A/N: I have to give credit where credit is due. I hit a huge snag in writing this chapter, twice. The first time was before I publish anything and I walked away from this one. It was my first attempt to writing something like this. I picked it up again at one point and my wife helped me with the first snag. I got distracted with other things and let it just sit, collecting dust. When I post my poll I had decided to finally finish it, post what I had done and put it in rotation. When I start in on this chapter after that the next snag hit. I give my eternal thanks to Gin110881 for helping open the flood gates to finally finish this chapter. As always, thanks for the R/Rs.

Chapter 6: Christmas Bells

The weeks that followed the trial quickly turned into months and the holidays were fast approaching. Harry and Ginny grew steadily closer with the talks they had on walks through the grounds and trips to Hogsmeade. It seemed like it was going to be a very peaceful year for once, even with Ron and Hermione still at each other like cats and dogs. Classes were going smoothly, apart from Potions. Harry was incredibly frustrated, but it was limited to Snape being his normal greasy git self, Malfoy running his mouth, and the Ministry's inability to find Peter Pettigrew, everything else was rosy.

"Morning." Harry leaned down as he lightly kissed Ginny's cheek before he sat down for breakfast.

"Good morning, love," Ginny smiled. "Wake up late … again?"

"It's hard to sleep with Seamus having a cold and snoring louder than Ron," Harry grumbled. Ron sat down across from them looking half dead. "The post here yet?"

"Not yet. Expecting something from Sirius?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, I asked what we are doing for Christmas," Harry answered, filling his plate. "I'm just waiting on his answer."

"Well, here it comes now." Ginny motioned to the owls as they swooped into the Great Hall. Ginny squinted as she looked at an owl that was weaving haphazardly.

"Uh-Oh. Grab your drinks, here comes Errol."

They quickly lifted their drinks as the old owl swooped in and collided with the large fruit basket in the middle of the table.

"That bloody bird's a menace!" complained Ron.

"It's from dad." Ginny frowned in confusion. She read the first two lines before she looked up. "Percy, Fred, George, it's a letter from dad. He wants all of us to hear it," Ginny hollered down the table to her brothers.

All three grumbled as they moved closer.

"What's it say, Gin-Gin?" Fred asked, earning him a scowl.

"Anything wrong?" George asked.

Ginny eyes grew wide as she read the letter out loud,

"Dear Ginny, Boys, Harry, and Hermione,

As most of you know, your mother and I won't be celebrating our anniversary until April. However, I was hoping you would help me make this Christmas extra special for your mother. I' have made arrangements to renew our wedding vows on Christmas Eve, and. I've also been in touch with Sirius, and the Grangers, and have made all the arrangements for Hermione to spend the holidays with us have been made.

Sirius has said that it's a given that Harry will be a part of our holiday no matter what.

Ginny, Hermione, I would like to ask you to work on Molly's dress. The measurements and supplies will be coming to you tomorrow. Percy, Ron, Harry, I need you to help Bill and Charlie with the decorations here at the Burrow. Fred, George, I need you to help Sirius distract your mother, while we are getting things ready. I know I can count on you three to keep her busy.

Thank you all and we'll see you in a couple of weeks. And remember, not a word to your mother.



"Sounds like fun," Fred grinned evilly.

"The best fun," George grinned just as evilly.

"Oh, Merlin, mum's in trouble," Ginny groaned.

The last two weeks of term seemed to fly by. As the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione sat in a very cramped compartment on the Hogwarts Express. They were discussing their plan in great detail. Ginny and Hermione had completed most of the dress and only needed to place some finishing touches on it. Fred and George had been in touch with Sirius and they were being very secretive about their plans. Harry had suggested they wait to discuss the decorations until they were with Bill and Charlie, who were coming the next day. Malfoy looked in, but seeing all of the Weasleys with Harry thought better than to harass them. By the time the lunch trolley came through Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were the only ones left in the compartment.

The train pulled into King's Cross before they realized it. Most of the students were making a mad dash off the train, ready for the break. Harry and Ginny held back, not wanting to part yet. They were the last people off the train. They walked slowly to the large group of redheads on the far side of the platform. Harry was a little surprised to see Sirius there waiting with the Weasleys until he remembered he was a free man and Harry's legal guardian.

"There you are, pup," Sirius said with a smile.

"Hey, Sirius," Harry said as he hugged his godfather.

"Why the long faces, you two?" Sirius asked as he hugged Ginny. "Did I forget to mention we're staying at the Burrow until the house is done?" he grinned. Harry and Ginny smiled at this news.

"Yes, you did," Ginny glared at him slightly. Sirius just chuckled.

"Come along, everyone. We're flooing home," Molly announced after hugging everyone.

That night after one of Molly's grand feasts, Harry and Ginny sat cuddled on the couch in the sitting room staring into the fire. They just wanted to sit and relax in each other's arms for a while. Ron and Percy sat playing chess in one corner, Arthur in the other reading the paper. Molly had enlisted the twins to help with clean up. Sirius sat on the other end of the couch reading a book. Hermione came down the stairs with a look of uncertainty.

"Um, Harry, could I use Hedwig to mail order a book?" she asked.

"It would be quicker going into the store," Sirius commented. "I'd be glad to take you in tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sirius."

"Everyone else is welcome to come," Sirius announced to the room. "We can make it a fun day out, plus I need to stop by Grimmauld Place and see how Kreacher is coming with the house."

"Is that where we're going to live?" asked Harry.

"For now, pup," sighed Sirius. "At least until we find somewhere better."

"What's wrong with it?" asked Ginny looking up from Harry's shoulder.

"Well," Sirius breathed out with a frown. "Other than sitting empty for years, my family was deep into the Dark Arts, and the house was so overrun with Dark Magic it's taken this long to clear it out. Not to mention, getting rid of my mother's portrait," he shuddered.

Christmas Eve morning started like most other mornings at the Burrow, Molly making breakfast in the kitchen as the rest of the family staggered down the stairs to help themselves to a cup of tea or coffee as they waited. Fred and George looked at Sirius who nodded that he was ready to start their plan. Harry glanced at Bill with a grin, letting him know their part was ready and, in the attic, waiting to be brought down. Ginny smiled at her father with a slight nod, all was ready.

"Mum?" Fred said as she placed a plate in front of him.

"Yes, Fred dear."

"Could you take George and me shopping today? We need to finish."

"Could Sirius take you? I have to start the dinner for tomorrow," Molly answered.

"Well, that's the thing, mum, it's him we have to shop for," George said, glancing at Sirius.

"I have some business to take care of today on my own, Molly. I'm sure Ginny and Hermione would be more than happy to start your lovely feast for you," replied Sirius. He glanced at Arthur, who was reading the paper.

"I'm sure the girls can handle it, Molly. And if they need help, they have a house full people to lend a helping hand. Right, boys?" he looked around the corner of his paper at the rest of the table. They all nodded and agreed.

"Oh, alright," she agreed, a little grumpily. She didn't see the grins that passed around the rest of the table as she turned back to the stove.

Two load cracks echoed around the hills and woods surrounding the Burrow. Molly, with George, then Sirius, with Fred appeared just outside the wards on the road. Molly glanced crossly at the twins and Sirius as they started for the house. Five hours of dealing with the crowd of last-minute shoppers in Diagon Alley had put Molly into a very foul mood. They each grinned sheepishly at her with a small shrug.

The smells of the Christmas feast reached her nostrils, letting her know at least someone had been spending their time being productive. As Molly entered the kitchen, she noticed the door to the sitting room was closed. She thought that was odd. She started to make her way to open the door but stopped as the twins and Sirius came in and started to reach for the biscuits cooling on the counter. All three of them stopped as she cleared her throat with a scowl on her face.

"Mum, can I talk to you up here for a few?" Ginny hollered down the stairs.

"Coming," Molly answered with a sigh. "You three leave that food alone or I'll have your hides as a side dish," she said as Fred was again reaching for one of the biscuits.

"Understood, Molly," Sirius nodded as he tapped George's hand from reaching again.

Molly made her way up to Ginny's room, expecting to see Harry with her, but she only saw Hermione brushing her hair in the mirror. She looked at both girls confused as she noticed how they were dressed.

"What's all this, girls?"

"Well, it's time for you to get ready, mum," Ginny smiled as she closed the door. Molly gasped as she saw the dress hanging on the back of the door.

"Is that...?"

"Yes, mum, your wedding dress," grinned Ginny. "We've been working on it for weeks now."

"But why?" Molly asked confused.

"Mr. Weasley wanted to give you a special gift this year," Hermione started.

"So, he asked us all to help set this up," Ginny continued. "Now come on, mum, you can't be late for your own renewal wedding."

"Oh, that man," Molly smiled fondly.

When Molly was finally ready, Hermione slipped out to let everyone else know. Ginny smiled at her mother as mother recounted her original wedding day. Molly told her how nervous she had been, but how much in love with her father she was. How her feelings for Ginny's father had not diminished in the least, only grown with simple things like they were about to do. Molly stopped to look Ginny in the eye.

"I know Harry is the same way, dear," Molly smiled with a slightly sad look. "He may have been brought up by those Muggles, but he is more like his mother than even he knows."

"Thanks, mum," Ginny blushed.

Soon a silvery weasel bounded into the room. Ginny stared at it with a gaping mouth. Molly chuckled. "It's your father's Patronus."

"Please follow me," it spoke with Arthur's voice in a hollow way.

"It can talk?" asked Ginny.

"No," laughed Molly. "It's replaying the message it was sent to deliver."

"Oh," Ginny murmured.

Molly and Ginny followed the glowing weasel slowly down the stairs. Once they reached the sitting room door, they saw Sirius waiting for them. Molly gave him a questioning look as he smiled at them.

"I am here to give the bride away," Sirius bowed slightly to Molly. "If the bride will consent to give me that honor."

"Of course, good sir," Molly smiled. "Oh, I need a Maid of Honor."

"Mum," Ginny rolled her eyes with a grin, "why do you think I'm here?"

"Oh, I…" Molly choked up a little as she hugged her daughter quickly. "Thank you, Ginny dear."

"Shall we?" Sirius offered his arm to Molly.

Ginny smiled as she opened the door to the sitting room, or what was usually the sitting room. As the door swung open, Molly could see that the room had been magicked into a small replica of the chapel she and Arthur had originally been married in. Instead of the many guests from their class at Hogwarts and their families, all their sons, Remus Lupin, and Hermione were in the audience all in dress robes. Harry was standing next to Arthur in front of the arch at the head of the seating area. The whole room was decorated in gold and silver streamers, ribbons, and flowers.

Arthur smiled as Molly came into view. Ginny and Hermione had done an excellent job refitting Molly's old dress. The white dress with gold and silver trim still looked great on the love of his life, the mother of his seven children. Arthur was dressed in dress robes similar to the ones he had worn that long-ago day. His reward for all the hard work he and the children had put into this plan was the look of shock and happiness on Molly's face as Sirius escorted her down the aisle.

Sirius stopped just before they reached the arch, giving Arthur a quick nod. He turned to Molly, taking her hands in his. "If I may be so bold?" He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. Molly giggled, blushing worse than Ginny had the morning Harry had arrived at the Burrow before her first year. Sirius handed Arthur Molly's hands, taking his place next to Bill in the front row.

"Very dearly beloved…" the old officiant began.

"But I still don't see why we're leaving on Christmas Eve," complained Ron for what felt to Harry the hundredth time since they had finished dinner. They were carrying their travel bags down the stairs as Ron whined. Harry rolled his eyes as Ginny and Hermione came out of Ginny's room.

Harry sighed as Ginny fought not to laugh as Ron continued his tirade all the way down the stairs. "You didn't have to listen to him for ten minutes. Without pause. Alone."

"No," Ginny giggled as they turned to follow. "I've just had to listen to him my whole life."

"Okay, ya got me there," Harry lamented as he took her hand.

Harry and Ginny joined most everyone else by the fireplace to floo to Sirius' house. The twins had finally gotten Ron to stop whining by threatening him with a large spider in his bed, much to everyone's relief. Sirius and the Weasley parents finally entered the sitting room.

"Mum, why are we…"

"Ronald," Molly scowled. "I told you earlier, your father and I have plans for tonight, and we will see you lot in the morning."

"But we…"

"Ronald," snapped Arthur. "Enough. We will see you in the morning."

"Behave, you lot," Molly warned. "But have fun with Sirius and Remus."

"Yes, Mother," Percy nodded. "You and Father have a pleasant time as well."

"Thank you," Molly nodded. "See, Ron, is that so hard?"

"Night, Mum. Night, Dad," Ginny hugged them quickly, followed by Harry before Ron could answer.

Within minutes, they were stepping out into an ancient looking house that had boxes in the corner and freshly cleaned furniture around the antique sitting room. Before Harry could have a proper look around the room, something slammed into his legs. Ginny had to help him balance as she fought not to giggle.

"Master Harry Potter is home!" a squeaky, familiar voice came from around his knees.

"Dobby?" Harry asked as he looked down.

"Yes, sir," Dobby smiled widely as he looked up.

"Any problems with Kreacher, Dobby?" Sirius asked as he stepped out of the floo.

"Oh, no, sir!" Dobby shook his head. "The old elf has been moping around the old basement dungeons like youse says he should. He be talking to Master's mother, but stays wheres he is."

"Excellent! Thank you, Dobby," Sirius nodded. "Are the rooms ready?"

"Oh, yes, sir," Dobby nodded. "Dobby has them all ready for the Wheezys and Master Harry and Miss Hermy."

"Has Remus been by yet?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, sir," Dobby answered. "Mr. Remus told Dobby to tell you, he will arrive later tonight. Mr. Remus says he has to pick up something from his room at the school."

"Very well. Thank you, Dobby," grinned Sirius. "Now, why don't you show Harry and Ginny to their rooms. I'll take care of the rest."

"Yes, sir," Dobby bowed. "Follow meze, Master Harry Potter, sir, and Mizzus Ginny."

"First, Dobby, please stop calling me 'master'," Harry pleaded. "Second, what are you doing here?"

"But…but you is Dobby's master…" Dobby stopped, turning tear-filled eyes on Harry. Sirius came through the grate just then. One look at Dobby told him what the conversation was about.

"Harry," called Sirius. Harry turned to him. "I hired Dobby to replace the house-elf that was here."

"Oh," Harry replied. He turned back to the little elf, kneeling to his level. "Dobby, while I am your master, please don't call me master. And I like your uniform."

"Oh, thank you, sir," Dobby smiled broadly as he perked up again. "Master Sirius insisted I wear a uniform like Potter elves do."

"Wait. Potter elves?" Harry asked as they started up the stairs.

"Oh, yes, sir," Dobby answered. "Harry Potter, sir, has many elves at his manor. But Harry sir, can't get there yet. Youse have to be adult wizard to get there."

"Part of my estate from my parents?" asked Harry with a slight choke to his voice. Ginny rubbed his arm with a comforting smile.

"Yes, sir," Dobby nodded sounding very reverent.

They continued up the stairs in silence until they reached the fourth-floor landing. Harry and Ginny felt as if they were passing through a bubble as they entered the corridor. Ginny noticed there were only two doors on the whole floor with a very long hallway between them. Harry nudged her, pointing to a plaque on one of the doors.

"This is Master Sirius' rooms," Dobby indicated the door on the left before he stepped over to the other door. "This is Harry sir and Mizzus Ginny's rooms."

"Our rooms?" Harry paled.

"To…together?" asked a wide-eyed Ginny.

"Well…yes, sir. Yes, Mizzus Ginny," Dobby looked confused. "Youse is bonded. Youse is not wanting the same room?"

"Well…" Ginny gulped.

"We…uh…" Harry tried. "We do share…from time to time, but…"

They heard a barking laugh from the stairs. Harry and Ginny spun to see Sirius leaning on the wall.

"What's so funny?" asked an irritated Ginny. Sirius sobered quickly at the look of annoyance on her face. "Did you know about this?" Ginny asked.

"Yes," Sirius answered.

"Do my parents know about this?" Ginny glared at him.

"They suggested it," Sirius replied. He sighed as he pushed off the wall to face them properly. "Look, sooner or later your bond is going to make you want to spend as much time with the other as possible. Besides, as dark as my family was, I really don't want either of you to have those nightmares I've heard about. You feel the oppression in this house as much as I do, I can tell."

"Any idea what's causing it?" asked Harry.

"No," sighed Sirius, "but we're working on it. Getting all the Dark objects out of this place has been tedious at best."

"And my brothers?" asked Ginny. "I know they would have a problem with this, despite them knowing about our nightmares. Especially Ron."

"There is a ward on the stairs to this floor that only the three of us and Dobby can enter," Sirius told them. "And whether they like it or not, they can't do anything about it. You're bonded, and eventually, you will be married. Even Ron will have to accept that."

"Alright," Ginny nodded. She narrowed her eyes slightly. "But why were you laughing?"

"Oh, the looks on your faces was priceless," laughed Sirius. "Now, get settled a little. We still have to decorate for tomorrow."

The next morning, Harry awoke slowly. The now familiar weight of Ginny on his chest was warm and comforting, making Harry not want to move. The scent of Ginny's hair filled his nose as his senses became aware. Harry smiled as he thought he could really get used to waking up this way for the rest of his life. He felt Ginny stir as she snuggled in closer to him. Harry lightly kissed the top of her head as Ginny nuzzled her cheek on his chest.

"Happy Christmas, love," Ginny whispered as she looked up with a smile that made her eyes sparkle.

"Happy Christmas, Gin," smiled Harry.

"As much as I'd like to just lay here and sleep," Ginny sighed, "we need to go downstairs. My brothers are always up early on Christmas."

"Especially Ron," Harry smiled.

Within a few minutes, Harry and Ginny were making their way down the stairs. Percy came out of his room, blurry-eyed and disheveled looking. Fred and George said nothing as they hurried passed them. Ron bolted out of his room as Harry and Ginny drew near to it. Harry had to fight a chuckle as Ron glanced at them before running down the stairs.

As they entered the sitting room, Sirius looked around confused. Ron was separating the presents, but there was no sign of Molly or Arthur.

"Dobby, has Molly and Arthur arrived yet?" Sirius asked as the little elf placed tea and coffee on the table.

"No, sir," Dobby answered.

"I'll pop back to the Burrow and see what's keeping them," Bill volunteered.

Bill stepped through the grate as Harry and Ginny sat down with a cup of tea. Remus stepped into the sitting room looking tired. Harry was about to ask how Remus was feeling when the fireplace burst into green flames. Harry turned to see a very red-looking Bill step out. He looked away from everyone as he faced the wall, finding the wallpaper very interesting. Ginny shared a confused look with Harry before the fireplace flared green again.

"Good morning, all," Arthur smiled cheerily in greeting.

"Morning, dad," the Weasleys echoed back.

Molly came through the floo as Arthur walked over to the table for some tea. Ginny stared at her mother for a few moments, noticing the embarrassed smile and lack of greeting. Ginny's eyes were suddenly drawn to her mother's neck. A large dark spot was just visible over her collar.

"Mum! What's that on your neck?" Ginny called out as she realized exactly what it was. She grinned impishly. "Just what have you and dad been doing?"

"Oh…um…er…" Molly stammered.

There was awkward laughter from around the room, except for Ron. He stared horrified at his mother, frozen with a present in his hands. Percy turned away from Molly with an odd look on his normally pompous face. Charlie stared at Molly with a grin that told her he knew exactly what his parents had been doing. Fred and George grinned innocently, but their eyes were calculating how best to use this information. Bill lowered his head with a sigh as he scratched the back of his neck. Harry hid his laugh by burying his face in Ginny's hair as she looked at her mother with a smirk.

Sirius cleared his throat to take the attention off Molly as she blazed redder than any Weasley he had ever seen. "Why don't we…uh…open our presents?"

"Splendid idea," Arthur chirped.

Sirius turned, whispering something to Dobby before the elf disappeared. Sirius placed a hand on Harry and Ginny's shoulders as he leaned over the back of the sofa they were sitting on.

"I have something special for you two," he stated quietly. Before they could ask what he was talking about Dobby reappeared with a shallow stone basin with runes around the edge.

"That's a Penceive," Bill breathed as he came up behind Sirius.

"Yes," Sirius nodded. "It belonged to Harry's father, but…"

"The vials youse asked for, Master Sirius," Dobby said almost reverently as he held out two glass vials with a silvery thread in each.

"Thanks, Dobby," Sirius swallowed. Remus placed a hand on his shoulder. After a deep breath, Sirius turned back to Harry and Ginny. "Come on, you two."

"Where are we going?" Harry asked as he helped Ginny up. "And what's a Penceive?"

"It's a Magical memory viewer," Remus answered. "Kind of like a VCR."

"Oh," Harry nodded in understanding. Ginny gave him a confused look. "Muggle thing."

Ginny nodded as they joined Sirius at the corner table. He was pouring one of the silver threads into the basin as they arrived. Sirius turned to Harry with a sad smile before he explained.

"This lets us view a memory like we were there seeing it," he started. "But you can look around the place where the memory is from, you just can't interact with the people in it."

"What do we do?" Ginny asked, feeling Harry was too choked with anticipation to speak.

"We look closely into it and get pulled in," Sirius replied. "Don't worry, it's perfectly safe."

Harry and Ginny nodded as they stepped closer to the basin. They leaned in until their faces were almost touching the strange liquid inside of it. They felt a pull, then a rush. Harry grabbed Ginny as she grabbed him to help the other remain on their feet as they landed. Harry looked around at the large bedroom they were in. It was red and gold from corner to corner. Gryffindor posters adorned the walls. A thick rug with the Gryffindor crest covered the floor from the bed to the wall.

"I haven't seen this room in years," Sirius smiled fondly.

"Whose room is it?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Mine. At Potter Manor," Sirius answered as a door opened to reveal a younger Sirius. They heard a voice coming from the dresser as he stepped into the room. Harry and Ginny looked at their Sirius confused. "You'll see. Let's just follow him…me…younger me."

They followed the young Sirius out of the room into a large corridor. The rich red and dark browns of the walls were accented by gold trim on the lower waist-high wood paneling. The ceiling was a sparkling white with dangling lights every few meters. The carpet was the same rich red as the walls. The young Sirius led them down a huge staircase into an entryway that was lined with white and blue marble. The young Sirius stopped as he came to the large white marble fireplace in the middle of the entryway.

Harry froze as he saw them. Ginny put her arm around his waist as she looked at the couple standing there. They both heard Sirius gulp back the hint of a sob as he stopped behind Harry and Ginny. The man in front of the fireplace looked like Harry with raven black messy hair, glasses, and trim build. The woman had deep red hair, and Harry could see her green eyes sparkle as the young Sirius nodded. Then they looked over his shoulder at where Harry and Ginny were standing with Sirius.

"Hi, Harry," Lily Potter spoke. Harry almost lost all self-control at that moment. Ginny tightened her grip around his waist.

"Hello, son," James Potter smiled.

"Your younger self is napping right now, and we're about to start packing to go into hiding," Lily went on. "We wanted to make this memory for Sirius to give to you if something happens to us. We all agreed that this should be given to you on the first Christmas you have a girlfriend because we wanted to give her a message as well."

"Knowing the Potter blood, she's a redhead," James grinned. Harry and Ginny chuckled.

"James! Not now!" Lily scolded him, adding a swat on his chest. James just shrug. Lily rolled her eyes as she shook her head before turning back to them. "Ignore him if you're not a redhead. But yes, Potters have a thing for and with redheads."

"See, you even admit it," James smirked. Lily shot him a warning glare.

"As I was saying," Lily said pointedly at James before turning back again. "Harry, we love you. We always will, no matter what happens. Remember, if we're not there, we will always be there in your heart."

"We will always be proud of you, too, son," James spoke seriously. "And if we aren't there, we're very sorry. We wish we were."

"Now, to you, Harry's girlfriend," Lily took over. "We want you to know how very special Harry is to us. He is more than even he knows. You'll both learn about that over time. I would like to ask you a favor. Please love him for who he is. If he is like his father, be careful, but enjoy the laughs. If he is more like me, be understanding that it may take a little time to learn to admit feeling for someone. Be patient."

"And if he is raised by Sirius," James grinned, "I'm sorry, you're on your own!"

"James Potter!" Lily swatted him hard. "Shut it! This is supposed to be serious!"

"But I'm anything but…" the younger Sirius joked.

"I should have asked Remus to do this," sighed Lily as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Lils," James spoke quietly. Even the younger Sirius stopped laughing. James pulled Lily into his arms as she started to cry. "I hate this as much as you. Our jokes are just how we cope, you know that."

"I know," Lily sniffed. She hugged James, turning back to Harry and Ginny. "We love you, Harry. Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, son," James told him as the memory faded.

Harry and Ginny landed back in the sitting room. Ginny immediately pulled Harry into a tight hug before he started crying in earnest. Ginny's own eyes were teary as tried to soothe Harry. Molly rushed over hugging them both. Harry could hear, but not make out Arthur's quiet words to the rest of the family as they start to voice concern. Sirius placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I know, pup, I know," was all he could choke out.

"Harry, I'm so sorry," Ginny whispered to him. "I didn't realize your mum was going to have a baby when she was killed."

"What?" Harry breathed looking up at her in shock.

"You didn't notice she was pregnant?" Ginny asked started. Harry shook his head as fresh tears started in the corners of his eyes. "Oh, sweetie!" Ginny whispered as she pulled him into another hug. Sirius and Remus shared a confused look.

Ginny did her best to keep Harry's mind off the memory and the discoveries they had made within it. Ginny had whispered to her mother about they had seen shortly after they had returned. Molly had instantly smothered Harry in a motherly hug. Sirius and Remus had moved to a corner of the sitting room to have a very animated discussion that nobody could hear or understand. Ginny finally pried Harry out of her mother's arms, leading him over to the sofa they had been on before to finish opening their gifts.

Hermione kept shooting them concerned looks. Ginny caught her eye, shaking her head not to question Harry about it for a while. Hermione begrudgingly nodded but didn't look happy about it. Most of Ginny's brothers came over to them, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder but not saying a word. Ginny was grateful for that. Percy and Ron were the only ones not to do so. Percy only nodded at Harry and Ginny from across the room. Ron, on the other hand, was looking miffed that he wasn't privy to any of the information.

Later in the afternoon, Sirius and Remus called Harry over to them for a little chat. Ginny took the opportunity to talk to Hermione about a plan she had. Harry slumped over to Sirius and Remus in the corner. Remus took Harry by surprise by pulling him into a hug.

"I don't know why I don't remember Lily being pregnant," Remus choked out, "but I would have told you if I had, cub."

Harry only nodded.

"The same goes for me, pup," Sirius told Harry as he pulled him into a hug. "We will figure out why we don't remember and let you know. I promise."

"Thanks, Sirius," Harry heaved a deep breath. Harry looked confused suddenly.

"What is it, pup?" Sirius asked.

"Ginny's blocking our connection for some reason," Harry replied. Remus looked over Harry's head toward the doorway. A smile spread across his lined face.

"What?" Harry asked. Remus grinned as he shook his head.

"Harry," Ginny called.

Harry turned to see her standing in the doorway waiting for him. Ginny motioned him over with a devious grin reminiscent of the twins. Harry walked over to her, looking quizzically at her. As he arrived, Ginny slipped her arms around him. She leaned back slightly with a broad smile plastered on her face.

"What are you up to?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Oh, not much," Ginny feigned innocence.

Harry raised an eyebrow to that, not believing her for a second. Ginny simply pointed above them. Harry looked up. High above them, on the doorframe, was a bushy green plant with silvery-white berries. Mistletoe. Harry gulped as her plan became crystal clear to him.

"Well?" Ginny prodded.

Harry snickered. They had not truly kissed yet. Harry took a deep breath as he looked back at Ginny. Their eyes met. Harry felt the overwhelming urge to comply with the tradition as he stared into her chocolate brown eyes. He knew it was partly from their growing bond, but in truth, he did want to give Ginny a proper kiss for being his rock after viewing the memory that morning.

Harry threw caution to the wind as he leaned forward, pulling Ginny closer. Their lips met, tentatively at first, then their reality shattered as they both deepened the kiss. Their minds met through their bond as the world around them became nothing. They were lost in each other. A bright golden light formed where their lips met. It spread over them like a warm blanket. As the light grew the energy around them hummed audibly. Their wands vibrated almost violently in their pockets. The light grew more intense before expelling a large Magical pulse that shook the whole house and made the occupants that were standing stumble where they stood.

The light faded away as Harry and Ginny broke apart, staring at each other with huge smiles on their faces. Around the sitting room, Ginny's family stared at them in astonishment. Hermione's mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. Dobby was standing by the table smiling with happy tears in his eyes. Remus and Sirius were grinning as they exchanged a look of approval. The only one that didn't look happy or astonished was Ron.

"Oi!" Ron shouted as he started stomping over to Harry and Ginny. "What did you just do to my sister, Potter?"

Ginny spun at the sound of Ron's voice. The blazing look in her eyes was enough to make the rest of her brothers cower and wince. Harry stared in utter fascination!

"First of all, Ronald, it's none of your business!" Ginny yelled at him. "Second of all, your opinion doesn't matter! We are bonded, or did you forget that! Third, mum and dad approve of it! They didn't interrupt us, did they? And, not that it concerns you in the very least, but I have been waiting six months for that kiss! So, you can just go the BLOODY HELL AWAY!"

"Well…" Ron tried weakly.

"Well, nothing, Ronald!" Molly scolded him as she took his arm roughly, pulling him out of the room. "You will leave your sister and Harry alone or you will be spending the rest of the Holidays in your room!"

Harry looked on with wide eyes as Molly dragged Ron away. After they were out of sight, he turned back to Ginny with a goofy smile on his face.

"What?" she asked after a deep breath.

"You're beautiful when you're angry, you know that?" Harry asked as he put his arms around her again.

"Charmer," Ginny smirked with a slight blush. Harry placed a hand on her cheek, kissing her lightly.

Harry and Ginny entered the room Hermione was staying in on the second floor of Sirius' house. Hermione had sped into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast, told them she had some information for them after breakfast and rushed out again. Harry knew the look in Hermione's eyes. She was fascinated with something and wouldn't stop until she understood it well enough to explain it to someone else. Hermione was sitting on her bed with the book, Bonds of Love and Nature, she had purchased just after they had arrived home for the Holidays. She had parchment scattered all over the bed, nightstand, even the floor in front of her. She looked frazzled. The only time Harry had ever seen like this was before the end of term exams. He shared a look with Ginny as they stopped in front of her.

"The amount of information is both staggering and almost non-existent!" Hermione looked up at them with wide eyes. "How the bonds form, their stages to completion, are all well documented. The effects they have on the bonded are little to none! It's so frustrating!"

"Hermione, breathe," Harry chuckled. Hermione looked at him startled, then confused. She took a deep breath. Harry saw her relax a little as she exhaled. "Better?"

"Sorry. Just…" Hermione shook her head. "It's like nothing I've ever researched before."

"Why don't you start at the beginning," Ginny suggested as they pulled the desk chairs over to the bed. "Where's Ron? I haven't seen him this morning."

"Oh, he's still sulking about yesterday," she waved dismissively. "But it was that light and pulse that got me to dig into this more."

"Light and pulse?" asked Harry.

"What are you on about, Hermione?" Ginny asked.

"You didn't…No, of course not. It came from you," Hermione commented.

"Hermione," Harry started. She looked up startled again. "Focus."

"Sorry," Hermione shook her head. "It's a lot to take in."

"One thing at a time, Hermione," Ginny offered.

"Right," Hermione nodded. "So, everything you've told me and everything that happened before and yesterday all point to a soul bond. Your saving Ginny in…"

"The Chamber," Ginny put in when Hermione hesitated.

"Yes," Hermione nodded. "Your shared common thing. I don't know what that is or what it's about…"

"We do. Don't worry about it, Hermione," Harry told her pointedly. Hermione nodded.

"Well, this is the frustrating part," Hermione pulled some notes from beside her. "There are five stages to the completion. Stage One is the emotional and connective-ness. Feeling each other's emotions, sensing their presence, and they want and need to spend time together. It also means you're Magically betrothed."

"We know that one," Ginny chuckled with a look at Harry.

"Yes, well…" Hermione faltered a little. "Stage Two is a mental link after some kind of 'emotional oneness'. I have no idea what it means."

"We'll figure it," Harry smiled as he squeezed Ginny's hand lightly.

"Stage Three, you will be able to 'share everything'," Hermione shrugged. Harry just gestured for her to continue. "Stage Four is shared Magic. There was a note with this one. After a year of reaching this stage, you will be considered married whether or not you have a wedding!"

"Oh…" Ginny breathed. "That's why mum's been hounding me about colors and dresses!"

"I know she wants you to have a wedding day, love," Harry smiled. "We'll give her one no matter what."

"Charmer," Ginny teased as she gave Harry a quick kiss. "What's the last stage?"

"Oh…um…compl…completion…" Hermione blushed, looking uncomfortable suddenly.

"Out with it, Hermione," Harry encouraged.

"Your…your…" Hermione took a deep breath, not looking up at them. "Your wedding night."

"We have to have sex to complete the bond?" Ginny asked nonchalantly. Harry and Hermione were both blushing furiously.

"Yes," Hermione almost whispered.

Ginny turned to Harry. "I'm nowhere near ready for that." She broke into an impish grin. "But it sounds like fun when we are."

"Ginny!" Hermione blurted out.

"What?" Ginny asked. "This is my fiancée I'm talking to."

"An…and some…" Hermione blushed redder, "some of us view him as…a…brother!"

"Should we take this discussion back to our room?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Ginny.

"We can get in a good snog before lunch," Ginny answered as they stood.

"I didn't hear that," Hermione called as she put her hands over her ears.