![]() Author has written 4 stories for Marching Band, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, and Avengers. I am on a TEMPORARY HIATUS due to personal reasons. I'm not sure how the next few months will go. I may not update at all, and just wallow in my own misery. I might come off my hiatus for a while, then go back on it later. I may even update once or twice and disappear once again. I have no idea. But I'm not done yet! Updates will be sporadic at best. Writing is just a hobby. My life lies in MUZAK!!! (Pit Perfect, Saxy Saxes, and Guitar are the main ones, but I also played violin up until freshman year and am currently attempting to learn trumpet and flute. I also enjoy good song recommendations hint hint wink wink :D) And because of this, I obviously have to do marching band (MSBA and OMEA) and indoor percussion (OIPA and WGI) (Olentangy Liberty. Look us up!), which actually pushes rock school out of my schedule. In Americanese: HIGH SCHOOL AND MUSIC=SLOW UPDATES. FLAME AWAY!!! I have a marshmallow ready on a stick for when you do. Hehe :) But seriously, if you tell me you hate the story, also tell me WHY. Then I can make it better! (Possibly.) Important stuff first: Name: Like I'm gonna tell you! (No offense.) Gender: I'm a girl, but not your typical girly girl. I like video games, I never wear makeup, haven't since 6th or 7th grade, unless it's the awesome makeup we get in indoor percussion. Now that stuff is sweet. I enjoy getting dirty, I will only wear a dress on special occasions or if all of my other clothes are dirty, PJs included, I don't play the flute, and please excuse me while I comb the 9 realms for a fuck to give about shopping. Right after I find a comb big enough. Age: High School age. You can guess from there. Favorite video game: Pokémon (I only have 3rd gen games. Of those, Sapphire rules.) Or Skyrim, now that I think about it. Favorite hobby: Listening to or playing music, reading, hanging out with my fellow band geeks, setting marshmallows on fire, eating the burnt shell, then repeating the process... Don't make me choose!! Favorite smell: The smoky scent of a campfire burning on cedar wood in summer. Or any time, really. My fandoms: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Avengers, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Iron Man (1), Supernatural (no spoilers, I'm about half way through season 2!), Eragon (books 1 and 2. No spoilers.), Pokémon, Rise of the Guardians, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mortal Instruments, The Maze Runner (movies 1 and 2, which is surprising, because normally I'll at least read the book after seeing the movie. Books rock), Spider-Man (the movies and tv series), The Bourne Legacy, The Hurt Locker, Fantastic 4, Savvy, Age of Ultron, S.W.A.T., Mission: Impossible (all), The Unusuals, Graceling, Fraction's Hawkeye comics (love), STAR WARS!!! (I'm even all caught up now how bout that), some DC comic stuff, the Magnus Chase series, The Martian, and I'll add more when I think of them. Favorite actor/actress: Jeremy Renner. Oh my GOD. In case you're wondering, I do name my instruments. My two saxophones are Lucky and Bishop, my synthesizer that I use in indoor percussion I christened Synthia, my trumpet is Johnny like Johnny Cash cause when I think of trumpets the first song that comes to mind is Burning Ring of Fire, and my Flute is Felicity. I haven't even thought of naming my guitars until like two seconds ago... Probably something with a z for the electric one- ZIGGY!. Godly parentage: I am soooo a daughter of Apollo. Or maybe just a daughter of Poseidon who really loves music. I don't know. I mean I can't aim for shit, so... Area blessed by my wonderful presence: Somewhere in Ohio, in the lovely US of A, also known as 'Murica. I won't tell you exactly where, because 1) that would be dumb, 2) you wouldn't even know the city unless you live there yourself or go all creepy stalker and look it up, trying to pinpoint a radius of where I might live based on information gathered here, 3) I don't really want any previously mentioned stalkers or kidnappers on my tail, and 4) if you DO live here, you might know who I am, which I don't really want either. Languages: Mainly English (obviously), but I can speak some basic Spanish and I can count to ten in Japanese, along with saying a few choice words and phrases. I might be the only one, like in the freaking world, but I kind of wonder what the first scene of Romeo and Juliet would be like if it was rewritten using modern gestures and stuff, but extremely exaggerated old timey language, and the most out of the way words that no one would even know the existence of if they never read it. Example: "Dost thou raise your medius at us, sir?" "Nay, sir, I do not raise my medius at you, sir; but I do raise my medius." (Medius = the middle finger.) I think it would be pretty awesome. I know that I'll most likely forget about the disclaimers in my stories...when I do write them. So I'm just saying it here and now: THE ONLY THINGS I OWN IN MY STORIES ARE THE OCS AND THE PLOT. SOMETIMES. PLEASE DON'T SUE ME. I'M PRETTY MUCH BROKE. PLOT TWIST! Movie directors and authors get their ideas from FanFictions... Hey, if anyone gets really bored and wants to talk about nothing for a few days, or even if (gods forbid) you want to talk about important stuff, I'm... Pretty much always available. Talking is another one of my hobbies. WARNING!WARNING! RANT APPROACHING! WARNING!WARN- Ahem. Anyways. I absolutely despise when people mess up when to use there, they're, and their. And your and you're. And to, too, and two. And wont and won't. And the word definitely. And when they use the letters OK instead of actually taking the time to type two more letters and correctly spell okay. I have seen people on this site use the spelling too for the number two and have stopped reading their stories soon after. Mostly because those stories have bad grammar in general, which overloads my brain with corrections and I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO THINK IN MY ME TIME!! And stories where there's a paragraph or two as a chapter. It's not so bad when it's just a short chapter. What's bad is when there' several different people talking in each paragraph and it's really just one sentence pretty much because the only punctuation they use is after a question, sometimes not even then. So to people writing stories: please please PLEASE check your grammar and paragraph placement and use of homophones before you post! It helps readers understand your stories better! Sorry for the rant, I just had to get that out. Did anyone else notice the whole 12% of a plan in Guardians of the Galaxy and the 12% credit scene in the Avengers? No? Just me then... Does anyone else ever want someone to read something they wrote in a specific voice, otherwise it just won't work the same? Oh yeah, and I'm pretty ADHD. Just explained all your questions about anything weird you just read and will read with six words, boo yah! Quotes: "Sharing is caring and caring is friendship." -Me "Loving is sharing rainbows of happiness." -My fortune cookie "Everyone agrees you are the best." -My fortune cookie Meg's extremely "clever" pairing names: Percy/Clarisse= Clarissy (because Clarisse and 'Prissy'? No? Okay...) Bruce/T Brony. Yes, like the male fans of MLP are called. Because why not. Thor/Steve= Red White and Boom (best firework show ever, by the way.) Clint/Natasha= Black Eye (alone, they're dangerous. But together, they can give you a black eye.) Clint/T Skarmory (because the pokémon is a steel and flying type, and steel is close enough to iron... Can you tell I was tired when I thought of this?) Natasha/Clint/Bruce= Black Eyed Peas. Boom. Bucky/Thor= Thundersnow. An amazing natural phenomenon by the way, it's really cool but pretty rare. Which would be PERFECT if this ship was rare, but I'm ninety percent sure it's not, so dang. But yeah, still cool. Now for fun! Be prepared for an onslaught of unnecessary information. You can skip it if you want to. I say that because it used to be over 2,000 words. Fun Fact- 92% of girls on the planet would be dead if Justin Beiber decided breathing wasn't cool. Post this on your wall if you're part of the 8% who would be cracking up! 93% of teens would have an emotional breakdown if someone called them a freak. If you're part of the 7% who would say, "What was your first clue?" and/or take it as a compliment, copy and paste this into your profile. (Weird, crazy, and clinically insane also apply for me. What can I say, I can't deny the truth!) (Not really truth, just me being crazy.) If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. If you've ever wished you could go into a book and strangle some of the characters for being so incredibly dumb, copy and paste this into your profile. YOUR GUY SIDE: Shopping is torture. YOUR GIRL SIDE: 6 truths of life 1- You cannot touch all of your top teeth with your tongue 2- All Idiots, after reading the first truth, will try 3- And discovered that the first truth is a lie and feel superior because they can do it 4- You're smiling now because you're an idiot 5- You soon will paste it on your profile for other idiots 6- There is still a stupid smile on your face Repost if you are an idiot like me! |