GREAT NEWS EVERYONE. I GOT MY FIRST JOB EVER! I hope you'll wish me luck when I ever start it. It's as a dishwasher at a fast-paced pizzeria.

What did you all think of the last chapter? Did it meet your expectations or did I crush them? I spent a long time on that chapter, constantly putting it off until I finally wanted to post it badly, and there it is.

We are nearing the end of this arc, next chapter, can you believe it? I can't wait to return to Hogwarts haha haha.

Of course, 3,000 words will be the length of this chapter. Chapter 62 will be 5,000 words. There will be no more 10,000+ word chapters for quite some time. The last chapter took a long time to make.

Please review, like, and favorite.

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I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Let's go...

Harry Potter the Journey to Hogwarts


Learning to Move on Arc

LAST TIME ON HARRY POTTER THE JOURNEY TO HOGWARTS: Having gone back in time, Kai Cinco relieved the night of Halloween from a different perspective while staying in the town of Kingston, Jamaica. He made a few new possible friends and even inherited a new sword. Having defeated the god-like figure known as Bane, everything turned upside down as Lord Voodoo came to life-threatening to end all life for good with powers that could so so easily. What will the heroes of peace do now? STAY TUNED…

Chapter 61: Unyielding Desire,

We Stand Together (Part 2)

Wednesday, November 1st, 1993 5:45 PM

"I never thought we would win today…" Marie spoke out instead of thinking it.



A monstrous statue came to life, the statue of Lord Voodoo, its eyes a shade of blood-red as it stared down at the party before him as his arms broke free of the stone shackles holding him in place and he stood a good 300 feet above the gang.

Kai and company took out their wands.

Voodoo chuckled, fists clenched tightly at his sides, a resting frown on his face.

"This world will burn. I will crack it open like an egg for breakfast. It's people, boiling alive at the center. You will learn to bow to me… Or you will not have a place in my new world order…"

All was silent. Fear and concern ran through everyone's minds as they stared up at the outrageously gigantic being made of rock and stone.

A violent wind played outside the cave, dark clouds blanketing the sky as the rains began. Voodoo stood tall over the others, a frown on his face, though it was a permanent frown and could never smile.

Kai's newly styled haircut blew slightly in the breeze, his eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. Sweat dripped from his chin or was that rain? Either or he could be sweating.

Marie was cursing herself on the inside for jinxing them all. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, shining with ushered tears, thinking they were all about to die again.

Kellie, refusing to think that this monstrous statue had come to life, could be this powerful and cast a silent curse, an explosive curse, at the thigh of the ancient god. It did nothing but just make him stumble.

Eerily, Voodoo's stone neck cracked to his left staring right down at her. The silence was deafening. Nobody thought if they should make the first move.

In the shadows, remaining cult members watched in shock and pleasure as their god had come to life. He could end the world again for them to make a new.

Even the remains of the Ancients had no possible idea of what to do next. Mostly they were just hanging onto their battle gear, shields, and weapons.

About 36 members of the Cult remained alive while only 28 guild members stood battered and bloody, exhausted from the days fighting.

A bolt of lightning soared across the sky just over the horizon of the cave in the direction of Kingston and Kai watched as Voodoo lifted a hand and snapped his fingers which caused the weapon they were standing on to deactivate. Bane's lifeless body, rotting and pale, shined bright in a pale red light and was lifted off the ground.

Voodoo's incomprehensible magic caused many to stare wide-eyed as magical strands expelled from his fingertips into Bane, eating away his physical being.

Lance stared horrified as after a minute the cracked skull of Bane fell to his feet with a sickening crunch.

Elizabeth, a woman from Australia, down below with the remaining guild reinforcements, had her wand in hand while glaring at the members of the cult ready for the delayed action to begin again.

The living statue god then used a hand movement throwing his arm in the air where an Earthquake followed. Using his mighty magic, a piece of the land below the pillar of the deactivated weapon shot up to the surface where it connected with the jaggy cliff it had left behind. Now, there was more fighting room for the combatants.

The red demon-like eyes of the cultist's god centered his attention onto the fighters below on the new battlefield as he threw out his arm towards them, "My loyal subjects… Begin the final bout…" Bout echoed around the room like it was concealed in a sealed-off room.

Kai grits his teeth nervously as he backed up to his friends, "I have a bad feeling about this everyone…" His voice was inaudible for anyone not on the pillar.

The cultists on the ground floor smirked, some licked their lips when looking at the scared combatants, ready for bloodshed.

A moment after being given the word to attack the trespassers, a lone cultist began to walk forward. A limp in his step, but confidence dripped from his posture, "For Lord Voodoo…" Said the man crossing both arms over his tattooed chest.

Then out of the blue a battle cry full of rage, bravery, and confidence were heard from behind the cultist as the entirety of the last of them came charging the defenders.

A few with courage left to spare faced the oncoming horde, ready for the fight that could mean the end for them all once again if they are not careful and chose their choices wisely.

Meanwhile, on the pillar, Kai and rest began showering spells on their newly targeted enemy, spell after spell did nothing but chip away and crack at the hard stone body of Lord Voodoo. The mighty god chuckled, "Foolish humans. The Mayan Empire tried to beat me thousands of years ago with spears and shields. Nothing could save them."

Marie cursed at him, "Come on fucker is that all you got?" The white-haired woman taunted the god while slapping her battle armor stolen off of a dead cult guard. Light shined off her goggles resting on her head as she dove out of the way as a stone foot came crashing down where she stood.

Voodoo growled, enraged by the flexible woman, who kept evading him and taunting at every turn.

Multiple chunks then blew off of his back as an explosion rocked him to the core. Turning around to see who had just assaulted him with that painful curse there was Kai, grasping his wand like it was the only thing in the world he had, breathing heavily.

Kai, again with a lot of spunk, fired another explosive curse that nailed Voodoo directly on his right temple cracking it before it broke apart.

Voodoo nearly crushed the ant as he roared out in pain, "RAHHHH…" Shockwaves traveled along the ground. These invisible waves nearly knocked everyone off their feet, even the others down below. Shockwave after shockwave rattled the group of freedom fighters.

One shockwave was so powerful enough to nearly kill Lance. Lance almost fell off the pillar as he only hung there by only 3 three of his fingers on his left hand, his pinky and thumb were too stubborn to stay on the towering pillar.

Just as Lance was thinking he may be able to hoist himself back up, the pillar shook, causing Lance to go wide-eyed as he lost his grip. Time seemed to slow as Kai and his friends watched as the one who made this reality possible for them with the Time-Turner fall to his death.

"AHHHH…" Lance cried as he fell nearly 200 feet to the ground, arms flailing madly, a fleeting hope someone would catch him. A single tear shed from his eye as Kai nearly fell over the edge himself with an arm stretched out towards their falling friend, "NOOOO…"

From out of the rocky surface came spikes pointing all in crazy directions, though 3 were poised to end Lance's life.

"Live to fight another day my friends." Lance choked back a sob as his life flashed before his eyes, "Live to fight another day…" A sickening noise of bones being broken apart made the cave draw into an eerie silence as they saw Lance lay skewered upon a pile of spikes, a golden locket lay on his chest of a woman with the same hair color as him and a few dots of freckles on her face. The picture was of his proposal to her. It was his fiance… Who he had just left behind in what he hoped to be a better world…

Kai grit his teeth in the most intense anger he had ever felt. Both of his fists tightly shut, veins appearing across them also causing his knuckles to whiten slightly. Lance, one of his best friends, laid dead in this horrid place. Just what he needed he thought in anguish. Another dead friend who died on this godforsaken island nation.

Jackson stared dumbfounded and afraid on if he would be next to fall.

Barry slapped a hand over his mouth choking back on a sob as that was the first death of their close group of friends that they have unfortunately witnessed.

Kellie fell to her knees, grateful that it wasn't her beloved husband, though upset none the less. The loss of their best friend was heartbreaking, even one who made it possible to be alive right now.

Marie's whole body shook in anger, agony, denial, and shock. On one hand, she refused to believe that their time-turner possessing friend was gone, but then on the other hand knew it to be true. Both of her eyes shut tightly not wanting tears to escape hating to be thought of as a weakling.

Kai's eyes snapped upward to look their enemy straight in the eyes, fists at his sides, teeth bared and eyes red.

Voodoo laughed, "Such a weakling. Why did you put your trust in such a pathetic huma…" A massive spell nearly knocked him off his feet and into a wall. Turning around to see who had attacked him it was Kai seething in anger while smoke expelled from the tip of his wand, "You… Monster…" Tears fell freely in the tense moments of this battle something Voodoo will take to his advantage.

The tall statue god growled out, "Insects. All of you. Why do you have such an unyielding desire to save your pitiful world?" Said the destructive god focusing only on Kai.

The wizard answered, "Because we have something world fighting for. You? No, I don't think so…" Again the newly short-haired wizard fired a spell, though Voodoo dodged it knowing it was coming.

Just as he was about to attack the defenders of the planet a barrage of different spells coming from many different entrances of the cave rained down on him.

In particular, one spell cleanly took out one of the glowing red eyes on the statue leaving Voodoo an imitation of a cyclops, "Ahhh…" Growled the beastly statue.

Kai watched as newcomers raced in led by a woman with dark red and brown hair, "AURORS SECURE THE PERIMETER." The woman commanded to the other men and woman surrounding her, "And take this monster down before it follows through with its plan."

Altogether many responded, "Yes, ma'am. Spread out." While 3 aurors went to aid the survivors below against the remaining cult bastards, the woman and the rest of the reinforcements stayed up with Kai and the rest.

In confusion, Kai raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me… Just who are you?"

The woman crossed her arms over her chest confidently, "I work for the Ministry of Magic based in the United Kingdom." Kai nodded as the dark-haired woman continued," I, along with 10 others, wish to aid you in saving Earth from this horrid being." The gang minus the smiling presence of Lance all smiled as they looked up to their leader, pleading that he let them fight. To avenge Lance, Marico, and Antonia."

Eventually, the Finnish wizard nodded his head, "Sure. Fight for the planet Earth and her people." Kai said extending his hand out, "Your name?"

The woman shook his hand, "Amelia Bones. Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." When that was said a couple of them gasped while Kai gave a look of recognition, "Just give us orders Mr. Kai Cinco and we'll follow them through to the end."

Kai grinned with a sharp nod, "Right. Just… Just take HIM down." Said the bounty hunter pointing with a glare at the recovering monstrous, now one-eyed, statue of the devil.

Amelia nodded, "Right. I will not let him win."

"Not let him win… Again…" The last part added in a whisper. Kai hoped the woman no more than 2 meters from him didn't hear that.

Amelia, of course, heard that mutter and frowned. She didn't want to bring it up. Not at this moment anyway…

"AHHH…" A sharp, blood-curdling scream from an auror fighting Voodoo broken everyone out their thoughts and greetings. This auror was in the grasp of Voodoo, "Tell me, little insect, do you fear death?" When the fearful auror didn't answer his question, suddenly, another scream filled the cave and a pool of blood with a few bones slipped through the stone statue's fingers to the hard surface.

Many stared in horror, extreme horror, that Voodoo could just destroy a person's body with just a simple stare if he wanted to when grabbing ahold of someone…

Amelia felt like she wanted to cry, as that was the most gruesome death that in all of her years as an auror, or in all of her years in this life in general, "Davidson… Nooo… Damn it… His girlfriend will be so devastated." Having heard how much the deceased auror and his girlfriend got along so well since their 5th year at Hogwarts when they began talking.

Marie charged the monster only to have a stone foot jabbed right into her gut that sent her tumbling down a cliffside onto an edge. Her right arm shattered and bleeding in several different places. Even her stomach didn't feel as good.

Kai screamed, "NO MORE. I HAVE HAD IT. NO MORE DEATHS, NO MORE INJURIES. I AM TAKING HIM DOWN…" Barry, Jackson, Kellie, and Amelia all stood together with their wands pointed towards their unwelcomed enemy.

Out of nowhere another Earthquake set everyone off their feet and they saw Voodoo waving his hands in a wave-like motion and then out of thin hair a clock set for 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds showed above his head.

Nobody knew what it meant until the massive icon of the cult growled out, "For your stubborn insolence the Gulf of Mexico border states of the US shall be engulfed by a tsunami. Same for Mexico and Middle America." Silence passed until he mentioned, "The tsunami will continue on until everything in its path is destroyed. It has to reach the Pacific to complete its run. Only by defeating me will it diminish." His remaining eye glowing in the shadows over him from the looming storm clouds.

Kai fired a spell at his blind spot and Voodoo tumbled to his arms and knees, "You cannot stop me… There aren't enough bodies to throw at me. Your world will burn until it surfaces but glass…" An amusing tone was hidden within that sentence.

Kellie this time spoke up, "Over my dead body you freak." Everyone around her, that knew her, were shocked at what they just heard, "If my husband were here he would stand by me." She smiled at the thought of her husband hiding away in Egypt.

"That can be arranged." His hand sped so fast towards her, Kellie didn't get a chance to react. She screamed as he lifted her into the air, though he didn't get her no more than 5 inches off the ground as curse hit him in the wrist, "REDUCTO."

Kellie fell to the ground and quickly got up before retreating back to the others.

When the newcomers came into the light they were all ranged from different types of criminals and warlords there were out there and then Amelia recognized the symbol emblazoned across their robes.

Her eyes shined with fire, "You… YOU… WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Shouted the English woman pointing her wand back and forth between the 15 most highly wanted criminals in the world.

A single man stepped forward. He had a scratchy short beard, short black hair, and oh so recognizable scar on his lip.

Richard Gangus stood before them looking very confident standing out in the open for everyone, even law enforcement to see.

"Howdy, everyone. Can we join the party?" He smirked as Voodoo staggered up and growled.

The Cult of Gangus, out of the shadows, have come to help save the planet...


ON THE NEXT CHAPTER OF HARRY POTTER THE JOURNEY TO HOGWARTS: The Cult of Gangus have returned from their exile to help save the Planet Earth from a being viler than Lord Voldemort. Can their presence combined with the others help their odds? Or will they sabotage the whole operation? Stay tuned wizards and witches…

I hope those of you who are Halo fans out there noticed my reference to one of Halo 3's trailers.

NEXT: Stay tuned for the arc finale: Chapter 62: Canceling the Apocalypse. We Stand Together (Part 3)

AFTER: Stay tuned for the arc premier: Chapter 63: Snape Snape Go Away.



Stay Tuned for Chapter 62