This story is based on characters and developed from some situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Chapter 36


Harry and Ginny were alone, busy saying goodbye to each other, the next time they would see each other would be the next day, at the altar. The Weasley men and a few others were waiting for him to join them for the Stag party at Grimmauld Place, whilst the Ladies were waiting for Ginny at the Burrow. They were standing in front of the fireplace in the dining room at Grimmauld Place, kissing each other goodbye, they held each other tightly, each reluctant to let the other go. When they spoke it was partly to delay the moment of parting, though they both knew it would inevitably come. If Ginny didn't leave soon, Hermione, who had left a few moments ago with Angelina and Audrey, would be back to fulfil her only, half joking, threat to drag her back to the Burrow.

"It was a shame we didn't hear anything back from the Dursley's, I had hoped we would." Ginny said.

"Yes, so had I, that said Dudley will probably turn up anyway. Remember, he can get there on his own now, Vernon gave him a car for his birthday, I have mentioned the possibility to Aylwin for the security briefing." Harry told her.

They kissed again and Ginny squeezed his bum.

"You know although I have enjoyed exploring, as we have, I am glad we have waited to go all the way. Saved something special for ourselves for when we are married, thank you for that."

He stroked her flame coloured hair affectionately, running his fingers through the softness. "It has been difficult at times hasn't it, but yes, I am glad we managed to control ourselves too, makes it more meaningful somehow."

They kissed again and again it was Ginny who spoke next."Poppy will come here first thing tomorrow, to give you your potion darling, don't forget. She says she is coming here before the Burrow, get the men moving she said."

"I won't forget love, seems like a good idea for her to come here first. It's a shame that I still need the potion really, but at least it will make sure we have a good day. Don't forget we have to wear our honours, Minerva says it's the done thing, though I am not sure why. Mr. Swiftshot and Xeno do want them in the photo's, though." He was really fishing for delaying tactic's now, as was she, they both knew she would have to soon.

She nodded. "Both sets of the honours are at the Burrow already, Mum took them the other day when they came round to see us. Apparently because of the Muggle ones, the Ministry have to send a copy of one of the pictures to Her Majesty, so I guess it is only right to wear them both for that. I'm going to miss you, tonight."

Harry Chucked. "I think it might be that she wants to see the wedding Photos really." Then he sighed. "I will miss you too, Gin."

They kissed again.

"I love you Harry Potter."

"I love you as well, Ginny Weasley." He grinned.

She giggled. "That's the last time you can call me that."

"True." He chuckled. "But I can't wait to call you Ginny Potter."

They kissed one last time, having exhausted all the delaying tactics either of them could think of. When they parted, she turned and put the powder on the fire. "I had better go, or Hermione will be back."

"I know, see you tomorrow my love." He said.

"I can't wait." She waved, clasped the heart shaped locket round her neck in her hand and stepped into the green flames.

Harry watched as she disappeared and the flames returned to normal. He then turned and walked slowly to the sitting room.

"Has she gone?" George asked.

Harry nodded.

"Party time!" Bellowed Ron grinning and pushing a glass of Fire Whiskey into Harry's hand.

"Ron, remember Harry can't drink anything else alcoholic after that, because of the potion tomorrow." Kingsley said. "As Best Man, it's your responsibility to ensure he gets to the altar for your sister in one piece you know."

"That's ok, we can still have some fun, even if Harry can't drink much." Ron said. "Besides, do you think I want Ginny to be hexing me if Harry can't take it and falls asleep in the middle of the wedding? Her bat bogie hex would be nothing to what she would do to me, you would never see me again, not after she finished with me. Even if she did leave anything, it would only be so mum could finish me off."

"Now there's a thought, little Bro." Teased Charlie straight faced, but with a wicked gleam in his eye, that his brother knew only too well.

Neville, Seamus and Dean laughed at the look of worry that appeared on Ron's face. "You wouldn't!" He said, then after a moment. "You bloody would too, wouldn't you." He sighed resignedly.

Kreacher came up to Harry. "Master don't worry, Mistress knows her family well, she ordered me to make sure they don't give you too much to drink, so I have taken control of all the bottles. Winky is keeping an eye on Mistress at the Burrow too, just as she asked her."

"Thank you Kreacher, I appreciate it my friend." Harry smiled, watching the others continue to tease Ron for a while.

Ginny arrived at the Burrow, stepping out of the fire, still clutching her locket. She was met by the Kitchen fire by Molly, Minerva, Fleur, Audrey, Luna, Andromeda, Angelina and Hermione. Hermione instantly grabbed her arm, firmly to guide her away from the fireplace. "You took your time, if you had been much longer, I would have come back to drag the two of you apart." The bushy haired witch grinned.

The only male allowed at the Burrow on this evening was Teddy, who at the sight of her arrival, abandoned Victoire and practically ran over to her. "Yay Ginny here, where Harry?" He called excitedly looking to the fireplace expectantly.

She picked him up. "He'll be here tomorrow Teddy, not long to wait really, don't worry. "

Teddy smiled, nodded and changed his hair to resemble Harry's, making Ginny laugh. She walked into the room carrying the toddler and was immediately handed a glass of wine by Winky. Minerva and Andromeda had brought several bottles, so they sat drinking and talking. Soon Teddy and Victoire were asleep laid next to each other on a small mattress, Andromeda carefully levitated them up to the room she was sleeping in that night, and returned downstairs, Winky would warn them if the children woke. With the children settled, the Girls began comparing notes on the daft things their men had done.

"Your Dad Ginny, the list of scrapes he has got himself into is endless." Said Molly. "Usually to do with that collection of his in the shed, though the car was the only one that landed him in any real trouble. Do you remember the tree house he built in the willow in the Yard?"

Ginny nodded. "Yes, it was there that last summer before I went to Hogwarts, I don't remember seeing it since though."

Molly grinned. "Well the reason it's gone now, apart from Willow not being a good tree to put one in, in the first place, is that he managed to prune one of the branches that supported it with his wand. The house fell right on top of him, only the door was open and he went through the doorway, I arrived expecting him to be crushed or at least hurt underneath it, but he was stood up inside it, wondering where the floor had gone."

They went round each of them and their men's secrets were revealed. Neville's habit of carrying plants round like they were a teddy bear, Percy continuously rearranging things in the flat, Ron's talking in his sleep so he had no secrets at all. They laughed and talked late into the night, enjoying the wine as well as the company.

Hagrid had arrived to join the men, just as George and Ron were showing off some of their latest products and variations of some of the best sellers. They spent quite some time testing the products, though anything edible was fed to George first. However the highlight of the evening was a Muggle game Dean had found and brought with him called Twister.

The game came with a large sheet of plastic to spread on the floor, it had four rows of coloured dots and a separate board made of card divided into four coloured sections which were subdivided into four parts, one for each limb, a pointer was mounted on a pin in the centre of the board so it could spin freely. They soon got the hang of playing it, one person spinning the pointer and calling out the limb and colour, which the other players then had to place on a dot corresponding with that particular pigment on the mat. The players ended up twisted together in some incredible positions, which hardly seemed possible at times, until one or more of them fell to the floor. The winner being anyone who managed to keep up with the instructions and not tumble to the ground. Understandably they were all reluctant to play when Hagrid was to be on the sheet, even if their had been room for them, none were daft enough to put themselves in a position for the gentle half giant to fall on them, but he didn't mind, he enjoyed watching them all. They played the game for well over an hour, it was hilarious to see them all trying to reach without using magic, especially as more drink was consumed. George teased Ron in the final against Seamus, every time he reached a limb towards a coloured dot, George changed its colour with his wand causing great hilarity, beaten only when Seamus pondered aloud how interesting a game with girls would be, especially a naked one.

Kreacher brought in some food for them all as they, settled into the chairs for a break, they all ate gratefully, then refilled their glasses and the game began again.

It was Ten o'clock when Arthur noticed that Harry had fallen asleep on the sofa behind them, he called a halt to the game. "Right Guys, he's asleep, Weasley's let Dean and Seamus in on the secret plan, the rest of you know what we are up to anyway, so it's only these two to bring up to speed. Hagrid you are with me, the rest of you we shall meet in the workshop in about ten minutes. Remember we need to get it finished tonight or the plan with it for tomorrow is well and truly scuppered."

Arthur asked Hagrid to carry Harry up stairs, he then showed the large man into Harry and Ginny's room and they laid him on the bed covering him with the blankets.

"I was hoping he'd fall asleep early, so that we would have a chance of finishing, seems a shame though to end the party for him so early." Said Arthur as they left the room

"I jus' 'ate seein' im ill Arthur." Said Hagrid, as they left the room.

"I know Hagrid, but he is getting better you know, Kreacher will keep an eye on him while we get this done, we need your help for a surprise for them tomorrow. Come and see what we've been working on for them, I hope it will help make tomorrow extra special." He took Hagrid to the workshop where the others had already set to work.

By one o'clock in the morning, in the Burrow the ladies evening was winding down, Ginny rose tiredly.

"I'll just go and check that Harry's all right." She said heading towards the fireplace.

"Oh, no you don't, you'll see him in the morning and not before young lady." Her Mum stopped her.

"I was only going to Floo them." Ginny protested.

"Not a chance!" Hermione laughed.

"Don't worry about him Ginny." Reassured Minerva. "Kingsley and Hagrid are there, they'll make sure he is fine. You know how protective of him Hagrid is and Kingsley would never let anything happen to him on any day, let alone today."

They were all staying over and were on their way up to bed, Ginny looked like she was about to argue again.

"Ginny look, he'll have been asleep for hours by now, so what's the point disturbing him." Said Audrey.

Reluctantly Ginny allowed herself to be led upstairs, once they had all made sure she was in bed and not going anywhere, they left her. She cast the Muffliato charm on the room and whispered. "Kreacher!"

The House Elf appeared. "Yes Mistress."

"How is Harry, Kreacher?" She asked.

"He is fine Mistress, he had only one drink and was asleep by ten, I am keeping watch over him for you." The Elf croaked.

"Thanks Kreacher, that's all I needed to know, you can go home now, see you tomorrow."

The Elf smiled, bowed and with a pop was gone. Ginny lifted the charm from the room then, reassured, she happily rolled over in the bed and smiling to herself quickly went to sleep to dream, dreams of her imminent life with Harry.

It was two o'clock in the morning by the time the boys emerged, oily and covered in grime, but satisfied with what they had achieved, from the workshop.

"Good work everyone, it works perfectly now and looks fantastic." Said Arthur smiling. "We couldn't have got it done in time without your help."

"The test runs were awesome." Seamus said, a large grin on his face. "They'll love it when they see it."

"Blimey look at the time, we've been working on it for four hours." Kingsley noted.

"Better get to bed. "Percy suggested, then looked down at his hands. "I need a shower first though."

"I'll get some extra ones set up in the room of requirement upstairs." Ron said.

Seamus and Dean looked wide-eyed. "Harry's got his own room of requirement?" Seamus asked.

"He sure has, boy's, it's not the only surprise this house has either, but this time showers it is, come on I'll show you where they will be." Ron smiled guiding them up the stairs followed by Percy.

"You lot coming?" Ron called back to the others.

"Drink first." Said Bill.

"What a good idea." Grinned Neville.

"Neville you party animal, I never knew you had it in you." George Laughed. "Dad, Kingsley, Hagrid you coming for a drink now or after you have had a shower?"

Kingsley went up for a shower, leaving the others to have a drink in the lounge.

While the others were upstairs showering, Arthur talked to Hagrid. "Hagrid you were the best driver of all of us during the test runs, so you can do the honours tomorrow all right?" Arthur smiled to the half giant.

"Yer sure Arthur?"

"Yes Hagrid, positive. Besides its kind of appropriate, you brought him back to the Wizard World when he turned eleven and you bring them home as they start life together. In fact, you have been there for nearly all Harrys journey's that changed his life, I can't think of anyone better to be with them on this one."

Hagrid nodded. "All righ' then Arthur."

Twenty minutes later Ron and the others appeared from taking their showers. Seamus and Dean waxing lyrical about how Harry was such a lucky sod to have a room of requirement of his own. They fixed themselves a drink, whilst Arthur, Kingsley, Hagrid, Bill, George and Neville showered then came back. They chatted while they finished the drinks, before Arthur announced it was time they all got some sleep.

"Ron, you are with me, we can't have you giving the game away in your sleep." George put his arm round his brother, steering him away from the door to Harry's room as they all went upstairs, an hour after they had emerged from the workshop.

The sun had not yet risen above the horizon, when his alarm woke him, though a dim light was beginning to melt the darkness of the night sky where it would appear. He quickly shut off the alarm, not wanting it to disturb the others in the house, with any luck he would have left before they awoke, avoiding the inevitable row it would cause with at least one of them.

His Mother knew where he was going, but she wasn't the problem. The problem was his father, he wouldn't like being defied, particularly in this instance. Ironically it was the car he had received as a Birthday gift from his parents, that meant he was able to go to his destination with ease. He had spent the day before, checking to make sure the car would be ready for such a long trip, it was in fact going to be the furthest he had taken it so far. He had taken it to the local garage and filled the tank with fuel, bought a spare bottle of oil, just in case and checked the tyre pressure, water level in the radiator and all the other things he could think of doing where he might need equipment available there. Back at home, he had topped up the water bottles for the windscreen and rear window, hoovered the interior, polished the outside and carried out numerous other tasks, nervous that the car was up to the journey and should look its best. Whilst his car was certainly in good condition, it was not a brand new car when he got it and this would be the first long journey, beyond London it was to be used on, so he was, perhaps, being over cautious in his preparations, but he did not want to let his cousin down through anything he could have prevented. Before going to bed he had taken his suit out and hung it, ready, on the front of his wardrobe, placing his best shoes, which he had polished, beneath it ready for the morning. He wanted nothing he could prepare in advance, to prevent his prompt, possibly swift, departure.

Rising in the dim light and wrapping his dressing gown round him, he padded softly to the bathroom, showered and shaved, before returning to his room to dress. Carrying his shoes and jacket, he quietly descended the stairs and went to the kitchen, he saw that the light in it was on. He held his breath as he entered, hoping his father had not risen this early and was in there.

He was relieved to find it was his mother there, stood in her dressing gown preparing a mug of tea and bowl of cereal for him. He was once again thankful that he no longer insisted on a full fry up as he once had for breakfast, the smell of the cooking would no doubt have awoken his father, who still ate a large plate with a full fry up each morning. Dudley and his mother nodded a silent greeting to each other, not wanting to chance their voices to disturb his Father. She placed the bowl and mug in front of him as he sat at the table then left him to eat. He ate his breakfast, then put his driving shoes on and silently retrieved his car keys from the hook next to his father's. Placing them in his pocket, he washed the bowl and mug in the water his mother had left in the sink before leaving the room with his good shoes in his hand. He paused in the hall and listened for any noise, then cautiously opened the door of the cupboard under the stairs, which still had two bolts and a padlock on it, though they hadn't been used for a few years. On top of the filthy sheets that could have once been a bed in the small space, was a neatly wrapped parcel in silver paper, he had placed it there himself the day before, he retrieved the gift. He sat on the step and slipped his driving shoes on, then stood, put his key in the lock of the front door, just as he heard a stair creak above him.

"Quick." His mother urgently hissed, seeing him look up startled.

She was hurrying down the stairs, towards the front door. She was now smartly dressed, a wide brimmed hat on her head, she had two bags in her hand, a smart handbag and larger shopping bag. He quickly turned the key, retrieved it and flung the door open, as he heard his Father bellow. "Petunia, come back here, I told you we are not going, don't you dare disobey me."

Heavy footsteps sounded from the landing as a door slammed open upstairs, his father was awake. Dudley let his mother out first, she grabbed a coat she had left on the banister end and shot out to his car, he was right behind her, his jacket over his arm, best shoes and gift held in that hand. He closed the front door behind them, even the smallest delay to his father would help them get away with minimum trouble. He unlocked the car doors, thankful it had central locking and they both got in, relocking the car. He quickly passed the gift, his jacket and smart shoes to his mother and placed the keys in the ignition. Turning the key, the car sprang to life just as his Father, still in pyjamas flung the front door open and stormed, purple faced, towards them along the drive. Dudley flung the car into gear, glad he had thought to reverse it into the drive last night and quickly pulled off the drive to speed down the street, leaving his furious Father behind.

They stopped a mile or two down the road, in a service station on the edge of town to calm themselves. Dudley took his things from his Mother and placed them in the back seat, then placed her shopping bag beside them.

Petunia got out of the car to put her coat on, then got back in the car and breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, disappointing as that was, it went about as well as could be expected I suppose."

Re taking his seat, Dudley looked to his Mother. "I'm glad you decided to come."

"So am I, Dud. I believe it is time I supported my Nephew and time your Father learnt that I have realised my family matters to me as much as his does to him." Petunia sighed, smiling sadly. "What if he follows us though?"

Dudley smiled. "It will all be fine mum, don't worry, I doubt he remembers where the wedding is." He assured her, passing her the book of road maps, open at the correct pages. "Even so we had better get going, you navigate mum."

She nodded and he started up the engine once more, they had a long drive to Devon ahead.

The sun shone brightly through the windows of the master suite in number twelve Grimmauld Place, when Kreacher drew back the curtains that morning. His Master was already up and having a solitary bath. It was Several hours until the wedding and Poppy would be here soon, to give Harry his potion to ensure he would not fall asleep during the ceremony or festivities. As Harry got out of the bath and dried himself he could hear Hagrid's loud snoring, he smiled remembering the first time he had met the half Giant, on his eleventh birthday.

He and the Dursley's were in a hut on a rock in the middle of the sea, where they had taken him in a vain attempt to hide from the arrival of letters from Hogwarts. That was the day Harry had started on his journey of discovery, finding his true identity and destiny, the journey that had led to this day.

Kreacher brought Harry his breakfast, a hearty full English that would set him up for the day. Harry sat on the sofa to eat, the tray perched on his knee.

"You slept well Master?" The Elf croaked.

"Yes Kreacher, I did thank you. Is anyone else up yet?"

"No Master, they were all in the workshop until two o'clock, then they all had a shower and didn't go to bed until three. I shall be waking them soon though, I am hoping Master Ron will require stage six this time."

Harry Laughed. "Just warn the rest of us, so we know what to expect. They were in the workshop? Funny place to have a party."

"I was not allowed in." Kreacher said in disgust. "Something about them not being able to order me to keep a secret from you."

"Don't worry Kreacher, I am sure it won't be anything to worry about, they wouldn't dare cross Ginny or Madam Weasley after all. We shall be able to get back to normal soon, or at least as normal as we get my friend." Harry glanced up at the clock. "I'd better get some clothes on shortly, Poppy will be here soon."

The elf nodded, then went to fetch some casual clothes for his master to start his day in. Harry finished his breakfast, putting the tray aside, he went over to the bed and dressed in some jeans and a T-shirt, he would change into his robes later. Kreacher made the bed with a snap of his fingers, then took the tray away. As Harry was about walk out of the room, Ron entered, yawning widely, he was dressed in a t-shirt and underpants only.

"Morning nearly Brother- in- law." Harry Grinned. "You know it's me that's supposed to have the problem of dropping off to sleep everywhere, not you mate, or are you just avoiding Kreacher's alarm calls."

"Sod off Harry, I haven't had breakfast yet." Ron muttered smiling weakly, before yawning again, then jumped as a loud thud sounded on the ceiling above.

"Sounds like Hagrid's up." Chuckled Harry.

"George is getting up too, we had better get you downstairs to wait for Poppy, Harry, c'mon. See if she's got any spare potion for me?" Ron grinned through still bleary eyes.

"You'd better get dressed first mate." Harry grinned.

Ron looked down at himself, realising he had no trousers on and flushed bright red. "Shit!" He muttered then dove off to the room he had slept in.

Harry left the suite and wandered downstairs before walking round the ground floor. He stood on the balcony looking out over the Ballroom, empty and silent. They had considered holding the ceremony there, but had decided against it, the paddock at the Burrow was a far better choice for a summer wedding, out in the fresh air. He wandered through the Dining room, then into the Drawing room, the next time he saw these rooms, he would be a married man. He smiled at the thought and brushed his hand over the bureaux they had retrieved from Godric's Hollow last Christmas. It glowed brightly! Surprised from his thoughts by the sudden change in the piece of furniture, he looked intently at the old writing desk, it still shone. Nervously he reached out and opened it, they had not used it for so long, preferring to write letters in their room at the desk there. Inside all seemed to be in order, so he closed it again, as he did a parchment flew out. His seeker instinct and abilities enabled him to catch the folded sheet of parchment easily before it touched the floor. He opened it and read the curly, neat writing. "Not yet Harry, be patient my secrets will be revealed soon."

Harry stood looking at the short note, wondering at it's meaning. He remembered Firenze words, was this what the Centaur had meant when he had said there was more to discover? He stood thinking about it for a moment, then shook his head, clearing it. That could all wait for another time, today was about Ginny, nothing would divert him from that. He pocketed the note, left the drawing room and went to sit in the lounge to wait, ready for Poppy to arrive and the others to appear.

In the department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry, thirty Aurors, Security Officers and Unspeakables were gathered in the briefing room, all had been hand picked, either by Aylwin or Kingsley. Aylwin was giving the briefing, readying them for the security of the wedding, where there would be a number of dignitaries present. They would deploy in a few minutes time, to conduct the preliminary checks of the area. Apparition and Portkey points needed to be set up where many guests would arrive at set times, they were to be placed in a field near the property entrance. Those arriving by these methods would be checked, before being allowed admittance. Only close family were going to be using the Floo, which like the one to Grimmauld place was now restricted anyway. Anyone arriving via the lane from the village, like the Granger's had been asked to do on this occasion, would also need to pass through security checks.

The one foreseen problem that they had been warned of, was that at least one Muggle, Harry's cousin, along with possibly at least one of that boy's parents, might be arriving, though they didn't know how they would be travelling if they did. It was also possible that they might not have their invitation with them additionally in the highly unlikely event that Vernon Dursley was with them, he was very likely to object to the security, loudly, rudely and indignantly. However, they had a plan to verify their identity if necessary, they would use the question and answer method. Harry had provided them with a question to ask them, so if they did arrive without other verification, they would use that.

The various media was also expected to take a great interest, it was naïve to believe otherwise or that they would not try to gain access. The only press allowed in had invitations, but Aylwin named them anyway to avoid any confusion. All other reporters were to be kept away, especially Miss Skeeter if she attempted entry, a ward to detect Animagus in their animal form has been in place over the Burrow for quite some time, which would help.

Aylwin concluded the meeting, although security was necessarily tight, they all knew to be as unobtrusive as possible once the guests had arrived, although the duty would have compensations, the family had ensured meals were available for them all and would be taken in shifts. The teams had been assigned and each ones leader led the way to the ministry apparition point, from where they departed to begin the duty. On arrival, they divided into pairs, each one was made up of one Auror and one ministry security officer, the Unspeakables having a roving brief to ensure the strength of the wards. They all had a couple of hours to do the checks then start the patrols before the guests were expected to start arriving.

By the time Poppy arrived via the Floo in the lounge at Grimmauld Place, everyone was up, though not yet downstairs, electing to breakfast in their rooms and give Harry some privacy while the Healer examined him. Kreacher was happily taking trays to them and Harry was grateful they were not here, as Poppy gave him his usual check up, it meant that he could relax while she worked without an audience.

"Good, you didn't have much to drink and it is already out of your system, so it won't affect the potion, now no alcohol for another two hours after you take it, then not too much for at least an hour after that, or it will affect its influence. Harry it is the full dose, Horace says it should last all day, but remember you can't take any more after this, not even the small doses you have been taking."

Harry took his Potion. "I know Poppy, I doubt there will be any opportunity to drink much in that time anyway, but thanks to you all for doing this for us."

The others came into the room, as he handed the empty goblet back to her.

"I thought as much." Laughed Poppy when she saw the men, who all, except Hagrid who was his normal self, looked like slightly livelier than if they had overdosed on draft of living death. " Men and their stag nights, never changes. Right you lot, line up over there, let's see if we can get any of you to look anything close to resembling human again, or at least as close as any of you usually do."

The men all meekly did as they were told and lined up, like naughty school children. Poppy went down the line doling out a potion to each of them in turn and supervised them drinking it.

"Right, you should all look respectable again within the hour, which is more than you deserve, honestly would some self control on these occasions really go amiss? Well at least I can report that none of you will embarrass your women due to the effects of last night at the wedding now. Though I suppose I ought to see if they need reviving too, I saw Minerva leaving with a couple of bottles of wine last night." She added ruefully. "Right Harry I'm off to the Burrow, Hagrid are you coming now or later, you said you would help setting up didn't you?"

"Aye, ah 'll come, wi' thi' Poppy." Nodded Hagrid. "Molly wants't chairs se' ou', Ah said I'd do i'."

"Please tell Mistress I will be there shortly to help, if you would Madam Poppy." Kreacher asked.

"Of course, I will Kreacher." She assured him, "I'll tell Winky too, I expect she missed you, you know. Right we shall see you there. You lot don't be late and you had all better go get changed, you only have an hour or so until you are supposed to be at The Burrow to help as well."

She followed Hagrid into the green flames and disappeared, leaving a line of momentarily silent men behind them.

Ginny woke suddenly, there had been a loud crash from downstairs. Her mother's voice came up through the floor. "Oh Hagrid, not again!"

"Sorry Molly." She heard the half giant say, sheepishly.

Ginny grinned as Hermione came in to her room. "Morning Ginny, how are you feeling?"

"Hungry, let's go for breakfast." Ginny grinned, getting up, she slid into her Jeans and pulled a T-shirt over her head. "Hermione?" Ginny asked slyly.

"Yes Ginny?" Hermione replied, an edge of caution in her voice as if she was expecting something perhaps a little untoward to happen.

"Today's the day." Ginny squealed, leaping round the room excitedly.

Hermione grinned at her friend. "Yes Ginny, it is." She smiled. "Now calm down and let's go eat."

They went down the stairs into the kitchen, where Hagrid was busily clearing up the broken chair he had crashed into, ready for it to be repaired, which Molly did with a flick of her wand. Ginny and Hermione greeted him then sat down at the kitchen table from where Poppy was talking to Mrs. Weasley.

" Morning Mum, Morning Poppy. How's Harry?" Asked Ginny.

"Fine dear, he's had his potion, he'll be here in an hour or two and Kreacher says he will be here soon too. How are you today, ready for it?" Poppy smiled

"Yes fine." Ginny replied piling Bacon and eggs on to her plate. "Can't wait really."

"Winky will be relieved when Kreacher gets here, she was just saying it was time he arrived." Said Molly.

Ginny and Hermione ate their breakfast and then went upstairs where they took turns to shower then went to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley's room, where Andromeda and Fleur were waiting. Ginny's dress was laid out on the bed already.

"Right Ginny, lets get you ready. Hermione if you would go and get changed, ask Luna to as well after you have would you. She's with Audrey, they are looking after Teddy and Victoire in Ron's room. Once you have done that if you come back here, we shall fix your make up and hair, then to help where needed." Instructed Andromeda as she and Fleur sat Ginny in front of one of three mirrors that had been set up in her parents room.

Hermione nodded and left the room, just as with a pop Kreacher appeared at Ginny's side. "Good morning Mistress." He croaked.

"Morning Kreacher good to see you. You will be needed down stairs, Winky is waiting for you, she and mum know what needs doing."

"Yes Mistress."

"Oh Kreacher." Called Andromeda. " When she gets back from the village, could you let Minerva know we are ready and she can come straight up."

"Yes Madam Andromeda, I shall do that."

There was utter chaos in most of Grimmauld Place, as the men were getting ready. The moment the flames had died down behind Poppy, Harry had been treated to the sight of a number of men trying to get through a doorway designed to allow the passage of one, maybe two people, at the same time. Harry grinned as he nodded to Kreacher, who took his Master's hand and popped him back to his rooms, where his clothes were laid out for him. Harry laughed as he heard a collective. "Oi Potter that's cheating." From downstairs, followed by the thunder of a number of feet on the stairs.

It wasn't long before Harry sat listening as the Weasley brothers including Percy, which surprised him, Neville, Dean and Seamus were rushing around trying to find cuff links, or ties, or Ron's shirt. He could hear Arthur and Kingsley attempting to restore some order, whilst simultaneously hunting out their own mislaid items. Harry laughed as he heard the noise from his room, he knew Kreacher had laid everyone's clothes out carefully on their beds while they had eaten their breakfast, but of course the men had dived in and messed up the neat stacks. Harry himself was ready and just taking a few minutes for himself, Kreacher having popped to the Burrow as soon as Harry was dressed. After a while Ron came in, ready at last.

"That's everyone almost dressed, they will be in a few minutes at least. They'll join us downstairs so we can Apparate together, you ready Harry?"

"Yes, have been for a while, it's been entertaining listening to you lot though, let's go as soon as they are all ready mate." He smiled.

As they left the room Harry looked back smiling, another room he would not see again until he was married, he found it somehow reassuring. They went downstairs and waited for the others in the lounge, eventually they were joined by the others. They were all ready and in celebratory mood as they left the house by the front door. The group made their way down the street to a quiet side road, then Apparated to the Burrow.

They arrived at the main check point, as expected and were let through, they walked into the yard in front of the house, Kingsley went off to find Aylwin and check on how things were going. A few of the guests were arriving early, Neville, Seamus and Dean went round to the paddock, where a roofless marquee had been erected for the festivities. The three were to be the ushers, showing the guests to their seats and dealing with any queries from them, they immediately started their duties.

Arthur turned to the others. "Right, the rest of you go make yourselves useful, Ron, go fetch Harry's honours, put yours on too. Harry we are going to sit out here for a while and relax."

The others dispersed around the Burrow and were soon rushing round, completing last minute tasks. Charlie brought a cold pumpkin Juice out for each of them, while Arthur and Harry sat on the bench under the window talking. The sun blazed down on them as they chatted, the sky was a wonderful blue, speckled, here and there with thin wisps of high cloud, A Jumbo Jet was passing overhead, the course it had traversed marked with a white contrail across the sky. A gentle breeze blew across the yard, lightly disturbing the leaves on the trees and shrubs make them gently rustle, sounding like a small wave breaking on a shingle beach. In short, it was perfect weather for the wedding, they could not have asked for better.

Arthur grinned, looking at Harry. "Beautiful day for it, Harry."

"Yes, it couldn't be better." He replied basking in the warmth of the sun.


"A little, more to do with being on show and today being perfect for Ginny than anything." Harry sighed.

"You'll be all right son, just today on show, then you and Ginny will be able to get on with your lives. Try to forget everyone else is there, concentrate on Ginny and yourself, it's you two who are important today." Arthur reassured him.

Ron came back with Harry's medals, he helped Harry put them on, then sat next to him as the conversation continued and they greeted the guests as they arrived.

A large group of people appeared in the yard from a Portkey security point in the field opposite, all the men in very formal, maroon, dress robes, the women in stiff, stately, dresses of the same colour.

Arthur stood. "Ah the Prewitt's have arrived, they are all distant relatives of Molly, come on Harry I'll introduce you."

Harry followed Mr. Weasley towards the group of stiff looking people nervously, on show again. The Prewitt's greeted him warmly, but very formally, then made their way into the house.

"Ah well Molly knew they would be here, they will make sure they are seen helping, until they decide it is the correct time for them to make their way out. Odd lot really, they turn up to every family gathering, identically dressed and always arrive together, even though they live miles apart and rarely see each other between. Very formal lot, never seen them show they are enjoying themselves and not a child between them. We think only Percy meets with any form of approval from them of all of us really, we are a little too flippant for them. Most of those women married into the family, but they were conforming with them before the wedding. Molly's parents and Aunt Muriel were definitely the black sheep, they never joined in with their way of doing things, always wanting to be individual, so Molly never had that much to do with that side of the family. Muriel is now the oldest of them and was the one who holds the direct lineage, so she must be respected according to their code, whilst they know Molly is her heir, the closest relative she has. That said, leaving aside their oddities, they truly care about us all and will do anything to help anyone. As a group of course, they do very little individually. They turn up to almost everything though and will be very helpful too, they didn't stand out so much at Fred's funeral though, nearly everyone was in black robes then, so they blended in." Arthur explained.

Harry and Arthur had just sat down again, to watch other guests arriving, when the sound of a distant low rumbling sound, coming up the lane, caught their attention.

"A Muggle car?" Harry said.

"Oh it will be someone lost I expect." said Arthur, "They'll turn round by the Willow and go back, they always do when they realize that they can't get anywhere along here."

"But someone lost wouldn't get past security." Ron observed.

"They might have had to, to let them turn round Ron, don't worry, they will be watching them." Arthur assured him.

They watched as the car appeared in the lane, it was a well polished, smart, powder blue Ford. It didn't turn round at the willow, it turned, purposefully, into the yard and slowly moved towards them to park.

Mr. Weasley stood up. "I'll go get rid of them." He smiled.

"No, hang on." Said Harry suddenly realising who it might be.

Arthur didn't hear him as he walked across the yard the back door opened and Minerva stepped out. "Harry I found these two lost in the Village, they were asking directions and very kindly gave me a lift back. Good job too, it meant it was easier for them to get through security." She called smiling. "I never thought Muggle cars were so comfortable, could do with one at Hogwarts, great fun."

The driver got out of the vehicle, to Harry's delight his realisation was shown to be correct, it was Dudley.

"Hi Harry, lovely day for it." His cousin called

"Hi Dudley glad you could come." He said cheerfully, he walked up and shook his cousin's hand as they embraced, slapping each other's backs manfully.

The front passenger door opened and out stepped Aunt Petunia.

"Well Harry, getting married then?" She said by way of greeting, but she was actually smiling.

"Yes Aunt." said Harry stunned that she had come.

He was even more surprised when she walked over and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, for helping Dudley, Harry. It is more than he or I had any right to. I am so proud of you, from what I can gather, despite what we did you are the opposite of what we said you were. I wish things had been different between us, I am sorry I let my jealousy of your Lily's and your talents as well as my fear of Vernon get in the way of what was truly important. I should have been stronger, I can see that now. I certainly don't deserve it, but I hope one day you can forgive me." She whispered to him quickly, getting things off her chest.

He returned her hug, he could feel tears on his Aunts cheeks, hear the sincerity in her voice, "Forget it Aunt, you are forgiven, I am just so pleased you are here." He whispered back and meant it.

Things had changed since he had last been in Privet Drive, he had changed, he would never forget how he had been treated, that was not possible, but he could no longer resent it, that was a path to self destruction and life was too short to let we he couldn't change rule him. Dudley was a friend now, Harry had grown up and thanks to Dud understood more about his Aunt. He had forgiven her and she, at last, had realised she could forgive herself enough to draw a line and move forward positively in their relationship. He was not going to stand in the way of that, it was sad it didn't happen before, but the important thing was it had happened now and Harry was happy for it.

Dudley grinned as his Mother and Cousin reconciled with each other." We would have let you know we were coming, but Dad forbade it, I told him I was coming anyway. Then this morning Mum just got dressed up and got in the car with me. Dads in a right mood about it, of course, but so what, he will have to live with it, he had a chance to come and didn't take it, his own fault." He told Harry, a wry grin on his face.

During the Journey from Little Whinging Dudley's mother had told him that she had slept little that night, so knowing his plan to leave early, she had risen and sat in the kitchen away from Vernon's snores, simply thinking. Thinking about the past, her sister, her nephew and what she had been told about him by others. She had realised that she had never really got to know Harry, never taken an interest in him, not until she heard the stories about him from Hestia and Dedalus whilst they were running the Post Office. She had loved doing that, finally felt she had a purpose in life other than wife and mother, she couldn't have admitted that at the time of course. Vernon would have blown a gasket if she had told him, but that period opened her eyes, she began to see what she had done and how she had behaved with greater clarity.

That had led to her slowly examining every aspect of her life, putting things in perspective and she didn't like what she saw although it had taken her until this morning to accept that entirely. The last piece had been to accept the complete truth about Vernon, the man she had realised was not who she thought he was and she didn't like what he was particularly any more. The realisation emboldened her, gave her the strength to, for once, do what she wished to, to do what she believed was right. She had finally decided she had to defy her husband, she would attend her nephews wedding. She heard Dudley in the shower and prepared his breakfast for him while she waited for him to come down the stairs. Once she had fixed his breakfast and he was seated eating it, she had gone upstairs, got dressed, collected something from the bottom of the wardrobe, she wouldn't say what, but she placed it in a handy shopping bag to take with her. Having made sure she had everything for the day, she had been leaving the room when Vernon had woken.

"What are you dressed up for, where do you think you are going to this early?" He had demanded.

"My Nephews wedding, if you get dressed quickly and promise to behave like a civilized human being, then you may still come with us." She had replied.

Vernon had turned purple. " Most certainly not and neither are you, I forbid it." He had seethed.

"Really, well I am going Vernon and that's final, I will see you later." She had then turned and fled down the stairs as he yelled something behind her.

They were glad to have arrived at the Burrow and got through security, thanks largely to Minerva, but had not yet decided how they were going to deal with Vernon when they returned that night, preferring to look forward to the day's happy events. Dudley did not tell Harry any of this, he knew as he looked at his cousin there was no need, today was about Ginny and Harry, not his Father. Seeing his cousin and mother begin their relationship anew made his father irrelevant, for the time being at least. Hearing his mother respond to him, drew Dudley from his thoughts and drew his attention back.

"Let your Father sulk, it's time he realized I have a family too, not just his ruddy foul Sister." Aunt Petunia said. Dudley looked a little surprised at his Mother's words, so she continued "Well if it was his Sister's child we would have to go, just because she could never find a man to have children with, doesn't mean I should miss my Nephews wedding. Besides Lily can't be here, so I'm here for her as well."

"Well I am glad you are both here and I know Mum would have been too." Harry smiled.

Petunia smiled, not her usual thin smile, but a real grin that lit up her face and made her eyes twinkle. She turned to Arthur. "You must be Mr. Weasley, Ginny's father, I am sorry that this has all been left to you and your wife, I expect there are things we can help you with, even this late in the day. Besides I have something of my Mothers for the Bride to wear if she would, it's a bit of an Evans family tradition. Both Lily and I wore it at our weddings, as did our Mother, it's a Diamond bracelet, I thought Lily would want Ginny to wear it so brought it along."

Petunia retrieved the shopping bag from the back seat, while Dudley changed his shoes. She brought out the bracelet, that was usually in a box in the wardrobe, to show them. It was silver, about an inch wide, and covered in small diamonds.

Harry was amazed. "Thanks Aunt Petunia, that's incredible, I am sure Ginny will agree to wear it. Minerva would you take Mrs. Dursley to meet everyone and ask Ginny."

"Of course Harry, I am supposed to be helping them get ready anyway I am sure Molly will appreciate the help Mrs. Dursley and of course you will need to freshen up after your journey."

"Thank you, yes that would be most welcome, we did stop en route, but only for a short time." Petunia smiled as the Professor led her to the door.

As the two women left, Ron turned to Dudley. "Look I know Harry asked me, but you are his cousin, as he has no brothers traditionally you should be best man."

"No, absolutely not Ron." Said Dudley firmly. "Look, you have been more family to Harry than I ever was. I appreciate you thinking of it, I am proud you would think of it, but you have earned the right to stand with him up there far more than I have."

Dudley insisted that Ron should do the job, so after a few minutes discussion Ron gratefully gave in and they all three began the walk to the Marquee together, leaving Arthur to greet the rest of the guests.

George saw Dudley with them as they walked into the paddock and he came over to Harry. "Want me to fix him Harry, so he behaves."

"It's all right George, he's more than welcome here, he has changed since you last saw him. We have been in touch with him for the past year, even Aunt Petunia's here, both much against Uncle Vernon's orders."

"There's hope for him yet then." George replied cheerfully, he went over to Dudley "Now Dud, good to see you again. How are you doing, remember me?"

Dudley laughed. "George yes? Long time no see, I hope we can start again."

Nodding approvingly and grinning George replied. "Sure thing Dudders, from what Harry says you have become a good chap, so why not." He laughed.

Dudley laughed as well. "Harry tells me you invent joke stuff for a living now, you haven't got anything I can give my Dad when we get back I suppose? Mum will be far too tired to deal with him tonight."

"I might have just what you need Dud, we'll discuss what you have in mind, but in return, what can you tell me about Muggle joke products." George grinned as he put his arm around Dudley and they started comparing notes on joke products in the Muggle world on their way together to their seats on the front row.

Harry looked at Ron. "Do you get the feeling we just witnessed the start of a beautiful and potentially dangerous friendship?" He laughed.

"I think you may be right Harry, should we warn Angelina she has competition do you think?" Ron Grinned and they both burst out laughing, startling a few guests who were making their way past them.

Minerva and Petunia walked into the Kitchen where Molly, dressed in a new dress, was directing the Prewitt's out into the paddock to see if any more help was needed there.

"Molly, this is Petunia Dursley, Harry's Aunt, I found her them in the village trying to find their way here, they were kind enough to give me a lift in their most wonderful vehicle. She has something from Lily's family for Ginny." Minerva called to her.

Molly turned surprised and looked to the newcomer and rushed over to them. "Oh Harry will be so pleased you could come, so will Ginny. Welcome to the Burrow, it is so good to see you." She smiled. "Are Dudley and Vernon with you?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley, I am glad to be here. Dudley brought me, but the less I say about Vernon today the better, I want to forget all about him for now and enjoy the day." Petunia replied.

"Oh dear, well at least you and Dud could come. Call me Molly, please, after all we are about to become family, officially. Now come on let's see how the bride is doing, introduce you to your soon to be niece in law. Then I'll show you where you can powder your nose, it must have been a long journey in the car." Molly led the way upstairs, as the two women continued to talk.

"Please, all of you, call me Petunia, Molly, you are right of course. I am sorry we were unable to help you earlier with the preparations, you must let me help today." Petunia smiled happily.

"Not to worry Petunia, there have been quite a few of us to spread the load, but once we get done with the girls, there is not much to help with afterwards really." Molly assured her. "I do appreciate the offer, but once we get out to the ceremony I intend to enjoy the day, I hope you will to. Don't worry just stick with us and you will be fine."

They reached a door and Molly knocked.

"Who is it?" Came a voice from inside.

"It's me, Andromeda. I am with Minerva and a surprise visitor for Ginny." Molly called.

"Come in." Called Ginny's voice.

The three ladies entered the room as Ginny looked round to see who the surprise visitor was.

"Ginny, this is Harry's, Aunt Petunia." Her Mother said.

Ginny stood and rushed to Petunia, "Oh, I am so glad you came." She said automatically hugging her briefly. "Does Harry know?"

Petunia returned the hug happily, she hadn't realized until now how much she had missed this kind of demonstration of affection. She, Lily and their friends had always greeted each other like this, until the letter had come for Lily. She smiled "Its lovely to meet you at last, Ginny, Dudley has told me so much about you, but it is so good to finally see you for myself." She said as they parted " He's here too by the way, he stayed outside with Harry and the men. Now my dear, feel free to say no, but I have something for you to wear today if you would like. I won't be offended in the least if you don't want to, but I would be honoured if you would wear my Grandmothers bracelet. Lily and I wore it at our weddings, as did our mother. I know if Lily were here she would want you to have the chance to wear it as well." She slipped the small box from her bag and handed it to Ginny.

"Oh Mrs. Dursley of course I will. Thank you so much, it would be an honour." Ginny said softly and opened the box, her hands trembling, she gasped when she saw what lay within. "It's so beautiful." A tear appeared in Ginny's eye.

Petunia quickly grabbed a tissue and gently brushed the tear away."Please call me Petunia my dear and I am glad you like it, thank you so much." Petunia was close to tears herself.

Minerva smiled. "Right now lets finish getting Ginny ready, I know it's tradition for her to be late, but we don't want to keep poor Harry waiting too long. Now Petunia, would you like some help to touch up your make up as well? I am sure we can do that for you."

"Are you sure, I wasn't expecting to create a fuss?"

Andromeda smiled "It's no fuss give us ten minutes, then come back up, you need to look your best, besides, it will give you chance to get to know us all. I'll do yours if you like, while Fleur does Molly's."

Petunia and Molly went back down stairs and Petunia helped Molly with the few tasks left to do in the house, until it was time to return upstairs. Petunia powdered her nose, then joined the other women where she was pampered and Andromeda did a wonderful job of her make up. Soon she was laughing with them all as she relaxed in the women's company. It was like they had known each other and been friends for many years, not less than an hour. The witches all admired Petunia's dress and when she commented she should have done more with her hair, when she spotted it in the mirror, Fleur and Andromeda instantly set to work. She had mildly protested about the fuss, but Fleur had assured her.

"But, you are ze nearest 'Arry 'as to 'is mozzer 'ere, zo eet iz no trouble at all, you and Molly must only be out zhone by zee bride 'erself."

Petunia had to admit that the result was wonderful, it was styled in a way she would not have considered before, but loved. She was very pleased as she walked over the path laid across the paddock with Molly and Minerva to the marquee. They were still chatting like old friends, as they took their seats. Molly insisted that Petunia be sat with her on the front row, Petunia was growing a little nervous. This was, after all, the largest gathering of witches and wizards she had attended since seeing her sister off at Kings cross many years before. Harry Ron and Dudley sat in the three seats nearest the aisle as the rest of the guests began to fill the other chairs.

"Are you all right Harry?" Smiled Mrs. Weasley.

Harry nodded in response.

" Don't worry, not long now. Have you got both the rings Ron?" She asked.

Ron produced them from his robe to show her.

"Good, well too late now if we have forgotten anything, now Petunia let me introduce you to the rest of my sons and their partners." Molly introduced Petunia to everyone and she began to relax.

The Marquee was nearly full, as the officiating Wizard walked to the front, he paused to speak to Harry as they heard Muriel arrive, the man grinned and winked at Harry. "Now what will she do this time do you suppose?"

Harry grinned and looked back. "Oh she would make a be line for poor Neville wouldn't she." He grinned.

"No young man, I need to sit near the front I believe, behind my Niece and her family. Never mind it's a long way, give me your arm Longbottom and take me, you are the usher so it's your Job. Not like that, goodness me did your grandmother teach you nothing. I'm not some plant you need to move, I don't need to be supported to that degree, just give me your arm young man. That's better, now, your Grandmother tells me you are going to teach at Hogwarts, Herbology I understand. Well I expect you will do your best, it was always your strength young man. Though I doubt your grandmother would admit it, I believe she is quite rightly proud of you. Now we are nearly there I think, yes this will do. Thank you, now you get on with whatever it is you are supposed to be doing." Neville had got her to the seat next to the Prewitt's immediately behind Molly.

Harry and Ron were in fits of laughter.

"Who on earth was that?" Asked Dudley, chuckling lightly, not wanting to appear rude.

"My great Aunt Muriel," Spluttered Ron, through his laughter. "She's mellowing with age."

"Ron, behave!" Said his Mother as Dudley began to laugh.

Harry settled down and looked round the rows of seats. At the other end of his row, sitting there hand in hand trying not to be noticed, were Winky and Kreacher, both had been busy earlier and would be again, but despite their protests Harry and Ginny had insisted they both attend the ceremony as part of their family. The tent was larger than the one had been for Bill and Fleur's wedding, though at the moment it was roofless, allowing a view of the bright blue summers sky above. Family and Friends, were sat on one side of the space, whilst the other was filled with ministry and other officials and dignitaries together with their families. The two Orders were dressed in their formal robes and were seated on the family side, whilst the Wizangamot sat in theirs on the other. He spotted Oliver Gresley and his Nephew, who waved enthusiastically to Harry.

The Marquee was decorated with gold and silver streamers along with balloons in the same colours. White flowers adorned the posts ranging from large blooms with yellow sepals, to frothy clusters of tiny blooms cascading down the poles. Red rose petals drifted from above, down onto the carpet laid along the central Aisle, parting as people walked along it to their seats. The Aisle, between the rapidly filling golden chairs, widened half way along its length to create a large circular space where Mr. Weasley stood, waiting for Ginny to arrive, hopefully at the appointed moment, now not far away. At the back he could see Lee talking into his microphone, broadcasting what was happening to the Wizarding world, he was one of the authorised members of the media here, but was also an invited guest as were Xenophilius Lovegood and Mr. Swiftshot who completed the press representation. At the front, to one side of the platform where the officiating wizard stood, was a row of chairs, each had a picture in a frame on them, one of James and Lily, who had waved to Petunia when she arrived, much to her amazement. The next chair had a picture of Sirius, next to him was Remus and Tonks, then Fred, next Dumbledore and finally looking very proud to be there was the picture of Dobby, all were smiling happily.

As the last of the guests arrived and took their seats, Harry saw the brides maids, Hermione and Luna, dressed in flowing golden gowns, arrive. They walked up the aisle, followed by Fleur and Andromeda, also in gold, with Teddy, dressed in small dress robes the same as Harry's, to stand with Mr. Weasley, the bridal party was here, only Ginny to arrive, but surely Arthur should be with her to bring her in?

As the guests fell silent at some silent signal, Hermione sent red and gold sparks into the air with her wand and the music they had chosen for Ginny to arrive to began, in the still roofless Marquee. The sound of chatter had completely gone and everyone stood up, looking towards the entrance expectantly. Ron and Harry went to the front as the officiating wizard beckoned them, they looked back down the aisle, still no sign of Ginny. Harry noticed the bridal party looking up, he followed their gaze, a dark spot rose up into the sky, seemingly from the far side of the arrivals paddock and began coming towards them. As it came nearer Harry realized it had wings, what was going on? It got over the house before Harry realized it was Buckbeak, flying towards them, with someone riding on him.

The Hippogriff swooped into the marquee, spreading his wings widely to slow down to land. The roof of the tent magically appeared the moment he had passed through where it should have been. Buckbeak flapped his wings once as he landed and stopped in the circle, right in front of the bridal party. Everyone bowed solemnly to him, the Hippogriff bowed back in return then turned his head to look behind him, Ginny took her Fathers hand and gently slid from the Hippogriff's back, patting him on the neck then stroking his beak in thanks. Hagrid came forward and took the reins, to prevent Bucky following the group down the aisle. Ginny grinned widely as she took her Fathers arm and walked up the aisle towards her brother and Husband to be, with the bridesmaids following, Teddy walking between Fleur and Andromeda, a hand held by each of them, the youngster smiling broadly.

Harry was entranced as he watched them approach, Ginny looked absolutely stunning, in a smooth silky white low cut dress, which glistened and shimmered as she walked, the wide full skirt of it ensuring that she appeared to be floating along. Her Order of Dumbledore Medal hung on its ribbon round her neck and her DBE was pinned at her shoulder to hang parallel to the neckline of her dress. Aunt Muriel's tiara was set in her styled red hair and the Evans bracelet, just visible on her wrist behind the bouquet, glittering as brightly as the tiara in the light, though in Harry's eyes not as brightly as she did. No one else mattered, there were no others present it seemed to him, as he watched her steadily coming towards him. Her eyes never left Harry as she approached, smoothly gliding up the aisle, her Father proudly smiling at her side, the rose petals parting to cascade around her, framing the scene.

She reached the front and Arthur passed his Daughters hand, symbolically, to Harry when they reached him, nodding silently he took a step back from the couple as she passed her bouquet back to Hermione. She turned to face her fiancé, Harry gazed into her eyes.

"Quite an entrance." He grinned as she took his arm.

She giggled and smiled that special smile of hers to him. They both simultaneously turned to face the officiating wizard who stood smiling to them both and started the ceremony. "Ready?" He whispered smiling to them both.

"Oh yes!" They answered in unison.

"Good, then we had best begin." He whispered then turned his attention to the guests behind them and amplified his voice. "Welcome one and all to this, Harry and Ginny's very special day, please be seated."

He paused whilst the rumble of people sitting died away, before he continued to address them. "You are all friends, family or colleagues of our famous couple here and they have invited you to share their personal happiness. You are the ones who know the true Harry and Ginny, rather than the larger than life, heroic figures as portrayed in the press. You know the sister, nephew, cousin, friend and colleague, in other words the ordinary young people that they are. We all know that someone who meant them harm has targeted Harry and Ginny in the past months, but it is you here today who shared their suffering and now have gathered here, in this place, which is special to them both, to share their joy.

Although this is a personal celebration, it is typical of this couple that they have allowed this event to have a wider audience than might usually be expected. They knew there would be many interested outside those who know them and so we are being broadcast, live on the radio across the planet to all Magical communities. In addition the couple and the other members are wearing their orders of Dumbledore, as an act of remembrance for those we lost and cannot be here to share the happiness. They also wear them in hope, for the future this ceremony represents. We are however joined by the portraits of those closest to the couple that could not be here including one of Harry's parents and Ginny's Brother. Now let us begin!"

Harry and Ginny turned to face each other, they could hear that Mrs. Weasley, Minerva and Aunt Petunia were already crying, they smiled and took each other's hands in front of them. The sound of Hagrid blowing his nose rang round the tent, he had begun to cry too.

"Right then, ready to go Harry, Ginny?" He asked again, smiling, both nodded and he continued. "Harry and Ginny have consented to be married, bonded to each other. That happy estate of mutual love, therefore I ask that if anyone present know of any legal impediment why they may not be married speak now or forever hold your peace."

He paused for a moment, until a voice called out. "Oh get on with it will you."

There was a ripple of laughter as the Wizard turned to the source of the voice, one of the portraits. "Now Sirius calm down old chap, I might have guessed you wouldn't let something as simple as death stop you heckling. It's not even as if you can be in a rush to get to the food this time now is it. I knew there would be trouble with three of the marauders present." He laughed and then turned to the couple. "He was just as impatient at James and Lily's wedding." He winked then continued.

"Who brings this woman to be married to this man?" He asked.

"With her mother, I do." Replied Arthur, then went to sit with the rest of his family.

"Who stands with this man as he marries this woman?" The Wizard asked.

"Oh, yes, that would be me." Ron replied as if surprised they had reached this part already.

"Unorthodox response, but acceptable anyway Ron." The Wizard grinned, as the guests chuckled.

Then again, the Wizard turned to address the guests. "Do you all here gathered agree to counsel and support this couple, should need arise, to help support their marriage?"

"We agree so to do." The guests all chorused.

The Wizard turned to the couple. "Harry James Potter, do you take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your wife, your soul partner and your confidant for as long as you both live?" He asked, loudly for all to hear.

"I do." Harry looked again into her brown eyes as he spoke.

The wizards wand passed round their hands a golden thread circled them.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, do you take Harry James Potter to be your husband, your soul partner and your confidant for as long as you both live?"

"I do." She breathed, gazing into Harry's emerald eyes.

Again he passed his wand around their hands and a second golden thread appeared.

"Do you both swear to support, protect and love one another in good times and in bad, sickness and health. To help each other in times of need, keeping yourselves solely for each other as long as you both shall live?"

"We do." They said together, still immersed in each other's eyes.

Again the wand circled their hands and yet another golden thread of light appeared, but once complete all the loops expanded to encircle the pair completely.

"Do you have the rings please." The wizard looked to Ron.

Ron held up the two, white Gold and Jet, rings in the palm of his hand and the wizard tapped them with his wand. The rings glowed and faded from Ron's palm, to reappear one on each of the couple's ring fingers. The bands glowed again, in tune with the thread encircling them which connected itself to the rings. The moment it did, streams of pure light grew from their hands, some to the thread, two to their hearts. The moment the light touched their chests, they felt warmth begin to grow within them, as the threads connected them.

The wizard spoke again. "I now declare you bonded for life." The wizard declared and waved his wand over their heads, Harry felt himself, his essence, fully merge with Ginny's as the magical streamers produced sparks and stars which curled around them, almost expectantly. "While I am grateful that unlike your father, you have waited for me to say it, you may now kiss the bride, Harry."

The couple kissed for the first time as man and wife, the guests stood and applauded, Buckbeak called, even Kreacher and Winky had tears in their eyes as they excitedly joined the rapturous applause. A golden light grew from where their lips touched, it shone brightly as it spread and the couple appeared to glow. The threads connecting them wove an intricate net around them as the light became brighter. The applause faltered, as people shielded their eyes from the golden light which grew ever brighter, there were numerous gasps as the light intensified then sank into the couple, once it was gone the guests started cheering loudly.

A mile away from the festivities, on the far side of Ottery St Catchpole, a lone Dementor had spent the last few weeks stalking a Muggle. Separated from its fellows, lost and alone, the dark creature had been undetected by the occupants of the nearby Magical house, so it had hidden in the Muggle house, grazing on the emotions of the occupants, ensuring they felt no happiness. It was all its kind could manage since the fall of the Dark Lord, it seemed they had been foolish to leave the prison on the basis of the promises of a human, they would not make the same mistake again. It knew it was lucky to have found a safe source of regular food, it would stay hidden here and feed for years. At least that was what it planned, knowing a good thing when it saw one. Suddenly a wave of positive energy, a golden light, blasted across the area from the direction of the Wizard's house, sweeping the Dementor painfully, from it's hiding place. Even once the wave had dissipated, the creature continued to flee, even a Patronus was not so painful, there was no way it was returning to that place. The Muggles who lived in the house where it had hidden, suddenly felt better than they had for weeks.

Dumbledore's voice was drowned by the noise as he muttered, " I never thought I would see the completion of an essence bond so strong, incredible." Smiling to himself.

All the figures in the pictures joined the ovation of the living guests, Dobby leaping up to somersault over and over again in the frame, as the light of the bond faded and the couple's lips parted.

Lily leant to her husband. "Told you it would be spectacular James." She laughed.

Harry and Ginny looked over to the pictures, his mother had just whispered something he couldn't hear, to his father who had a stunned expression on his face. Lily dug him in the ribs with her elbow and nodded towards her son and his wife. "Good one Harry!" They heard James shout. "Knew you could do it, welcome to the family Ginny."

The couple laughed as Sirius and Fred wolf whistled loudly from their frames, both grinning broadly. Remus winked and smiled while Tonks put her thumb up. Dobby was still leaping around his picture cheering and doing back flips. Harry and Ginny turned to face their guests happily, as the clapping and cheers continued.

The officiating Wizard stepped alongside and smiled to the couple. "Thank you." He said. "It was an honour to conduct the ceremony, in all the years I have been conducting these ceremonies, I have never seen so powerful a bond complete."

The couple thanked him and shook his hand, before he indicated that it was time for the couple to walk back up the aisle together, through still applauding guests. They started the walk, arm in arm, happily greeting people they recognised, their family stepping into place behind the bridal party. Lee was describing the scene to the listeners on the WWN as they passed the table he was at. As they had reached Buckbeak and Hagrid, they bowed and the half Giant turned the Hippogriff so he led the procession out into the sunshine of the paddock.

Mr. Swiftshot was first out of the Marquee after them, he quickly bowed to Buckbeak who was being tethered by Hagrid, ready for the photos to be taken. Dudley joined Harry and Ginny as family and friends embraced them as they left the Marquee.

"Well done you two, that was incredible, especially the glowing and your entrance Ginny, I have never seen anything like it. By the way what on earth is that thing?" He asked amazed, pointing to Buckbeak.

"He's a Hippogriff Dudley, that's Buckbeak, he is ours, but lives at Hogwarts." Harry smiled at the look of amazement on Dudley's face. "Just remember to bow whenever you go near him and wait for him to bow back to you, otherwise he is very dangerous, could kill, though it is highly doubtful he will. Make sure to warn Aunt Petunia about that too, so long as you follow that and are polite to him he's fine."

Dudley's eyes widened. "Blimey, he's a hell of a pet Harry, don't worry I'll tell mum."

Mr. Swiftshot fussed around getting everyone in position for the various pictures he needed, first on his list was Ginny and Harry on their own for several pictures. He stood them first near a tree away from everyone else, who were receiving drinks from Kreacher, Winky and some of the Hogwarts Elves all wearing their medals. Mr Swiftshot was about to disappear under the cloth behind his camera, when Ginny squeezed Harry's arm. "Harry look!" She pointed towards the gap in the hedge through which the path that led to the pond passed.

In the arch made by the green hedge stood a magnificent Stag, complete with an impressive pair of Antlers, alongside a Doe. Quite quickly the guests noticed the pair and fell silent, watching what would happen next, most remembering that a pair of Deer had been reported at the memorial ceremony earlier in the year. Even Buckbeak turned to look at them, a few of the guests watched in amazement as the Hippogriff bowed his head towards the Deer, who both dipped their heads in return before they turned to look at the newly weds.

Harry and Ginny watched the deer, the stag bowed his head to them this time, so low his antlers touched the ground, scraping over the soil. No one dared breath for fear of startling the two animals, the Stag lifted his head again. He bellowed loudly, gutturally, then took a step forward and led the Doe towards the newly weds. They sedately made their majestic way to Harry and Ginny, looking for all the world as if they belonged there as much as all the others there. Once they reach Harry and Ginny, they nuzzled the couple, then stood either side of them, even allowing them to place their hands gently on their soft shoulders, feeling the regal animals warmth. Then all four looked expectantly towards the camera, where Mr. Swiftshot, used to surprises where this young couple were concerned, had remained beneath the cloth of his camera, smiling. Harry could hear Lee describing the sight to his listeners, with amazement in his voice.

"This is quite incredible Ladies and Gentlemen, just like at the anniversary of the battle commemoration, we have two surprise guests. A handsome Stag and a beautiful Doe have made their way to stand with the happy couple ready for the first of the photographs. We have only a few minutes left of this special broadcast, before it enters the phase that is for the guests alone and I can join my friends in this celebration, but we shall stay on air for a little longer to report on this unexpected turn of events."

The Deer allowed just two photographs of them to be taken with Harry and Ginny, before they nuzzled the couple again, then made their stately way back the way they had come and out of sight.

"Our Deer again." Whispered Ginny.

"They have never come so close before." Harry replied awestruck. "The first time we have seen them in the flesh outside Hogwarts grounds too."

"I get the feeling they approve of us." Ginny smiled and they kissed.

Mr. Swiftshot captured the kiss on his camera and then asked them to adopt various poses for the photographs, during which Lee ended his broadcast.

Once the shots of the couple on their own were done they moved over to stand in front of Buckbeak and started bringing others into the pictures. Starting with the Bridal Party, then first the Weasley's, then Petunia and Dudley. Dudley and Aunt Petunia bowed solemnly to Buckbeak who eyed them and then slowly bowed back, the photo taken a picture was taken of both sides of the family, then the extended family, including the Prewitts. They took a picture of Teddy with them, then Andromeda as well, of course one of them with Ron and Hermione was taken as well as one of all six Order of Dumbledore members before Mr. Swiftshot called the D.A. Forward. They were followed by the heads of the departments they had inspected with their families, then the Hogwarts faculty was followed by one with Kreacher and Winky, then the Hogwarts Elves before he asked if any others wished to have a picture taken. Teddy and Victoire were immediately handed to the couple, after which, various other shots with individuals, including Oliver and Martin, were taken. Finally all the guests gathered around them and Buckbeak for a large group picture for which Mr. Swiftshot set the camera on a special tripod, which had a clockwork mechanism that made the camera slowly turn, so it covered the whole assembly, it was the only shot in which Mr. Swiftshot himself, appeared.

Once the formal pictures were taken Kreacher appeared at Harry and Ginny's side with drinks for them, he bowed as they took them from the tray, Harry introduced the Elf to Aunt Petunia properly, not reminding her of the first time she had met the Elf, before Kreacher popped off again.

"Harry, just how important are you to wizards? This wedding is enormous and all these important people here, it's amazing. There are even people from across Europe amongst them and each of them are all so friendly towards you as if they know you personally others seem to be in awe of you." Petunia asked a little overwhelmed.

"I told you Mum, these two are the Royalty of the Wizarding World." Grinned Dudley winking. "This world of theirs is quite incredible, the more I see, the more I am amazed and want to find out more to be honest."

"Just like me Dudley." Harry laughed.

The chairs in the marquee had been moved and placed around circular tables, arranged ready for the reception meal. A long top table had been erected along the length of one side for the bridal party and parents, or Aunt in Petunia's case. Everything was arranged around the sides of the tent, leaving a large central area as a dance floor for later, a large stage was at the far end, replacing the platform where the ceremony had taken place. The flowers had been rearranged as centrepieces on each table, they were now surrounding the bases of impressive six stemmed candelabra compete with candles above.

Harry and Ginny stood at the doorway, welcoming the guests back in, Aunt Petunia kissed them both as she came in with Dudley and George laughing and joking. Lee, now free to join in the celebration since his broadcast had finished and equipment taken away, came in. He went to join George, Angelina and Dudley before taking their seats at a table with some of the D.A. Who were next in. Mrs. Weasley took Petunia over to sit with her at the top table, leaving the couple to great the guests. Oliver Gresley came in with his grinning Nephew.

"Hello Harry, Ginny, thanks for asking me to come." Smiled Martin.

"That's all right Martin, you kept our meeting at Christmas Eve a secret so I could visit my parents grave side quietly, so you deserved a treat." Harry winked.

"So that's how you know each other." Laughed Oliver. "He wouldn't tell me, even on the way here, told me he couldn't, he had promised."

"Well done Martin." Said Ginny, "I think you can tell people now though, but remember we shall see you in September at Hogwarts, I hope you are in our House."

"So do I, but Harry will be teaching me anyway won't he?"

"Yes, I will and so will Ginny, she is standing in for Professor Hooch for a year." Harry smiled at the excitement on Martins face as Oliver took him to their seats.

Harry got a surprise a few minutes later, Mr. and Mrs. Diggory walked up.

"Oh thank you so much for coming." Said Harry. "I am glad to see you."

"Cedric would have wanted us to be here, he would have been so pleased." Said Mrs. Diggory. "It was so good of you to ask us and a real honour to be here."

"Well done son." Amos Diggory smiled. "It means a lot that you asked us."

Harry was close to tears as he quietly said. "Thank you." Again.

The Diggory's nodded and smiled as they walked to their table.

Ginny squeezed his arm gently, "Mum added them to the list Harry and I said she should when she asked, you don't mind do you love?"

"No Ginny, not for a second, I'm glad you did." He said smiling slightly sadly to her, Cedric's pointless death still hurt him deeply, but he was glad his fellow Triwizard Champion's parents had come, it was the first time he had seen either of them since they had visited him in the hospital wing after the tournament.

Once everyone else had taken his or her seat, Kingsley stood, he was going to be Master of Ceremonies for the rest of the day. "Ladies and Gentlemen." His deep voice called. "Please be upstanding to welcome the bride and groom, Sir Harry and Dame Ginevra Potter."

Everyone stood and applauded enthusiastically, as Harry and Ginny made there way to the top table and took their seats at the centre of it. Once they sat, everyone else did and the Hogwarts elves began to take food to the tables, as the sound of talking rose again. Molly and Aunt Petunia were now chatting like old friends, sitting next to each other. The meal was marvellous, of course, containing all of Harry and Ginny's favourite foods for people to choose from. There were cheers when Florean Fortescue announced his new ice cream and the Elves scurried to the tables placing the dessert for two people to share, Harry smiled as he noticed Dudley sharing his with a girl in D.A. robes who was sat next to him. She was blushing and giggling as he spoke to her, her hand occasionally brushing his leg, Harry recognized her as a Ravenclaw from Ginny's year.

After the meal Harry and Ginny cut the cake, which was enormous, twelve tiers tall, topped appropriately with figurines of a Stag and a Doe. Each tier was decorated appropriately, the top of each tier with a picture reflecting the couple's interests, one the D.A. Another showing Quidditch players, the bottom one had the Potter coat of arms. The Triwizard cup was on another tier, whilst a dragon appeared on yet another. Bats appeared on one tier, a Hippogriff on the one above that. Each tier was a work of art, the sides decorated with piped icing, it almost seemed a shame to cut into it, but after a photograph had been taken the couple pushed the knife through the Royal icing of the bottom tier. Timing it perfectly as usual, the moment the blade had cut through, George set off a Weasley's whiz bang, giving everyone a shock. He, Lee and Dudley thought it was hilarious and soon everyone joined in the laughter. The cake was distributed amongst the guests, along with champagne in glasses ready for the speeches and toasts.

The speeches were short, but funny in places, Arthur's speech started with how Harry had been the only person ever to cause his daughter to put her elbow in the butter dish, albeit that he had not intended to have this effect on her. He then concentrated on how they had welcomed Harry in to their home as a surrogate part of the family when he was twelve, how Harry had saved his life and those of others in the family, how he had given Fred and George there start up fund. He also spoke of how proud he was to be welcoming him officially as part of the family and how pleased that both he and Molly were.

Realizing how little she knew about her Nephew, the tales amazed Petunia, but she was so proud of what he had done, just for one family, she could have no better testimony of the type of man he truly was.

Harry of course complemented Ginny and thanked her parents along with Andromeda and Aunt Muriel for arranging the day as well as the guests for coming, as the groom should. He then described his first meeting with Ginny at least the first he could remember and how he had spent his sixth year trying to fight his feelings for her, at last acknowledging them. Finally he presented gifts to the Bridesmaids, as well as to Teddy, Andromeda, Muriel and his new Parents In Law commenting that Molly had apparently been warned to plan the ceremony shortly after Ginny was born, he recounted the story Arthur had told him at Godric's Hollow last Christmas.

Ron was shaking with nerves before he read his speech, which Hermione had helped him write, but calmed down enough to deliver it. He recalled Ginny's childhood fantasies of marrying Harry, a dream now fulfilled, as well as her nervousness when he came to stay. He reminisced over meeting Harry on the Hogwarts Express and some of their less dangerous antics in their dormitory and at the school, which raised laughter from the guests. Then, as is the best man's duty, he thanked the couple on behalf of the brides' maids for the gifts, proposed a toast to the bride and groom, and then he read out the telegrams. For the most part they were, in fact, post that had arrived by Owl, including one from the twins, who had gone away for a few days with their Aunt and Uncle so they had not been able to attend. There was one from Victor Krum, with a personal message to them both, as well as the usual congratulations. Aunt Petunia was wide eyed as Ron read out successive telegrams each from Ministers of Magic from countries all over the world. She gasped amazed when he read out one from the Royal family, expressing apologies that none of them could attend and assuring the couple this was due to other duties, regretting the oversight and hoping they would see the couple again as soon as possible. When Ron announced that it was signed by Her Majesty herself, Petunia gasped in amazement, her hands shook as at, her request, Ron passed it over for her to see whilst the applause for his speech took place.

Petunia looked at Harry and smiled. "Good lord Harry, your mum would have been so proud." She handed the message back, her hands shaking still.

If she had needed further confirmation that her Nephew was more, much more than any of the Dursley family had allowed themselves to think, she had it from every single one of the people at his wedding. She knew she had much to learn about him, she just hoped that she would get the chance.

Speeches over, Kingsley, having introduced every speaker so far, stood and walked out to the centre of the large dance floor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the formalities are nearly over, however Harry, Ginny could you join me we have another surprise for you."

The couple moved to join Kingsley, the lights in the marquee fell and a spotlight followed the couple, while another lit the Minister as he waited.

Once they reached him, Kingsley spoke again. "Harry Ginny, first of all my personal congratulations. Everyone knows how you two were instrumental in saving the world from the darkest wizard we have ever seen, what some may not realize is your work since, at Hogwarts and importantly implementing reforms at the Ministry. All of us here know what you have been through since the battle, some of us witnessed it. That said many of us saw that you two were perfect together, before I think even you knew. Your love for each other and those around you is obvious to anyone who meets you, you have the uncanny knack of finding the good in people where it truly exists. Your quick realization of that recently rescued two young people from the manipulations of their abusive family and you immediately took the children under your wing. Their telegram, read a moment ago, shows how they have responded to your kindness. I am proud to be counted amongst your friends, it has been a pleasure to see you both grow together, long may it continue. I wish both of you the very best for the future and I know all of those here today do the same. I look forward to continuing to work with you both, again in the future.

As you know, it is traditional for the bride and groom to start the dancing and so you will. However as Minister for Magic it falls to me to announce your wedding gift from the ministry itself. Every member of my staff and the Wizangamot have grown to admire you both, as a result they insisted that the ministry should arrange something special for you both. It has been a nightmare keeping it a secret from you and from your family, especially Arthur and Percy, who have almost stumbled on the secret more than once, but we managed it. This gift will, I hope, be appreciated by everyone, so if you two will get ready for the first dance." He turned to the guests as the puzzled couple, turned to each other ready, before announcing. "Ladies and Gentlemen it is party time and to provide the music a group who took absolutely no persuading whatsoever when offered the opportunity to perform here for your entertainment. The Ministry is proud to present the bride and grooms favourite band, please welcome to the stage, The Weird Sisters."

Harry and Ginny couldn't believe it as the band came in to wild applause, Kingsley resumed his seat as the band introduced themselves to Harry and Ginny, congratulating the couple before they went up to the stage. It was hard to tell whether the couple, or the band were more star struck by the meeting.

The band reached the stage as the marquee roof disappeared once again revealing the summery early evening sky, which was thankfully still blue, though darkening as the sun sank lower in the sky. Stage lights appeared over the dance floor and band, the candles on the tables ignited. As they struck the first chord the lights began to swing and pulsate, creating intricate coloured patterns on the floor. The first song was a ballad, which the group had specially written for the occasion. Harry and Ginny, began to dance and were on their own for the first verse and chorus, but they were soon joined on the dance floor by Ginny's parents, Kingsley and Minerva, Ron and Hermione as well as Dudley and the girl he had been sat next to, along with a number of other couples after that. Charlie politely asked Petunia to dance and they came to the dance floor, to join the other couples present, Petunia smiling and enjoying being on the arm of the tall Weasley. Soon the floor was full of couples dancing to the wonderfully haunting melody and romantic lyrics.

Once the dance finished, the bridesmaids and Ginny went to the house to change, they returned, after missing only a couple of songs, in elegant matching golden evening dresses. The party had taken off in their absence with the bands usual rock style, even Aunt Muriel had joined the dancing, to the resigned shock of the other Prewitts.

Dudley, Lee, the Weasley brothers and the Girls they were with were dancing hard, everyone leaving plenty of space around them as their wild motions endangered the other dancers, if they ventured to close. Dudley thought the band were the best he had heard in a long time and a few songs later he was dancing with the young witch he had sat next to again, as the tempo slowed again for a while. She appeared to have really taken to him and sat talking with him as he and George rested occasionally. He too seemed to gravitate back towards her, though it was noticed neither danced with anyone else, except relatives, as he evening wore on. He was even seen bringing her drinks from the Bar that Aberforth had set up near the entrance of the marquee, he had closed the Hogs Head for the evening, telling his regulars they would have to go elsewhere that night, he had far more important things to do.

"I don't know what his Father will say if they get together." Grinned Petunia watching her son and the girl walk off the dance floor arm in arm.

"Oh he'll have to accept it in the end, won't he? Especially if he doesn't want to alienate his son, but we might be getting ahead of ourselves anyway, just see what happens between her and Dudley first." Smiled Molly.

The answer came sooner than either Molly or Petunia expected, no sooner had Molly spoken, than Dudley and the girl leant towards each other, they kissed, deeply, before walking arm in arm out of the marquee.

"Oh well!" Laughed Petunia. "Vernon will either like it or lump it now it seems, if he wants to keep any sort of relationship with Dudley."

Dudley and the girl returned twenty minutes later, arms still round each other, they rejoined George and Angelina on the dance floor, dancing close together, as if scared of letting each other go, despite the vigour of the music.

The Weird Sisters played a one and a half hour session before they took a break, as the sun finally dipped below the horizon. They came to chat with Harry and Ginny while they had some drinks, others came to talk to the band, who were happy to sign autographs, especially for the youngsters who came over. A table laden with a finger food buffet appeared in front of the stage, people lined up to help themselves, filling their plates to eat during the break. After half an hour the food changed to a range of desserts, from trifles to Bakewell Puddings, Blancmanges to Gateaux, large jugs of cream were set next to each dish. Once everyone had returned to their tables to eat the sweets some more music started, though not from the band, followed by a loud explosion above. George and Dudley had been first in line for pudding and had finished eating before the last person had left the buffet table. Now they ran round the paddock setting off, the now traditional at family events, Weasley's Fireworks display.

Twenty minutes of spectacular aerial effects ensued, Dragons and Bats swooped over and into the Marquee, as guest's ooh-ed and ah-ed at each new formation. A pyrotechnic Quidditch match played out above, complete with two teams and all the balls, it ended when the seeker caught the snitch in his mouth, creating much hilarity amongst those who had either been at Hogwarts for Harry's first match, or had been told the story, many of them looked over at a laughing, embarrassed Harry. The finale of the show was spectacular with dragons battling amongst explosions of different colours finally forming a silhouette portrait of Harry and Ginny within a heart, the portraits turned to kiss, whilst two cupids and a snitch circled the heart, before it faded against the dark sky.

Everyone responded with wild applause, impressed with the display, George and Dudley returned satisfied to their table for refreshment after their efforts, both were greeted with kisses, George from Angelina and Dudley from his new girlfriend. Feeling left out Lee shrugged theatrically, then to laughter from everyone, grabbed Percy, who happened to be passing and planted an exaggerated kiss on his lips.

Audrey doubled over with laughter, receiving a scowl from Percy, she hugged him. "Oh I'm sorry Percy, but the look on your face was priceless my love." She told him. "Besides, it shows they care about you deeply if they know you can take a joke."

The Weird sisters' manager approached George, whilst the band finished their drinks, ready to return to the stage, the buffet table disappeared, to be replaced by tables with snacks dotted around the walls of the Marquee.

An hour later Harry and Ginny flopped on to their chairs having enjoyed another dance. "Where's Hagrid gone?" Harry said, his friend being conspicuous by his absence.

"He won't be far away love, perhaps he has taken Buckbeak to bed him down for the night." Said Ginny.

Some of the older guests had begun to leave, Teddy was still going strong though, he came and climbed on Harry's knee, as Aunt Petunia came over.

"Hello, who's this handsome little man who did so well in the ceremony, then?" She said smiling at Teddy.

"This is Teddy, our Godson. His parents died last year in the battle, so he lives with his Grandma and comes to see us all the time." Harry said, as Teddy's hair changed bright neon orange

"Wow, that's a good trick." Petunia laughed, she was beginning to get used to unusual things happening in front of her and at least accepting them. "He's a lucky lad to have you two, I can see that. I'm sorry Harry we are going to have to go soon, it's a long journey home. Dudley's just exchanging addresses with Maria, I think. Ginny I am so glad Harry's got you, you're a lovely girl, it's a shame Vernon is so pig headed that he couldn't get over himself, but I want to get to know you both properly, as soon as we can I would like to spend some time with you. No matter what, though, I intend to be there for you both despite Vernon from now on. I'm afraid I doubt that he will ever change, but I have had my eyes opened to a lot of things recently. In any case, I have really enjoyed myself, it's been a fantastic day, thank you so much for letting me come."

"Thanks for coming Aunt Petunia, I am glad you have enjoyed it, when we get back, you will have to come round to the house. Dudley knows how to get there, we'll arrange it, but you are welcome any time whilst we are there, he knows how to get in touch with us too." Harry hugged his Aunt and for the first time, he felt she really was his mothers' sister.

Petunia hugged Ginny, then Dudley came over. "Well done Dudley." Smiled Harry. "I see you and Maria are getting on well, she's just finished her seventh year, stood with us in the D.A. Throughout the war. She's got a wicked sense of humour, daughter of the Head of the Department of Mysteries."

"She's great isn't she, I'm visiting her after next weekend, she and her parents have invited me. They know I am your cousin and that I probably won't be able to invite her home because of Dad." Dudley smiled ruefully. "Thanks Harry and you Ginny, it's been great, I'm glad we came. You guys really know how to party, I've never seen anything like it, especially the band and George's fireworks, amazing. I'll be in touch soon, have a good Honeymoon."

"That's alright big D, I'm glad you came. We'll let you know as soon as we are back" Harry smiled, giving his cousin a manly hug.

George came over and handed Dudley a box grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What are you two up to?" Asked Ginny, looking at them suspiciously.

"Something to stop Dad going up the wall with mum, the moment we get back." Said Dudley conspiratorially.

"It's our send to sleep powder Harry, inspired by you beloved Brother In Law." George grinned. "Don't worry I haven't been testing it on you, all Dudley has to do is throw a pinch in the air in front of his Dad and he will instantly fall asleep like a baby."

Harry and Ginny laughed, then walked with Dudley and Maria to the car, where Petunia was waiting. She smiled as Dudley and Maria hugged, then kissed each other goodbye. Dudley and his mother got into the car, the engine started, Dudley turned it round in the yard. They all waved as the car disappeared down the lane, Maria had tears in her eyes.

"Come on Maria, you will be seeing him again soon, not long to wait." Ginny comforted gently, putting an arm round her.

"I know, but what about his Dad, Dudley told me about him, will he give us a chance?"

"Maria, to be honest, eighteen months ago I would have said you had no chance, but a year and a half ago I would have said Dud would run a mile from anything connected with our world. I think Dudley has grown up a lot in that time and is more than capable of making his own mind up. I won't lie to you, unless Vernon changes drastically, he will not accept you or Dudley dating you. That said this new improved cousin of mine won't let his father stop him seeing you, not a chance in hell is that going to happen. I know you two have only met today, but I think already you mean a lot to him, enough that he would choose you over his father without a moments hesitation. I think he's crazy about you, so don't worry, he won't let his father spoil it, besides his Mum approves, so I don't think there is as much a problem as there might have been. Dudley knows how to reach me if there is a problem and I can always reach your dad if necessary, so don't worry." Said Harry.

"Anyway Maria, when we get back you and Dud will have to come and see us." Said Ginny smiling. "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yes, I've never met anyone like him before." Replied Maria. "We got on from the moment we met, it felt incredible just talking with him, like we are meant to be together. I've never felt like that about anyone before, you know what I mean?"

Harry and Ginny looked at each other and smiled. "Oh yes, we certainly do."

Maria left with her parents soon afterwards, she quietly thanked the newly weds for understanding and Ginny slipped her a piece of parchment with their address on "So you can get in touch with us if you need to. Memorize it, it will disintegrate once you read it." She whispered to her.

Maria had not exactly been a friend of Ginny's at school, although they had been in the same year at Hogwarts, she had not been unfriendly during their time there either. Maria and her family had been in hiding for the year of the occupation, her father's job meaning they were at a high risk of attack from Riddle as one of the few who knew everything about the department of Mysteries. They may have been hidden, but they had helped the resistance as much as they could, they led one of the escape routes for Muggle born Witches and Wizards and helped get information in and out of Hogwarts. Maria had turned up for the battle with the rest of the D.A. Answering the call to defend the castle, she and her parents had fought bravely, deserving the medals they received.

Once Maria and her parents had left for home, Harry and Ginny turned back to the marquee and saw George smiling broader than usual, dancing a jig with Angelina, stopping as they drew near.

"Great news, the weird sisters have booked me to supply the fireworks for their next concert, with more to follow, brilliant isn't it. You were right about Dudley by the way, top bloke now, nothing at all like he used to be. Told me loads about Muggle pranks, gave me some great ideas. He is a real hoot now Harry, not like that pig we pranked any longer. Shame he lives in the Muggle world, I might have given him a job." George said cheerfully then wandered off with Angelina.

Too soon it was time for Ginny and Harry to go. The band stopped for another break and wished the couple well before they left. It was dark now, but the night was still warm, most of the remaining guests walked with them to the Yard in front of the house. Bill remained in the marquee with Muriel and two sleeping youngsters.

The couple seemed to spend an age saying goodbye to every one, then turned at the sound of a deep note of a V12 engine starting up. Slowly the vehicle crept out of the shadows its, silver radiator and bumper gleaming, at the head of the long bonnet, its paintwork shining in the light of the yard, it seemed to glide effortlessly across the yard as it's wheels crunched the dirt. "The car from the workshop." Harry gasped.

"Isn't that an old Daimler Double Six?" Asked Oliver Gresley astonished at the gleaming car. "Where on earth did you find that? If memory serves, only twenty six, were ever built"

"It's Harry's, Oliver, but we only managed to get it working properly during the stag party last night." Kingsley told his colleague smiling.

It was a majestic sight as it pulled to an apparently effortless stop, the drivers door opened and a large figure in a chauffeurs uniform stepped out.

"Hagrid?" Harry said.

"'Ello agin' you two, yer car awaits."

"All the presents are in the boot for you." Said Molly to the couple as she hugged them both.

"This is what you were working on all these weeks, isn't it Arthur?" Said Harry.

"Not just me, but yes son, it is. Enjoy it!" The older man replied, grinning with pride. "It has a few surprises built in, that we discovered, I think you'll like them."

"Thanks, it's brilliant! In fact thanks to all of you, today has been fantastic, we couldn't have asked for a better day." Harry grinned.

"Yes, it's been perfect." Ginny said, as she hugged her parents again, then Andromeda before the couple stepped towards the car, they turned. "We'll see you all in a week." Called Ginny.

They were going home, to Grimmauld Place for the night, then off to France next day for their Honeymoon, seven days touring the country, finishing at Fleur's parents on the last day before returning.

"Don't forget your bouquet." Hermione called, bringing it over to Ginny, then rushing back to the line.

All the single ladies stood in a group, facing Ginny. The Weasley brothers, including Percy, were being prevented from using their wands to deflect the flowers by a body bind curse, expertly placed by their respective girlfriends. Ginny stood facing the car and tossed the bouquet over her head to the ladies. A gasp followed by a cheer told her someone had caught the flowers, she looked at Harry who was chuckling merrily, Ginny turned to see who had caught it. Minerva was beaming with a mixture of triumph and surprise as she held the bouquet of flowers over her head in victory.

Arthur nudged Kingsley. "Your turn next Minister." He winked.

Minerva walked over to Kingsley, they hugged and kissed. "Looks like Hogwarts will see a wedding soon my darling."

"Can't think of anywhere nicer." Smiled Kingsley, only slightly nervously.

"I thought you said we would have to wait for wedding bells." Teased Harry.

"Well it looks like it won't be as long as I thought, or Ron and Hermione will have to wait too." Minerva laughed.

"What?" Ron, who along with his brothers had now been released, looked stunned.

"Well tradition says that who ever catches the Bouquet, is next to get married Ron, so we will have to wait until after Minerva and Kingsley do." Winked Hermione.

"I thought that was just a myth." Ron looked stunned that the usually logical Hermione believed such a superstition.

"Oh no Ron, it's very serious." Mrs. Granger said, trying to hide her smirk.

Ron looked stunned that those around him all seemed to be taking it quite so seriously, he didn't notice the grins hidden behind hands.

Kingsley was openly laughing at the look of disappointment on Ron's face. "Don't worry Ron, if I had my way, Minerva and I would be married tomorrow, so you can start planning anyway." He said.

"I'd marry you tomorrow as well Kingsley, but I suspect we might take a little longer to arrange it." Minerva grinned. "But, don't worry, we won't make the youngest Weasley out here with us wait too long."

"Hold on I'm not the youngest Weasley, that's Ginny." He stopped as realisation fell over his face. "Oh bugger, I am now aren't I, where's Victoire when I need her?" Ron looked dumbstruck as everyone doubled up with laughter at him "Ginny, how could you do this to me?" He asked only half seriously.

Laughing, Ginny turned to Harry. " Come on, lets go home my love."

Hagrid held the car door open for them as Harry helped his wife in, then followed her. He closed the door then walked around the car and got in to the drivers seat.

"'Ere we go then you two." He said as he started the engine.

The throb of the engine raised a cheer from those watching and the car slowly turned in the yard, everyone waving them off as the car's wheels crunched on the gravel. They heard the weird Sisters start playing again as they picked up speed, quickly, in the narrow lane that led to Ottery St Catchpole, confident that because of security they would not meet anything coming the other way. As soon as the speedometer needle reached a red line at thirty miles an hour on the dial, Hagrid pushed a button on the dashboard. There was a clunk then an odd whirring noise from below the floor, followed by a thud and four distinct clicks.

" 'Old on tigh', 'ere we go!" Called Hagrid as he stomped on the accelerator.

The car leapt forward and took off, just clearing the roof of the first house in the village. Hagrid steered the car back towards the Burrow, as the car banked Harry looked out through the windows and saw that there was a very large broomstick projecting out of each side of the car.

"Well I did promise to only fly on broomsticks again love." He grinned lopsidedly.

"True, you always were a man of your word." Ginny smiling said.

A spotlight from the weird sisters lighting rig, like a bright white lance shooting up from the ground, caught the car in its beam. Hagrid flew the car low, to swoop over the paddock, as they flew back over the crowd who were waving and cheering, before they climbed higher again over the house. Once past the Burrow the car climbed further, steadily over the arrivals paddock to clear Stoats Head Hill, continuing to gain altitude at a fast but steady rate over the uninhabited land, so it would be harder to spot from the ground once over habitation. Soon they were amongst the wispy clouds and headed home, an indistinguishable speck against the night sky, enjoying the moonlit view across Devon.

"Well done yer two, that were a grea' day, ta fer invitin' me." Hagrid said.

"It wouldn't have been the same without you there Hagrid. "Harry replied. "After all you seem to be with me whenever I start on a new chapter of my life, my friend."

"Tha's true." Laughed Hagrid. "Won't be long afor we've go' ye both 'ome any'ow."

"Thanks Hagrid." Ginny grinned.

They all grew silent as they flew over the dark countryside, they could see occasional lights from cars, houses and villages below, glistening like shining like dim stars on the darkness. Distant domes of light showing larger settlements and towns further away from them glowed in places, masking the stars in the sky over them. Above them the moon shone clear and bright in the heavens, which was filled with the millions pin pricks of light from the stars, like jewels on black velvet. After half an hour, a vast dome glowed from the lights of London slowly appeared on the horizon they were heading for. As they drew nearer it filled the view ahead, then suddenly the stars disappeared as they were enveloped in the glow of the light pollution above London. They flew over the City, landing in a quiet side street, near Grimmauld Place, the brooms retracting back into the car, they drove sedately the rest of the way.

Kreacher met them as the car returned to it's spot in the workshop, he and Winky emptied the boot while Hagrid got changed, he was returning to the Burrow side along with Winky who was going back that night, to be there to help tidy up. Kreacher was staying to look after the newly weds overnight and then was returning to the Burrow as soon as they had left for France. Both elves were to help tidy up there after the days festivities, Kreacher would be staying at the Burrow until Harry and Ginny were due back from their Honeymoon.

The newly bonded couple sat on the sofa in their room with a glass of champagne each, there was no fire in the grate, it was too warm for that. Kreacher had happily left them once he had served them the drink, so they were enjoying their first minutes alone as a married couple.

"What a wonderful day." Said Harry, his eyes fixed on her as hers were on him, both feeling a slight disbelief that they were, at last, actually married.

"It certainly was, but I am glad to be home, it was exhausting, fun though." Ginny replied. "Minerva catching the bouquet was brilliant, Ron's face was a picture."

"Trust Ron, didn't help with Hermione and her mum teasing him." Harry chuckled.

"You've done well today love, must have been a strong potion Poppy gave you."

"She said it was full dose, I can't take it any more though. I still feel fine, love."

"Good." She said, finishing her drink then cuddled up to him she put her hand on his thigh. "I need you alone for a while yet, before we go to sleep." She smiled.

"Somehow, I thought you might my love." Harry grinned and took a drink as her hand slid higher up his leg.

He drained his glass, set it down and turned to kiss her, his hand finding her breast just as hers reached its target. Words were no longer needed as they rose and crossed the room to the bed. They stood kissing removing each other's clothes, dropping them carelessly on the floor. They stood, naked, cuddling and kissing allowing their hands to wander freely, then gently lowered themselves onto the cool, crisp, welcoming sheets. They were unhurried as they let their passion for each other completely free, for the first time unfettered. All that mattered to them was their love, as they concentrated on pleasuring each other's bodies, their nerves controlled as they prepared to share them completely. They took their time, covering each other with loving caresses, facing each other, before she gently rolled him on top of her and wrapped her legs round him as her hand guided him.

"I love you Harry James Potter." She sighed contentedly as he carefully began to enter her for the first time.

"I love you too Ginevra Molly Potter." He replied gently, covering her mouth with a passionate kiss.

Authors Notes:

I hope you have enjoyed the Journey of this extended version of Essence, my thanks to those who have reviewed as we have gone along, if you didn't then I would still love to read what you think of it.

My thanks also to all those who have, since 2008, Beta read this story for all their invaluable hard work.

The Story isn't over though, click on my Author page to find the sequel to this story The Lord of Tang, a story that is in two era's and follows two members of one family a millennia apart, linked by destiny. Using information based on the Archaeological record so far I aim to put a picture of what life may have been like 1000 years ago, adding historical notes, which proved popular when originally published, to add background to some elements of each chapter. Again I am expanding that original, I hope you shall join me on that Journey too, so please read, review and favourite it.

So although this tale is done, I hope to see you there.
