Summary: Sequel to the second series of the Kuroshitsuji anime.
After growing frustrated with his young master as a demon, Sebastian killed him, or he thought he did. Now, in present day London he meets someone called Ciel that resembles his young master exactly.
November 2012
The demon that went under the name Sebastian licked the last of the blood off his lips as he stood enjoying the taste, on a bustling street corner in London. He had just completed a contract and taken the soul which had unfortunately been a little substandard for his tastes. It had been a simple contract, much to his relief; he never wanted to the repeat the mess that contracting with a certain boy had caused. He was glad that it was dark so no one passing by would notice he had a trace of blood around his mouth. The lights of the city bathed the streets in an orange glow which distorted all visible colours so it was unlikely that the blood would be spotted.
As he was enjoying the faint aftertaste of the soul he had just digested, a new tantalising taste assailed his nostrils and he inhaled deeply, wondering what it was. As if to explain, a pedestrian walked into him and tripped over onto the ground in front of him.
Sebastian blinked in surprise before extending a hand to the person who he observed was a young male teenager dressed in a pair of black jeans and a plain navy blue hooded top with the hood down. The boy accepted his hand and Sebastian pulled him up and then saw the boy's face properly and promptly gasped.
The face resembled one of his former masters, Ciel Phantomhive exactly from skin colour to hair length.
The boy had a pale face, blue grey hair with a long fringe that partially covered a black fabric eye patch. The other eye was a cerulean blue which was looking at him puzzledly.
"Uh, sorry for walking into you and thanks for helping," he said and dusted off his jeans before turning to walk away.
Sebastian found that the voice was exactly the same although the words were not something that he would have associated with Ciel Phantomhive as they held a different cadence. In addition he could not imagine the Earl saying "thanks" or even thanking anyone for anything at all.
"Wait," he called out to the boy, unsure whether he was seeing and hearing right and wanting to check if it really was his young master. After all the boy had not reacted to seeing him at all.
The boy turned back, with a confused look on his face. "Yes."
"What is your name?"
If the name was something completely different then he would leave him alone. If it wasn't then… he didn't know what he would do.
The boy frowned which was a sensible reaction to being asked what his name was by a stranger.
"Ciel. I'm not telling a complete stranger my full name though."
Ciel ran off and so did the smell that had been taunting Sebastian's senses.
The scent of the boy's soul. The scent matched the smell of Ciel Phantomhive's soul just before he had attempted to take it on the island.
Was he being provided with a second chance to take it?
A mess of events had concluded with him killing any chance he had at taking the soul as he had literally killed his master.
For anyone about to complain that I killed Ciel off, how is the reincarnation supposed to occur if he never died?