A/N: you know how I said I wouldn't continue this? Well, I lied. Haha. My muse suddenly struck me and this whole chapter was inspired by the scene where Percy siding holy water to create a devils trap. Oh wellz. Tell me what you guys think! I don't think I'll be updating this fic (that's what I said last chapter and look where we are now) but my muse is a fickle thing.

Special shoutout to SemipeacefulHippie who adopted this story (tho she changed a few details)! It's posted on FFNet and its called: All Hades Breaks Loose. You guys can go check it out! :)


"Go to hell you b astard!"

That was Dean. Why was Dean shouting? The sudden spike of pain in his head made Percy groan softly. He blinked open his eyes, black spots dancing in his vision as he adjusted back to consciousness.

What happened? All Percy remembered was meeting the Winchesters then - oh shit. The demons. They - they had broken into his house and took... They took Aristocles!

The thought of those demons taking his son had Percy shooting to sitting position, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

The scene that greeted his eyes made his blood boil. A demon had his son in his arms, one hand holding the neck of the sleeping toddler, while the other was raised, using his power to pin Sam and Dean onto the wall.

The man's eyes suddenly met his own, and he chuckled, "well, well, well, look who decided to wake up now."

Percy slowly pushed himself up, then slowly uncapping his pen. Riptide sprang into existence.

"Let them go," the demigod growled.

The demon smirked, dark amusement flickering across its face.

"I will if you make me little halfling," he sneered.

With a shout, Percy charged.


It was a few minutes later and Percy managed to get the brothers down, but his son was still with the demon.

And Percy was tiring, he'd be in no condition to fight against the monster in another few minutes. It was as he was at the end of his rope when the demigod spotted the still full glass of holy water the brothers were planning to make him drink and an idea hit him.

Eyes screwed shut, Percy concentrated on what he wanted the water to do. Holy water may have purifying properties, but it was still water, which meant it was part of his domain.

He pictures the shape in his mind and twisted. The liquid formed one specific shape under the feet of the unsuspecting demon, and it screamed. Percy's eyes snapped open at the sound of unadulterated pain. It's hands loosened and it dropped the child it was holding. Thankfully, Dean was quick enough to catch the toddler without breaking the water.

The Devils trap made of holy water below its feet burnt, and kept burning it as it smashed against invisible walls. It was pure torture.

"Let me out! Let me out! Letmeoutletmeoutletmeout!" The demon wailed, tears of blood making their way down its face.

To the Percy's right, Dean and Sam looked sick at the spectacle before them before the latter began chanting the exorcism spell. It felt like hours later when the demon finally left its host, black smoke dissipating without its usual scream.

There was a few minutes of silence before Dean broke it with a, "So you're like Aquaman now?"

Percy flushed red while Sam let out an exasperated, "DEAN!"

And well, things only went downhill from there.