Reviews for Harry Potter and the Gemini Curse
GeminiEyes chapter 60 . 7/15
Really enjoyed your view on the story and it was a fun read. Looking forward to more.
lija chapter 60 . 7/9
Thanks for much an epic story. Wasn't expecting much and it blew me away. The story had some mis-spelling scattered throughout, nothing major. This story is going on my fave list.
lija chapter 59 . 7/9
A nice simple chapter after the war...and a long awaited marriage.
lija chapter 58 . 7/9
Luna's a least she's not a seer in this story. LOL

A fitting ending to a massive battle. Though am sad to see Hogwarts destroyed. All the histories and memories gone...
lija chapter 57 . 7/9
Another evil cliffy...and more sacrifices. Another throat pounding, pulse racing chapter. Good job.
lija chapter 56 . 7/8
Amazing chapter as usual.

I pity Draco. People see a bad boy that needs to be redeemed because of the actor who played him. I see a pitiful boy who boast about his 'power' and 'influence'. Hmph. Without Lucius, he would have been just a spoiled brat.

Woohoo...Demelza...she's definitely a badass. LOL
lija chapter 55 . 7/8
LOL the communication was hilarious. Though I would like to know who said what. Oh well.

Good of Albus to is 100% a harsh taskmaster.l
lija chapter 54 . 7/8
Another good chapter.

Dang, hope the two ladies will survive...or not...
lija chapter 53 . 7/8
Oooooo...this chapter is an excellent reason why I had never seen any of Peter's movies...not a single version... I preferred Gwen to Peter...
lija chapter 52 . 7/8
Bureaucrats/politicians...can't live with them, can't live without them. Ugh.

Yay for Sirius...Dobby too. Will Kreacher be good or will he stay insane? Hmmmm...
lija chapter 51 . 7/8
Another amazing chapter.

Will T-Challa play a bigger role in the upcoming battle? I might watch the movie. Have all of the dvds, but just wasn't in the mood of watching movies. Prefer reading instead. LOL
lija chapter 50 . 7/8
Wow. Thought the battle at the Ministry was awesome, the short battle between Albus and Tom was a thing of beauty according to Hermione. You definitely have a way with words...again. Congrats.
lija chapter 49 . 7/8
Wow! The description while drinking was just indescribable and perfect. I'm in awe of it.

BTW, I think I'm finally at peace with Ron. I had a dreadful thought when he volunteered and it happened just as I suspected in the back of my mind. Guess reading all those evil cliffys made me more suspicious than usual. Good work.
lija chapter 48 . 7/8
Yea...more siblings' interactions. Always did like Shuri (from little I've seen of her in the Avenger movies). She's super smart and bad ass...the perfect person you want by your side.
lija chapter 47 . 7/8
Yay for more Jessica. Amusing to see Gwen and Hermione plotting. Does that mean no more sibling interactions? How sad...
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