

Harry Potter


Lily Leaves Part 1



Note: This story is about a smart Lily, a Lily they said she was. She is an Unspeakable while James is an Auror. She is also a product of her parents and their mundane life. She uses that knowledge and wisdom to think of plans inside of plans. This is a 5 part chapter story i developed from my one shots. Enjoy





Lily Potter, nee Evans, placed her year old son in his playpen at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, and made sure he had his toys before going into the dining room where the meeting was being held. Sitting beside her husband, she listened to what was going on and all she could think of as she saw how many were not there, was that Dumbledore as their leader was a fucking joke. But her husband worshiped the ground the man walked on, so she was stuck here listening to this bullshit of just stunning the Death Eaters while they killed the innocent. She was determined to protect her son more than ever. If the prophecy was in fact true, then she would protect him to her best ability be it magical or her mundane like her father taught her at his knees as she was growing up listening to the stories of her father fighting in the Second World War. They were now hiding in Leeds but they were soon to move to Northampton as soon as Lily scouted out the new motel in Aberdeen that they could rent a pair of rooms for the month. They had lost five of their seven homes in the United Kingdom, and one in northern France to the Death Eaters. All they had left was Potter Manor, which was empty of everything after James' parents were killed in Diagon Alley, and a small cottage in Godric Hollow. Potter Manor was under war wards and even Voldemort wouldn't try assaulting there again! It had cost him twenty-eight out of thirty of his minions and wounded him. They would hide there but with war wards being so powerful, nothing got in and nothing got out until James lowered them, the property was safe. Godric Hollow was just purchased, and no one knew about the new house; not even the rest of the Marauders.

Looking across at her only remaining girlfriend she nodded to Alice who agreed with her on Dumbledore, and agreed their children were their primary goal. She too and her family were in hiding because of Dumbledore who wouldn't say why they had to hide; but tonight, between them and their husbands they were going to find out why.

Another thing that irked her was Dumbledore insisting on that he have their only copy of their will but just last week she went behind her husband's back and changed hers and submitted it to the Goblin account manager for them to manage. The new will excluded her sister and brother in law to have custody, excluded Dumbledore from having custody or any say on Harry's placement. If Alice, Sirius and Andromeda are disregarded in the will, then Harry was to be placed with James distant cousin living on Saint Helena, where she owned one of the local pubs.

"Good evening, all," Dumbledore said as he swept into the room and sat at the head of the table.

"Evening, professor," everyone replied and she swore his glasses twinkled more.

The meeting went as she knew it would go. Especially him berating her for killing a Death Eater who had just killed her best friend Marlene McKinnon in Hogsmead the other day, during the fight that erupted when they popped in to burn the town to the ground, even if Barty Crouch congratulated her on it for outing his son as a Death Eater.

As the meeting broke up, Alice and her grabbed her husband's arms before they could stand and hissed at them to stay seated while she addressed Dumbledore.

"Professor, we want to speak to you, privately," Lily demanded.

Dumbledore was almost to his feet when Lily spoke and he saw she was alone, "Yes, Lily?" he asked as he sat back down.

"Just a second," she replied and turned to Sirius and said, "Sirius, sorry but can you leave."

"Sure Lils," Sirius replied and left the room closing the door.

Lily quickly cast silencing wards on the walls, floor and roof and did a detection for listing bugs and frowned when she found two. With a quick wave of her wand she dismantled them to a shocked look on Dumbledore's face.

"Bloody hell no wonder we're losing if we don't even bother to check for security," Lily said as she turned to Dumbledore and demanded, "We want to know why we're in hiding now?"

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair his twinkling glasses slowed, "I told you. Voldemort wants you four dead."

"Why? Why now?" Alice asked.

"Because you have been defiant of him," Dumbledore said and Lily's eyes narrowed as the twinkling grew.

"Stop avoiding the questions. Why now?" Lily demanded.


"Shut up James," Lily snapped out as she glared at Dumbledore.

"Well? Should I take my husband and son home and pack everything and leave the country because you won't give us honest answers, but just run around the questions?"

Everyone there saw the man blanch at that, but still he refused to answer.

"That tears it, Lily. You were right," Alice said and turned to her husband, "Frank, when we get home, we're gathering your mother and Neville, and we're leaving the country," as she stood up to leave.

"WAIT!" Dumbledore gasped out in fear.

"Then tell us the truth," Lily demanded.

"I can't…"

"Then were out of here," Alice said as she stood up.

"Wait… please," Dumbledore said as he tried to figure a way to keep them here in the country, and then said, "Just before Harry and Neville were born, a prophecy was made saying a child born to those who have defied the dark lord three times will be his undoing. That's why I hid all of you. Voldemort only knows the first part of the prophecy."

Lily was fuming, she worked in the Department of Mysteries and she should have known about it so she could have verified if it was real, "How does the idiot know?"

"It was partially overheard when it was told to me. My brother caught the Death Eater and threw him out of the hogshead," Dumbledore said.

"Who was it that heard?" Lily and Alice demanded to know.


"Tell us!" all four demanded.

"Severus heard it, but he's apologetic about it. When he found out who it implied, he came to me begging to protect you."

"Me? Not my son or my husband," Lily demanded to know.

"At first he said just you but then changed it to include all three of you," Dumbledore said.

"I see," Lily said and stood up, "Thank you for telling us the truth. Don't worry we will not tell anyone else. James, it's time to get Harry home and in bed where he belongs. We will see you at the next meeting, Albus."

Dumbledore sat there and fumed as the parents of his victory over Voldemort walked out of the room. He wondered what it would be for the future. He now knew why it was so difficult to get them under the Fidelius charms and have them use Tom's spies as the secret keepers. It was for the Greater Good that his plans were followed; time to let Peter know that they were hiding in Leeds, to get them to run to Godric Hollow so Tom could kill them and then Tom could be struck down.

Lily took Harry from Sirius while James shrunk the playpen and placed it in his pocket.

"Sirius, stay safe," Lily said as she twisted and vanished.

"James, what's going on?" Sirius asked.

"Can't say. Dumbles says it's very important, and only we four can know. See you at work in the morning," James replied and he too followed his wife while Frank and Alice popped away.

Sirius looked at Peter who was looking at him, and they both shrugged, "Want to get a beer?" Sirius asked.

"Can't, my mum's sick again," Peter replied as he felt the burning on his left arm.




Lily appeared in the room and set Harry in his chair. She quickly summoned her shrunken muti compartment trunk and started packing. She was almost finished when James popped in and he stood there watching.

"What are you doing?" James asked.

"Packing what does it look like?" Lily asked.

"Why I thought we were going to stay here another month," James said.

"James, you remember those listing charms I found?" Lily asked as she shrunk the trunk.

"Yes, I do. What of them?"

"I told Alice we were in Leeds. How long do you think it would take the Death Eaters to find us by watching the stores?" Lily said as she watched the blood drain from his face.

James summoned his trunk and it was soon packed. Lily grabbed his arm with her free one and though of the apartment in Northampton and the two vanished. Neither they nor the city of Leeds knew how lucky they were that they left that night because the next day, the stores around Leeds were being watched by Death Eaters.

Lily looked around the new one bedroom flat and sighed at the cheap furniture that was even worse then what she grew up with. With a quick wave of her wand she repaired the furniture until it looked new, as they wouldn't be having any outside guests from the neighborhood. Setting up Harry's bed, she set him in it and placed a sleeping charm over him.

"Get some sleep, James, you have work in the morning," Lily said as she started setting up the tiny kitchen so she could cook.

"Are you sure?" James asked.

"Yes," Lily replied as she kissed him.

Lily turned the radio on to some soft music as she went to work on the flat. With cleaning charms she cleaned the years of grime and mildew from the bathroom and several quick repario's on the sink, tub and toilet had them looking new. The self cleaning litter box went under the sink in the bathroom on the floor. Sheba's bed on the floor, not that she'd use it, was in the living room. The work would take the next few hours while Lily planned and discarded plans on what to do. One thing she knew was that she needed more information, and as much as she hated it, she needed a house elf. She wondered if Alice and Frank had one to spare. She would have to ask, but first she needed to speak with her boss, who she trusted over everyone but her husband.

Going into the living room, she shut the radio, lights and anything electronic off after casting a powerful sleeping spell on her husband, she turned and cast her patronus and started whispering to it. The Siberian Tiger listened and then dove into the wall, vanishing on its way to Croaker. Minutes later, Croaker's toad patronus returned.

"Set your beacon to 837202A, and I'll be right there."

Lily picked up the spindle beacon that all unspeakables are given by Croaker, she started twirling the disks until the numbers were lined up and then she pressed the button on the end.

With a soft pop, a man wearing grey robes and a hooded cloak arrived in the room.

"Good to see you, agent Tigerlily," Croaker said as he sat down, "what's the problem?"

"I found out why he is after the Potters and Longbottoms," Lily reported.

"Oh? Why?" Croaker asked.

"Supposedly, a prophecy was given to Dumbledore and it was overheard by Severus Snape," Lily said as she went to the small fridge and pulled out a container of lemonade and offered.

"Please," Croaker replied as he leaned back in his chair and thought, "Well, I can check to see if there is one. Do you know when it was made?"

Lily filled two glasses and put the container away then walked back to the couch thinking on when they went in hiding.

Handing the glass to her boss she sat down and said, "I would say, sometime between June and September first that's when Dumbledore hired the new divination teacher if I remember right."

"Sybill Patricia Trelawney? You have to be kidding, she's a fraud," Croaker replied as he took a sip of the lemonade.

"I know, I went to school with her for two years, but she is the only one I can think of, and she was hired during that time," Lily said.

Croaker rubbed his chin and nodded, "I'll check the book. If there is one, I'll find out what it says, since I am the only one who can pick up the orbs and activate them beside the recipients."

"I just hope it's not a self-fulfilling one," Lily said.

Croaker just grunted at that and then asked, "What do you want to do with Severus Snape?"

"Kill him. He may have once been my friend, but he's a Death Eater and that bastard set him on my family. He's dead to me," Lily replied.

Croaker stood up and hugged his protégée and started to portkey away when he asked, "Anything else you need?"

"Can I get my work trunk so I have something to do… and I need a house elf if you know of a free one to bond with me," Lily replied.

"Consider it done. Minky!"

A pop and a female elf appeared and she asked, "You croaked Master Croaker?"

Lily burst into laughter at the comment and before she could say anything, Croaker did, "Uppity little thing. Minky, this is Lily Potter. She needs an elf to bond with and since my wife died you haven't had much to do. Would you like to bond with her and help care for her husband and her small child?"

The word 'child' made a huge smile appear on the elf's face, "I would! I would!"

"Then I release you from my service and transfer you to Lily Marie Potter nee Evans. Serve her well and make me proud," Croaker replied and vanished as his portkey took effect.

Before she could speak, another elf popped in with her work trunk, bowed and left and Lily got to work.




Lily growled at being trapped in this house. Dumbledore had won his way and they were now hiding under the Fidelius charm in Godric Hollow. The good thing was, Dumbledore didn't know of the modifications made to the house. In the last five months they had moved twelve times, due to Minky warning them about Death Eaters and tracking charms on James. Two weeks ago, they received a letter by Phoenix from Dumbledore, that he had discovered an obscure charm that could hide them. Lily spent several days studying the charm and agreed it would work. Sirius was originally going to be their secret keeper but at the last minute he suggested Peter while he played at letting everyone think it was he. Last night, the spell was cast and Peter reminded everyone where they lived. The good think was Minky was there invisible and heard the secret as well, and they were able to have her with them.

The one good thing about her plan, was she was able to get Petunia and her arse of a husband to move to a new location and sell their home. She originally offered them fifty thousand up front to move but had to settle with a hundred and twenty thousand cash and a new car of their choice. A week later the house was empty and a for sale sign on the front grass. Her sister and her family now lived in Perth Australia, working for the local Grunnings Drills.

While James played with Harry, Lily set up their bolt hole. Using a pair of vanishing cabinets, she set the first one up in the baby's room, linked to the one she had hidden in a storage unit near where Alice lived. A second pair was connected from that same location with Alice and her family so they could escape. With the cabinet up and running, Lily moved both her prepared trunks to the storage unit and then came back and changed Harry's bed with the rune encrusted sheets that would protect him. Minky would sleep in the cabinet with the door open so she wouldn't get transported away and always be on hand to protect Harry. One thing Dumbledore didn't know was each house had a ward that would detect the dark mark and would allow both families to flee if they approached thanks to Croaker who used a prisoner to examine the mark which caught Rockwood, an unspeakable who was interrogated and tossed through the veil.

Another escape continuance was the tunnel from the basement behind a bookshelf containing copies of her potion books that ran a half mile underground to a room where a dozen portkey ropes hung that went to different locations while a third was a flying carpet in the attic.

Making sure everything was the way she wanted it, Lily went downstairs and found James making smoke rings for Harry to try and grab. She stood there for a minute watching until Minky popped in and said dinner was ready.

"Thank you, Minky," James replied as he set the wand down on the table.

"JAMES!" Lily said in horror as it was the fifth time today that he had just casually set it aside.

"What?" James asked.

"Your wand!" Lily snapped and then walked over and pulled up his sleeve and checked, "Where is your holster?"

"Took it off, it was itching," James replied.

Pulling her wand out, she said, "Accio wand holster."

The holster appeared and Lily cast a cleaning and anti itch spell on it and handed it back, "Put it on. Put your wand in it. What if were attacked and you don't have your wand?"

"Sorry Lil's," James said and slipped the wand on his arm and the wand inside the holster.

Lily carried Harry into the kitchen and set him in the highchair and sat down to feed him, "Open your mouth and here comes the broom!" as she feed him some mashed potatoes.

James smiled as he sat across from Lily and started serving up some food, "I see you changed it."

"Only because you keep insisting I do so," Lily said as she took a bit of food as Harry was gnarling on a piece of cooled roast beef.

Dinner went quickly and Minky cleaned up the food while Lily took Harry up to the bathroom to clean up. She was about to walk out of the bathroom and froze and looked back. On the sink was her wand, where she set it after cleaning Harry up.

"What the hell?" Grabbing her wand she slipped it back in its holster and went down stairs to find James reading and his wand on the coffee table.


James jumped from where he was sitting and looked around, "What?"

"Your wand! What the hell is wrong with you?" Lily demanded as she pointed at the wand.

"Huh?" James said and looked down at the table, "What the hell?"

James grabbed his wand as Lily cast a detection spell on him, "You have a compulsion spell on you."

"Take it off," James replied.

Lily quickly removed the spell from him and checked his wand and found another so she removed it as well, "It was on your wand too."

With his wand back in the right spot, they sat together with Harry playing with a toy between them and music playing on the radio.

"James, I don't like this place," Lily said as she looked around the large room, "It feels to big after what we have been living in."

"Yeah, I agree. Those flats we rented were cozy for the two I mean the three of us," James replied as he leaned over and kissed her.

The time would go by as they read and Harry fell asleep and started snoring which caused James to chuckle.

"Are all three escape routes set up?" James asked.

"Yes, the cabinet is in the baby's room, flying carpet in the attic and the basement has the tunnel and portkeys. You just need to remember that this guy is our priority. We must get him away," Lily replied.

"I know and speaking of baby, I think he's ready for bedtime," James said as he watched Harry blow a bubble in his sleep.

"I think so too," Lily said as she stood up and picked up their son, "Come on munchkin, time for bed."

James watched as Lily went upstairs and then picked up his magazine again and signed. He was deep in an article but even then he didn't miss the warning from the wards and went to the front door and looked through the one way glass and blanched as he saw who was outside the wards as Lily was coming down the stairs.

"Lily, it's him! Take Harry and run!" James shouted out as he stepped back from the door and quickly activated the defense as he fell back to the kitchen.

Lily turned and ran up the stairs and into the baby's room. The plan was for James to take the tunnel and her to take the cabinet but that all depended on where they were. That's why they had the carpet in the attic to fly out the skylight. Slamming the door, she quickly sealed it and said, "Minky."

"Yes, Mistress," Winy replied.

"The jug and cage," Lily ordered and Minky popped back out as she cast the more spells that would protect the cabinet from destruction.

Minky popped in with the jug and it was quickly in the swing trap that would hurl it out of the room. She heard the explosion down stairs and then his voice taunting James as they fought. Several death spells were cast as she continued to work as Minky took Harry through the cabinet. Taking the mice from the cage one by one, she transformed them into ones that looked like her and Harry. One was placed in four feet from the door with a fake wand in her hand and frozen. The other was turned into Harry and placed in the crib.

Grabbing the bag she cried as pain shot through her and she knew James was dead as the marriage bond snapped. Taking a deep breath, she animated the mouse to act like her and stepped into the cabinet and was in time to see part of the door fly by and smash into her doppelganger and the hideous laugh of Voldemort as it closed and she found herself elsewhere.




Voldemort looked down on the bleeding body of James Potter. Healing the minor wounds he had received he headed up the stairs where the woman was trapped under his anti-portkeys and apparition wards. Around him the room was totaled as everything had been animated to attack him by Potter. His spy had told him that the brat's room was on the left and he turned to face it and raised his wand. The Confringo spell shattered the door and he was surprised that it caught the mudblood as well and then smiled as he saw the baby lying on the floor behind her, a shattered crib around it. For she now lay on the floor bleeding badly. Stepping in he was shocked when something slammed into his chest and then the next thing he was a wraith looking around. His body had disintegrated and the wall behind where he had stood was perforated with small holes. Turning he laughed as he saw the two bodies had been shredded by the explosion that had killed him and then he fled for he needed rest as he was very weak.



Edit By TeNderLoin





Harry Potter™ is a registered trademark and copyright (©) of JK Rowling and all that crap. The only thing mine is the idea and several characters. Everything else is hers including all the money...