omg. guys. im not even gonna ask for forgiveness. but i am sorry. really. I SUCK. LIKE REalLY SUCK. AND. this chapter's so short. but i posted it so you would know im alive. but you might be so mad you might not want me to be. sorry sorry sorry sorry. BLAME SCHOOL. AND SPEECH TEAM. AND. MatH. SAJFDLK. BY. SORRY. UGH again sorry.

A small tint of red hovered over Kagome's cheeks, realizing what the boy had said. She put her hand behind her head and stuttered, "Y-you really th-think so…?"

The boy's eye's got wide as he nodded excitedly, a blush still strewn across his features. He managed to stand up beside her, being awkwardly still, not quite sure what to say next.

"Thanks." Kagome smiled brightly at the young lad, sensing his discomfort. Her hand fell back down as she held it out to him in greeting, "My name's Kagome," she said warmly, "What's yours?"

The boy's mouth opened a couple times, as if he was speaking but couldn't quite get the words out. The miko waited on him patiently, beginning to understand his timid demeanor. After a few seconds of pulling himself together, the shy boy grabbed her hand and mumbled, "Oh, i-it's Finny, M-miss Kagome."

"Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Finny!" she said excitedly, her smile warming as she let go of his hand. Kagome's attention was drawn back and she focused on the group of three as a whole. They all seemed very nice and welcoming, much different than Sebastian had been when she had first arrived; even to how he treated her now.

Especially now. She thought back to how he had been ignoring her ever seen she had revealed her origins…. Why? Did he believe that she was lying and was angry? No, he was much too smart to think that. And anyways, why was she getting so worked up about this? She shouldn't care. No! She didn't care. That's right, if he was going to act like a child she would ju-

"You would what, Kagome?" The butler's voice broke her train of thought. She looked up, surprised to see Sebastian's face much too close to her face. Red flushed her cheeks as she backed away dramatically.

"W-wait! Was I talking out loud?" Kagome stuttered out, embarrassed.

The butler's brows rose as he remarked in a bored tone, "It would seem so." After studying the miko's mortified expression for a short moment, he turned towards the trio and looked at them expectantly, "I trust you did as instructed?"

Bard's eye twitched as a long, awkward pause took hold of the atmosphere. He scratched his head, nervously laughing while avoiding eye contact with the demon, "Well, you see…. He – uh – sort of left the country before we could track him down."

Sebastian stepped up a bit closer, leaning in with a wicked smile on his face, "You, what?"