Author has written 1 story for Assassin's Creed. Some things about me, some which will be totally pointless to know, but hey ho: I'm a gaming addict! Seriously, I know it sounds lame and maybe even cringey, but video gaming is a part of me. I've been playing them since the age of about 4 or 5, since I started off with the Nintendo 64. Oh yeah, that was the BOMB during the 90's xD I've grown up on games such as Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, and yes, the re-deads did scar me for life. I mean, I signed up for saving Hyrule, not being raped by zombies. Now I look back on it and well, Link being humped by a groaning zombie is pretty damn hilarious. Obsessions include: Mass Effect Franchise, Assassin's Creed franchise, Uncharted franchise, Enslaved:Odyssey to the West, BBC's Merlin, Garrus Vakarian, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Nathan Drake :p I love it when you finally see your meal coming in a restaurant. I love seeing your bus or train come when you JUST get to the bus stop/platform. Yeah, it doesn't take a lot to please me :) I love my ipod. I think that and my ps3 are my most prized possessions. You will NEVER see me without it. It goes everywhere with me, and if it's dead, I know my day is gonna suck. I love all different genres of music. Name a genre and I've most likely got, or have had at least one song from the genre on my ipod. I love pop, rock, alternative, some RnB, and that orchestra, epic music you usually hear in trailers. It's goddamn awesome and makes my imagination go wild. It also makes would be boring as hell train/bus/car journeys bloody epic :D I love laughing. But then again who doesn't? I will laugh at anything, really. Even if I have no idea what is going on and people around me are laughing, I STILL laugh xD I hate spiders, wasps, bees and flies. Spiders terrify me the most. Flies I'm not scared of, they just goddamn piss me off. They're not needed, the scummy things. But I do love how they look like evil masterminds when they are rubbing their "hands" together. Aaaaand that is about all the useless facts I can think of from the top of my head. I'm a very optimistic, happy person. I'm always seeing the good in things and appreciate life, and don't let things keep me angry for long. Life is too short for feeling like that :) |