Harry Potter and Beginning of the Future

Author's Notes: This is my first fan fiction story. So, please forgive any mistakes. Story will be quite slow in the beginning and slowly the plot thickens. I have planned for this fic to expand outside of the original cannon story length. So, you will find the plot to vary from cannon story from time to time.

This is a Harry Potter fan fiction, but may contain historical characters (both fictional & non-fictional) all around the world. Some of the characters may differ from original timeline for the convenience of story. So, bear with me.

I do not own any of the characters presented in this story. Most of them belong to JK Rowling.


1009th Crowns Meet (945AD)

In an ancient city in Mesopotamia, under an ancient temple, six figures convened to discuss the latest events that have occurred in continent of Europe. The six figures, five men and one woman, all wearing ring mail and armour of the highest quality, showcasing their nobility, took out their swords and placed them on the table over one other in a spiral form resulting in a dim glow forming over the swords confirming their authenticity.

The people in the room took their respective seats leaving one seat empty. The same seat which is the reason for that day's meeting. The seat belongs to the Late King of Magical Europe, Arthur Pendragon.

An elderly looking man stepped forth from the shadows of the room and after chanting in some ancient language cleared his throat and said "Let the 1009th Crowns meet begin".

A brown skinned man in his early 40's who is the king of the continent of (present) South America started "So, it is true then. King Arthur really did die in his last battle against the army of demons that threatened to conquer Europa".

"Yes, that is true. The last battalion I sent to his aid returned yesterday confirming the news. The threat has been dealt with for the time being but losses were far too heavy to cause any sort of celebrations", said Bharatha Varsha, King of Magical India.

"That is disturbing news. With no King to reign over the kingdom, Magical Europe will soon fall into utter chaos and disrupt the peace", said the only woman of the group, Queen of Magical (present) Africa, Cleopatra Selene II.

"We can raid the kingdom and split it into equal parts and reign over them", suggested the Xī Hàn, the emperor of the Magical China.

"You know as well as I do that it is not possible. There is a reason the magical world is divided into seven kingdoms. We are forbidden from interfering in the internal matters of other kingdoms by the Magics of the Old", said King Bharat heatedly.

"No need to get upset King Bharat. It was just a suggestion", said Xī Hàn in a soothing voice.

"All is not as hopeless as it seems. From the information I gathered from my contacts in Europe, Arthur's family life stone in Gringotts wizarding bank of Europe has still not blackened. It is very dimly lit, but not completely blackened like other family life stones whose houses are extinct."

"What does that mean not blackened stone but a dimly lit one? As far as I know, Arthur did not have an heir. And all the branch families of house Pendragon has been decimated in the early stages of war and Arthur was the last of his line", said Queen Cleopatra.

An elderly man in his late 70's, who sat quietly till now rose from his seat and started pacing the room in deep thought. After several minutes, he came to his seat and started "I think I have an idea of what happened but at this point all I have is a mere speculation on my part".

"I don't know if any of you remember, but during the very early stages of war, King Arthur's wife was pregnant. But due some complications during child birth, she lost her ability to have another child. The child born was a deformed one and was sent off to a faraway land for treatment. But during the journey, the contingent carrying the child to the healer was attacked and only one soldier made it back to the kingdom to carry the news" Said the King Norton of (present) North America.

"So you mean to say that that child survived from that ambush and is now the last legitimate heir to the Most Ancient and Royal house of Pendragon and to the throne of Magical Europe", said Reis Vass, King of Magical (present) South America.

"Like I said before, all I have are mere speculations at the moment. Only time will tell us", he replied.

"I believe that is all we can hope at the moment" said King Bharat ending the Crown Meet.

Timeskip 46 years

1055th Crown Meet (991 AD)

"It seems there is a new development in Europe", started Emperor Xī Hàn. "There seems to be a talk of new educational institution for magicals named Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry by four witches and wizards who earned name during the ending of last great-war in Magical Europe".

"Oh, I think there is soon going to be competition for your precious Taxila University for Magical Education, King Bharath", said Queen Cleopatra in a teasing voice.

Ignoring the Queen of Egypt, Bharat asked, "Who are the founders of the institute?"

"Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin", said Emperor Xī Hàn.

Upon hearing the names, King Bharat's eyes lit up in recognition. He said "I remember Godric Gryffindor. He visited Magical India 5 years ago. There is also an interesting matter about him."

"Oh, do share with us your Majesty", said Emperor Xī Hàn.

"When he visited my kingdom, he was also carrying a most interesting artifact with him. An artifact which I thought lost during the last great war of Europe", he said

"What is this artefact if may enquire", asked King Norton.

"I am not sure, but I think it is Excalibur, he is carrying on him during his visit", said King Bharat. He continued "I know it may sound dubious, but that sword he carried on him at the time emitted the same magical aura as mine does. True, it did not emit the magical aura as strong as mine or our swords, Hell, it did not even look the same as Excalibur. But I have this gut feeling about that sword. What does this mean King Norton?"

"I do not know what this means King Bharat. But I think it is clear that the last Royal blood line of the house of Pendragon has survived the calamities. Dormant and weak at the moment, Yes, but still alive and waiting for the suitable heir to take the throne of Magical Europe and restore the name of their house back to its former glory", said the old King, finishing the Crowns Meet.

Now there's your chapter. That's it for now. I request all the readers to please read and leave me a review or a PM. Your suggestions make a world of difference to me. Thank you all