AN: Hey guys. *smiles sheepishly, while hiding behind couch* I know it's been a while since I've updated, but hopefully now that i've finished most of the plot, things should go a lot faster, my goal is to finish this story before the next school year. So i've come to some important decisions. There will not be a pairing in this story. If- and that's if- I decided to do a sequel and not just oneshots there might be a pairing, but for now, i just want to finish this without complications.
Thank you all so much for the reviews, you guys seriously give me a reason to live... okay not really, but they do make my day:)
Okay, so I'm going to do a little rant now, and review if you understand what i'm getting at.
While I was writing this chapter, I deleted so many parts and rewrote so many scenes. Seriously, have them time I was writing this, it was me banging my head against the wall, trying to jog that creative brain of mine. Not even to mention that tomorrow is end of term for me and I am working like crazy to get everything done. That and soccer season just started and i am on 2 team. TWO, ya hear me! *Banging Head onto the table* My. life. sucks... Deep breaths. Inhale, Exhale. Okay, calm now.
*Cheery Voice with annoying smile* R&R Please!
Chapter 6
Captain America/Steve Rogers POV
Jackson had just left him to go fight Thor and Steve was trying to get ahold of Romanov so she could patch them through to Coulson.
Stark… Well Stark was still unconscious. Jarvis had told Steve that his vital signs were normal, but he had retained some external injuries. Other than that he was fine.
Steve was thankful Stark hadn't sustained any critical injuries, but when it came to Jackson, Steve didn't know what to think. He was leaving a teenager to fight the god of thunder.
He considered going back out to fight, but that would mean leaving Stark undefended, not to mention that they still had no idea where Loki was.
Finally after some static, he heard Agent Romanov's voice.
"This is Agent Natasha Romanov" He heard her calmly state in his ear.
"This is Captain Rogers. We- well we caught up to Thor, but Agent Jackson is currently trying to subdue him. He told me to get ahold of Coulson."
He swore he heard her mutter 'self-sacrificing fool' but decided not to pay too much attention to it.
"Give me your coordinates and I'll come pick you up after I patch you through to Coulson."
Quickly, Steve listed off the data, and waited for Coulson to come on.
Percy POV
As soon as Percy stepped into the Thunder god's line of sight, he was shown no mercy. He ducked as an oncoming hammer was thrown in his direction, and then crashed in a tree. Not waiting for his hammer to come back to him, Thor charged Percy.
Percy was eerily reminded of his first run in with the Minotaur, and decided it would be fitting to use the same tactic here as he did back then.
Quickly he ducked out of the way of Thor's arms, allowing the god to crash into the trees. He had no idea of how to defeat Thor without using his powers, or at least his extra demigod senses and strength.
Once again, but this time with hammer in hand, Thor charged the Agent. This time though instead of dodging, he had seen Thor coming to late and was forced to block.
Locked at the arms, Percy and Thor continued to brawl.
"Thor, I am not your enemy. Give me a chance to explain." Percy tried to reason with the god.
"Explain what, Mortal? Explain the fact that you tricked me with your smooth words and reasonable advice, only to wait for the man of stripes and stars to attack me!" He said, his voice rising with every word.
(Percy would've laughed at the "Man of stripes and stars" if the situation hadn't been so dire.)
"Well you know it's not like you were in a non-threating position" He drawled sarcastically.
With a grunt the god managed to throw Percy of him.
"How art thou so strong Mortal?" He said bewildered but still menacingly.
"Yeah 'cuz SHIELD just loooves normal, weakling, people. I would think me being a little more than mortal would be obvious" Percy replied with a snort.
"Well it is no matter; you will feel the wrath of an Asguardian"
Feel your wrath? Please take a number, the line starts over there with Kronos and Gaea.
Phil Coulson POV
Coulson's phone started to ring, interrupting his effort to do paperwork. Hurriedly he snapped open his phone and put it to his ear.
"This is Coulson speaking, who is this?"
"Coulson, this is Captain Rogers. We managed to capture Loki, but Thor has taken him, Agent Jackson is now attempting to pacify him…."
A large CRASH! Sounded through the phone causing him to wince, moving the phone away from his ear.
"And he said that you would be able to give me a piece of information that would be able to aid us in getting Thor's trust."
As soon as Phil heard Steve's request he almost laughed out loud. As much as he wanted to help his childhood hero, Phil knew that he needed to let Percy fight his own battles and confront his past. With this in mind he told the Captain 2 words before quickly hanging up on him, and getting back to his paperwork,
He almost chuckled as he thought about the 2 words he had said. Oh man, Percy's going to kill me.
Steve's/Captain America's POV
Steve was bewildered. How was that going to help them earn Thor's trust? Why would Coulson tell Agent Jackson to Reveal yourself?
Percy POV
Percy knew that he couldn't hold out much longer. At least, not without slipping up and showing who he was.
He was lucky that it had been so long since he had interacted with the thunder god, but he was conflicted. Tired of all the running and secrecy he's had to deal with for the past 2 years, but he also felt as though he had to protect everybody.
Maybe I should come back?
You know why we can't
But it hasn't happened in a while
There's still the risk you lose control
There are those who could help me
Yeah….help and then die!
But I'm sick of hiding. I miss them all.
And you'll miss them when they're dead, all because YOU lost control!
It won't happen
Can you ensure that?
With this the mental disagreement ended, of course being confined in your thoughts is not the best way to win a battle, For while Percy was thinking he had been forced to lose his ground. Thor attacked ferociously. He punched Percy in the jaw, followed up by a right hook to the stomach with Mjolnir. He spun and elbowed Percy in the chest, forcing him against a tree.
"I knew SHIELD was not the best group of mortal men, but sending a youngling to face their battles is on a whole different scale of mortal idiocy."
Percy managed to get a snarky comeback, despite the hammer forced against his neck.
"Well who's the more pathetic; the agency that sends the 'youngling' to fight, or the thunder god that has a hard time holding his own against the youngling?"
As soon as he said his piece he kneed the god where Artemis likes to put her arrows, and pushed the hammer off his neck, then he jerked it towards the tree, causing Thor to lose his balance and tumble forward.
"Jackson!" Rogers came into the clearing. He looked panicked and confused. "Coulson said to 'reveal yourself'!"
Holy Apollo's red cows! Is Coulson freaking kidding me!
Thor regained his footing and charged. Percy simply moved to the side and pushed against Thor's hammer, putting him off balance once again.
"Tell that son of a gorgon to get his head out of his Podex and get Thor to trust us!"
Rogers sounded exasperated as he shouted "I can't! He hung up!"
Thor added his own little piece of advice.
"Shut up, Mortals, and fight."
Percy just looked condescendingly at him.
"Dude, can't you see that I'm trying to have a conversation here?" He turned back towards Steve, but paused and turned back to Thor
"Oh, and get rid of the 'mortals' insult. It's getting old."
At that time, Thor just broke. He was done with this annoying child who was so laid back; it drove him to near the point of insanity. He threw all cares of ancient rules to the side.
"Well, how about this, you are just a pawn in SHIELD's great plan. Do you know what they've done? They care no more for you than to use as a means to an end. Humans are corrupt by nature, why should you be any different?"
It was only after Thor saw the look on Percy's face that he realized he had made a huge mistake. A very huge mistake.
AN: So I hope you got at least enough fight to pacify you, but believe me, the real power display come next chapter. I don't know when I'll have time to update, but don't lose hope i will finish this story. In the meantime check out a new idea I had for a story. It's should be on my profile by tomorrow, and if it isn't check out my favs, some of the authors really amaze me with their creative ideas.