Well, here's the next chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Ao no Exorcist. All characters (except of course for possible OCs) belong to Katō Kazue.
Warnings: This story will be Shima Renzō x female Okumura Rin. It might develop into a Shima brothers x Rin depending on what my mind decides to cook up. In this story Rin is smart and knows how to control her powers, so beware of possible Mary Sue! I'll try to avoid turning Rin into a Mary Sue, but I'm warning you anyway in case I fail. I don't really like Yukio, but I'll try to refrain from bashing him. Can't guarantee anything, though. Oh, and no Beta. And last, but not least, beware of OoC! So read at your own risk. If you don't like any of them, then press the back button. NOW!
"Demon Telepathy"
Oh, and before I froget it. In order for this chapter to work I switched Rin and Yukio's blood group. So Rin got 0 negative in this story.
Exwire Exam
"…ra …mura … mura! …kumura! … OKUMURA!"
Rin flinched at the sudden yell. Her eyes darted immediately to the source of distraction. Neuhaus looked at her with a raised eyebrow and expectant eyes. She could only blink in response, as her brain was still busy processing what was going on.
"Spacing out in class should not become a habit. Next time, you'll be given detention", Neuhaus reprimanded her. "Now, proceed with the test. You're the only one, who hasn't yet."
Again, Rin could only blink stupidly. Then she noticed two fox spirits next to Izumo and a Greenman on Shiemi's head. She could also smell faint traces of blood from several people. Additionally, everyone was starring at her, either with annoyance, expectation or boredom.
"Well?" Neuhaus demanded. Rin merely nodded. She started to act on routine, since her brain was still foggy and had trouble returning to reality. She brought her left hand to her mouth and bit down hard enough to draw blood from her thumb. She watched as her thumb moved to the paper with the seal and smeared the blood across it. She felt detached and trance-like.
"I invoke the wolf deity's aid, thine envoy's guidance is required, thou shalt deliver radiant harmony", Rin spoke, though she didn't feel like it was her voice. The wind around her picked up and suddenly her mind seemed to do a jump-start. But by the time she realized, what she had done, it was already too late.
A relatively large wolf stood beside her. The fur was white as snow with the exception of three markings. Two black lines extended horizontal from right beneath the eyes on each side of its muzzle growing thicker until they ended beneath its ears. The third mark was a black eight-pointed star in the centre of its forehead.
Rin cursed herself mentally for her slip up. Luckily, the wolf was one of her closest familiars. There was no need to worry about him letting something slip. Hopefully, everyone would think of it as nothing more than coincidence. With a subtle nod, she dismissed him. To everyone else, it looked like he merely didn't wish to stick around for a contract as he vanished into thin air.
"Well, I'm impressed. Wolf spirits aren't easy to summon and even a successful first summon doesn't necessarily result in a contract as we have just seen. They are very particular, when it comes to entering a contract. Therefore, anyone hardly bothers trying to make one into a familiar", Neuhaus explained seeing the confused faces of his students.
To Rin's luck, the bell rung right after he had finished his sentence signalling the end of the lesson. She made a run for the door before the bell even fell silent. The girl had no desire to be questioned about what had happened. She could only hope that her classmates would forget about it soon. It was doubtful that Neuhaus would forget, but she could avoid him more easily than her classmates.
"How are they doing?" Shirō asked sitting in front of Mephisto's desk. Both of them had a cup of tea in their hands. Mephisto took a sip of his tea before he answered.
"So far, there haven't been any major incidents. There were two curious occurrences, though", the demon said. Shirō merely raised an eyebrow asking for him to be more specific.
"While no contract resulted out of it, Rin-kun managed to summon a wolf spirit, when they tested their talent as Tamers. Additionally, he managed to subdue a Leaper", Mephisto clarified and elaborated the incident that had taken place during PE last week. Shirō could only shake his had at Rin's habit of getting into fights.
"I wonder how much longer his powers can be supressed", sighed the exorcist.
"Indeed. It might be a sign, but so far there haven't been any other signs. I think we're in the clear for now", Mephisto responded. He would have to keep a closer eye on Rin. He would ask the teachers to give him regular reports later. No need to limit the kid's freedom if it wasn't strictly necessary.
Now that they had gotten the serious business out of the way, Mephisto continued to tell Shirō about his two adoptive sons. Rin's choice of lodging and the strained relationship the twins seemed to have were only two of the many topics they discussed.
Rin was panicking. She didn't know why exactly, but she was freaking out. At least internally. On the outside, the only sigh of something being wrong was her unfocused gaze. One of her classmates had been injured by a ghoul, yesterday.
Today, Yukio had given them collective punishment for a fight between Izumo and Ryūji and had left them alone. Then, a blackout had happened and the ghoul from yesterday and an additional one had attacked. Shiemi's Greenman had protected with a root barrier, but by then Rin had already started having a panic attack. The fact, that she picked up the scent of people, who weren't even present, didn't help either.
In the meantime, Ryūji and Konekomaru had started to recite, while Shima had readied his K'rik in case the ghouls managed to penetrate the root barrier. Unfortunately, the barrier collapsed shortly before Ryūji started to recite the last chapter. Konekomaru shouted in worry as Shiemi collapsed.
A sudden pain laced shout caught the attention of Rin's panic induced mind. Her head immediately snapped towards the source. Blood. Blood was being spilled. The blood of a human. The moment the scent hit her nose, her reflexes kicked in. It was like a switch had been turned over. Her mind shut momentarily down and her body went into autopilot.
A summoning incantation spilled from her lips as she leapt forward. The same wolf from a few days ago appeared and immediately went for one of the ghouls. Only seconds later, Rin wrapped her left arm around Renzō's waist, while her right hand went for the K'rik that was threatening to fall out of his limp hands.
Wrapping her hand tightly around the K'rik, she gave it a hard flick and managed to get the ghoul's shoulder. Unfortunately, that didn't do much damage. The ghoul swung his left arms towards and she barely managed to block it with the K'rik. It would be so much easier if she could use her sword, but drawing her sword was only to be done as a last resort.
Both she and her wolf had troubles with their ghouls. The small room didn't allow for her familiar to use his fighting style to its fullest and she had a barely conscious teenager in her arms. All they could do was to block the ghouls' attacks and do their best to prevent them from getting close to chanting Aria.
Suddenly, the ghouls disintegrated. Ryūji had finally hit their fatal verse. With short sigh of relieve, Rin let the K'rik fall to the floor and lowered the by now unconscious teen onto the floor as her familiar joined her with a large bag.
Ryūji and Konekomaru were immediately by their side, while Izumo looked after Shiemi, who at least had regained conscious. However, Rin paid none of them any attention. Her gaze was fixed on the blood pooling out of Renzō's abdomen. She had to do something and fast.
"Kazuki", she addressed the wolf while she pressed her hands onto the wound to minimize the blood flow. A poof resounded and instead of a wolf, a young man with the same white hair and black markings on his face stood in the wolf's place. He opened the bag and put it right next to Rin, so that it was between the two of them.
Rin promptly went to work on applying a compression bandage, while Kazuki opted to inject an antidote for the ghoul's miasma. Rin worked as swiftly as she could, but the blood kept pooling out of the wound. The wound wasn't even that deep or large.
"Rin-sama", Kazuki called. His tone told her all she needed. She already knew, but she had hoped that they could have treated the wound without such measures. Gritting her teeth together in frustration, she gave him a nodded. She continued to treat Renzō's wound and only concentrated onto that task. She didn't even feel the needle prick her.
She barely registered the panicking Konekomaru, or Ryūji yelling at her demanding to know what she was doing. She snapped at them, telling them to let her work, without pausing in her task. She couldn't let herself be distracted. She would explain later. Right now, Renzō was her top priority. Rin's sharp voice and her sudden change in demeanour were enough to make both boys back up and let her do her work.
After what seemed like an eternity, but had only been mere minutes, the needle left her arm. Kazuki prepared the blood bag, which was now filled with Rin's blood, to be ready for use. Next, he grabbed the K'rik and rammed it into the floor. Then he attached a hook to it, so that it could be used to hang up the blood bag later.
In the meantime, Rin had finished the compression bandage. She took a cannula, quickly inserted it into the first vein she could find and fastened it with whatever adhesive tape she could find. There was no time to be nit-picking. The clock was ticking.
She grabbed the blood bag with her blood and connected it with the cannula. She managed to somehow attach the blood bag to the hook attached to the K'rik, using it as a pole, and opened the valve enough to set a slow infusion rate. One unit probably wasn't enough, but it might buy them some time until they could contact a teacher.
Rin was about to ask one of her classmates to get a teacher, when suddenly loud crashing resounded within the room. Before any of the teenagers could react, the room was swarming with exorcist. All of them were teachers. One of them immediately came towards Rin and the Kyoto trio. He squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, before he called out some orders. She couldn't hear what he said as the exhaustion and adrenalin crash caught up with her. She started toppling over to the side as darkness enveloped and Kazuki vanished into thin air.
The teachers didn't waste any time and started tending to the students. Three of them prepared Renzō for the transfer into True Cross Hospital. They needed to be careful with the blood transfusion. It wasn't done professionally, but it was enough until they were at the hospital. Another one took care of the unconscious Rin. The remaining teachers gave the students injection to prevent any more damage through the miasma and tended to their injuries. It wasn't long until the whole group was on the way to the hospital.
I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, but I'm really stuck. I know what I want to write, but no matter how I write it down, it just doesn't seem like what I want to write. So instead of holding back this chapter any longer, I decided to publish it now. I also probably totally failed with this chapter as it's not as good as the previous two. Anyway, I'll try my best to work on the next installment.
Tatsu out.