Buenos Dias all! My name is Dr Bayou, and I'm here to give you a new fanfiction to read! I hope you enjoy it! Review and Comment, it makes my day!

Also, I do not own Harry Potter, nor am I making any profit whilst writing this. Though if J.K. Rowling ever reads this and wants to collaborate...

Call me.

But enough of my delusions! Enjoy!


The whisper echoed softly through the ancient stone walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the soft, efflorescent glow of the spell, a dark haired boy tilted his glasses up on the bridge of his nose as he rummaged through his pockets. Finding what he was searching for, he held it up under his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Magically, a large blank sheet of parchment exploded in a maze of moving ink as names and footsteps slithered across the page through a labyrinth of corridors. He recognized only a few of the sames that sped through the corridors, but then again, that was the story of his life.

He barely knew anyone, but everyone knew him.

Rolling his eyes at the thought, he set off down an abandoned corridor, silently making his way towards a large wooden door. Pushing it open with little effort, a silent "Nox" killed the light from his wand. The moonlight arced majestically through the stain glass windows and silently reflected across the tile of flood. Pointing his wand at the map in his hands, he gave it a small tap.

"Mischief managed."

As quickly as the paper had exploded with life, the ink faded away, leaving no trace it had been there at all. Folding it neatly he set it back into the pocket of his slacks. He took a moment to notice the silence in the room, he gave a approving nod.

"Myrtle must be out haunting the locker rooms again." he muttered under his breath as he strode forwards towards the large sink in the center of the washroom. His hand skirted along the brass handles of the sink, taking some of the dust that had settled on them with it. Slowly, he backed away and his emerald eyes stared strait at the snake molded into the brass of the faucet.

Had anyone else been in the room, they would have only heard the boy make a series of hissing noises like he thought he was a snake. At first, silence surged back into the room, but a low rumbling of marble bore witness to the sink slowly rolling away, revealing a dark pipe in the floor.

Without missing a beat, the boy walked up to the pipe. Glancing into the abyss, he slowly inched towards the edge. Suddenly, however, he turned towards the stalls. Curiously, he stared at one particular stall. After about a minute, he simply shook his head and faced back towards the pipe. Without a word, he shoved himself over the edge and into the abyss. As he fell, he idly chastised himself for being so paranoid. As he heard the rumble of the marble sink returning to its original position, he gave a sigh of relief.

After all, no one ever went into Moaning Myrtle's washroom anymore.


As his skidding slowed, the boy thrust out his feet. Shot out of the tub, he landed on the dank, cold stone floor with a soft thud. His footsteps echoed through the antechamber he had emerged in as he set forth towards a large, round door laden with large metal snakes.

"Shwaha Sha Hasieth."

A large metal python emerged from the side of the door. The metal clank of the unlocking mechanism resonated throughout the room as the door unlocked. The door swung slowly open as the boy strode quickly into the chamber. Another hiss, and the torches lining the walls of the chamber surged forth with a blazing orange glow.

Walking the length of the chamber the boy passed a large, decaying corpse of a basilisk. The massive serpent slay pushed to the side of the chamber, coiled around itself. Like he did every time he saw it, the boy was immensely thankful Professor Flitwick had taught him the 'Anti-Odor Charm'.

The stench was doubtlessly horrendous.

However, he passed right by the corpse as marched along to the side of the chamber, right next to the pool of water. Reaching the side, he picked up a large, broken stone; probably a remnant from his battle with the Chamber's resident reptile. Turning the stone in his hand a few times, a frown formed on his face.

The frown soon became a scowl, and the scowl soon became barely contained rage. Frustration bubbled through his veins like magma.

"Agh!" he roared angrily, chucking the stone as far as he could.


The waves surged across the pool and the boy eyed them, breathing heavily. Running a hand through his jet black hair, he gave a long, weary sigh.

"Jeez Potter, Frustrated much?"


In a flash, Harry turned and large, brown ropes burst from his wand in the direction of the shadowed speaker. A gasp for breath was heard as the ropes bound themselves around the intruder, sending them crashing to the floor.

"Who are you?" Harry roared as he approached the bound victim.

"What the hell Potter! Let me go!" was the reply. Harry glared and leveled his wand in the direction of the still shaded intruder.

"I said who the hell are you? Answer me!" he screamed. He flicked his wand and the whole area was bathed in a blinding white light. Struggling against the conjured bonds was a blond girl Harry vaguely recognized from Potions class.

She had golden blond hair with dark, piercing green eyes. A further green tint directed Harry towards her robes to reveal a green and black tie with a green fabric lining her robes. Almost immediately, he remembered.

"What the hell are you doing following me, Greengrass?" he spat, lowering his wand to the Slytherin girl's throat. Daphne blew a loose piece of hair out of her eyes so he could fully see her glare.

"Forgive me if The-Boy-Who-Lived walking into the girls washroom isn't enough to pique my curiosity. Will you let me go now?" she growled. Harry's eyes narrowed and he twisted his wand deeper into her throat.

"How do I know you're not here to kill me?" he growled. Daphne rolled her eyes.

"You didn't notice me follow you into your super secret cave and have your little freak out. You literally handed me a silver platter to kill you, and lo and behold, there you stand. Alive." was her cheeky reply. Harry's glare didn't waver for a moment, but after a moment he gave a long, worn sigh and, with a flick of his wand, the ropes binding Daphne evaporated.

"So you followed me down here." Harry said as he turned back to watching over the pool of water. "What do you want?" The girl slowly rose to her feet and dusted herself off.

"What...what is this place Potter?" she asked, curiosity shining in her eyes. Harry just sighed and sat down by the pool.

"This is the Chamber of Secrets."

"But...but I thought that was just a myth."

"So does everyone else. I wish I thought it was too, but now it's my personal relaxation spot, though that might need to change now." he sighed staring up at the stalagmites. Daphne realized Harry was less angered by her presence, but more annoyed with, in short, his 'issues'. He was far more concerned with something far bigger than her, so she decided not to add too the situation.

"Relax Potter, I won't spoil your little sanctuary. One condition however." she finished. Harry raised a haggard eyebrow, inviting her to continue, albeit reluctantly.

"You let me come down here sometimes." she said with finality. This caused Harry to raise an eyebrow.

"Daphne, why you want to come down here with me? You barely know me, you probably hate me." was his response, and it was fairly justifiable. No Slytherin would willingly associate with a Gryffindor, no way, no how. In a fluid motion, Harry found Daphne sitting down right next to him.

"For one, this is the Chamber of Secrets. I don't need any other reason to want to come down here. Secondly, I don't hate you Potter. I simply have no reason to like you. I do, however, have more than enough reason to be intrigued by you." was her reply. Harry sighed.

"Listen I didn't put my name in that damn goblet if that's what your talking about..." he began. Daphne shook her head.

"No no, I know you didn't. I, for one, don't doubt the competence of Headmaster's spells. There's no way in hell you broke through to put your own name in." she began. Harry's head tilted ever so slightly to the side, not quite sure whether he should take offense to that statement or not.

"You, however, have a knack for doing interesting things. In fact, your doing one right now." she finished. Harry turned his head towards her.

"Enlighten me." he dully responded.

"You're still sitting here, in the Chamber of Secrets, talking to a Slytherin girl you barely know. You've obviously got something big on your mind, and I'm just curious enough to ask what it is." she said. Harry turned back out to looking over the pool.

"Can't promise I'm curious enough to care." she added, "But I don't recall ever seeing anyone ask you how you feel about all the things you manage to get yourself into."

The offer lingered softly off her lips. Silence reigned over the chamber as neither occupant spoke a word.

"I'm tired."

Daphne turned to look at the boy, only to find the quiet, generally confident boy she had always seen in school slump his shoulders. The weight of his life weighed fully and visibly on him. His eyes betrayed wisdom and knowledge of evil well beyond his age. For some reason, Daphne felt upset.

"I'm in a contest I could die in" he began, clearing his throat. "and I have no idea what to do for the second task. A couple of weeks ago, I almost died fighting a dragon. Everybody's glaring at me for something I didn't even freaking do. To top it off, my best mate won't stop freaking out about who we're going to ask to the Yule Ball ever since Krum asked Hermione. I'm just...sick of it." he all but spat. Daphne pursed her lips and stayed silent for a moment.

"Mind if I comment?" she asked. Harry shrugged.

"Knock yourself out."

The slap, Harry had not been expecting. He turned to the blond girl incredulously.

"The hell-?" he barked. Daphne simply returned to her position.

"Good God. You needed that. Have you always been this much of a worm? So you're in the tournament. You survived the first task, you'll survive the second. Worrying and or bitching about it won't do you any good. Also, people have been glaring at you since you got here, who cares what they think. It's hardly their place to have an opinion. Finally, why the hell is there a 'who we'll ask'?" Harry blinked owlishly.

"What do you mean? I don't want to worry about who we'll ask but he won't stop-"

"Your Harry Bloody Potter. He's a Weasley. There is no 'who we'll ask'. Sure, he should worry about who he's going to ask. Hell, he'd better start praying he gets a date. You're Harry Potter. You can ask who ever the hell you want." she concluded.

Silence once again reigned. Harry fell into deep contemplation as he processed what his new acquaintance had just quite painfully pointed out to him. Daphne seemed impatient at the silence.

"Potter, do you even understand that you're a celebrity?" she asked. Harry frowned slightly.

"I'm a celebrity because my parent died protecting me." was the blunt response. Daphne seemed to have some choice words for his lack of tact, but she bit her tongue and continued.

"While that's true, you're still a celebrity. It may be by morbid causes, but you've got a lot of power in the wizarding world." she said. Harry's puzzled expression only spurred her on.

"How the hell have you not gotten that through your thick skull? You don't have to be an arse about it, but you don't have to be a spineless brat about everything. You're Harry Potter." she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Turning to look at him, she gave an odd look.

"You do understand privilege, right?"

For the first time in the chamber, the two looked each other in each others eyes. Harry's shone with the tiniest spark of revelation.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is people respect you. Whether or not they show it, they fear you. Defeating Voldemort, fighting a dragon..." she trailed off as she pointed towards the large serpent on the other side of the room. "And killing a basilisk, apparently. You parade this quiet, content kid just trying to fit into the world, but since when did someone who has done all of that fit into society normally? You don't fit because your not normal, yet you seem content ignoring all of the ways you could make your life better."

Harry watched as Daphne slowly stood up.

"Privilege doesn't make bad people. They make themselves. There's nothing wrong with using what you have. Grow a spine Potter."

With that, Daphne Greengrass spun on her heel and began to leave the chamber. Her footsteps rang vividly in Harry's ears.

"Daphne!" he cried out after her. Stopping mid-stride, she turned around. Realizing she was now waiting on him to speak, Harry said.

"Are...are you going with anyone to the Yule Ball?" he stuttered. Daphne raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.

"No, why?"

"Well uh..."


Harry swallowed hard.

"You wanna go with me?" he said as he bit his tongue, mentally preparing for the laugh.

It never came.

"Potter. I only go places with people who matter. I have no sympathy for those who wallow in their weakness. I won't be seen with losers." she said as she again turned to walk out.

"Meet me in front of the Great Hall at 7. Don't make me wait."

Harry blinked.

"Was that a yes?" he called out as Daphne slipped past the open door and out of the chamber. For a moment, there wasn't a sound, but then a call echoed from the distance.

"7 o'clock, Potter."

Harry fell back onto the stone floor and stared up and through the hole in the ceiling at the stars in the distance. For the first time in a long time, Harry James Potter had a smirk on his face. He couldn't understand it. Hell, he didn't need to. As he felt sleep nip at his senses, something changed in Harry.

All his life, he had been so happy to have found the wizarding world. He had tried to hard to do his best to be quiet and out of the way for it. He didn't want to cause trouble. But now...now why not? He had always thought he was privileged to be a part of the wizarding world, but now he thought otherwise.

He was Harry Bloody Potter.

The privilege was all theirs.

Well there ya go everybody! This has been stewing in my mind for a little while, and I thought I might as well give it a shot! I hope everyone enjoys it. In case your wondering, this is starting a few weeks before the Yule Ball in Harry's forth year. Harry won't be any stronger than he is in cannon, however, I feel it is worth noting Harry is very powerful, he just only fires stunners or "Expeliarmus."

Let me assure you, I hate those spells. Harry will be using more interesting magic! So yea, he won't be any more powerful than he's capable of, but it will deviate from cannon spells! Look forward to updates as a write during class while I procrastinate!

The Doctor is In.
