Reviews for Quantum Entanglement
MannysBookDragon chapter 42 . 7/27
On this needs updating like now... oh my goodness this is good
Tajinprincess chapter 25 . 7/19
I cannot put into words how great these two last chapters were.
Tajinprincess chapter 14 . 7/19
lol I so badly want to use gifs to show my reaction to your chapters lol, I really do love your story. you put a good amount of drama and humor, the dark parts dont over shadow the development of the plot.
moriMako chapter 42 . 7/3
I burned through all 42 chapters when I stumbled upon this fic. I didn't end up going to bed until 4 am but it was well worth it. I can't wait to see the conclusion. I wonder if there will be more angst between Snape and Hermione before or if they end up reconciling. Wonderful work. I wouldn't have paid them together but you did it beautifully.
cyar-ikas chapter 42 . 7/1
Another great chapter! In my country, everything was mostly open by March, and schools opened in April! In my city, we’re allowed to take the masks off and 70% of the people don’t wear them much anymore
WittyBasketcase chapter 42 . 6/27
Ahh please update soon!
WittyBasketcase chapter 38 . 6/27
Oh, bother
WittyBasketcase chapter 37 . 6/27
That made me tear is such a wonderful fic
WittyBasketcase chapter 34 . 6/27
What a chapter!
WittyBasketcase chapter 30 . 6/26
What a shock! Can't wait to see what happens next!
WittyBasketcase chapter 26 . 6/26
Ahhh what a twist!
WittyBasketcase chapter 24 . 6/26
Yes! Hermione has help!
WittyBasketcase chapter 22 . 6/26
That was quite a shock!
WittyBasketcase chapter 18 . 6/25
This was so touching
WittyBasketcase chapter 12 . 6/24
My, that was amazing!
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