![]() Author has written 21 stories for Danny Phantom, Psych, Fullmetal Alchemist, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Sherlock, Avengers, White Collar, Glee, Umbrella Academy, Supernatural, Hamilton, Legend of Zelda, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Name: Dawn Age: Apparently I'm an "Adult", whatever that means B-day: February Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them Tumblr: Dawnmoon76 Archive of Our Own (AO3): Dawnmoon76 (Basically just cross posting things from here. Starting from Pumpkin Eater and newer. All older stories that started here will only be on here and not AO3.) I'm personally against deleting any of my stories but if, for some reason, I ever do, feel free to pm me asking for a copy (no guarantee you'll receive one. It depends on why I deleted a story. One Avengers fic was deleted bc I did not handle the themes carefully enough (and therefore I would not give out copies) and a PJO songfic was taken down (which I would send copies of (I, unfortunately, lost this file so I am unable to)). Honestly, I kind of want to delete some of my older stuff but I know some people will be sad they can't find it so I leave them up. Challenges ahead, beware: These are for people who are looking for ideas. Feel free to run with any of these. Let me know if you do any of them? If you post on a different platform and can't pm me here then I'm also on tumblr and AO3 under the same username Dawnmoon76. Jack Forge a PJO fic of mine was started like this. -(PJO)Percy gets kidnapped along with Paul (Any other character if you want)(Extra points for godly family being nabbed too.) Like Paul sees more into Percy's demigod life. It would appreciated if Percy is the most calm while Paul is freaking out. -(ROTG) I know this has happened before but there aren't many quality ones. So, Jack is Jokul. (Pretty normal right?) Well, Jack is actually super old, like near the beginning of the Earth or something (obviously doesn't need to be that extreme). Something happens where Jokul is needed (Jokul being darker, not evil, just dark) and Jack is forced to reveal himself. -(Crossover: ROTG and HTTYD) Another Jokul thing. (There really needs to be more of this.) Jack and the rest of the Guardians (optional but at least one must go) are thrown into viking times (AKA when Hiccup is alive.) Since 'Jack Frost' isn't Nordic the magic or something around them makes Jack transform. The viking people either A: Like him and worship him. (Like Jokul is their patron or something) or B: Hates/ resents him and reluctantly lets him stay in Berk. -(Sherlock) So I fell in love with vampire!Sherlock. So even as a vampire Sherlock still consults with Scotland Yard. This is awesome and all, he helps with supernatural cases and all. But I was thinking: What if someone in SY had to go undercover(somewhere controlled by vampires)? But the vampires were old fashioned? The human wouldn't know how to act. Sherlock hears about this so he insults them (like normal) then gives them advice. He could be qualified because, being a vampire he lived through that time. (Note: I guess it doesn't HAVE to be vampire. Just some type of immortal. A special type of ghost, werewolf (not fond of werewolf!Sherlock though), wizard (or just magic enabled person), etc.) Personally I would like to see Sherlock teaching them the technicalities of being 'proper' and all sophisticated. -(PJO) Wingfic AU. So, since Zeus is Lord of the sky and all that he has say in the demigod's wings. (Perferably only demigods have wings but humans could too.) Zeus doesn't want his brothers' children in the air so he stunts the growth of them. So Hades' and Poseidon's children cannot fly. Percy doesn't show his wings (perhaps the other demigods thinks its habit to hid them from the humans?) and the others don't ask and they don't know that Zeus stunts their growth. Percy has wings but they're small and cannot sustain flight but can help him glide safely. He's in a hard fight and he must let his wings show (He fights better with them because they help with balance and such. But other demigods put them away or tuck them close because their too big for fighting.)And so, Percy's secret is out, he has small wings, laughable really to the demigods but they accept him because he can do what they can't. Fight witht them. -(Sherlock) So I was rewatching Sherlock and had an idea. In the Power of Three John asked Sherlock to be his best man. In the conversation John called Sherlock his best friend. HE WAS SO GENUINELY CONFUSED. LIKE, WHY WOULD YOU BE MY FRIEND?? My challenge would be: dive into Sherlock's mind or extend that scene. Like, Sherlock actually asks John and there are feels. I noticed that in his surprise Sherlock blinked rapidly. So a different one would be... -(Sherlock) Expanding on Sherlock's ticks. Most notable (as mentioned above) where he blinks rapidly when confused. And only a few people or one notice these ticks. They can be made up or something you've noticed in the show. -(White Collar) Neal has to forge something for the FBI and the people are impressed because they never seen the process. (I know there is a fic like this out there but I can't find it again. Pls let me know if you find it and I'll do a free one shot for you.) -(White Collar) Caffery shooting a gun. We all saw him make a shot that only grazed Peter's pant leg and not actually hit Peter. And the time he used the hunting rifle and shot the disc. Just something with people thinking Neal is useless but he proves them wrong by grabbing a gun and helping or something. - (White Collar) Neal can't read or reading is hard. Not talking about in an accident on a case. I'm thinking he was born with it and that's why he loves art so much it doesn't involve reading. Just a short little thing about someone finding out and Neal getting defensive about it 'caise maybe he was teased or bullied before. Maybe it even got him in trouble in the criminal world. He could still have reading troubles or nah. Or maybe to a lesser degree. -(Avengers) (I may actually do this one when I'm done with Loki's Countdown to Christmas.) Okay so I've been reading a lot of fem!Tony fics lately and this idea came to me. Howard wanted a son but got a daughter. At a young age Howard started treating his daughter as a boy; haircut, clothes, everything. Later, after the events of the Avengers movie the team start to notice things. And I was thinking either reveal A or B (and of course you could ignore both and do whatever). A) Loki (or some other magic enabled person) turns the Avengers into the opposite gender. (This can work visually as in he turns them into the opposite gender based on looks so that Tony technically stays a girl (just ends up with longer hair and painted nails and such) Or, Tony can be turned into a real guy.) In both scenarios the team notice; Hey why are you adjusting so easily? or Hey, why didn't it work on you! Then Tony tells them. B) There's snooping involved and the team finds out themselves or by some accident (walking in on Tony when she's not dressed as a guy for example). -(Supernatural) The supernatural baddie of the week traps our boys. The way out is a series of tests. What I'm thinking is having College Boy answer the first questions, thinking he's gonna get them out but then comes a question he doesn't know the answer to, he starts freaking out 'cause wrong answer means death (or serious injury), but Dean pipes up. So basically them going theough the tests but splitting it because Sam is more book smart and Dean is more hunter/street smart. I can't get a scene out of my head where they have to do something with a gun and Sam picks it up (maybe to disassemble and reassemble as fast as possible or shoot quickly) and he's really nervous and just as the timer starts Dean yanks it out of his hand and does the task flawlessly and that's when they realize they're both smart but in different fields. -(Supernatural) I can't stop thinking about female!demon!Dean. But, like, she was born a demon or something, or turned a demon really young. Since she's a hunter she has to protect herself against her own weapons. I was thinking that amulet Dean wears could be like a protection against those things (so that she can cross salt lines, excorcisms won't excorcise her (well also she's not possessioning anyone...or she could, like she possessed stillborn human Dean, idk.) I've gone a lot of different directions in my head with this but my favorites: (1) Only Sam knows her demon status (like she realized she was a demon but didn't tell John 'cause she thought he'd excorcise her) And then later John finds out and Sam is on her side while John is mad he never knew. (2) They're on a hunt the creatures take Dean. They try to trick her and 'praise' her as a queen. It's a ploy for her to drop her guard and they'd attack. But being who she is she'd just show them all whose boss. (3) A whole debacle of the protection amulet being stolen/lost and them trying to get it back. Maybe some accidents during a hunt where Sam accidentally salted her in somewhere or she gets stuck under the devil's trap(?) at Bobby's or spills holy water on herself. In the end they'd get it back though. -(Any) Okay so you know those body/gender swapping stories, where something comes along and poof! You're in a different body? Yeah those. Imagine one of those but one or more of the characters are genderqueer. So (for example) there is a transman that hasn't done any surgical or hormonal transitioning (and never planning to or not yet). He gets put into a biologically male body and is totally chill. Meanwhile the person he switched with/ other people who were affected, are freaking out because 'whaaa?' I especially imagine this with the Avengers. Lemme know if you find any fics like this! -(ANY!) So, Alpha/beta/omega dynamics. In this, omegas are the best at nurturing children, they just have the instincts for it. Basic outline, the main character (or any really) is away for awhile, they're the omega. They're team/family/whoever finds a child but panic while taking care of it. The omega comes back and the child is thrust into their arms because their alpha/beta friends can't handle full time babysitting. The others are relieved and perhaps the omega finds evidence of strange solutions to child care. 'Why is the baby wrapped in a towel?' 'Because diapers are to difficult to figure out!' *omega quickly changes towel out for a diaper* *spluttering* -(Glee) Angel/Demon AU. There was the time before the Slaughter, when angels, demons, and humans lived peacefully. Humans had been unaware of the supernatural but Slaughter brought it to light. Demons had been protectors, fear and anxiety keeping people safe, they were near emotionless, as how could anybody instill fear and not self destruct. Then some demons got power hungry, as it happens with any species. The Demon King's youngest son thirsted for power, he rose up and his brother was caught off guard. The youngest prince slaughtered those thst opposed him, slaughtered the angels and humans in his bloodlust. He murdered his own father in cold blood, his older brother running and hiding to protect his young son. There were years of fighting, the humans became aware and the angels used this opportunity to ostracize the demons from the human realm. Unkown to many, demons, the good ones of old, still walked among humans and angels in the human realm. Blaine Anderson and his brothers in arms, the Warblers, are undercover and pretending to be humans. Demon!Blaine falls in love with Angel!Kurt and Blaine goes to the human/angel school. One day a group of demons attack the school, demons from once young prince now king's, army. Blaine is the only one not affected by the restraining spells. He knows it is his birthright to take the throne, his uncle was an unjust ruler. He reveals himself to the school as a demon and orders the demons to stand down, some still recognize his authority, others still follow his uncle. Blaine starts the dawn of a new era, it will be born of a demon civil war. Kurt has to make a decision, will he stay by his boyfriend's side? Will the angel become Queen of hell? (So! This idea came to be because the Warblers putfits are red and black, colors I associate with my demon OC. I say 'Queen' even though Kurt is male because typically Queen is a title and doesn't have much power attached unless some other words are attached to make it clear the queen has power of their own. As an angel Kurt wouldn't know the politics and plus he's considered young (couple centuries?) while Blaine is older because the Slaughter happened a real long time ago.Blaine is technically the true Crowned Prince and he knows his power ever since his dad swept him to safety. Some select demons (Warblers especially) know and recognize his authority but act as if Blaine is the same rank. As the other demons attack Mckinely(sp?) Blaine steps forward and starts order some other undercover demons around and everyone is confused and stuff because suddenly Blaine is radiating power and being commanding. They get even more confused (btw everyone in glee club is either an angel or human) when the Warblers come and start listening to Blaine.) (Sorry this is so long but I can't write this yet because I am literally five episodes in and I don't have a grasp of the characters. When my plan becomes this detailed I usually start writing it myself but like I said, I have no idea how to portray the characters!) Any recs that are similar to any of these would be greatly appreciated. I put these up 'cause I want to see them written. As I said at the top if you can't pm me then I'm on tumblr and AO3 under the same name. And if you want it could be an exchange. I could try and write an idea that you thought of but just can't get onto paper. I'll add more as I think of them so check back periodically. And shoutout to The Moyashi Beansprout Midget, my beta for Loki's Countdown to Christmas (and as of now all my new stories) Check out her stories! I'm beta'ing the most current of hers, Siege of my Homeland a Fullmetal Alchemist fic. ~Dawn |