Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Harry Potter Universe, not the places, not the characters. I am just using them in my plot.

Chapter 1: Pseudohermaphrodite

Many thoughts were plaguing her mind as she finished one final round along the corridor of Hogwarts and began walking towards the Gryffindor tower. There were many responsibilities upon her. Only last week, Professor McGonagall had announced that there was going to be a celebration on the anniversary of the victory of light, of the Wizarding World and defeat of the most feared dark Lord ever. And as the Head Girl, she was in charge of the decorations and maintenance. Okay, that job, she shared with Harry and she could order the prefects around like little kids to do what she wanted. Still, she had many responsibilities.

As she neared the Head Suite entrance that was just about a corner from the portrait of Fat Lady, she had to admit to herself that today's rounds had been boring. Without Harry to keep her mood light and to make her smile and laugh constantly, she kept worrying about many things. Harry had begged her that she go on rounds alone as he was not feeling well and wanted some rest. She had complied to his request seeing that he was knackered from the intense practice with the Quidditch team he was leading.

She wished a good night to the Fat Lady on her way to her destination.

"Harmony." She uttered the password.

The portrait opened and she could see nothing inside, only darkness. As soon as she took a step inside, several candles came to life and illuminated the Heads' Common Room. She looked around the room. There were at least Fifty floating candles, roses and white lilies used to decorate the room. The floor were littered with rose petals. She took a step forward and her eye fell on Harry Potter standing on the center of the room, looking very handsome but somewhat nervous. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him.

Harry walked up to her with a smile on his face and took her hands in his. He led her towards a chair and gently urged her to sit down. All this time, his eyes hadn't left hers. She could do nothing but let herself get immersed in the deep emerald pools of his eyes and get drenched with the feelings and love that were radiating off of him.

Her eyes had already begun to water as he kissed her hand and got down on one knee.

And when he spoke, it was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, filling her heart with happiness and love.

"'Mione, you have been my best friend, my family, my everything ever since you came in my life. You have done nothing but good for me and filled me with happiness and hope, even in the darkest times. Honestly, I hadn't hoped I would survive this long to tell you this. All this is because of you, I am because of you. I have never felt this much love for anyone but you. Now, I want more from you and spend my every living moment with you."

He opened a box that she hadn't noticed was in his hand. "Will you marry me?"

Hermione could only stare at the ring, of which a diamond and six little ones were glinting in the dim light of the room. It was beautiful, magical in every sense of the word.

Reminding herself that she had to reply, she looked at his eyes and replied a breathy 'yes' which came through her tears.

As soon as he slid the ring on her finger, she pulled him up and smashed her lips onto his. His arms came around her as he returned the kiss with equal vigour and she could feel butterflies exploding inside her. The snogging quickly heated to a next level as hands were roaming all over each other. His hands came forward to cup her breasts through the clothes and pleasure coursed through her. She wanted more. Her hands slipped under his clothes to feel the toned muscles on his stomach and chest.

Harry lifted her with ease and carried her to the couch. His lips moved from her's and trailed her jaw and neck. She pushed his shoulders down and settled on top of him. She trailed her hand along the elastic of his trousers as he was kissing the exposed skin between her breasts. With a sudden confidence, she pushed her hand inside his trousers and boxers and her hand came in contact to...nothing. She felt around and all she could feel were some hairs. Confused, she pushed her hand further down and her fingers slid in between some folds. She could feel wetness there. As she pressed her fingers, it slipped inside.

"Eep.." she bounced off of him and fell from the couch, hitting the floor.


"Eep.." Her head hit the floor and she tried to find a way out of the covers, tangled between her legs. Where did this come from? She tried to lift the covers with a free hand and realized that the other one was inside her pajama bottoms. She pulled it out quickly. It glistened with the wetness she was starting to feel between her legs. Still confused, she got up and sat on the bed, which was when she figured out that she was in her room and had been dreaming.

"Oh my God." She breathed out in a sigh. What a wonderful dream it had been. She tried to recall the events of it, only to panic when she remembered the climax of it.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.." she began to fumble around as if she could find the answers.

"Oh my God, what if..the dream was true. He doesn't have a... Harry is a gay? No, not gay. What do you even call a man with...with female private parts?" She asked herself but the word wouldn't come to her.

"No, no, no, it is not true. It can't be true." she reminded herself. "He is a man, a perfect one. He even dated a few girls, remember?"

'Yeah, only two.' A voice in her head notified her. 'He broke up with Cho in just three days and was with Ginny only for a week.'

The fretting returned as her mind made her consider the possibility that what if they hadn't worked out because they knew his secret.

'He doesn't even look and stare at other girls like other boys do and he is such a gentleman. No boy can be such a gentleman.' The voice added.

"Oh my God." She said out loud for the umpteenth time. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. "It was just a dream, you know it. It was not true. Just sleep." She ordered herself and lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

'But what if it is true?' The voice wouldn't sleep.

"Ugh!" She groaned and threw the covers. She got up and sat on the side of the bed. She wouldn't get any sleep now. She checked the watch and found that it was two in the morning.

With a sigh, she put on her slippers and walked out of the room.

She trodden down the Common stairs and found the boy of her dreams with his head on the table which had been pulled to the couch.

'Or a girl.' The voice called again.

Ignoring the voice, she walked up to the desk and saw his face, his glasses still on his nose, one hand under his head while the other sprawled across the desk. Under his hand was a parchment with an unfinished Potions essay. He seemed to have fallen asleep doing his assignment.

She flamed the fireplace which had died a while ago. She found herself blushing at the sight of Harry. The voice in her head was telling her to find out the truth now.

'Just a little peek. He won't even know. He is asleep. A smale peek and it is out in the open.'

"Shut up." she said to herself quietly. When it didn't work, her voice raised a bit higher.

There was movement at the couch and she found Harry getting up. He looked cute, brushing his hair with his hand and adjusting his glasses, he looked at her.

"Hermione, what are you doing?" he said in a bleary voice.

"I...I was telling you to wake up. You fell asleep here."

"Oh, I must have dozed off while working." He closed the book and got up. He walked to the stairs in a sleepy manner and when didn't find her following, turned.

"Well, aren't you coming?"

"Huh? Uh...wh-what are you saying? I... I... "

"Aren't you going to sleep?" He said, gesturing towards her room.

"Oh, oh...I will, in a while. I just couldn't sleep and came down here."

Concern had replaced the sleepy face as he took a step towards her. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"No, Harry. Its fine. You go, sleep. I will, in a bit."

"Okay. Don't stay up too late." He came up to her and hugged her.

"Good night, Mione." He pulled back slightly and kissed her on the cheek. Then, without a care or, maybe knowledge of what he had done, he stumbled through the stairs and disappeared in his room.

"Oh my God." She stood there, her hand lightly touching her cheeks.

She regained her composure after a while and sat down on the couch of her dreams. She blushed lightly, thinking what she wanted to do to him on this couch.

'See, he even kissed you. Boys don't do that. So girly.'

"Ugh. Tomorrow, you will say that boys don't breath too." She said, as if talking to someone in front of her, clearly frustrated.

She lifted her legs and stretched them out on the couch. She put her head on the armrest and tried to use Occlumency to calm her mind. Truth be told, she, herself was a little eager to get answers and that was fueling her mind to become a devil.

"I have to ask Ginny. I need help." She said, out loud in the emptiness of the Common Room.


The morning arrived quite early for Hermione than she would have liked and she groaned as her neck popped when she tried to get up on the couch. After all, she had spent the night quite a time worrying about Harry's little condition.

She got up and quickly headed to her room before Harry could come down. She finished her morning rituals within half an hour and went in search of the redhead.

After waiting in the Gryffindor Common Room and wishing a few of them a good morning, she finally saw Ginny come down the stairs.

"Ginny!" She shouted.

"Hey, Hermione. Good morning. What's up? You look worried."

"I have to talk to you about something." She took her hand and sat down on the couch facing her.

"What is it? You are scaring me, Hermione."

"It's about Harry."

"Huh? What happened to him?"

"It's probably nothing but I saw a dream and I don't know what to think. Maybe he is. He is so nice, always. I don't know..."

"Hermione, Hermione. Calm down." She stopped her babbling. "What are you talking about?"

"Uh...erm...you know if Harry has a...um...you know." She tried to make a gesture of a penis with her hands but failed miserably.

"Huh? What is this? A broom? Hermione, you know Harry has a broom. He..."

"No, no. Its not that. It is, you know, a p-penis."

"What?" She said, loudly.

"Shh, Shh, Ginny."

"Hermione, what are you talking about? Look, why don't you tell me the whole thing, okay? What happened?"

Then, she proceeded to tell Ginny all about her dream and what followed. She told her about the deductions that her mind had done. By the time she had finished, Ginny was laughing her arse off in front of her.

"Shh, Ginny. GINNY. I am leaving."

"Okay, okay, I am sorry. So, you are trying to tell me that Harry is a what? Gay... Transgender?"

"Oh, yeah, that word is right. You dated him for a while. And I thought you would clear my doubts. Have you seen it, you know?"

Ginny blushed, her face matching her hair. "I-I haven't." When Hermione seemed to fret over again, she added, "But, of course, he has a penis."

"You haven't seen it, Ginny. Tell me, why did you two broke up?"

"We..we didn't work out. We lost a lot of time during the war and we both realized that we were in love with someone else."

"Huh? Harry is in love? With whom?"

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell." Feeling a bit mischievous, she continued, "Now that you pointed out, he isn't like other boys, you know. Look at how he is so cute, beautiful and is always such a gentleman. Oh, oh, he might have even mentioned something about a little secret something."

Hermione's eyes were wide and she looked ready to burst into tears. "Oh my God. I don't know what to do. I thought, after living together, we would finally have a chance and now..." Tears had started to fall from her eyes and Ginny quickly sobered up.

"Hey, hey, Mione. I was just kidding. I am sure he is a perfect man. Don't worry about it."

After she had calmed down, she went to gather her books and bags telling Ginny that she would meet her at breakfast.

She entered the head suite and walked up the stairs. While she was walking past the bathroom, she heard a shower running.

An idea began to form in her mind and despite what she told herself, her hands were already moving. She took out her wand and opened the door with an unlocking charm. Slowly opening the door, she moved forward, towards the curtains.

She moved on her toes. Her bad day was just beginning though. As she slipped on the wet floor, everything slowed down for her. Her hand moved to a support near her, which unfortunately was the curtains. The curtains came with her and she crashed to the floor hard, face first. Two screams reverberated in the bathroom and by the time she had gotten up, Harry had already covered himself.

"Hermione, what the hell are you doing? How did you even get her?"

"I...I..." She tried to focus on his face but his wet body was doing its job of distracting her and her eyes were tracing a drop of water which was running down his chest and stomach. "The door was unlocked and I thought no one was in here." She stayed rooted to the spot as she said this.

"I am sure I locked it..." He was staring at her and she dared to meet his eyes. "I must have forgotten it. Okay, I am sorry too. Now, can you please leave?"

"Su-sure." She still hadn't moved.

"Hermione." He said sharply.

"Huh? Oh." She quickly turned and walked out of the bathroom without looking back, flushed from head to toe.


The bathroom incident, as she had began to call it and the dream caused Hermione to not being able to look Harry in the eye the whole day.

The remaining of the day, after the classes, passed with Harry not seeing even a glance of Hermione. He assumed that she was feeling unwell and tried his best to talk to her but to no avail. Unfortunately for him, the following day was the same.

So, after the second day, Harry found himself talking to Ginny, early in the morning.

"Can you please look at her once? She has been acting odd. She hasn't come down yet and isn't opening the door too. Maybe it's some girl problem, but I am really worried about her."

"Okay, Harry. I will go right now. You, don't worry. We will meet you at breakfast."

Harry nodded and went to the Great Hall leaving her to go to Hermione.

Hermione, of course, opened the door as soon as she heard Ginny's voice. The room was a mess and she looked to be crying.

"Oh, Hermione. What happened?"

"It was the same dream again. It's third night now and I don't know what to do." She said in a teary voice.

"Oh, Mione. Don't worry." She hugged her. "It's just a dream. It's all in your mind, really. Come on, look at him. There is no way he can be like that."

The tears were soaking her sweater now, where Hermione's head was rested. "Last night, I was...I was kissing him and he was on top of me. Suddenly, he pulls back and says that he can't be with me because he is a gay." The sobbing started again.

"Oh, Mione." She continued to hold her for a while. After sometime, Ginny had calmed her down enough to take her to breakfast. Being a weekend day, many students were still arriving at the Great Hall. Fortunately, Harry wasn't there. Hermione decided that she would go to the library and promised to meet her later.

Hermione entered the library and skimmed through the rows searching for a book that might interest her. As she was moving forward, she heard a voice that sounded familiar from behind the stacks.

"I don't know what to do. On top of that, she is even refusing to talk to me. I don't know what I did. Then, there was that thing in the bathroom. Aargh! I think I am gonna loose both of my best friends."

Hermione moved a few books to make a peeping space. Harry was sitting on a table with Luna.

"Don't worry, Harry. I am sure she will understand. They both will."

"I am worried, Luna. I mean I have kept this secret for so long and who knows, how she is going to take it."

"It's the same for me, Harry. I am sure as soon as I say something to him, he is going to freak out and run to, who knows where. Probably the Greenhouses. Also, I am sure that he fancies Ginny."

Harry dropped his head on the table with a thud. "We are both miserable, aren't we?" He said with a chuckle. "I am in love with my best friend and I can do nothing. Think what Ron would say. I think he fancies Hermione and I am just going to mess this up."

Hermione took a sharp breath and her mind went into overdrive.

Harry is in love with... Oh my God, I knew he was too close to Ron to consider him a friend only. It made perfect sense to her now. Why Harry had always taken Ron's side even when he was in the wrong. Why Harry had always been closer to Ron than her. Her broken heart shattered to pieces and she slid down to the floor leaning on the bookshelf. Tears began to fall as she tried not to produce a sound. Moments passed by as she sat there and she had no idea how much time had passed. Her mind had blocked all the visuals and sound as she saw only black and unhappiness inside her own mind. She was brought out of her dark world by a sound. She tried to focus and she heard the unmistakable sound of chairs scraping against the floor. Then the footsteps began. She sat still, without taking a breath as two sets of footsteps passed by from behind the rack. She released her breath slowly. By then, Harry had already gone. Not only Harry, but her happiness and hope too, had gone leaving her empty inside.

To be continued...

So, guys? How is it? I don't know what possessed me to write this, honestly. Should I continue? Delete it? Burn the papers in which I wrote them?

I will appreciate any reviews and try my best to answer them. Thank you for reading. Please Review!