"Hiccup!" Valka grabbed the sword off the wall and charged. A enormous Stormcutter dragon stood hunched over the bassinet containing Valka's tiny infant son, Hiccup. The baby giggled and laughed at the reptile who gently held out his claw playfully. Valka stopped and stared at the owl like dragon and back at her baby. The Stormcutter was harmless. The dragons head whipped around when it heard the woman panting. It's eyes slit when it spotted the sword. Fire built up in the creatures throat as it ignited the entire building. Hiccup screamed for his mother. The Stormcutter launched out the side of the room into the night sky. Valka ran to the bassinet but it was empty.

She gasped and watched the Stormcutter fly away with her only son."Hiccup!" She cried. Her husband ran in."Valka?! What happened?" Tears flooded down her cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay." He was fighting back tears himself. He couldn't look as the dragon carried their doomed son to it's nest.

Hiccup balled the entire way to the Red Deaths volcano. The Stormcutter joined a herd of many flying reptiles as they crowed through a tunnel. The Stormcutter didn't drop the baby in. He landed by one of the smaller caves leading to the nursery. The Stormcutter snapped out of his trance and shook his frilled head. He watched as the Red Death devoured all of the food the brought back. The Stormcutter didn't have the heart to kill such an innocent life. He cradled Hiccup in his back paw. But Hiccup burst into tears again. The Red Death glared at the smaller dragon with the human. The Stormcutter's eyes widened. He fled into the tunnel.

The Red Death rammed her huge weight in to the side of the wall, trying to bust through. But the many stone pillar like objects blocked her way. Mother dragons swept up all of their babies into their paws and flew as fast as the could away to the beach. A high pitch clicking noise echoed through the cave. Hiccup stopped crying and listened for a second. The clicking continued. The human baby started to laugh. The Stormcutter scanned the area. A tiny black dragon, the size of a cat, sat by the wall crying for help. It was much too young to fly. The Stormcutter knew who it must be. He had found an abandoned nest with a charcoal like egg in it. He brought it back to the nest hoping another mother dragon would take it in as her own. But apparently not.

Rocks tumbled onto the ground from the ceiling. The owl dragon snatched up the black dragon with his other paw. We flapped his huge under set of wings and darted out of the exit. He was now outcasted from the herd. But at least he wasn't alone. The Stormcutter glanced back at the to infants he held in his paws. Hiccup looked over at the black dragon and smiled. He had no teeth yet. The black dragon cocked his head. The side of his mouth twitched as his lips curved into a mirroring grin. Hiccup giggled. The hatchling trying to imitate it.

The three went on for hours. The Stormcutter was beginning to fall asleep as he spotted a huge mass of ice. He twirled through a very bendy cave and came into a huge structure of ice. Well, the ceiling was made of ice. The ground was covered in ferns and grass. Strange rocks made up all of the tunnels. In the lake at the bottom lied a giant white dragon. A Bewilderbeast! The Stormcutter gasped and approached the great dragon. He bowed and hoped to be noticed. He was.

The Bewilderbeast stood up and stared at the Stormcutter. "Yes?" He asked in dragonesse. The Stormcutter gulped."Um, I have just arrived from another nest. The queen was very cruel. I have now been outcasted from my former home. May I live here? I have also brought to hatchlings with me. One from an egg I rescued a while ago. The other a human hatchling that I brought with me from a human village." The king nodded understandingly."So be it. But may I ask you why you stole the human infant?" The Stormcutter looked down at the grass ashamed. He set both babies in front of him to show the king." There is something about this one. He wasn't afraid of me. I was distracted. His mother charged at me with a sharp rock and I fled bringing the hatchling with me by accident."

Stealing an infant from it's mother, no matter the species, is a horrible crime."And the dragon hatchling? He is certainly not of your blood." The Bewilderbeast stared at the much smaller dragon curiously."His nest was abandoned. Burnt to the ground. I didn't know if the egg would hatch. I hoped that a mother dragon might adopt him as her's. I swear I meant no harm."

He begged not the killed for his actions. The Bewilderbeast sighed. Frozen gas leaked from his nostrils."Your name?" He asked. The Stromcutter stood up tall and proud."My name is Cloudjumper." He leaned back down not wanting to be disrespectful." I stand by decision. You may stay. But you must raise these two hatchlings as your own. Alone. You may not mate again until these two are fully mature. What do you wish to name them?" Cloudjumper let out a breath of relief." The dragon will be named Toothless. And I will respect the human's mother's wishes and keep his name as Hiccup." Hiccup waved his arms excitedly. He giggled and reached for the king dragon. Toothless bowed playfully and jumped around. He sniffed his new brothers fluffy brown fur on the top of his head." Good luck." The Bewilderbeast winked and lowered back into the water.

I'm using some of my personal headcanons for this story. I think that Cloudjumper took Valka back to the volcano where the Red Death chased him away. Then he found the Bewilderbeast but Valka never put the clues together. And I also think the reason that Hiccup was scared of dragons as a baby was because he saw Valka being taken by one. Before I think he loved dragons. Thank you for reading and please review. I love reviews.