Reviews for Changing Fate's Plans
TheSmallzy23 chapter 1 . 7/15
Shame this story hasn’t been updated in years, it was one of my favorites and I still come back to read it every so often
DragonTamer01 chapter 17 . 5/10
My problem with this chapter is you appear to have made Penelope Clearwater a willing participant in the Weasley family’s activities. That doesn’t sit too well with me, because I’ve grown to really like her thanks to FanFiction, and I definitely prefer her as a good guy, not a villain.
PrettyFlackoPink chapter 6 . 4/20
so basically Hermione was cheating with Daphne on Harry ? That's pretty fucked up. Harry didnt know anything about his girlfriend having a sexual realtionship with another person before coming to grimmauld. very OC and a right bitch move on her part
Kyuubinokitsune1995 chapter 43 . 4/17
Are you ever gonna finish this. I wanna see morgana
RexCaldoran chapter 43 . 3/2
two years since u posted anything here... I'm not if u read this but just in case:
I really like it style of writing and just in case for u re-find the inspiration, muse or whatever to continue this one I'll bookmark it.
so hopefully:
Guest chapter 43 . 1/14
BillBrink chapter 43 . 7/22/2019
Such an interesting and well written story! I hope you will continue it.
slstanekt chapter 3 . 6/25/2019
You say harry has a choice but then state that Hermione is the only one that can break it without repercussions, that doesn't really sound like his choice and is a bit controlling
dragonfighter11 chapter 43 . 6/20/2019
if you're adding Pansy, or any other women then say so before hand, cause that will probably make me abandon this~
Fred Bitune chapter 5 . 6/1/2019
So, Hermione has been cheating on him with Daphne all the time since they started dating and Harry is cool with it.

Right, makes total sense... Holy shit.
ThePhenoix11 chapter 4 . 5/18/2019
Joy you oped a classmate and Harry for what reason other than tropes... Good luck on the fic mate.
Schmaing003 chapter 29 . 4/10/2019
Why do you constantly reference Andromeda sleeping with Remus? I know this was supposedly when she was younger but Previously you made another reference and she is still married to Nymphadora's father for that one. Nothing in the books or films would suggest the only Black girl who married a Muggle born would be an unfaithful whore. Why is every character in your story morally bankrupt for no reason?
Rebmul chapter 8 . 3/8/2019
I get the feeling ron is gonna die
Khatix chapter 17 . 2/3/2019
The thing that disturb me the most of the HP series is the pairings. Both Tonks (Metamorph) and Fleur (Vela) are both seen as living sex toys cause of what they are and both ended up with older men. Next we have the Heroine Hermione driven, intelligent, hard working, and very loyal who ends up with Ron who is lazy, abandons Harry twice, and always insulated Hermione because of who she is. Then we have the Hero Harry who ends up with Ginny who is a B-Character and the ultimate Fan-Girl. Finally we have one of Harry's sons who is named after two of the three men who ruined his childhood and are child abusers in some fashion so he would be willing to commit suicide when they wanted it to happen.
Chrisdz chapter 43 . 1/10/2019
Just reread this and I just hope that you continue it soon. Very good read.
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