumbledore. He would probably just ignore her she thought sadly, NO, Angrily. Dumbledore had been ignoring her since the trial. Not even a hint that he was happy that she, Hailey had got off.

Somehow, during her moping, she had managed to get to the gryffindor table without realising it. Great she thought Now I'm getting so angry at Dumbledore i'm missing out on my life. She turned to her friends and was about to join in with their conversation when there was a bright, white flash, and several people materialised at the back of the hall.

For a moment everyone was stunned into silence as everyone stared at the new arrivals. Among them was Cornelius Fudge, Amelia Bones, Mad Eye Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Remus Lupin, a rather large black dog, Draco's parents and the Weasleys. They were all looking around in confusion. The hall was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. That was until one of them spoke, well spoke was a understatement.

"I DEMAND TO KNOW WHERE I AM AND WHY I WAS SO RUDELY BROUGHT HERE" yelled a rather angry looking minister of magic.

Another bright flash of white light and a voice answered the, ratherly rudely asked, question.

"I brought you here minister, and I must say, next time you arrive in a new place, it would be a good idea not to yell"

The whole hall turned their eyes from the group at the back to a teenage girl standing at the front of the hall. She had long brown hair that was the colour of the trees in the forbidden forest, her eyes were the same bright blue as the great lake. She wore a medium length, pure white, dress which seemed to shimmer in the torch light. She produced an aura of power and wisdom, kindness and cunning, and the feeling that she was someone they should know, but had forgotten.

Fudge openly gaped at the girl. She had the nerve to insult him, HIM. He would not stand for it. His temper gave way.


"I brought you here for a reason Cornelius and for future reference I really could not care less if you are minister for magic or not. " The girl said this with such authority in her voice that the whole hall was silent. The minister started spluttering indignantly and looked well on the verge of cursing her where she stood. "Now as I was going to say, before i was interrupted by this idiot, was that I gathered you here for a reason. A reason I never thought the circumstances would occur for… Now would you just spit out whatever it is you are trying to say, I really can't stand anymore of you insufferable spluttering."

"Wha?... You?... Who are you?" He finally managed to stammer out.

"Ahh, I am sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Harmony and I am the Human form of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." She paused to take a look at the faces surrounding her. "I have brought you here to prevent some horrible things from taking place"

After this statement the whole hall was quiet. Impossible the whole school thought. Soon the hall burst out in whispers. The students spoke in hushed voices, 'Hogwarts human?' 'She's off her rocker!' 'Hogwarts a girl, in you dreams' 'What horrible things?'. The whole hall was shocked. Well almost. In fact the only person who seemed not surprised was Dumbledore. Instead of looking surprised he looked troubled. He like all the other headmasters of Hogwarts knew about the girl. She would show up whenever Hogwarts was in great danger. Last time she had appeared, other than to introduce herself to the head, was when the chamber of secrets had taken a life. So her appearance here was definitely most troubling.

Harmony was looking around the hall at everyone's faces. Should I be doing this? She thought I mean I have never interfered before, well by this much at least. She pushed those thoughts to the side and approached Dumbledore.

"Can you get them to listen to me. When they do i will explain why I am here" she said. He nodded. Albus pulled out his wand and used the sonorous charm. He told everyone to listen to her. Harmony walked forward and addressed the school.

"Now, I am aware most of you do not believe what I said. However, there is grave danger coming to this school within the next year or so and it involves almost everyone in here." She paused to look at all the people watching her. "Me and and a friend have decided that it is time you lot know the truth and whatever problems it entails. We have managed to get a series of seven books that detail the life of a girl you all know, these will mostly be told from her point of view. I also have to warn you that whatever happens in the books will happen to the person in real life as you read it. It is horrible but it the cost of showing you all the future. Now I have to go, but, NO ONE is allowed to leave this hall until all these books are read. I must take my leave now."

She nodded to Albus and handed him a stack of seven books. She then promptly disappeared in a flash of white light. No one spoke. The hall was quieter than it had been in many years. There was another brilliant flash of bright, white, light and the hall had changed. All the house tables had disappeared and instead were replaced by sofas Which they all sat down at. Dumbledore read the title of the first book.