Author has written 9 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師, Twilight, Homestuck, Inuyasha, and Wizard101.
Hello! I am Selena1234, I also go by the name of... hm... Arissa, Selena, Caedis, Kazeimi, Alexandria, or Faye. I prefer Alex or Kazeimi, though :D
My birthday is 10/2. Wish me birthday stuffs. (That is in the M/D format, as in October Second)
I like stuff. Games, books, stuff, food.
If you care to add me, my Chumhandle on Pesterchum is slytherinMadrigial.
I tend to swear using 'Hades' or 'Tartarus', in Honour of the Percy Jackson books, or 'Merlin!' as they do in the Harry Potter series ;).
DeviantArt here: http:///
Personal goals:
[x] Ten reviews
[x] Twenty reviews
[x] Thirty reviews
[x] Forty reviews
[x] Fifty reviews
[x] One hundred reviews
[x] One fifty reviews
[x] Two hundred reviews
[ ] Three hundred reviews
[x] One complete story
[ ] Ten complete stories
[ ] One complete series
[ ] Three complete seriessess
I am:
Slytherin (Harry Potter)
Erudite (Divergent)
The Maid of Void, Derse Dreamer (Homestuck)
Storm, with a secondary of Life. (Wizard101)
Things I don't understand:
Every Universe Ever:
What is the point of taking two male characters, turning both female, and grouping them together anyways?
Harry Potter Universe:
Why couldn't Harry see the Thestrals in year 2? He saw his mother die when he was one, so he should have been able to see them. If not then, then at least after third year, as the Dementors made him rewatch the moment where he saw her die. We already established that watching the AK counts as watching death, so it should count, right?
If Basilisk Venom destroys Horcruxes, why did it not destroy the one in Harry in second year? Did Harry have to die for it to take effect, or did the Phoenix tears heal the 'Crux as well?
Why does everyone assume that when Harry visits his Family Vault, that he can take ITEMS, but NOT gold? If he was going to take all of the gold and misuse it, then it would make even MORE sense for them to not allow him to take Ancient Family Heirlooms and sell those for more than he has in actual Gold. Plus, I'm sure all of the Ancient Families have some Goblinware, so wouldn't they ban the taking of ITEMS, and not the taking of GOLD?
Why does everyone assume that Lily, James or Sirius would leave a plot-convienient letter inside the Family Vault? In truth, the Family Vault should only be accessable to the Head-of-the-Family, which Harry cannot become until he reaches of Age. If anything, they would leave Letters in spots where they Know that Harry would find them - say, in his TRUST VAULT, perhaps?
Avatar The Last Airbender Universe:
Why the Hades are there no Evil!Aang fictions? If anyone has a reason to go Evil, it's Aang! The trust of the universe is kinda hard to bear.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Vampires need human blood to carry O2 through their system because their own blood cannot. Okay. That means that Vampires must have blood. The Vampire Saliva doesn't destroy human blood, it changes it. So why is it that, in the Twilight Series, when you rip apart a Vampire, there's never any blood?
Can Vampires not bite other vampires?
Do no Vampires (CARSLILE) ever decide to take their blood and see what it is about them that makes them different? Especially when it comes to the powers and stuff.
Avatar the Last Airbender
Dark Flame Challenge:
Aang must be Evil. At least one main character has to die. The Fire Lord has to die, and he cannot count as your main character. These are the only limitations.
Stories Currently:
The Staff of Poseidon:
Fanbase: Percy Jackson and the Olympians x Wizard101
Series: Gods of the Spiral
Book: 1/3
Plans: I still have plans, it's just in deep, desparate need of a re-write :/
Lumox; Wrath:
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Lumox
Book: 2/3
Plans: I have SO MANY PLANS
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Tests of All Kinds
Book: 1/7
AtV Two: Karkat and InuYasha:
Fanbase: Homestuck x InuYasha
Series: Across the Void
Book: 2/20
Plans: I have some plans...
Fanbase: Ao no Exorcist
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Plans: I'll update this later this week, hopefully.
Stories Completed:
Essentially Immortal:
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Chapters: 24
Words: 24,522
Completion Date: 5/24/14
Sequel: None. None at all. Never. Maybe.
Phantom of Alternia:
Fanbase: Homestuck
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Chapters: 1
Words: 2,112
Completion Date: 6/15/14
Sequel: None.
AtV One: Gamzee and Twilight:
Fanbase: Homestuck x Twilight
Series: Across the Void
Book: 1/20
Chapters: 6
Words: 5,036
Completion Date: 7/20/14
Sequel: AtV Two: Karkat and InuYasha
Lumox: Pride
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Lumox
Book: 1/3
Chapters: 30
Words: 34,425
Completion Date: 11/19/14
Sequel: Lumox: Wrath
Possible stories? Poll above!
Fanbase: Vampire Knight / Fruits Basket
Series: Allies of a Sort
Book: 1/2
Summary: Kaname meets Kyo in the forest one day, while Kyo was training. Kaname offers to Kyo eternal life, with the catch that Kyo will have to help Kaname when he requests it. Wanting to destroy Yuki, Kyo accepts, and Kaname gifts Kyo some of the blood pills. The problem? He's allergic to them. And his fully cursed form, well... Kyohru, Through FB plot.
Characters: [Kyo, Tohru]
Genre/Rating: Romance, Supernatural / T
Language: English
Prince Fear:
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None
Book: Singular
Summary: Abusive!Dursleys. One day, when Harry was seven, something goes too far, and Vernon nearly kills Harry. However, this was brought to the attention of some higher up beings, who then decide that they need to save him the only way they know how; by giving him some of their powers.
Characters: Harry, Ginny
Genre/Rating: Supernatural, Family / T
Language: English
Harry's Phantom:
Fanbase: Harry Potter / Phantom of the Opera
Series: None
Book: Singular
Summary: Dudley went to go see the musical, "Phantom of the Opera". Unknown to him, the Phantom himself, in spirit form, was there, imbedded into the very fabric of the Phantom Mask they used. He picked up on very negative feelings from Dudley about one Harry Potter, Dudley stole the Mask. Abusive!Durleys Grey!Harry NO SLASH
Characters: Erik, Harry
Genre/Rating: Supernatural, Friendship / T
Language: English
Deals with Devils:
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None?
Book: Singular?
Summary: When Voldemort was still Tom Riddle, he wanted to be intimidating. So he made a deal with a demon. He would get an aura of intimidation and red eyes for a fourth of his soul. However, this deal was made after his second horcrux, so the Demon didn't get what he originally bargained for. Seeking revenge, the demon finds the Potter family and makes a deal with them, too.
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny, perhaps?
Genre/Rating: Supernatural, Something else / T
Language: Engrish
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None
Book: Singular
Summary: Harry has always loved fire. Once, when the Abusive!Dursleys needed a new way to punish the freak, they made him hold his hand in the fireplace. The only problem was that when that happened, a funny symbol was burned onto his hand, and he found out that he could control fire... Elemental!Gray/Dark?!Harry
Characters: Harry Potter, Pairings up for debate
Genre/Rating: Beats me / T
Langue: Engrish
Fanbase: Avatar the Last Airbender
Series: Dark Flames
Book: Singular
Summary: A hundred years after the end of the War, the world is silent. Aang goes and meets up with Azula, and shares with her the story of how everything went right - and of how Aang destroyed the world. Character Death to the Extreme, Dark!Aang, Very gory, little logic in a few spots, you have been warned.
Characters: Aang, Fire Lord Ozai
Genre/Rating: Depends / T
Langue: English
Black and White
Fanbase: Rise of the Guardians
Series: Switched
Book: 1/2? - Short?
Summary: Everyone had an unspoken agreement that they would need to keep an eye on Jack, so surprisingly, it was Tooth who noticed the first thing wrong. His skin was more pale white than tinted blue. The next one to notice was Sandy; Jack's hair was turning darker. When confronted about it, he frowned and said "Yes, I suppose it is spring, isn't it?" A week later, they force him to spill - what the heck is going on?
Characters: Jack Frost, Pitch Black.
Genre/Rating: Family, Hurt/Comfort, perhaps / T
Langue: English
It's Just Hiccup.
Fanbase: How to Train Your Dragon
Series: Accursed King
Book: 1/2
Summary: When Hiccup was young, he was cursed by a witch; He will die on his 16th birthday. After being named the winner of Dragon Training, Hiccup runs. Through the next three years, rumors are spread around, and reach Berk. There's a boy, riding on the back of a Dragon. Many call him The King, and he lives on an island about a week from Berk. The war had been getting bad, so in desperation, Stoick seeks out this King. No Hicstrid.
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Stoick
Genre/Rating: Supernatural, Family / T
Language: English (But technically Norse) and some Dragonese, too.
Shades of Gray
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None?
Book: Singular?
Summary: Throughout the course of the fifth book, there have been five times where Harry had threatened to go Dark - and one time he didn't have to.
Characters: Harry
Genre/Rating: Humor, Horror? / T
Language: English
Stuck in the Middle with You
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Past, Present, and Future
Book: 1/3
Summary: In Fifth year, Harry comes across a hidden artifact behind a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. How Ironic, that Tom Riddle happens to find this same artifact in his Fifth year, behind a portrait of Godric Gryffindor. And where else would this artifact send them, but to James' time, in his Fifth year?
Characters: James, Harry, Tom, Voldemort
Genre/Rating: Family, Friendship / T
Language: English, perhaps some French, a touch of Japanese, I dunno.
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Misunderstandings
Book: 1/2
Summary: Voldemort was just about to cast the final Killing curse when suddenly - bam! He wakes up in the cupboard under the stairs. He's 10 again, and it's his birthday. His Aunt Petunia yells at him to get up and make breakfast. Meanwhile, the Dark Lord Harry plots to finish what he started all those years ago, and take over the Wizarding World. Wait - what?
Characters: Harry, Tom, Voldemort.
Genre/Rating: Friendship, Dunno / T
Language: English
Of Shadows
Fanbase: Harry Potter x Percy Jackson
Series: Of Shadows and Darkness
Book: 1/2
Summary: Harry's father is not James - it is Hades. He develops his Demigod powers early, when being nearly tortured by the Dursleys. In doing so, he leaves them - and their burning house - when he is six. From there, he is raised in the Underworld... until he recieves his Hogwarts letter. Yes, Harry Potter is most definately a Freak. No pairings.
Characters: Harry, Hades
Genre/Rating: Family, Evil (Is that a Genre?) / T
Language: L'anglais
These Mere Mortals.
Fanbase: Homestuck x Harry Potter
Series: When I Was a Time Lord
Book: 1/5
Summary: Dave did it. Dave finally did it - Jack Noir was dead. Downside: he was the only one left. Upside: the White Queen has granted Dave one last wish. Downside: He wishes to return to Earth, and that's exactly what he gets. He gets deposited on Earth in the middle of an odd office, filled with odd Gizmos. Hey, at least he has his God Tier and Boondollars.
Characters: Dave, Harry.
Genre/Rating: Friendship, Supernatural and T
Language: English
Talking to Myself 1
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: Talking to Myself
Book: 1/4
Summary: Ever since Harry was little, he knew that he was the Master of Death. However, one of the downsides of holding that position is that he has always been able to hear himself. Himself, as in the other versions of him from other universes in which he has died. The problem now is that Harry has to go to Hogwarts, and 'It's not normal to hear voices, even in the Wizarding World.' Years 1 and 2.
Characters: Harry Potter
Genre/Rating: Family, Supernatural / T
Language: English
Mini Me: but not at first
Fanbase: Homestuck
Series: Mini Me
Book: 1/3
Summary: Dave is the hunter of all supernatural creatures, part of the SBURB society - Supernatural Beings Under Restriction and Binding. One of his missions was to track down the last unrestricted Pureblooded Vampire, the Heir to the throne an the last one living that can create other vampires. However, he hadn't expected this vampire to be, like, six and adorable as hell. (No Hammertime)
Characters: Dave, John.
Genre/Rating: Family, Friendship / T
Language: English
The Signless:
Fanbase: Homestuck
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Summary: Not long before Alternia is destroyed, the Mother Grub goes into the center of Alternia to unlock The Signless, who had been hanging there for millennia. She tells him to find the Hive of Sollux Captor, which is nearby. He manages to get there in time to go into the Medium with Sollux. Based loosely off of the comic in the back of the Hyrule Historia.
Characters: The Signless, Karkat
Genre/Rating: Family, dunno / T
Language: English
Fanbase: Homestuck
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Summary: After defeating the game, the Kids went back to a plain, regular Earth in which nothing was destroyed. However, they're quick to find out that they still have all of their items, god tier powers and boonbonds. Shenanigans ensue (Shenanigans in a Homestuck fic? NO WAY!)
Characters: John, Dave, Rose, Jade
Genre/Rating: Friendship, Humour / T
Language: English
Fanbase: Harry Potter
Series: None?
Book: 1/1?
Summary: In a world where Harry was killed as a baby, the Wizarding World has fallen to pieces. In a last attempt to summon a savior, the last person Lily and James expected to summon was their dead child. There's a catch, though. This Harry happened to be on Voldemort's side...
Char: Harry, James, Lily
Genre/Rating: Family, Drama / T
Language: English
A Little Brother's Mishap
Fanbase: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends / Five Nights at Freddy's
Series: None
Book: 1/1
Summary: After seeing the Animatronics from FNAF on his brother's Tumblr, Tim decides that he wants his own cute little imaginary friends. However, Danny thinks that his little brother's cute gesture was HORRIFYING AND OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?! Now the trouble is convincing his parents that he needs cameras around the house.
Char: OCs :)
Genre/Rating: Horror, Humor / T
Language: English