I'm sorry to announce that this is the final chapter for Black Covenant. I will, however, make a sequel.

Please give lots of praise to Stone-man85 as well as Chaoticwritercrazy for their assistance in the production of my story.

Enjoy and R&R!

Hicup sighed as he made his way into his room. Toothless had made sure to clean all of the soot off him... by licking him like he was a mother cat cleaning her kittens.

"Not too far from the truth" He snickered as he entered his room and neared his workdesk.

Only to come face-to-face with his father.

"Hello, Hiccup. Let's talk." He sternly ordered.

"Ah hell." He mentally groaned.

Next morning

It was the final match between Hiccup and Astrid against a fully grown Gronkle. The match was being observed by the entire island. The Elder was also present next to Stoick, it was she that would decide who would kill their first dragon in front of the entire village.

"This is getting to be ri-goddamn-diculous!" Hiccup mentally ranted as fixed his breast-hat and dodged another swipe of the fat dragon's tail.

He made a darkling to disable it and slipped behind a makeshift wall. He was soon joined by Astrid. She immediately grasped his shirt to bring his face close to hers.

"Stay out of my way! I'm winning this." She declared before jumping over the wall.

"Give me a break. I don't even like this dumb lizard and I gotta save it's fat ass from a hot psycho broad." He grumbled as he teleported above the Gronkle and landed on its back. He grabbed the dragon by its upper jaws and augmented his strength to flip it onto its face, like he used in his earlier match with the Gronkle. He kicked off of it and drew Ebony while flexing his claws, he stopped and adopted a thoughtful expression before smirking evilly and his staff appeared in his hand.

Astrid dodged a fireball that the Gronkle shot at her and leapt behind another wall.

"I can do this. I'm better, stronger, and faster than him. THIS TIME, FOR SURE!" She told herself. She leapt above the wall with a battle cry...

... only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight before her.

The Gronkle laid down on its stomach with a retarded facial expression and large lump on its head. Hiccup stood beside it with his mother's staff propped on his shoulder. He suddenly grabbed the end of the staff and the middle of it. He placed the opposite end on the ground next to the Gronkle.

"He winds up..." He pulled the staff back.

"He shoots..." The staff smacked the Gronkle's side and sent it into its cage, which sealed itself.

"HE SCOOOOORES! Hiccup wins, four-nothiiiiiing!" The staff vanished in a burst of smoke and he started doing some kind of funky dance moves. The audience began cheering at his victory.

"NO! NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN! YOU SON OF A HALF-TROLL!" Astrid was practically frothing at the mouth, her rage was so vivid.

"QUIET! THE ELDER WILL NOW DECIDE!" Stoick shouted above the roaring crowd.

Gobber moved to stand behind the two teens. He placed his hook-hand above Astrid's head and awaited her reaction. The elder shook her head. He then placed his hook over Hiccup's head.

Hiccup began pointing to Astrid while trying to make it look like he was rubbing his nose. He then began motioning with his head.

The elder nodded her head, despite Hiccup's attempts to turn her attention away.


Hiccup's eyes were like dinnerplates. He looked at Astrid to see her glaring at him with murder in her eyes.

"I am so..."

Toothless' den

One hour later

"... Fucked!" He muttered before entering the den.

"We're leaving, Toothless! We're going on a vacation, bud... forever." Hiccup shouted out.

He threw the basket containing Toothless' fish in front of him before he began rifling through it.

He suddenly sighed aggravatingly. "Obsidian's at Gobber's shop. Dammit!" He cussed and stood, only to scream and fall backwards at the sight before him.

Astrid sat on the rock beside where he once crouched with her trusted axe in hand. "Congratulations, you got your voice back. Now it should be easier for you to give me some answers." She would rather die than admit it aloud, but his voice sounded rather attractive.

Hiccup frowned defiantly, "I don't recall you ever giving a shit before, nor do I recall it ever being any of your business." He grabbed Ebony's hilt and pulled the blade out of its sheath.

Astrid took the bait and made to swipe at his side. He blocked with his claw bracer and their eyes locked.

"Can't risk her seeing Toothless, better take this elsewhere." He was about to teleport but she realized that he was occupied with his thoughts.

She jabbed him twice in the nose before he knew what hit him and spun around to cleave his head off but he blocked with Ebony and tried to counter with a swipe of his claws, which she barely dodged. He grabbed her by the bicep and planted Ebony at her throat. She scoffed and brought her knee up...

... right into the painful place.

"Ohhhh! Why would you do that." He groaned as he cupped his crotch on the ground, Ebony stabbed into the ground from him dropping it.

"That's for the attitude! And that's..," She slammed the butt of her axe against his stomach, feeling a small sense of pleasure as the painful gasp he emitted, "..for everything else."

A growl came from behind her, and Hiccup heard it. "Oh no.." He grumbled.

She turned around to see Toothless pouncing toward her with his teeth bared.

Astrid gasped and made to cleave off his wing as he approached.

Hiccup teleported between them and, with a single clawed finger, he blocked Astrid's axe and the other hand held Toothless back.

"No! No, it's alright! It's ok! She's a friend. Ohhh!" Hiccup shouted loudly, but gently, at the Night Fury, His knees shook slightly, appearing to still be in pain from her earlier blow. The dragon immediately stilled upon hearing his words. It dropped back down onto all fours as it nuzzled its nose under Hiccup's elbow, making a sound between a growl and a croon at the same time.

Hiccup then turned towards her, the relief evident on his face as he spoke in a calm voice, "You just scared him."

"I scared him?" She froze for as second as said dragon snorted. "Who is 'him'?"

"Uh Astrid, meet Toothless. Toothless...Astrid." He introduced.

Astrid looked at him smugly before she took off into the woods, towards Berk.

"Dat dadadaaaa we're dead." Hiccup sarcastically sang. Toothless snorted as if saying 'we?' before walking away.

"Hey! where you goin'?"

Astrid leapt over a fallen log and dove under another. "He chose the side of the dragons, he's a traitor." She, almost excitingly, thought. He had been cheating in the ring. The things he did were learned from his 'pet'.

She suddenly froze midstep and felt lightheaded for a second. The next thing she knew, she was hovering above a very tall tree. She fell onto the tallest branch and held on with a scream as she dropped her beloved axe and watched as it fell.

"Teleporting feels weird doesn't it? I'm still not used to it, to tell you the truth." Hiccup stated from beside her. He was crouching on the saddle on Toothless' back. He smiled with his black eyes gleaming in the sunset.

Toothless stared at her while snickering at her predicament. He was perched on the tip of the tree.

"Hiccup! Let me down, you bastard." She screamed.

"Now that's rude. But I can't let you down until you give me a chance to explain. Plus, you hit me square in the balls, I am fully within my rights to drop your ass." He said pointing to the ground

"I don't have to hear anything you say." She shot back.

"Once again, that's rude. You're the first human i've spoken to in over a decade and you won't hear what I have to say. Alright fine, then don't listen, just let me show you." He held a hand out for her to grab.

Astrid hesitated before she slapped away his hand and made her way to the saddle. With some difficulty, she managed to find a somewhat comfortable position.

"Alright, now let me down." She ordered.

"Toothless, down! Gently!" He said while twitching his left eyebrow.

Toothless noticed his rider's facial expression and faced forward. He adopted a sinister smile that promised mischief. He opened his wings and the tree straightened out as the wind was caught in his wings.

"See, nothing to worry about." "Time to have some fun." He thought joyously.

Toothless suddenly took to the sky at great speeds, Hiccup silently enjoying himself as Astrid clung to his clawed hand and began hysterically screaming.

"Toothless, what are you doing? Bad dragon! Sorry Astrid, he's not normally like this." He chastised. His free hand twitched and a small trout slipped out of his pocket and slithered into Toothless' mouth without Astrid seeing it.

Toothless stopped his ascent and began a barrel roll. "Here comes the spinning." He monotonously stated. He crouched as Toothless began spinning as he descended. Astrid wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her leg around his waist.

"Thanks for nothing, you useless reptile!" He droned. Toothless began doing hard turns above the ocean.

"OKAY, I'M SORRY! I'm sorry! Please, just get me down from here." She pleaded and buried her face in his forearm.

"Alright, buddy! That's enough." He made a discreet neck cutting motion with his free hand, which Toothless noticed. Just like that, the dragon calmed. He floated along a wind current, steady, as if he was a longboat carrying a glass sculpture across a rough sea. Astrid opened her eyes, squinting as the setting sun cast it's last rays across her face. And what a sight. The sky was dipped in various shades of pink, orange, and purple. The large cloud in front of them absorbing the colors and twirling them into its frothy form. The dragon banked smoothly, as if it were born to rule the skies. And, in a way, it was.

She sat up slowly, grasping Hiccup's metal clawed hand as she looked at the sky with awe. The red-haired boy didn't speak as he flexed his pinky and the dragon began moving upwards.

The dragon took them up, his form parallel with the large cloud. Perplexed with the giant formation, She lifted a hand to touch it. No one knew what clouds were made of. They were always just kind of…there, drifting away lazily across the sky day after day. Curiously, Astrid ran her hand against the fluffy buildup, expecting it to feel soft like a cotton ball or a bird's feathers. She flinched as little as a cool moisture ran down her extended arm as droplets of water collected on her fingers. She almost laughed at the strange experience.

"Water floating in the sky? She thought. She stopped thinking when she realized that since Hiccup was standing, he was halfway buried in the cloud.

He crouched down and glanced at her with his wet shirt and hair. "Clouds are made of water, in case you didn't know." He stated before shaking like a dog, making her laugh and raise her arms to protect her from the droplets.

The dragon took them up, through a layer of water vapor until they came above the cloud line. The sunshine was shut out, which left the vast starry sky to cover them. The air felt cool and crisp as it caressed their cheeks, making them tinge pink. Hiccup decided to show off a bit and he threw his arms out. As if on cue, the sky suddenly filled with dancing lights composed of just about every color. The Northern Lights swirled above them in a playful fashion, following their every turn and drop.

After a few minutes, Hiccup dropped his arms and the lights faded into the night's sky again, the colorful array being whisked away by the wind.

Still smiling, She took a glance down to see that the clouds had also faded away to reveal something else; Berk, lit only by the fires in the homes and guard towers, sparkling softly along the horizon. She gasped softly, put her hands back on Hiccup's armored arm and leaned forward a little to get a closer look. It was their home! Their village! She nearly giggled at the sight of seeing the houses from the sky as they flew along the coast.

Toothless looked back at her, and caught her gaze. He seemed to grin softly as if to say 'I'm not here to hurt anyone.'

She blinked at the magnificent, black dragon. How could she have wanted to kill these creatures without discovering this? How was it possible that not one Viking thought to ride a dragon instead of destroy one? She stole a glance at Hiccup. He had a large smile on his face, his onyx-black eyes sparkled with happiness and exuberance. She'd never seen the boy this happy before, not truthfully at least.

She sighed against the warmth his arm gave off, and hugged it closer to her. She smiled in content and closed her eyes for a few seconds, relishing this moment.

"Maybe…there's more to Hiccup than I thought." "I gotta admit," Hiccup and Toothless looked back at her when she spoke, "This is pretty cool. It's…amazing."

She looked at Toothless and smiled softly, "He's amazing."

She reached around Hiccup's legs and placed her hand on Toothless' neck, patting the smooth scales gently.

A while later

"So what now?" Astrid's voice was quiet against the soft breeze. She felt Hiccup's fist clench under her grasp, and he let out a long sigh before looking down. His content disposition shattered like a thin slate of ice hit by a stone hammer, and a frown marred his face where his smile had just been. It was evident that he did not want to go in that arena tomorrow.

"Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow! You know you're gonna have to kill a-" She paused, not wanting Toothless to hear her next words. She put her hand on Hiccup's shoulder and pulled him closer so she could whisper in his ear. "-kill a dragon."

"Oh don't remind me.." Hiccup's despairing voice was cut off as Toothless suddenly banked sharply, causing her to grab for Hiccup again as they turned into a large patch of fog. She had not forgotten his insane maneuvers from when they had first taken off, so she had no intention of taking any chances.

"Toothless what's happening?" Hiccup asked.

Toothless' ears were twitching frantically, his head jerking in different directions before wrenching them left or right. But past the dragon's snout they couldn't make out a single thing. Whatever force was calling him, it was thoroughly hidden from the teens sights.

Toothless was frantically flying faster into the thick mist, his head swiveling around as he made a sort of clicking sound from deep in his throat. Hiccup flinched slightly at the sudden jerking movements and tried to get an idea of what was happening, "Whoa, what is it?" he spoke calmly to Toothless, crouching and leaning forward so the dragon could hear him clearly.

As if out of nowhere, a large Monstrous Nightmare zoomed past us to our right. Hiccup gasped, "Get down!" He ordered before drawing Ebony. Toothless swerved to avoid making contact with the larger dragon's wings, but was sent right back to where he was before when a Nadder roared in the mist. It was close enough for Astrid to touch if she desired. More and more dragons appeared out of the blue. They tensed every time another dragon came into their line of sight. Hiccup was stiff, minus the precise movement of his left pinky and was looking from the other dragons, to Toothless, and back, trying to make sense of what was going on. The other dragons overlapping roars, growls, and flapping of their wings was deafening, and the air around them grew.

"What's going on?" Astrid asked. There was a subtle shake in her voice, but Hiccup wasn't worried about that at the moment. He wanted to, at the least, get out of this alive but he was clueless.

"I don't know. Toothless, you gotta get us out of here, Bud." He had placed his hand near the dragon's head, trying to get Toothless to register his words, but the dragon merely forcibly shook his hand off with a snort.

Another Nightmare came uncomfortably close to them, and as they looked down at its claws, they saw…a sheep? In fact, all the dragons had some type of poor creaure in their grasp.

"It looks like they're hauling in their kill." Hiccup stated.

"Uh, what does that make us?" She asked. Toothless didn't have any food with him. But he was carrying the two teens.

Hiccup could feel the eyes of some other dragons on them as the Night Fury flew amongst them, but they made no move to attack… yet.

All the dragons, including Toothless, suddenly dived towards the water, causing Hiccup and Astrid to give a short scream of surprise. Toothless pulled up just before hitting the choppy water, zooming every which way to avoid the almost invisible stone columns jutting out of the ocean. Neither uttered a thing as they continued to fly, but Astrid did let out a slight gasp as they came upon a huge mountain that glowed red in the darkness. Hiccup tilted his head to look at the top, which was smoking slightly, his hardened gaze didn't have a trace of fear on it. Anxiousness maybe and curiosity, but he wasn't afraid of what was going to happen. They had no idea where they were headed, not to mention the fact that they were surrounded by hundreds of dragons who were just flying aimlessly around with their supper. Hiccup felt Astrid's hands switched from gripping his arm to involuntarily encircling his waist altogether. She scooted up along the saddle to stay as close to him as possible. If anyone was going to get them out of here alive, It would have to be him.

A large fissure in the mountain came into view and Toothless soared into it. They both gave a soft cry that echoed in the dark enclosed entrance into the mountain. As they entered, the air turned from chilly to exceedingly hot, the darkness of the night switched to a dull, red glow. There were dragons everywhere in the cracks, along the walls, resting on shelves in the rock, there were thousands of them. "This is it," Hiccup thought. He had no idea how he knew, but it was pretty much evident. That fog they raced through had to have been Helheim's Gate, which meant that this huge rock was the Nest.

"What my dad wouldn't give to find this." Hiccup said. Astrid couldn't help but nod dumbly.

Toothless veered to the left, leading away from the line of incoming dragons, and landed silently on an overhanging rock shelf. He partially hid Hiccup and Astrid behind one of the molded rocks that morphed into the wall a few feet above them. The two humans watched as every single dragon released its catch down into the smoky red depth that made up the center of the hollow mountain.

"Well, its satisfying to know that all of our food has been dumped down a hole." Hiccup sarcastically remarked. They looked up and all around the cave, but not a single dragon had any other food with them. They just flew in, dropped their food, and found a comfortable spot.

That was all they did.

"They're not eating any of it." Astrid announced.

Their attention was suddenly pulled away as a slow, staggering Gronkle flew in. It flew above the hole, or tried to, and promptly barfed up a single, small fish. Seeming pleased with itself, the bulbous dragon scratched itself behind the ear before floating away. However, there was a deep growl, and suddenly the whole cave was silenced. Then, a loud bellow sound made Astrid's and Toothless' ears ring for a second (Hiccup has darklings scream only a few feet away from him, i'd say he's immune to loud noises at this point) before the largest dragon they'd ever seen leapt from the unclear fog around the middle of the mountain, and mercilessly swallow the Gronkle whole, causing Hiccup to gasp loudly and Astrid to freeze, both of them stunned beyond belief.

"Holy Shit!" Hiccup exclaimed before he could stop himself..

"What...is that?" Astrid whispered.

The creature stopped and gave a low snarl, and suddenly Hiccup could feel its eyes searching for them.

"Alright Bud, we gotta get out of here." He said to Toothless.

The large dragon's nostrils twitched, and it's head jerked in their direction. It had found them.

"Now!" Hiccup all but screamed as the thing lunged for them. He caught a glimpse of large fangs, longer than his own body, come at them before Toothless swiftly pulled away. He flew into a flock of dragons trying to escape the dominating monster's wrath. Toothless shot out of the opening at the top of the mountain so fast that Astrid almost lost her hold on Hiccup.

Toothless' den

A little while later

"... No, no it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers and that's their queen! It controls them. We have to find your dad!" Astrid explained.

She easily slid off of Toothless and started running in the general direction Berk was in, but Hiccup had teleported in front of her, taking hold of her arm slightly to stop her.

"No! Not yet. T-they'll kill Toothless, no. Astrid, we have to think this through, carefully." He pleaded.

"Hiccup, we just discovered the Dragon's Nest! The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here! And you want to keep it a secret?" She scoffed, "To protect your pet dragon? Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes!" He firmly stated.

All my arguments faded away into nothing as his endless, onyx-black eyes locked onto hers.

"Ok," She simply said to his answer. However, she wasn't just going to leave it at that. They couldn't just do nothing, they needed a plan. "Then what are we going to do?"

He gave her a tired sigh, but also an answer, "Just…give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out."

Astrid looked thoughtful for a moment before she shot a swift punch to this upper arm, "That's for kidnapping me." She said

Hiccup gave her a perplexed expresssion, like he couldn't believe she'd actually hit him. He turned towards Toothless, and gave a shrug and gestured towards her. Toothless merely jerked his head and gave a snort.

She suddenly leaned closer and pecked him on the cheek.

"That's for..everything else." She said, trying not to break into a smile at his dazed expression. She turned and sprinted towards the village.

Hiccup sighed longingly at her retreating figure until she disappeared into the shadows of the trees. He snapped his fingers, making Toothless' saddle unbuckle and lay itself on a large rock.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Toothless. Hopefully." He teleported back home to think for a while until he went to bed.

The next day

Dragon Training Coliseum

"Finally, I can show my face in public again." Stoick announced to the villagers that were gathered in the coliseum.

"If someone were to tell me my son had made first place in dragon training class, I'd've punched him in the face, laughed at 'im, and sent 'im out to the ocean in a rowboat for good measure." He joked, causing the vikings to laugh.

While he continued his speech, Hiccup stood in the hallway leading into the ring. He was leaning against the wall and seemed deep in thought about his upcoming battle.

"Getting pre-battle jitters?"

He turned around to see Astrid approaching him. He smiled and shook his head. "Screw the battle! I'm worried about what's coming afterwards." He said.

Astrid's eyes softened and she placed her hand on his bicep comfortingly. "Have you thought about what to do?"

He adjusted his arms to where he could wrap his clawed hand around hers. "More-or-less. Listen, I want you to promise me. If anything goes wrong, make sure they don't find Toothless." He pleaded.

"Only if you promise that nothing'll go wrong." She said.

"It's me, remember? Something's bound to screw up." He said with a forced smile. "There's something I want you to have." He said and held out his hand. After his eyes turned black and, after a small 'poof', he held a large double-sided axe that was black in color.

"I never got a chance to name it, so I guess the honor's yours." He muttered bashfully.

Astrid could only stare at the magnificent weapon given to her. It was lighter than what she was used to, but she'd adapt. She looked thoughtful for a moment and came to a decision. She dropped the axe, grabbed the back of Hiccup's head and smashed her lips to his.

The dragon tamer couldn't describe the feeling coursing through his body at that moment. The woman that he'd been crushing on since he got over cooties was kissing him. He could only freeze for the first few seconds, and then wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her back.

Astrid didn't know what had posessed her to do what she did, but she had no regrets, especially when she felt something warm and slippery try to slip past her teeth. She opened her mouth and let her own tongue dance with his.

"Hiccup, it's time te..." Gobber stopped dead in his tracks at the sight before him.

They broke out of their passionate liplock and stared into eachother's eyes. Only to jump out of eachother's grasp when they realized the Belch was standing there with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Yer dad's gonna have a field day with this one." He chuckled as the teenagers faces began resembling red apples with a tufts of hair. "Anyway, it's time for yer final match. Good luck!" He slapped Hiccup on the back and walked out of the hallway.

Hiccup stole another peck from Astrid. "I love you." He whispered before teleporting into the center of the ring, still looking at her.

"I love you, too." She mouthed.

He smiled at her before taking a good look around at all of the vikings who were cheering him on. The ring had been cleared of all the wooden walls used for cover and the only one up was filled with various weapons. He unsheathed Ebony and flexed his claws before looking at his father, dead in the eye, and nodding.

"RELEASE THE NIGHTMARE!" Stoick bellowed. Someone hit the switch and the colossal gates opened, the gates leading out of the ring all closed.

Hiccup popped his neck and looked boringly at the large red Monstrous Nightmare approaching him.

"What the hell am I doin'?" He thought. He approached the flame-bodied dragon until he was only a couple feet away.

"What's he doin'?"

"He might get eaten."

Hiccup ignored their questions and sighed before stabbing Ebony into the ground beside him. "THIS WAR'S GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!" Hiccup shouted loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"He spoke!"

"Hiccup's not mute?" The other teenagers thought.

"Stop the fight!" Stoick ordered.

Hiccup slowly approached the Nightmare with his right hand gently approaching its snout and its yellow eyes softened at the little human.

"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" Stoick shouted and banged his hammer on the rail in front of him.

The Nightmare was startled by the loud noise and its eyes became vicious again.

"Aw shit! Nice going, Dad!" Hiccup yelled to his father. He grabbed Ebony and leapt away from its claws. The Nightmare gave chase to the little human that would probably become its lunch.

Toothless' den

Toothless' ear perked up and he looked around in alarm.

Dragon training coliseum

"Hiccup!" Astrid screamed. She should have known something would have gone wrong. "He pretty much guaranteed that something would happen." She grabbed her new axe and cleaved an X in the cage. She gawked at the broken pieces of the gate and fixed her gaze at the axe. "Screw 'making out'! He's getting sex for this baby." She blurted out as she reexamined the black blades.

Unfortunately, Hiccup heard her.

"Really!" He squeaked, before the Nightmare's tail swatted him to the rail his father had dented. He groaned and shook his head to clear his vision.

"Hiccup, what were you thinking?" Stoick furiously questioned.

"Is now the best time, Dad? Then again, it's not like you're gonna listen to me, anyway." He shot back.

"Hiccup! Argue later, Help NOW!" Astrid demanded as the Nightmare fixated its attention on her.

Hiccup leapt up and sliced a few chains off of the cage above the coliseum. His eyes turned black and the chains wrapped themselves around the Nightmare.

"Astrid, get out! The chains won't hold for long." He shouted. He was proven right when the chains began snapping.

Toothless' den

He could sense it! He felt it in his heart!

His Hiccup was in trouble!

Toothless jumped up the cliff that his rider used to enter the canyon the first day he appeared here. Normally, he wouldn't make it. But he had a different motivation; his rider's safety. His claws dug into the rock and he hauled himself up. Once he was out, he dashed through the woods towards Berk.

Dragon training coliseum

"I'm over here!"

"No, I'm here!"

"Or maybe here!

"No, here!"





Hiccup continuouly shouted 'Here' as he teleported around the ring to confuse the hell out of the Nightmare.

As well as drain his strength.

"Hiccup!" Astrid worriedly exclaimed when he fell on his knee, panting and gasping.

"We're in trouble. *huff* I'm running on empty." He grabbed her and leapt away from the Nightmare's talons.

He landed and had to sit down against the wall, as he felt like he was about to pass out.

"NIGHT FURY!" Someone screamed.

Oh no..." Hiccup gasped. The top of the cage exploded as it was hit by one of Toothless' firebolts. Toothless dove in through the smoking hole and furiously began clawing and biting the Nightmare. They appeared out of the smoke and the other vikings began gathering in the ring to surround him.

"Stop! Don't hurt him." Hiccup pleaded to the other vikings, before his vision blurred and he fell into the depths of unconciousness.


Berk Mead Hall

"I can't believe it... should have known... the signs." Stoick furiously muttered as he paced in front of a bored-looking Hiccup.

"If you'd shut up for a minute, I'd love to explain myself." He offered.

"Mind yer words, boy. Do you remember why i'm called 'chief'?." Stoick rhetorically asked.

"...I don't know. Why? Cause you're a Jackass?" Hiccup snapped. "Listen, dad. I know this looks bad but you've got to listen to me. We've been wrong this entire time. These dragons are forced to steal from us. There's something else on their island and it's huge. If they don't steal from us, they'll be eaten, themselves."

"You've been to the nest? Where is it?" Apparently Stoick only heard 'nest' in his son's rant, wherever the hell it was mentioned.

"Only a dragon can get you there but if you..."

"A dragon! Of course." Stoick made his way to the entrance with his son looking at him incredulously.

"Hello? Dad? Hey, Asshole! I'm talkin' to you. If you go there, you'll die." He screamed.

Stoick froze in his steps and clenched his fists at his sides. "You've thrown in your lot with them. You're not a Viking. You are no son of mine." He said before walking out.

Hiccup scoffed as the doors slammed shut, leaving him in total darkness. "Mom...how in the hell did you fall in love with a man like that?"


Cliff overlooking the Berk Docks

Hiccup watched the ships fade into the sunset. Toothless was restrained onto the lead ship with his father, no, 'the chief' keeping an eye on him.

"Wow, you've made quite a mess, haven't you?"

He turned around to see Astrid, with her new axe strapped to her back, walking up to him.

"You've lost everything, your family, your friend, your tribe..." She started.

"I get it! I lost everything! I should have just killed Toothless when I had the chance. It would've been better for everybody." He grumbled.

"Maybe. But why didn't you?" She asked.

"I-I cou..I couldn't!" He stuttered.

"That's not an answer."

"What does it matter to you, anyway?"

"Because I want to hear and always remember what you say." She reached out to grab both sides of his face. She locked her eyes with his normal green eyes. "What went through your mind that day?" She gently stroked her thumbs on his cheeks to calm him down.

He sighed and placed his hands on hers.

"I wouldn't do it. I looked into his eyes and he was every bit as scared of me as I was of him. I looked at him and saw myself." He whispered. She smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Now what are you gonna do?" She asked.

"Probably something stupid." He replied. He kissed her knuckles and took her closer to the edge of the cliff

"You've already done something stupid." She corrected.

"How about something crazy?" He asked before wrapping his arms around her waist and dropping them both off of the edge. She didn't bother screaming since she knew he wouldn't hurt her. She was proven right when his eyes turned black and they landed on the ground with a soft thud.

"That was interesting." She commented as she looked at how high they fell from.

"You kiddin'? That was nothin'. Head to the village and gather the other trainees. Try to get them to the coliseum. I've got an idea." He ordered. At her nod, he teleported.

Berk Armada

At Helheims gate

The Hooligan armada slowly waded through the misty waters. Stoick paid close attention to the movements of the Night Fury.

"Soon, we'll be rid of these beasts." He thought. He couldn't help but let his mind wander to his son's words

"Is now the best time, Dad? Then again, it's not like you're gonna listen to me, anyway."

"Hello? Dad? Hey, Asshole! I'm talkin' to you."

When was the last time he had actually sat down and talked with his boy. He, then, realized that he knew next to nothing about Hiccup and he was supposed to be his father.

"Once the nest has been taken care of, i'll make it up to him...somehow." He stopped that train of thought when Gobber approached.


Dragon Training Coliseum

"Well, that was easy." Hiccup sarcastically grumbled as he slammed the dragon's cages close.

"Hey, Wimpy!" Snotlout shouted to get his cousin's attention.

Hiccup turned around to see Astrid leading Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins into the arena.

Berk Armada

The ships came to a stop at an island with a gigantic volcano.

Stoick took note of Toothless' terrified state and jumped off of the boat. He took a look around and spotted a Nadder's tail disappear over a ledge.

"It's here!" He exclaimed. The others cheered and began grabbing long logs and carving stakes out of them. They also began putting together catapults and hauling large stones.


Dragon Training Coliseum

"If you're planning on getting eaten I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." Fishlegs said as we all stood in front of a black-eyed Hiccup, who was about to let out the Monstrous Nightmare.

"You were right to seek help from the world's most dangerous weapon." Tuffnut said getting in Hiccup's face.

"Uh…" He began.

"It's me. Plus you saved my sister's life, we're square now." Tuff deadpanned.

"I'm the one that can move things with his mind, ya dumbass." Hiccup thought.

Snotlout shoved Tuffnut out of the way, "I love this plan." He blurted. The half-mad look in his eye told Hiccup differently.

Ruffnut shoved him out of the way.

"You're crazy! I like it!" She flirtatiously whispered.

"Please no!" He mentally begged when he realized she was flirting.

Astrid heard her and pulled her away by her hair.

"So what's the plan?" She asked with Ruffnut was out of the way.

Hiccup smiled and the cage holding the Monstrous Nightmare opened.

He adopted a sinister look and hovered backwards, disappearing into the shadows.

The kids jumped as Hiccup came out, his hand so close to the Monstrous Nightmare, it was amazing that it hadn't bitten his hand off yet.

Snotlout's first impulse was to try to kill it and he nearly did by picking up a nearby broken spear but Astrid stopped him before he could.

Hiccup grabbed his wrist.

"Wait what're you…" He began, terrified.

"It's okay." Hiccup said not looking at him. "It's okay."

He led his hand towards the Monstrous Nightmare. Soon he found himself with his hand on its snout. Hiccup stepped back and the Montrous Nightmare turned to him. He laughed, totally amazed and feeling pretty awesome at the moment. Fear came back when Hiccup walked away.

"Wait where're you goin'?" He exclaimed.

"You're all going to need something to hold on." Hiccup said taking out a bunch of rope.

"All?" They thought. Then they turned around to see all of the other dragons.

"Astrid, help them get acquainted and get going. I've got something to grab."

"Aren't you coming with?" Tuffnut asked.

Hiccup looked up at the darkening lightning-filled sky then back at them.

"My ascension draws near, plus i've already been there so I can teleport there in a second. Go help the tribe and tell my dad that we're gonna have a little talk where i'll be speaking and he's gonna shut up and listen." He said and vanished before they could say anything back.

Gobber's Blacksmith shop

Hiccup appeared near his workdesk and turned to the wrapped bundle against the wall. He adjusted Ebony's sheath to where it was at his left hip.

"It's time, Obsidian." He said before grasping the rod wrapped in red leather. He yanked the item and swung it to rid it of the cloth, revealing a large, black broadsword (Zack Fair's Buster Sword from FFVII). He sighed before teleporting out of the shop an back to the empty arena. He stabbed Obsidian into the ground and sat down, indian style, leaning against it.

Dragon's nest

"When we break open this mountain, all Hell will break loose." Stoick announced. He raised his arm and brought it down. The catapults all began flinging large rocks into the mountain. After several minutes, the mountain was breached. Stoick walked up to the crack, his hammer at the ready. He held up his hand again and the rear catapult launghed a fireball into the crack to illuminate it. Stoick beheld the sight of hundreds of Nightmares, Nadders, and Gronkles. He screamed and charged forward, startling them. He swatted his hammer at them only for them to ignore him and focus on flying the hell out of there.

"What the hell?" He muttered when the last dragon took off into the sky.

"Is that it?" Gobber asked.

Stoick studied the Night Fury's terrified posture as it tried to get away.

"No! It's not over! EVERYONE GET READY!" He yelled to the vikings. He was proven to have good judgement when the crack in the mountain expanded and something burst out of it.

"There's something else on their island and it's huge. If they don't steal from us, they'll be eaten, themselves." Hiccup's words echoed through Stoick's head.

"By Odin, What've I done?" He muttered. The monster before him was colossal, greyish-green and blue in color. Huge jaws that could tear one of his ships in half. Muscular arms and legs with savage-looking talons and horns atop its head. Its tail had a spiked club on its tip, similar to a Gronkle's.

The dragon's tyrant queen, The Red Death.

"Attack!" He shouted. The catapults began firing and the stones only bounced off of her hardened skin. She retaliated by breathing a huge plume of flames that incinerated several ships.

"Fall back, get to the east side of the island." Stoick ordered. Gobber stood beside him.

"So what's the plan?" He asked.

"I'll divert its attention to buy you some time. You gather everyone ye can and get to the east side of the island." He stopped when he felt Gobber grab his hand.

"Then I'll double that time." He said.

They didn't realize it due to the fog, but the skies above them began to darken and lightning crackled through it.


Dragon training coliseum

The skies over the coliseum opened to allow a beam of light to pass through and illuminate Hiccup's still form. He opened his eyes and screamed as he slowly hovered into the air. Lightning struck his body and slithered into his black eyes. His hair grew longer, until it reached his mid back. And just like that, it stopped. He fell to the ground and kneeled, his hair obscuring his face. He then slowly stood and a smirk broke out on his face. He grabbed Obsidian and placed it on his back before disappearing in a burst of white smoke.

Dragon's nest

"Down here, you overgrown lizard."

"Eat me, you conniving snake."

Gobber and Stoick continued to yell insults to gather the beast's attention.

She decided to divert her attention to Stoick. She roared and lowered her head to eat him.

The Red Death was interrpted by a fireball impacting with the side of her head.

"Get away from my uncle!" Someone shouted.

The Vikings turned to where the fireball came from and were absolutely floored by the sight.

There were all of the teenage trainees on the back of a training dragon.

"LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON DRAGONS!" Tuffnut shouted to the adult vikings.

Stoick and Gobber stood perplexed at the sight of the children riding on the dragon's backs.

"Yer lad's stubborness may've come from his ma." Gobber commented.

Stoick could only nod dumbly.

The Red Death furiously began breathing torrents of flames at the dragon riders and one rather large plume of fire at Gobber and Stoick.

Neither had enough time to scream as the flames approached. They were suddenly yanked off their feet before the fires could touch them. They were roughly dropped to the ground a few yards away from where they once stood. They both looked up to see Hiccup's tattoo staring them in the face. Stoick looked higher up and locked eyes with his son's angry green.

"Hiccup...I'm sorry." He whispered.

Hiccup held his angered glare for a moment before sighing and closing them. He turned back to his father with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"We're gonna have a long talk once I kill this ugly bitch." He pointed Obsidian at the queen. Stoick looked at the large blade in Hiccup's hand and at his longer hair. It meant that he had succeeded in his ascension.

"I-I'm proud to call you my son. And your mother would be even more so." He said and took Hiccup's hand.

"I know, Dad." He said.

"You don't have to go up there." Stoick said, motioning to the Red Death. She was currently fighting off the other dragon's and their riders.

"We're vikings, dad. It's an occupational hazard." He said with a smirk. He then turned around to face the queen. His furious eyes turned black as he glared at the monstrosity before him. "Go free Toothless." He said before leaping at the queen, drawing Ebony with his left hand in the process.

Stoick nodded and headed for the boat that held the captive dragon.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked when he flew by her.

"Back off! She's mine!" He yelled to the others.

He held Obsidian up and brought it down, only for the Red Death to catch it in between her teeth. She flung him away and attempted to snap him with her jaws. Hiccup continued to hack away with his blades only for them to clang against her armored skin. With one mighty swing, he struck Ebony against the queen's snout and leapt away by a few yards. He re-sheathed Ebony and held Obsidian underhanded as the Red Death approached. He jumped and, with both hands, slammed Obsidian on her snout. He used the strike to get airborne and landed a few hits as he went higher.

"Hrrrrrr!" He grunted as he held the blade against the queen's snout. He leapt off and spun in the air, creating a white aura around his body and slamming his sword on her snout, once more, with ampilfied strength. The queen screeched as she was sent to the ground. Hiccup did multiple aerial flips and landed gracefully on his feet.

"Your move." He thought as he glared at the queen.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as a familiar screech sounded behind him. He turned around to get a face full of dragon tongue. "Toothless! I'm happy to see you, too." He sputtered as he managed to get his friend to stop licking him.

They were pulled out of their moment when the queen gave off a horrible squeal/roar and stretched her hideous wings. Hiccup paid close attention to the blue and orange flames building up in her mouth.

"Her final attack. It's gonna be huge." Hiccup thought as the queen's wings took her into the sky.

"Toothless, I know this is a lot to ask, but I have ascended and I want you too as well." Hiccup stated as he locked his eyes with his dragon's. Toothless nodded his approval and obediantly sat down. Hiccup made a cut on his left hand,using the claw to make a cut on Toothless' front paw as well. White smoke surrounded the blood on Hiccup's hand,he then placed his bleeding hand on Toothless' cut and they were both surrounded with a white aura.

Toothless went through a metamorphasis. His body thinned, making him sleeker, meaning more maneuverability and speed. Another pair of wings grew beneath the already existing ones. His claws extended and sharpened, His horns narrowed and grew longer, as they shaped themselves to look like devil's horns. His tail fin regenerated and a third grew on the top of the tail, along with a pair of pincer-like appendages. To finish the change off; his eyes were black, matching his rider's.

"Say goodbye to the Night Fury and hello to the Midnight Wrath." Hiccup announced as the transformation finished. He suddenly grunted in pain and grasped his left forearm. It was covered in the white mist for a moment, then it cleared. His left arm was now covered in black scales, similar to Toothless. His fingernails were inch-long black claws that glimmered in the light of the aura around them. His knuckles were covered by the same black bony substance as his claws. He looked at his forearm to see five black spikes protruding from the bottom of it.

"Midnight Wrath? I like it." A voice in his head complimented. Hiccup looked at Toothless like he had grown two heads.

"Did you just talk?" He asked.

"Only you can hear us, my brother." The voice, now confirmed to be Toothless, stated.

"Alrighty then! Sit tight for a minute, buddy. I'll handle the royal bitch." Hiccup said and turned to the rising queen.

He noticed his father standing on top of a large rock several yards away. Smirking, Hiccup leapt from his position and towards his father.

Stoick grabbed his son's dragonic hand. "Alley-oop!" He shouted as he spun his son around once before slingshotting him up to the queen. Hiccup struck twice before gravity took him back down. He used Obsidian to block the Queen's foot as she tried to kick him into the ground.

He saw Fishlegs on his Gronkle, swinging his hammer and he smiled once he realized what his friend had planned. He flipped himself around and Fishlegs swung his weapon as soon as Hiccup landed on it.

"Level up!" He shouted as Hiccup kicked off the hammer.

"Claim her throne, Black warrior." A gravelly voice said. He assumed it was the Gronkle.

The Queen continued to rise as Hiccup slowly caught up with her.

Hiccup felt something grab the back of his shirt and turned his head to see Tuffnut smiling at him on his Zippleback head, his sister sat on the other.

"There you go!" He shouted as he threw Hiccup slightly higher.

He saw Ruffnut on her dragon head below him and she grasped his foot to give him leverage.

"Slice her apart, Hot stuff!" She shouted as he leapt off her hands.

"Strike true, Savior." The Zippleback said in dual voices.

He focused his vision on the Queen to see the flames in her mouth increasing in fervor.

He noticed Snotlout on his Monstrous Nightmare.

"Fly!" Snotlout shouted as he grabbed Hiccup's hand and threw him upward, giving him more speed.

"May the winds of fortune guide you, Magician." The Nightmare said.

He finally saw Astrid atop her deadly Nadder and he grasped her hand with his own before locking their lips for a moment.

"No giving up!" She said before throwing him higher than any of the others.

"End this war, Swordsman!" The female voice of the Nadder demanded.

Hiccup flew upwards and the white aura surrounded him as he approached the Queen.

She opened her mouth all the way and fired the biggest fireball he'd ever seen at the island.

"I gotta stop it or everyone's dead." Hiccup firmly grasped Obsidian's hilt and held the blade in front of his body as he entered the fireball.

Astrid's Nadder landed next to the others as the fireball approached.

"Come on, Hiccup!" She mentally pleaded.

Hiccup's vision began to haze as the heat got to him. It all suddenly faded to white and a female figure filled his vision. The figure wore the garb of a valkyrie, golden armor and white underclothes. Her dark hair seemed to be made of silk. Her eyes were an emerald green filled with infinite wisdom.

"Mom?" He thought as he reached out his dragonic hand. The figure's own hand grasped his and he felt a comfortable warmth fill his veins.

"Ready?" His mother's voice playfully asked.

Hiccup shot out of the fireball and it split in half before vanishing altogether. He locked his black eyes with the Queens sickly blue.

"DAMN YOU, DEVIL!" The screeching voice of the Queen echoed in his head.

"Consider yourself dethroned." He muttered before slipping past her head and stabbing Obsidian into her neck. He grabbed the hilt and ran along her back, dragging the sword through her scales and inner flesh. The blade left a trail of white flames that began desintegrating the scales around it.

With a mighty scream, Hiccup yanked Obsidian out as he reached the tip of her tail. She fell to the earth, but she was devoured by the white fires before she could impact with the island, which was filled with cheers of victory by Hiccup's tribe.

Hiccup felt himself lifted by his newly named Midnight Wrath friend before gravity pulled him down.

"We did it, Buddy." He rasped. Exhaustion began taking effect as the adrenaline faded from his system.

"No! You did it, my brother." Toothless' voice soothed him as he fell into the comforting embrace of unconciousness, Obsidian slipped from his limp grip and dropped down to the earth below.

Toothless glided down to where his rider's tribe awaited them. Once he landed, he was almost immediately greeted to the sight of Hiccup's father. He glared at the large human as memories of what Hiccup told him about his past and for the fact that he had him chained to a damn boat.

"Is he alright?" He asked. Toothless turned his head back and bit down on Hiccup's pant's waistline. He lifted him up and into Stoicks arms.

He began looking his son over, finding only a few cuts and small burns, finally, Stoick threw off his helmet and pressed his ears to his son's chest. Hearing a heartbeat, he began crying.

"He's alive! Hiccup's alive!" Stoick cried out to the gathered Vikings. They all erupted into cheers and threw their helmets to the sky in celebration.

Stoick glanced at Toothless and recieved a green-eyed glare in return. He sighed, "Thank you...for saving him."

Toothless' eyes softened, as if saying "You're welcome" and he returned his attention to his rider's mate who had Hiccup wrapped in her arms. Obsidian landed on a boulder behind them, casting a shadow on Hiccup's unconscious form.


Chief's house

Some time later

Hiccup's eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light.

"Aw damn! What happened last night?" He thought. He pulled himself up to get a better look around.

He was in his room...

... and Toothless was staring at him from the foot of the bed.

"Toothless!" He managed to squeak out before his friend pounced on him and proceeded to lick all over him.

"Hiccup, I was so worried. You were asleep for so long."

"I'm alright, Buddy. It's okay." He laughed as he managed to push his head away.

Toothless jumped around the house, the rafters creaked slightly from his weight.

"Come outside! There's something you've gotta see!" He screeched as he frantically motioned to the door.

Hiccup raised an eyebrow and threw the covers off, showing that he still wore his black pants and boots. He grabbed Obsidian and moved to open the door. Upon opening it, he was treated to the sight of a Monstrous Nightmare. He slammed the door faster than anyone could blink and fixed his gaze on Toothless. "Stay here, Buddy!" He ordered. He opened the door and leapt onto his porch with Obsidian propped on his shoulder, only to freeze when he saw Snotlout on the Nightmare's back.

"Come on, guys!" He shouted and was followed by Fishlegs on his Gronkle and the Thorston twins on their Zippleback.

The left Zippleback head glanced at Hiccup and it eyes widened. "The Savior awakes!" He heard it scream and the other dragons focused their attention on him. He then noticed that there were large bowls full of fish in the center of the village. There were all kinds of dragons; Zipplebacks, Nadders, Gronkles, Terrors, and Nightmares flying all around the village and walking around like they owned the place.

"Hiccup's awake!" Someone shouted. Hiccup raised a brow as the tribe approached him and began showering him with praise. He couldn't help but unconsciously grip Obsidian firmly. How long had he waited to be praised as a hero? How long has he been treated like a plague or a nuisance? Now he was heralded as a hero, by his tribe and the dragons. He was nearly bowled over when all the dragons, Toothless included, kneeled to him with their heads to the ground.

"My Liege." They all thought simultaneously.

"What?" He squeaked.

"I'm assumin' that since you killed the tyrant, you're their new ruler." Stoick bellowed as he slapped his hand on his boy's shoulder.

Hiccup could only imitate a fish out of water and he was stopped by a fist to his shoulder.

"Ow?" He asked when he turned to his beloved Astrid.

"That was for scaring me!" She poked him in the chest.

"Are you freakin' kidding me? Is it always gonna be like this? Cause if it is...Mmm?" He was interrupted by Astrid's lips covering his.

"...I could get used to it." He nonchalantly said when she pulled away.

"Hiccup?" Toothless asked. He turned around to see his Midnight Wrath walk up to him with a new saddle on his back.

"I threw in a little "Hiccup flair" to it. Ye like?" Gobber boasted as he patted the saddle.

"I might tweak it a bit." Hiccup joked as he jumped on his dragon's back. "Alright, Let's rock!" He yelled and all the dragons took off into the sky.

He smirked when his friends stayed beside him on their own dragons, Astrid to his right and Snotlout on his left.

This is Berk. An island a few degrees south of "freezing to death". It rains nine months out of the year and hails the other three. The food that grows here is tough and tasteless and the people that grow here are even more-so. But everywhere else they have pets like ponies, or dogs, or cats. We have...


Hiccup stared at the camera and his eyes turned black. He drew Obsidian and slashed...

That's a wrap, Everyone. I have officially finished my very first completed story. Please review and tell me how you feel about it. Depending on your reviews, i'll decide on how soon I get to work on the sequel, Black Covenant: Second Strike. I know, the title sucks but unless I get anything better, that's what i'm sticking with for the time being.

See ya!