Flashback: 33 years ago

Marianna Vraindöttir ran, as if her life depended on it. To be fair, it probably did. She was running from her father, who intended to marry her off, to a rich merchant from Svartalfheim, the former home of the Dark Elves. This merchant is a tall, cruel man who disrespects woman as if they were only ornaments useful for one thing, bearing children.

Her father intended to use their marriage to gain political influence in other realms beside Asgard. But she could not marry this merchant, for it might kill her, and were she to have a child; she feared that her child would become the same. So Marianna ran. Her father's hunting dogs were on her trail, catching up, and she knew she would not last long before she was caught.

Running through the paved, gilded streets of Asgard, Marianna quickly managed to find herself lost. She did not recognize the trees, or the path she was on, which began to glimmer like the rainbow. Following the path, she found herself on a bridge. At the end was a golden dome. "The Bifrost" she breathed. Maybe she had a chance to escape Asgard, for good, to escape her doomed marriage, and find peace in another realm.

Heimdall saw her coming, and prepared the portal, for he also knew why she had come. No woman deserved her fate. She continued to run, and eventually stood in front of the Gatekeeper. He nodded at her, and said "Approach, Marianna Vraindöttir, and I shall send you to a place where he cannot find you." "Thank you." The Guardian nodded and motioned for her to pass. As she stood inside the Bifrost, she looked around and Heimdall placed his sword inside the slot that activated the portal. She looked at the Guardian, and he said "I shall watch you Marianna Vraindöttir, be safe amongst the stars." With that he activated the portal and she was sucked into the swirling rainbow light.

Her eyes closed and she braced herself for what she expected to be a hard landing. The impact was almost instantaneous. She landed on a beach. It was nighttime, but she was not on Asgard. There were no dogs barking, nor were there any men chasing her. She was alone, or so she thought. She did not notice the man who had seen the bright light approach her from behind; she didn't even know he was here until he spoke. "Excuse me, Miss, are you alright?" She whirled around, ready to run, but she did not recognise the man, so she lowered her defence. She stared at him, until he repeated the question. "Are you alright?" Marianna responded. "Yes, I believe so, but if you would kind sir, would you tell me where I am, I'm afraid I don't really remember how I got here, and I do not like not knowing where I am?" "Well, good lady, you are on a beach, just outside of Malibu, California, in the good old USA." "And the planet?" "The planet? Wow, you are lost! Um, well you're on Earth, also known as Midgard to some ancient religion. If I may, what is your name?" "Midgard, did you say. Thank you kind sir, in such case, my name is Lady Marianna Vraidöttir, and if I may ask, kind sir, what is your name?" "Well, Lady Marianna, my name is Howard Stark, and while I am not a lord, I would ask you if you would like to stay in my home for as long as you like with me. And since you seem almost unfamiliar with where you are, I would also be happy to personally show you around this wonderful planet we call home." Marianna smiled at the man, and said "Thank you Mr. Stark, I would like that."