Sorry it's been such a long time, I had a little trouble deciding whether or not I should go ahead and jump to First Year. You know who you are for helping me make a decision!

"Calm down, Harry." James told his one and only son. The boy was running his hand through his hair every thirty seconds, something both he and Harry had in common when they were nervous.

"Sorry." Harry apologized a bit sheepishly. He pulled his hand back down to his side. Swallowing a couple times, Harry couldn't decide whether he should be nervous or excited. Finally he was going to start Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was the same school his father, his godfather Sirius, and his 'Uncle' Remus had all attended, as well as his now deceased mother. Ever since he was little Harry had been told stories about Hogwarts and the Marauders, a name his father and his best friends had given their tight little group. But what if he made a complete fool of himself? What if they had made a mistake and he wasn't really a wizard? Or worse…what if he was Sorted into Slytherin? He wouldn't be able to even face his family if something like that happened. Despite his father's words, Harry ran another hand through his hair.

James inwardly sighed at seeing the action yet again. He himself remembered the day he first boarded the Hogwarts Express. Admittedly, he was a bit nervous. But all that changed ten minutes into the train ride when he met his best friends. Then again he also met that traitorous idiot Pettigrew, too.

A loud train whistle brought James Potter out of his thoughts. He clapped his son on the shoulder, "I expect you to write me a letter after your first day. Got it?"

Harry nodded, grabbing his trunk by one end as his dad took the other end. James helped his son until they reached the train. He put the trunk down and debated on whether or not it would embarrass his son if he gave him a hug. Harry looked almost expectant so James decided it was safe. Pulling the eleven year old into a hug, he said, "If you need anything, just write. Okay?"

"Okay." Harry agreed with a nod as his father released him. "Bye Dad." James gave him one more clap on the back and turned to walk a few feet away. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. This would be the last time he saw his dad until Christmas….

Get a hold of yourself! Harry berated himself mentally. He was eleven years old for Merlin's sake, he could be by himself for a few months. Besides, he'd be able to write to his dad, as well as Remus and Sirius, any time he wanted. But it's really not the same.

"See you at Christmas, Harry." James called out just loud enough for his son to hear. Harry gave him a bit of a forced smile and boarded the train.

Once Harry was on the train, he found the first compartment he could that was empty and looked out the window. James quickly found his son's jet black hair covered head and gave him a small wave. Harry waved back and smiled slightly.

Eventually the train began to pull away from the station. Families on the platform continued to wave, smile, cry, and shout good-byes as the Hogwarts Express got further and further away. Harry managed to lift his trunk up and onto the luggage shelf. He sat down against the window and watched the scenery fly by. The compartment door sliding open startled the eleven year old.

A boy with red hair and freckles gave him a bit of an awkward smile, "Um…do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full…."

And those two sentences began a friendship like no other. Soon Ron, the red haired boy, and Harry were discussing their favorite Quidditch teams, Hogwarts, wizard candy, Hogwarts, and more Hogwarts. The train ride passed by quickly, both boys enjoying themselves more than they thought they would. The two boys were having a conversation about the most recent Quiddicth World Cup when a voice rang through the compartment. Harry recognized the spell quickly, Remus used the spell to talk to others that were still in the same house but were in a different room.

"We are approaching Hogsmeade Station. I would like to ask everyone to please change into your Hogwarts robes if you have not done so already. Remember to leave your luggage on the train; it will be carried up separately to the school. Thank you." The driver's voice carried out.

Harry and Ron swiftly retrieved their robes from their trunks and changed their clothes.

After the Sorting Ceremony and the Welcoming Feast, the Gryffindors were led to their Common Room. Harry and Ron had both been Sorted into Gryffindor, which made both extremely happy. Harry wasn't sure what would have happened if he had been put in Slytherin like the Sorting Hat had suggested a couple of times. Imagine what his dad would think…and Sirius…and Remus.

The two friends didn't stay in the Common Room long before they went to the First Year boys' dorm. There were three other First Years there when they arrived: Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnegan.

As the five boys introduced themselves to the one another, they found out a few facts about each other. Dean had a mother for a witch but had grown up in the Muggle world, which had caused the boys to ask a few questions. Neville lived with his grandmother his whole life and his family wasn't sure if he was going to even have magical abilities since he was a 'late bloomer', as Seamus had labeled. Seamus's parents were a witch and wizard and his father worked for The Daily Prophet.

Eventually the five boys went to their beds, where their trunks had been placed at the end, and changed into their night clothes before going to sleep. Harry decided he would write his letter to his dad after his classes the next day.

So it isn't too long…*shrug*, but it's something!