Reviews for Wheels Within Wheels - Part Three
Hank1967 chapter 57 . 1h
Love Harry's attitude toward fatherhood! It is so true - our kids are what is most important! Enjoyed Harry and Daphne's little discussion of Shakespeare and Beowulf the night before as well! Iolanthe is a treasure. It's too funny how she's jealous for her little brother and resents Moira taking him away "just as he's becoming interesting". (Appropriated from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? My favorite one by the way. Loved Seah Connery and that particular quote. If you haven't seen it, you must!) Love the family dynamic. Why is it that Iolanthe hasn't had anyone steal her heart, yet?
Hank1967 chapter 56 . 2h
Excellent chapter! Glad to see Hermione and Kendra pulling Moira into their circle of rune witches. Rather neat how that was happening giving Moira her place within their group. Enjoyed the party and the trek back to Hogwarts.
Hank1967 chapter 55 . 3h
Excellent chapter! Love the length and all of the attention to details. Enjoying the addition of the new characters and the dynamic between them and the existing characters.
Hank1967 chapter 54 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Enjoyed the visit to St. Magnus. The dynamic in this story is absolutely brilliant! Loved the interplay between Daphne and Moira and Agnes.
Hank1967 chapter 53 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Love the family dynamic!
Hank1967 chapter 52 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Glad to see James didn't suffer too much as a consequence of his actions. That bit about Iolanthe watching Moira as one of her subjects was too funny! Iolanthe is quite the girl...
Hank1967 chapter 51 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Only one issue - the sports metaphors in the fight scene made it confusing. Otherwise, an excellent and interesting chapter. Glad to see James and Moira making themselves useful!
Hank1967 chapter 50 . 7/23
Busted! By his older sister no less... Too funny! Loved the Peter Pan effect having James and Moira (isn't that name from Peter Pan? Or at least Hook?) fly over to the mansion. Even funnier that they spent Samhain in the forest with the woodlanders. That bit about Moira being a Banshee was interesting. I hope we will see more of that? And on top of it, there was a fantastic ball going on at the mansion. Very Peter Pan. Excellent chapter!
Hank1967 chapter 49 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Love the tender family moments... Enjoyed the inclusion of Moira, especially her back story. She sounds like she might make a good match for James. She reminds me a tiny bit of Ginny.
Hank1967 chapter 48 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Enjoyed L'Anse and The Serene Caroline. Also enjoyed that Harry took the family along. Very cool that!
Hank1967 chapter 47 . 7/23
Too funny why Harry got Daphne out on a date! As he mentioned, she shouldn't have complained; she did ask him to use her. Beautifully done! Interesting all the weird stuff Harry keeps stumbling upon. Some of it appears to be hitting a little close to reality...
Hank1967 chapter 46 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Rather humorous to see Daphne behave as she did given her usually self-controlled nature. Perhaps Harry should have taken up the rings sooner? Good one on old Phineus Nigellus there!
Hank1967 chapter 45 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Really enjoyed that last bit there with Harry and Daphne. The thought of being able to connect to one's family's history in such a way is both staggering and awesome in one breath. Enjoy seeing Walburga cheer them on!
Hank1967 chapter 44 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! Glad to see Harry offering Lissette the protection of the Potter-Blacks. Also glad to see him listening to Phineas' advice. No telling what that Black ring will do for him (or to him for that matter!).
Hank1967 chapter 43 . 7/23
Excellent chapter! We finally get to meet the elusive "Jaques LeFleur". Why is it every moron thinks they are able to go up against the one who defeated Voldemort? Bizarre, but then again, your garden variety sociopath usually is... Looking forward to seeing how Harry deals with him, or will it be Iolanthe?
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