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![]() Author has written 32 stories for Angel Beats!/エンジェルビーツ, Inuyasha, Blood+, Naruto, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Elfen Lied, Blood-C, Higurashi/Umineko series, and Monster. I should talk a little bit about myself. I have been site for several years now. Truthfully I have encountered this site by accident and have loved it ever since! That was a coincidence that I don't regret! However, I didn't develop an account until my friend advised me too after seeing my many ideas for fanfics (as I do have as published stories). At first, I was pretty skeptical because I thought there'll be a fee every month. I didn't have money to be throwing around like that every month when there are other stuff I want a little more. Plus, I was cheap. But I finally got around my skepticism an created my Fanfiction Account, and that's another decision I regretted not doing sooner! Anyway, I'm a pretty reserved and socially awkward person. I love reading and writing (if I didn't I wouldn't be here). I'm not that picky, as I'm generally very open-minded and fair person. When it comes to anime, I like flawed, funny, and complex characters, which explains why some of my favorite characters are probably one of the least popular and/hated characters in their series. Or at the very least, not as popular as they should be. Memorable, but not popular. That said, I absolutely despise generic characters! I don't mind them being there to just to be an observer, but if they are supposed to contribute to the plot, or worse, be one of the main protagonist of an anime, I hate them more than I hate characters I'm supposed to hate, like Naraku (Inuyasha). This is probably one of the reasons why I dislike Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). I don't hate Madoka, as I find her cute and I love her innocent personality. I just dislike her. Like I said, I hate generic characters, and Madoka is the perfect example of an unbelievable, unrealistic, and generic character. Madoka seems to be the mary-sue of the Madoka Magica universe. That's enough of that. I'm fairly blunt and straightforward as I don't like sugar coat things. I do believe anyone who created an account, and especially, written a few stories should be able to handle criticism, and should know the difference between constructive criticism and a flame. However, I usually don't be so blunt in my stories because...it'll take away all the fun o writing them. Hehehe! Hi, I feel like I should explain more about myself. I'm not saying too much. More like explaining more about my stories. Well, I LOVE writing stories about OCs! And I love reading about them to, especially if it's an OC paired up with one of my favorite characters! Well, as long as they aren't mary-sues or gary-stus. I love to see a characters reaction to an OC. I mostly read stories that have my favorite pairings, and mostly stay away from my disliked pairings, (see below), unless the story and plot are really, REALLY good. But there's one pairing I absolutely loathe is Inuyasha/Kagome from Inuyasha. I'll never...repeat NEVER read an Inuyasha/Kagome fanfic ever! And if you ask me why I hate the pairing so much, then I'm just going to ask you why you love them so much? Is it becomes you love the way Kagome whines and complains when she doesn't get what she wants?! Hmm?! Hmm?! I found out that most people only like her because 'oh, she has sexy legs!', and that's sick! I'm tired of Kagome being the main character of about 70% of the overall Inuyasha fanfics and crossovers. She isn't special, at all. Nothing is special about her. I bet nobody noticed, but Kagome really is a mary-sue character. You won't see it cause she's a canon character. But if you were to replace her with an OC, you'll definitely say she's a mary-sue character. She has all the aspects of one. That's why I hate her so much! She's so...mary-sue! She's the only character from Inuyasha that has no character development whatsoever throughout the whole damn anime, too, and that's one of the aspects of being mary-sue. I believe that's why people easily pair her up with so many other characters because she's a mary-sue. If you don't see it, then you are in TOTAL denial. The special person in Inuyasha is Sango. She's the only character out of the group that doesn't have demonic powers, or spiritual powers, and yet she can still hold her own way better than Kagome. Enough with my ranting, if you have a problem with my extreme dislike of Kagome...see if I CARE! CAUSE I DON'T! Everyone is initialed to their own opinions. I'm just sharing mine. Sorry...sorry...just given you an example of a pairing and/or a character I'll stay away from. But if she's a character in my stories, I will not bash her. I stay way from bashing a character as much as possible. Unless they get into an argument, then that's a different story. I try to make the characters stay in character as much as possible. If they are going to be OOC, then I'll give you a warning beforehand. When writing I intend to think outside the box. Like coming up with fanfics that probably no one else would have thought of and/or dreamed about until thy read my that is. Hehehe! And hope to keep all my viewers entertained with my stories. I'll let my stories do the rest of explaining about me. I think Kagome is starting to become the wh* of the Inuyasha fandom because she seems to paired off with every male character imaginable whether in her own universe or somewhere else. People don't seem even dare write a fanfic unless they can do something with Kagome as the main character. About eighty percent of Inuyasha fanfics and crossovers are purely about Kagome! I mean, you guys can write whatever you want, but stop acting like Kagome is the ONLY character who contributed to the canon plot of Inuyasha. Especially to those who do crossovers. This is the reason I stray away from Inuyasha crossovers...it's mainly always, always, ALWAYS about Kagome. It's fine and all, but really...?! Almost all of them are the same thing... Inuyasha cheats on her...she runs off into some random universe, and falls in love with the first guy she meets. Hell, there even a lot reverse harems with her! I can understand if you pair off Kagome with other characters, but don't do something petty like Inuyasha cheated on her, and so she ran off with some other random dude. 1) Inuyasha is very, VERY loyal and 2) Kagome is a loyal, even if he does go off to Kikyou, she still forgives him because she knows that both Inuyasha and Kikyou had something before she came into their lives. Her running off because to find a different man because Inuyasha 'cheated' on her with Kikyou is OOC of Kagome, and makes her look selfish and petty. I mean, the gang still needs her to find the jewel and stop a psychopathic, manipulative tyrant from taking over the world...and she is just going to leave them to die or even worse because her feelings were crushed?! Pure selfishness, that's all I can say! There are people in the Feudal Era (namely the people who she travels with) that have it worse...WAY worse than her, but apparently authors tend to forget this. Back to the topic about Kagome and the abomination of the authors pairing choices of her. Inuyasha and Kagome happened for a reason. I'm not saying that every fanfic and crossover must have Kagome only paired with Inuyasha. No, not all...because if they did that then I wouldn't even touch the Inuyasha fandom. No, what I'm saying to make the pairing reasonable. Look at both personalities of both parties whether if it's characters from the same universe or two different characters from two different universes. The reason Inuyasha had some attraction to Kagome was because she was Kikyou's (his previous lover's) reincarnation, and you can tell by the number of times that Inuyasha gets both of the mixed up in the beginning. It's when he finally realizes the differences between the two and sees Kagome as her own person that he starts to fall for her. What does this have to do with anything? I'm getting to that. Be patient! What I'm saying is the basis of Inuyasha's love for Kagome is because she's a reminder of his previous lover, Kikyou. She's almost like a do over/restart, I should say, whether the Inuyasha/Kagome fans believes it or not. And so what does this have to do with other pairings with Kagome? A lot actually...! Ever heard of the saying 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'? Well, that's it. There you go! Not every male character across every universe imaginable should fall for her at the drop of a hat! It's unrealistic and leads to poor and/or predictable writing, which most of the time leads to stories being half-assed. An example... I'm going to use Inuyasha/Naruto crossover Kagome pairings... It's understandable to have Kagome/Naruto as a pairings... As Kagome is a sweet girl, and Naruto is a lovable knucklehead with a similar brash personality as Inuyasha. But Kagome/Sasuke or Kagome/Itachi or Kagome/any member of the Uchiha clan in general?! No, just no! No, no, no, no, NO! Sasuke, is a power hungry, revenge obsessed sociopath...plain and simple. First, Sasuke will just blow Kagome off, no matter how hard she tries to persuade him to follow the path/be on the side of 'good', and tell her how useless that is...and go on the rant of how she doesn't know/understand his pain, which is true because Kagome doesn't have a clue on what loneliness feels, so there's no WAY she could understand him. If you are going to pair Kagome up with Sasuke, you might as well pair Sakura up with him. What can Kagome do that Sakura can't? Ask yourself that! What CAN Kagome DO that Sakura CAN'T do for Sasuke? I mean, they both have families (Kagome and Sakura), they both never experienced any major trauma, like the death of a family member, they both probably secretly people Sasuke envies because they STILL have families... You see where I'm going with this? To Sasuke, they are both spoiled princesses (to Kagome more so than Sakura) that have no clue of the darkness of the world, and live in some type of fantasy land. You guys can obviously see where I'm going with this... So with that... Please if are going to pair Kagome up with any male that isn't Inuyasha or an OC that you've created...then think about both parties' personalities traits. Do they mix well? Are they compatible? Don't just a make one character OOC to make it look good because it'll just be worse than it is, and you might as well drop and delete the story then and there. Don't just start paring Kagome off with every male character you see. But I should probably blame Rumi on that because in the canon verse...almost every male (except Sesshomaru and Miroku) seems to have some infatuation with Kagome on the whole 'love at first sight' thing, which makes Kagome look like the potential wh* of the Inuyasha universe. But please... Start using other characters beside Kagome... There are hundreds of other characters in the Inuyasha universe. Stop being lazy and use your imagination for once! I know you can do it! And also don't try to give Kagome some 'dark and troubled' past and/or change her personality just to fit the needs of the fandom and/or the pairing choice for her. Because that character is NOT even Kagome anymore! It's just some OC with Kagome's name! I'm telling you this because I've seen a LOT of authors, mainly ones who do crossovers , do it and it is one of my pet peeves! Now for something I like to discuss… Mary-sues. This topic has been harping on me for quite awhile now. And it want defines a mary-sue… And some definitions of a mary-sue are stupid and ridiculous in my opinion. Let me share why… First off… How does a character having a tragic past count as a mary-sue trait? Let for example, if an author were to make an OC, where he/she was raised in an abusive household…that counts as a character being a mary-sue? It's really and utterly laughable. Why? Well, if an OC is within the frames of a story, like Naruto for example, then you should half-expect the OC to have some sort of tragic past. With all the wars and ninja battles and assassination attempts going on… This goes for all OCs who are written in a not-so pleasant anime/manga, especially in Angel Beats where having a tragic past is required for an OC to be in that particular anime (unless it's either an AU or after the story-line). If it's anime/manga with hugs and giggles, and the biggest obstacle is going a love interest to like you back or a socially awkward person trying to fit in at school, having a tragic past…is bit over the top and unnecessary. So tragic past? It depends on the anime/manga and its setting (unless AU). Description of said OC… I don't know if this is more ridiculous than the first or not. How a writer describes their OC does not define them as a mary-sue. They should be able to tell us how their character looks and dress however they want. It's only when the go over the top or when it becomes too far, like saying all the guys find her beautiful and all the girls are jealous of her beauty, which probably makes them a questionable mary-sue. But really, there are already some characters in universe that are like that. Do they count? With all the definition of a mary-sue… These are two major factors that get to me, as they are very ambiguous. It really depends on the writer's talent as…well…a writer. But really given these…definitions of a mary-sue the actual creator's characters can count as mary-sues as well. As they are OCs in their own right. Naruto, for instance, can count as an ambiguous gary-stu. Before you start yelling at me, I know I'm yelling at myself at this moment, but even I can deny the fact. Listen to what I say first… He, more or less, has any difficult with any of his opponents. All he has to do use the Talk no Jutsu and villains will listen to him without really having the need to listen to an inexperienced brat, like him. Many people have tried to do the same tactic as Naruto, but they failed miserable, but Naruto does it the villains listen? I also won't say he breezes through his battle, but he hardly suffers any lost. He always, always comes out on top, no matter how Deus ex Machina it is at times. Hell, even Goku (I can't believe I'm bringing up DBZ) lost more battles than Naruto. The only loss Naruto really suffered is the losing against Sasuke, but that's more or less for plot development, drama, and some angst moments between the members of Team Seven and the whole history is starting to repeat itself [comes with the drama department]. He's part of very powerful clan [it's also understandable]. And most importantly… The one thing that will probably count as him being a mary-sue… is that he's supposed to be the 'Chosen One'. What?! I was okay with him overcome any obstacle with a little bit of hard work because I thought this was supposed to be underdog story, but when you throw in something like that… It really ruins it! So, you are saying the reason why Naruto has (less?) difficult than others is all due to the fact that it was prophesied? So I really shouldn't be surprised when Naruto convinces a villain to turn good or when he wins a battle, even if it is by Deus ex Machina, because it's his destiny? Really… If it wasn't for Naruto being dubbed as ridiculed orphan with a bad childhood, he count possibly be count as a gary-stu. But doesn't a tragic past count as a trait of mary-sue/gary-stu (since a lot of people think it does)? That's up to you to decide. Sasuke can also ambiguously count as a gary-stu with all the asspulls he seems to pull out with little to no explanation. I don't need to mention his other 'traits'. And another person, that I think, personally, counts as a mary-sue is Kagome Higurashi of Inuyasha. Let's see, she's is character that almost all in universe male find attractive and most falling in love with her at the drop of a hat. She's laughably supposed to be the most powerful person in her universe (maybe?), even though she hardly has any reason to be. At least not as much as reason as all the other characters. She hardly has to train to get more powerful… She just is, even though Kikyo wasn't as powerful nor does Kagome train to get more powerful. Everyone who agrees with her is good, and everyone who doesn't are bad…no matter how petty it really is. Everyone agrees with her on an argument without much thought, even though she is clearly acting selfish and somewhat whiny. She's supposed to be an ordinary high school girl who ended up in the world of magic and monsters, and she isn't the least bit scared? This is idealism at its finest. That's like saying a regular person ending in a real life Texas Chainsaw movie without a hint of fear. Of course, if…and IF she thought it was all a dream just to come to a terrifying realization that it isn't, it's understandable, but it really shouldn't. Her only 'major flaws' is her jealousy, stubbornness, and bad temper, which, ironically, only serve to help her, not hinder her in the least, except only on occasions of unnecessary drama. Well, I'm done discussing mary-sues. I love reviews! If you have read one of my stories, please don't forget leave a feedback on your thoughts and feelings! Lke all the writers, I love receiving reviews on my stories. It means that I've done great job on them. And also reviews let's me know whee I need improvement, whether in the plot of the story or my writing style in general. So, please review, review, review! However, don't be reviewing your own work. I've seen quite a few people do it, and let me tell you... 1) It doesn't count. 2) It just makes you really, REALLY desperate and your story too pathetic to read. 3) It just ruins a story when an author has to review their own work. If you have something to say, do it in an author's note at the beginning or end of a chapter, NOT in a review. Please join the Fanfiction Review Movement [FRM: A simply review movement among authors [and random readers of fanfics] to start reviewing stories more often brought to you by fanofthisfiction. Any type of review will be fine. Any likes, dislikes, critiques, constructive criticisms, etc., anything that will help an author improve their story/plot and/or their writing skills. However, don't go overboard and start flaming. Flaming, most of the time, is not helpful. They discourage writers instead of encourage them, like a true review is supposed to do. The FRM... Let's make it happen! Here's the list of ALL of my stories, and how they are doing for me readers to know when AND if new chapters will come in. If they say 'in progress', that means I'm working on it. If they say 'in progress/slow updates', that means I'm working on it, but I'm stuck somewhere or chapter/chapters will be very long and take awhile to post. If they say 'hiatus', that means I have currently lost my train of thought/idea for the story, or...more likely...I'm not in the mood for that particular anime as of yet. Generally, it is always the latter. And if status is 'up for adoption', then I'm currently done with the story, and someone can...well, you know...adopt it...take it over. I RARELY put my stories up for adoption, unless I'm TRULY done with it...like REALLY thinking about deleting, but let someone else take it over. If no one does in a VERY long time, then I'll delete, IF I can't come up for anything or any new chapters. If they say 'complete', then well it's self-explanatory. All summary for stories on the bottom. A Valentine's Day to Remember: Complete Hinata Meets Someone New: Hiatus Step Away From the Food: Up for Adoption My Real Life?: Up for Adoption Angel Beats: Blood Fusion: Up for Adoption The Battlefront's Blue Rose: Hiatus ChiroPoke What?: Up for Adoption The Misadventures of Atarashi Nagareboshi: Up for Adoption Higurashi: The Cry of a Demon: Hiatus A Compassionate Heart: Up for Adoption Let it Go: Up for Adoption The Real Reason Why: Naraku's Journal: In Progress/Slow Updates A Demon's Heart: Up for Adoption Crimson Jewel: Hiatus When the Peaceful Sunset's Cries Shed Blood: Up for Adoption Feudal Era: Mamodo Battle: Up for Adoption Kira's Ninja Adventure: Hiatus Goodbye Battlefront, Hello Journey: Up for Adoption Pokemon Beats: Up for Adoption Pokemon Region: Feudal Era Japan: Up for Adoption The Emperor and the Shimikami: Up for Adoption The Tears of My Blood Upon My Hands: Complete Magical Warriors: In Progress/Slow Updates Comrades: Completed Above and Beyond a Monster and Love: In Progress/Slow Updates Blank Dots: Hiatus Flicker: Completed Kindle: Hiatus Dark Passions: Hiatus Let's Dance: Completed Heir: In Progress/Slow Updates The Flower Princess and the Alchemist: In Progress (Now has it's own TV Tropes page!) Orange and Yellow Makes Red: In Progress My Naruko: Completed Bonds Are Stronger Than Gold: In Progress Fanning the Flames: In Progress Man up: Completed Tainted Hands: Completed The Gentle Fist Alchemist: In Progress/Slow Updates Woman Dressed in White: Completed Broken Hope: In Progress/Slow Updates Neon: In Progress/Slow Updates My Top Ten Favorite Anime: 1st: Pokemon 2nd: Fullmetal Alchemist 3rd: Bleach 4th: Akame ga Kill 5th: Higurashi When They Cry 6th: Blood C 7th: Blood Plus 8th: Angel Beats 9th: Monster 10th: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden Anime/Manga/Anime Movies/Light Novels/Visual Novels I have seen/read so far: Inuyasha/Inuyasha: The Final Act Naruto/Naruto Shippuden Angel Beats Bleach Pokemon Yu-gi-oh (original-GX) Digimon Tari Tari Another Blood Blood-C The Pet Girl of Sakurasou Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Big O Ghost in the Shell Cowboy Bepop Vampire Knight Trinity Blood Spirited Away Wolf Children Ponyo Full Metal Alchemist/Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Sonic X Kirby: Right Back At Ya (I didn't know this was considered an anime) Zatch Bell/Konjiki no Gash Bell (Golden Gash Bell) Kobato Hamtaro Detective Conan/Case Closed Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z Bettai Zoei Leviathan Future Diary/Mirai Nikki Clannad/Clannad: After Story Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka Cu/Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 Yuyushiki Tamako Market Amagami SS Higurashi When They Cry/Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kill la Kill Akame ga Kill Michiko to Hatchin Elfen Lied Parasyte Dimension W The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica/Magia Record One Punch Man C3 (Cube X Cursed X Curious) Monster School-Live/Gakko Gurashi Assassination Classroom/Ansatsu Kyoshitsu Happy Sugar Life Erased/Boku Dake ga Inai Machi/The Town Where Only I Am Missing Shimoneta to Inu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai/Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma Magical Girl Raising Project/Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Kaikeku Lucky Star Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai/Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions/Love, Chunibyo, and other Delusions: Heart Throb Yūki Yūna wa Yūsha de Aru/Yuki Yuna is a Hero/Yuki Yuna is a Hero: Washio Sumi Chapter/Yuki Yuna is a Hero: Hero Chapter Little Witch Academia Kotoura-san Genei wo Kakeru Taiyo/il sole penetra le illusioni/Day Break Illusion Slow Start Miss Koboyashi's Dragon Maid Recovery of an MMO Junkie Snow White with the Red Hair Pop Team Epic Konosuba Yona of the Dawn Nichijou Btooom Kakegurui Violet Evergarden Magic Knight Reayarth Spice and Wolf 50 Centimeters per Second Orange A Silent Voice Psycho Pass Your Lie in April Ga-Rei Zero K-On Bloom Into You Sunday Without God Scum's Wish Mirai of the Future Yuru Camp The Devil is a Part Timer Death Parade Kaguya-sama: Love is War The Severing Crime Edge The Daily Lives of High School Boys Gamers Gosick The Promised Neverland My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia Kimi to Boku Hell Girl Dororo Sakamoto Wishing Steins;Gate Shirobako Fireworks The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Dead Tube Maid-Sama Devil Man Crybaby Neon Genesis Evangelion Blend-S Say I Love You Kimi ni Todoke Ascendance of a Bookworm When Marnie Was There O Maidens in Your Savage Season Hi-Score Girl Goblin Slayer Inuyashiki Clockwork Planet Golden Time Aggretsuko I am making a list of all my favorite anime of each genre. They are divided into categories and subcategories. Categories such as fantasy and horror are more of generalization while subcategories such as psychological horror and dark fantasy are more specific. Of course, giving this, there would be plenty of subcategories for slice of life, such as food and music and sports and such. Those would also be put under either slice of life, if I think they are just best slice of life anime just in general, or if they have something specific aspect about it that I like, such as great food or good music and the plot is centered around of those subcategories, I would place it under food, music, or whatever seems appropriate. I hope this helps to understand my listing. Oh, and before I forget, no anime would appear in more than one category. So, since I placed Bleach under shonen, it would not appear under action. And since I put Higurashi under horror, it would not appear under psychological horror. Each anime would only appear once and only once, gives room for other anime to take crack at being placed in a genre or sub genre. Oh, yeah, I'm also counting manga, light novels, and visual novels. Top Three Favorite Shonen Anime: 1: 2: 3: Bleach Top Three Favorite Shoujo Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Action Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Adventure Anime: 1: Fullmetal Alchemist 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Romance Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Tragic Romance Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Tragedy Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Romantic Drama Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Drama Anime: 1: 2: 3: Violet Evergarden Top Three Favorite Crime Drama Anime: 1: Monster 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Crime Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Suspenseful Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Mystery Anime: 1: 2: Erased 3: Top Three Favorite Supernatural Anime: 1: Angel Beats 2: 3: Blood Top Three Favorite Fantasy Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Dark Fantasy Anime: 1: Akame ga Kill 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Horror Anime: 1: Higurashi 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Psychological Horror Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Survival Horror Anime: 1: School Live 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Comedy Anime: 1: 2: 3: Nichijou Top Three Favorite Romantic Comedy Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Slice of Life Anime: 1: 2: Girl's Last Tour 3: Top Three Favorite Food Anime: 1: Food Wars 2: 3: Top Three Music Anime: 1: 2: Your Lie in April 3: Tari Tari Top Three Favorite Sports Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Sci-Fi Anime 1: 2: 3: Ghost in the Shell Top Three Favorite Mecha Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Cyber Punk Anime: 1: Cowboy Bebop 2: 3: Psycho Pass Top Three Favorite Steam Punk Anime: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Magical Girl Anime: 1: Yuki Yuna is a Hero 2: Puella Magi Madoka Magica 3: Top Three Favorite Kids Anime: 1: Pokemon 2: 3: Yu-gi-oh Top Three Favorite Ecchi Anime: 1: 2: 3: For this, it should be noted I'm not counting Pokemon movies, DBZ movies, Bleach movies, Naruto movies, or any other anime movies that already have a TV series. They do not count. Only pure anime films, such as the Ghibli movies for example. It should also be noted that I'm only put only ONE Ghibli film, otherwise Ghibli would take all the spots. Top Five Favorite Anime Movies: 1: 2: 3: A Silent Voice 4: Wolf Children 5: Spirited Away Now, here's my list of my favorite characters. Of course, the same rules apply with my favorite anime list. It only applies to the characters, not the the anime they come from. So, a few characters from the same anime may show up. Just goes to show how much I love the anime, or, at least, the cast. Just for warning, they are in English order, so first name, last name. Top Five Favorite Male Characters: 1: 2: 3: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) 4: 5: Hak (Yona of the Dawn) Top Five Favorite Female Characters: 1: Orihime Inoue (Bleach) 2: 3: 4: 5: Shirayuki (Snow White with the Red Hair) Top Five Favorite Protagonists: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Top Three Favorite Anti-Heroes: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Villain Protagonists: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Villains: 1: 2: Johan Liebert (Monster) 3: Shougo Makishima (Psycho Pass) Top Three Favorite Anti Villains: 1: 2: 3: Diva (Blood) Top Five Favorite Rivals: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Gary Oak (Pokemon) Top Five Favorite Nice Guy/Girl Characters: 1: Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) 2: 3: 4: 5: Yuna Yuki (Yuki Yuna is a Hero) Top Three Favorite Jerks with Hearts of Gold Characters: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Tomboyish Female Characters: 1: 2: 3: Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) Top Three Favorite Tsundere Characters: 1: 2: 3: Sakura Haruno (Naruto) Top Three Favorite Dandere Characters: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Kuudere Characters: 1: Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats) 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Yandere Characters: 1: 2: 3: Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life) Top Three Favorite Genki Characters: 1: 2: Yuki Takeya (School Live) 3: Yui (Angel Beats) Top Three Favorite Comic Relief Characters: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Moe Characters: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Best Friend Characters: 1: 2: 3: Hideki Hinata (Angel Beats) Top Three Favorite Perverted Characters: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite School Teachers: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Masters/Mentors: 1: 2: 3: Top Three Favorite Anime School Clubs: 1: 2: 3: School Living Club (School-Live) Top Ten Most Hated Characters in Anime: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) 6: 7: Mika Shimotsuki (Psycho Pass) 8: 9: 10: Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha) Favorite Anime/Manga Quotes: "I just want to defy this high and almighty God, if he actually exists anyway. I mean, it's just too unfair. We never did anything wrong. We were just kids. We were just kids... I was confident. I was a cool big sister until that day, but I lost everything I wanted to protect in thirty minutes. It's just too unfair. How can I forgive God for that?"-Yuri Nakamaru (Angel Beats) "Don't! Don't obliterate her with those false memories.. Don't do it! The lives all of us lived were real. There's nothing false about the lives we endured EVERYTHING was real; Everyone lived their fullest. We carved those memories into ourselves.. Their memories of our struggles to live. No matter how hard they were, their the lives we carried out. Don't recreate them to meets your own ends.. Wasn't your life the real deal to?"-Yuzuru Otonashi (Angel Beats) "But what does it mean to be born again? I would no longer be living my life. It would be someone else's. I only have one chance to have my life, and it's right here. It's the only one I have. This is my life. I can't give it to anyone else. It can't be stolen. I can't force it on anyone, or forget it, or make it disappear, or trample on it, or laugh it away, or beautify it. I have no choice but to accept this one cruel, meaningless life! Do you understand, sensei? That's why I will fight. I will continue fighting. Because this kind of life...is unacceptable!"- Yuri Nakamaru (Angel Beats) "Look, buddy, I'm going to tell you something... We, humans, we aren't really big on waiting...! If you asked me, I think WE'VE BEEN WAITING LONG ENOUGH!"- Yuri Nakamaru (Angel Beats) "Satoshi will never come back to me after what I've done! Never! He's never coming back! Hahahaha! Why do I care? I've known for a long time now. That the demon inside me is all that's left!"-Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi) "Sorry, Naruto. It means you may have to wait for me for awhile. But next... I promise I won't be dead weight!"-Sakura Haruno (Naruto) "No matter the handicap! Even if you couldn't stand and walk, even if you couldn't have kids, even so... I'll still marry! I would! I want to be with you forever and ever! The Yui I met here wasn't a fake! You're Yui. No matter where we met, I would have fallen in love with you. Even though it's one in six billion, even if you are already paralyzed when we met...I'd marry you, and I'll make you the happiest woman alive, if only you say 'yes' to me."-Hideki Hinata (Angel Beats) "Kanade. I'm sorry all we ever did was fight. I wonder why we didn't become friends sooner. I'm truly sorry. See, Kanade, I was the oldest. I had to look out for my sisters and brother when my parents were away. You seem really ignorant of the world, so I'm really worried about you. You and I could've done so much together. We could hung out and talked all night. If only... If only we had more time. I wish that things... I wish that things could have be different between us! But we have...to say...say goodbye! Goodbye now! Bye, Kanade!"-Yuri Nakamaru (Angel Beats) "Hate! Hate! The more you despair, the more my spirit will fill refreshed. The fact is, your sin is that heavy... I'll make you atone for the sin of stealing Baou from me!"- Zeon Bell (Gash Bell) "A number of Mamodos and their partners who fought to become king... Ones who fought with us and returned to the Mamodo World... Those who didn't want to fight and shed tears... I am carrying on all these feelings! Shouldering all these feelings, we fight. We fight with hope and courage. We protect this world with lots of people's hearts! That's why, we can stand back up as many times as needed! Any number of times!"-Gash Bell and Kiyomaro Takamine (Gash Bell) "I'll burn his book. No... There's an even better way. I'll take away your memories of the Underworld. If you return to the Underworld, you'll just rejoin your family. Instead... I'll make you suffer in this battle without knowing the reason why. Everyone is an enemy. You'll suffer through the attacks of others without knowing why, or even who you are. Crawl in the hell of the Human World!"-Zeon Bell (Gash Bell) "What I wanted was a strong power. A strong body. Kiyomaro... I'm sorry. It's because I am weak that we always get beaten badly. I have always regretted that. But never again. I shall win without getting Kiyomaro hurt. I have the strength to become a kind ruler. With this power there's nothing more I can ask for. I have the power I need!"-Gash Bell (Gash Bell) "Gash...and everyone, thank you. If you become the kind ruler of the Mamodo World, maybe we won't need to fight like this anymore."-Koruru (Gash Bell) "Yes, it was indeed very simple. And right in front of them the entire time. The key to so many things...to simply trust and forgive. Trust and forgiveness was all they needed to defeat their inner demons and conquer their suspicions. However trusting and forgiving can't solve everything, especially in Hinamizawa, where so many mysteries remain unsolved."-Rika Furude (Higurashi) "Yes... This is how it goes. And I will gladly play this game. During this month of June that never seems to end. For as long as I want."-Rika Furude (Higurashi) "To tell you the truth... The fact that I'm from the Sonozaki family and he's from the Hojo family mean absolutely nothing to me. I have zero interest in upholding the Sonozaki name in public or anywhere else. Yep, I freely admit. I am in love with Satoshi Hojo, and I don't care! How can being in love be bad? Why would anyone stop that? You don't choose who you fall in love with, it's just something that happens!" Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi) "Now shoot, child of man! Let fly this sin which cannot go unborne! I will bear it!"-Hanyuu Furude (Higurashi) "Takano, Hanyuu... Were you listening to what Mion said? We don't play Old Maid. We only play Old Geezer. Takano laughed, saying it was the same, but it's a completely different game. In Old Geezer, if the one card that was missing gets added in, then it becomes a game with no losers. When the missing card called 'Hanyuu' was added in, this world became a world with no losers. To get rid of that one card on purpose will be the height of stupidity. This world needs no losers. That was the answer awaiting Rika Furude at the end of a thousand-year journey spent in search of a miracle."-Rika Furude (Higurashi) "Should something terrible be caused by the Shikon Jewel, whatever it may be, I shall cut it down with my bare hands."-Inuyasha (Inuyasha) "Humans are more arrogant and greedy than any other living creature, and I'm part human too, which is why I refuse to give up! On top of that, when a human has someone he's gotta protect, his power grow exponentially. I have what it takes to destroy you. All thanks to my human mother!"-Inuyasha (Inuyasha) "You and I may be nothing alike, but we are both half-demons! That means that in both of us there is a human heart and a demon heart, Naraku! But you have betrayed that! We were both given the freedom to choose to follow our human heart or our demon heart. And you chose to live as a demon, ignoring all that was human in you. You chose to hurt others, and curse them with misery and suffering, but your days of hurting my friends are over, you miserable bastard!"-Inuyasha (Inuyasha) "I don't care if you die or not, but you're not gonna do it while I'm around, you got that? I won't be accused of abandoning you. I'm on a no guilt trip! You're not going to lay that responsibility on me!"-Inuyasha (Inuyasha) "There isn't father in a world who doesn't wish for his daughter's happiness! Your father wasn't telling you to continue the ninja tradition. He wanted you to be strong inside. He... He wanted you to be happy! That's what he really meant!"-Sango (Inuyasha) "Art is an explosion!" -Deidara (Naruto) "I've always considered myself to be a true ninja...but those are just empty words because Sasuke and Naruto were always in the lead! But now it's my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background!" -Sakura Haruno (Naruto) "Naruto... You saved Konoha... And now you're trying to save the entire shinobi world... You always get left with insurmountable tasks... But no matter what you say this time, we're going to be together... Not just me... We're all going to fight together this time!" -Sakura Haruno (Naruto) "He's making us realize that he considers all of us comrades! I'm going to make sure Naruto has a full recovery! Every one of us must do what's in their power! If we're going to die... Then it's better to die fighting than to do nothing!" -Sakura Haruno (Naruto) "Always acting like a fool who only knows one thing… Hokage, Hokage. I'm sorry Naruto… that impossible dream of yours… I don't want to see it crushed!" -Sakura Haruno (Naruto) "Just shut up for once! What the hell do you know about it?! It's not like you ever had a family in the first place! You were on your own right from the beginning, what makes you think you know anything about it?! Huh?! I'm suffering now because I had those ties, how on earth could you possibly understand...what it feels like to lose all that!" -Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "If you want to ridicule me as a brat swayed by his emotions, go ahead. To accept and adopt Itachi's intention would be childish. The foolish sputtering of those who don't know hatred. If anyone who criticizes my way of life were to come forward, I'd turn around and kill every single one of their loved ones, so that they, too, can grasp what it's like...to experience this hatred of mine."- Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "I guess anything I saw now would be pointless... When I saw you...I decided to follow you here to confirm whether or not what Danzo and Tobi told me was true or not. But that wasn't the only reason... When I'm with you I remember the way it used to be. I remember time spent with the brother I looked up to...that I loved. That's why... The closer I get to you... The more I'm able to recall what those days felt like, and the more I'm able to understand you. The more I'm able to hate Konoha for the suffering they put you through. In fact, it's becoming even stronger than before. I do understand what you want me to do. It's probably because you're my older brother that you feel the need to put me on the right path. But it's probably because I'm your younger brother that I'll never stop, no matter what you say. As you'll always exist to protect the village...so will I to destroy it. Goodbye...brother." -Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "Like I'd...die...I...won't...die... The reason Itachi lived for... I can't... I won't...let it end here. To make...a true village...so I can show them...what a true Kage is! I...refuse to die!" -Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "While it's true I once desired destruction...and the only goal I had was revenge...things are different now. Because that which is destroyed can always be fixed and rebuilt. Villages freed from the clutches and employ darkness... What I desire is to reform the entire Shinobi World! What I am calling for... What I'm bringing forth...that is... REVOLUTION!" -Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "Naruto... I now remember the words you once said to me. That when you're with me, you finally understand what it's like to have a brother... And when I think of it that way... That feeling... I finally get it now. I've been traveling around the world, and I seem to recall these memories a lot. We were alone, and starved of love. Kids that lived in a world full of hate. And from that point on...we went separate ways and fought. But time has passed and now I'm thinking... Could it be that... Just like how the hope and the pain from my father, mother, and my brother, Itachi, flowed into me... I'd understand your pain and hopes, too, Naruto? You never abandoned me, no matter what. And you never gave up on me, coming closer when I pulled away. It wouldn't have surprised me if you hated me, but you didn't... You kept insisting that we were friends. And even that, I nearly destroyed. You fought to stop me...to the point you lost an arm. All because you were my friend. You saved me. The us that quarreled over the smallest things...are now able to share the pain in each other's hearts. On my journey around the world, I noticed... That all these feelings of mine aren't just about us, I'm sure it's the same for everything else. But... There aren't a lot of people like you. And things won't go as planned, look at us. It's especially true when it comes to bigger things. I think it's the same as praying. And until I can do it, I'll stay strong. The beings that have been entrusted with hope...that's us. That what makes us shinobi." -Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "Naruto...I knew that in the past you were always alone. Like me, the last Uchiha, you were cast out. You acted like an idiot to get punished on purpose, just so anyone would notice you. At first I thought you weren't worth considering at all, that you were just a weakling playing around. But after seeing you do stupid things and get punished every time, somehow, it just started to get to me. At that time, I thought that your weakness had started to sink into me too. I couldn't stop paying attention to you. When I saw you desperate to be connected to others...it would make me think of my family. And for some reason, I felt at ease. However, I also thought it was weakness. I trained hard to escape from that weakness, to become stronger than my brother, to take revenge on him... but then you ended up in the same team as me, and once again, I was facing the image of my family. After clearing missions with you, who wanted to become Hokage, I could feel clearly that we were both getting stronger...and I realized that I wanted to fight with you. I started to see team 7 somewhat like my family...and that's why when I saw you suffer, I would suffer too. When I understood your pain, for the first time I considered you my friend. But at the same time, I couldn't just let you become stronger. When I saw how strong you had become, I was the one envious of you...you had a kind of strength I was missing. You always walked in front of me, much like my brother used to...and today was no different..."- Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) "I used to always cry and give up... I made many wrong turns... But you...you helped me find the right path... I always chased after you... I wanted to catch up to you... I wanted to walk beside you all the time... I just wanted to be with you... You changed me! Your smile is what saved me! That is why I'm not afraid to die protecting you! Because... I love you..."-Hinata Hyuga (Naruto) "If you attack Konoha, I will have to fight you... So save up your hatred and take it all on me. I'm the only one who could take it! It's the only thing I can do! I will shoulder your hatred and die with you!" -Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) "I never go back on my word. That is my way of the Ninja."- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) "Now listen carefully. You once said that it was everyone who cares about you who helped you get where you are now. If you forget others because you now have power and become arrogant and egotistical, you'll eventually become just like Madara. No matter how powerful you become, do not try to shoulder everything alone. If you do, you will surely fail. Becoming the Hokage doesn't mean that people will acknowledge you. But when the people acknowledge you, you can become the Hokage. Never forget your friends!"- Itachi Uchiha (Naruto) Unlike Lord First, that dumb Naruto doesn't have an adept brother...like Lord Second, to be his advisor. That's why...even more so...I need to stick around so when he becomes the Hokage, I can stand next to that idiot. I'm sorry, Dad. I can't join you just yet. There's no one more qualified than me to be Naruto's advisor."- Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) Obito... Even if i's someone they used to make fun of... when people see someone trying twice as hard as others, they instinctively start wanting to lend a hand. That's because... people eventually learn that they only have each other to fill the holes in their hearts. And he who possesses a heart filled with comrades... is truly powerful!"- Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) "Tatsumi... No matter how you describe it, we're still murderers." -Leone (Akame ga Kill) "A person becomes naive, if they're too kind. Careless, if they're too bold. And no matter how hard you try to protect others, there's no gratitude. Those who can't comprehend such things aren't fit to be Magical Girls." -Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) "I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes... I'll relive it over and over again. I will find the way out. The one path that'll save you from this destiny of despair. Madoka... my one and my only friend. I don't care... because if it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze... forever."- Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) "If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope, well, then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them until they believe! No matter how many times it takes!"- Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) "You’re not just giving us back our hope. But you’re becoming hope itself! The hope of... Magical Girls everywhere...!"- Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) "Even though witches aren't born into this world anymore, that doesn't mean the curses of the world have completely disappeared. They just changed their form is all. And now, they attack us in the shadows. This world isn't worth saving. Tragedy and sadness will never truly disappear. But even so, it's the place she once tried to protect. I remember that and I will never, ever forget it. That's why... I keep fighting."- Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) "There’s nothing special about being born. Not a thing. Most of the universe is just death, nothing more. In this universe of ours, the birth of a new life on some corner of our planet is nothing but a tiny, insignificant flash. Death is a normal thing. So why live?"- Johan Liebert (Monster) "There are a lot of things I wanted to do. I wanted to become a teacher, and an astronaut, and a baker…I wanted to go to a bunch of different donut shops and ask for one of everything! And I wanted to tell the ice-cream man to give me one of everything, too! I wish I could have five lives! Then I could have been born in five different towns, and eaten five lifetime’s worth of food, and had five different careers, and… fallen in love with the same person, five times."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "It's impossible to feel exactly the same as someone else... but when you both care for each other, your hearts are able to draw a little closer together. I think that's what it means to make your hearts as one."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "Kurosaki-kun... I'm weak, so it's always like I turn back to look to you for help. But now I won't turn back and I'll go forward. The next time we meet I won't look to you for help, Kurosaki-kun, I'll be able to fight on my own."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "Don't die! Please don't die, Ichigo! You don't have to win. You don't have to fight for me! Please, don't get hurt anymore!" Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "That's right. To begin with, I came here just thinking I wanted to protect everyone. But when I heard they had come to save me, I couldn't help but feel a little glad, just a bit in my heart. When I look at Kurosaki-kun in that mask, I think that he might not have come here to save me at all. Even though it's wrong, they shouldn't be going that far for me."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "It's just that... It's just that not being able to fight with everyone makes me feel lonely...!! But what would make me feel worse than being lonely is getting in everyone's way... that would make me feel worse!! If it means getting in the way of Kurosaki-kun and everyone... then I would rather be lonely, very lonely."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "I'm a terrible person, aren't I? 'If only Kurosaki-kun would cheer up, I'd be happy.' At least, I thought that was how I felt. Then Kuchiki-san came back and cheered Kurosaki-kun up. I should have been really happy, but... but... [starts to cry] but instead I'm jealous of Kuchiki-san!"- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "If I were the rain, that binds together the heavens and the earth, whom in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind two hearts together?"- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "When people constantly show their affection for you, you start taking it for granted. If you don't realize how much they care for you until they're gone, you'll only be left with regret and remorse."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "People are all evil. In order to falsely believe yourself to be just, you must inevitably falsely believe that someone else is more evil than you."- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "No matter how hopelessly broken he gets, I'll heal it all!"- Orihime Inoue (Bleach) "The difference in ability... What about it? Do you think I should give up just because you're stronger than me?"- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "If you give me wings, I will soar for you even if this whole land sinks down to the water. If you give me a sword, I will fight for you even if this whole sky shoots through with your light."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "Become strong not just for your own sake, but for your friends."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "You wanted revenge? You're just making other people as miserable as you. Revenge is just the path you took to escape your suffering."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "If miracles only happen once, what are they called the second time?"- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "Are you any different!? You sacrificed yourself to save me that time!! At that time were you thinking about complicated stuff like "this is my Shinigami duty"!? That's not what sacrificing yourself is! At the very least... I'm different! I haven't accepted any commitment. If things get bad I might run away... since I'm not a good enough person to be able to sacrifice my life for total strangers. But unfortunately I'm also not trash that can live happily without paying back his debts!"- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "I'm not fighting because I want to win. I'm fighting because I have to win."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you. While gripping the sword, I cannot embrace you."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "Because he attained so much power, he could only be controlled by it. And in the end, maybe his only option was to destroy himself."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "Whatever she is, it doesn't change the fact that she's here now. She still experiences anger, happiness and pain."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "That's right. It's not like I ever felt superior to anyone else because I could see ghosts. And I never planned to take it up as a profession. Hell, I never even felt the need to use my ability to help others. All I ever wanted was the normal life I couldn't have. I've finally achieved what I always wanted."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "I'm not Superman, so I can't say anything big like 'I'll protect everyone on Earth!'. I'm not a modest guy who will say 'It's enough if I can protect as many people as my two hands can handle.' either. I want to protect...a mountain-load of people."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "I wanted power. Always. Always. The power to protect... all sorts of people. I remembered that... when I lost my powers."- Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) "I know the loneliness of being a prisoner. I know the joy you feel when your friends come to rescue you and the fear of them being injured and defeated."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "We are taught never to shed tears. For to shed tears means that the body has been defeated by emotion. And to us, this simple act of crying proves, without question, that the existence of emotion is nothing but a burden."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "Even if no one in the world believes you, stick out your chest and scream in defiance."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "People are able to hold onto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "Those who are left behind in a fight or are in the way aren't the ones who lack power. They're the ones who lack resolve."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "We stand in awe before that which can not be seen... And we respect, with every fiber, that which can not be explained."- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "Remember that a sword held by someone who is about to die… will never be able to protect anything."- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) "Yhwach. You desired a world... Where fear would no longer be a burden. But... In a world without fear of death... People will never attain the hope that is to be found from casting their fears aside and preserving through them. While it is true that people can continue to press forward through the simple act of living... That is no way comparable to marching forward in the face of death, while doing their damndest to keep it at bay. That is why... That is why people have given that very march a unique and special name. 'COURAGE.'"- Sousuke Aizen (Bleach) "You are a fool, Ichigo Kurosaki. You willingly seek to challenge an opponent so much more powerful than you that it strikes a primal fear into your being. Incomprehensible. If this is the work of the 'heart' that you people speak of, then it is because you possess this 'heart' that you humans bring hurt upon yourself, because you possess this 'heart' that you lose your lives."- Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) "Even if doesn't alter or change the end result in the slightest, making decisions based on convictions that you believe in and walking your own path has its own merit and worth. There's something to be said for not having... even one regret."- Jugram Haschwalth (Bleach) "Time will try to constantly try to catch up with you. And with a roar, it will overcome you. Do not look ahead. Hope only lies within the unforeseeable current that will close in from behind."- Kugo Ginjo (Bleach) "If you ask anyone to name a universal rule that governs animals and humans alike, I bet you most people would answer 'survival of the fittest'. There are strong people and there are weak people. At a glance, it looks like the difference is pretty clear-cut. But the truth is, there's a lot more to it than just a simple battle of 'strong' against 'weak', of kill or be killed. You must understand what I'm talking about too, right? The true meaning of 'survival of the fittest' isn't as simple as all that. 'Survival of the fittest' is just a pretty lie that they tell you. A lie to make weak people believe that if they try their best, they can come out on top. Truth is, it isn't the weak that get eaten. It's not about strength, it's about numbers. The ones who stand at the top of the food chain are the brainless dolts. The loudmouths. Because there are so, so many of them. You know it's true. Everybody does. You all just turn a blind eye and pretend not to notice."- Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach) "When we die, our bodies disintegrate and become part of the reishi that make up Soul Society. And when that time comes...where does your heart go? It gets passed on to your nakama (comrades). If you pass it on to them, then your heart will always live on within them. Kuchiki, that's why...you must never, ever, ever die alone. Got it, Kuchiki?"- Kaien Shiba (Bleach) "Every time you and I interact...a bit of "heart" is born between us. Heart isn't something inside you. But whenever you think, whenever you remember someone, that's when heart is born. I mean, if you were the only one alive in the whole world, heart wouldn't exist, now would it?"- Kaien Shiba (Bleach) "Sovereignty means absolutely nothing in front of me."- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) "No man's life is worth more than another! If you're gonna put your life on the line, you do it as equals! I don't care if you're brothers, or master and apprentice, or whatever! You should only die for a guy who'd die for you! There's nothing honorable about throwing your life away as though it's nothing! That's just showing off like a kid."- Ikkaku Madarame (Bleach) "Let me tell you the truth. The truth behind fighting. Fighting continues forever. After you've defeated one person, someone stronger appears. If you manage to defeat him, then an even stronger person comes along. If you don't have the resolve to endure that eternal struggle, then eventually your confidence will erode. But it doesn't end there! The battle will continue elsewhere, fought by others. It's an endless cycle! And it doesn't end with a person's death. The cycle will continue! As long as people and their souls exist, there will be disputes and those disputes will lead to fights. And those fights will continue without limit, for all eternity."- Jin Kariya (Bleach) "Those who know despair, once knew hope. Those who know loss, once knew love."- Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) "There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliche, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I spit on perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for that person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as us, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. A scientist must be a person who finds ecstasy while suffering from that antinomy."- Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach) "Abandon your fear. Look forward. Move forward and never stop. You'll age if you pull back. You'll die if you hesitate."- Zangetsu (Bleach) "There is no such thing as "truth" or "lies" in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those "facts" that are convenient to them, and take them to be the "truth". They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world's population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth."- Sousuke Aizen (Bleach) "There are two kinds of fights. As long as we place ourselves in battle, we must always know the difference, a fight to defend life or a fight to defend pride."- Jyuushirou Ukitake (Bleach) "Laws exist only for those who cannot live without clinging to them."- Sousuke Aizen (Bleach) "Loyalty to someone is different from depending on them."- Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) "Regardless if you see them or not, if you don't believe, then it's like they never existed."- Karin Kurosaki (Bleach) "It's easier to crush a dream than realize one. Forming a bond is infinitely more difficult than breaking one."- Gin Ichimaru (Bleach) "I guess it's only natural for inferior beings to ride on the coattails of their superior counterparts. If they wish to keep their lives, they have no choice but to obediently comply. It's a never ending chain... as the ones who are burdened with that trust, in order to escape that burden, seek to find someone even greater than themselves. These greater beings then seek others even greater than themselves to shelter them. This is how Gods are born. But make no mistake. They all still abide to me. Because from this point onward, you will witness first hand, the power of the God they foolishly placed their faith in. I will become that God they have no choice but to believe in."- Sousuke Aizen (Bleach) "Battles aren't supposed to be heroic affairs. They are not supposed to be fun or exciting, to us every battle is filled with despair, they are dark, horrifying, grizzly. We should fear warfare, avoid it always and whenever possible choose the path of peace."- Izuru Kira (Bleach) "I... Despise the way you fight. Without ever lifting your own hand... To steal bonds of camaraderie and torture opponents is the height of cowardice. It is a lack of shame deserving of death. I am here. Strike me down. I shall kill you and cast you aside... Before you finish swinging your blade."- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) "I don't remember saying that I would kill you because I'm a Soul Reaper. The reason I am killing you is simple. It's because you aimed your blade at my only pride."- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) "Ichigo... I hate the rain. Rain falls in this world, too. When your heart is in chaos, this sky becomes clouded. When you are sad, rain falls so terribly easy. Can you understand...the horrible feeling of being pelted by rain when you're all alone in this solitary world? If only to stop that rain, I shall lend you any strength. If you trust in me, I won't let a single drop of rain fall from that sky. Ichigo, trust me...you are not fighting alone."- Zangetsu (Bleach) "Do you remember the first time you walked? No. So you weren't conscious of it. Then why did you walk? Everyone was born knowing how to walk. It's called instinct. That's what this boy reminds me of. He knows he can achieve bankai, so he continues."- Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach) "I don't believe that an absolute power really exists in any world. Power is unstable. It changes constantly. Small differences will always appear, as one has between you and I. So the one who widens that gap will be the winner!"- Sado Yasutora/Chad (Bleach) " I had no name. I had no parents. I was from District 79, "Kusajishi", of the North Alley of Rukongai. I had never seen anything in colors other than the bloody red... Everyone was more beast than human. It wouldn't have been strange to have a baby get stepped on and die. But then you appeared. From District 80, "Zaraki", of the North Alley of Rukongai. You appeared to me from even deeper in the darkness. You demolished the chaotic world that was dyed in blood... And then, you gave me a name. If it wasn't for you...I wouldn't be alive today. Yes...Since that day...You've been everything to me in this world."- Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach) "So you can withstand my Cero even without your mask... You've gotten stronger. Is it because you defeated Grimmjow? Or...Is it because of her? Or maybe because of your friends, still fighting down below. That girl is already one of us. Even if you manage to rescue her, that won't change. Rescuing her...Is meaningless."- Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) "We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework. Let's continue to shine... Forever."- Toushirou Hitsugaya (Bleach) "Help... her... Must... protect... her... Help her... I must... I will... protect her..."- Hollow Ichigo (Bleach) "EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE! I'LL GIVE HALF MY LIFE TO YOU, IF YOU GIVE HALF OF YOURS TO ME!"- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) "...Urahara told me all about Tsukishima's power. To "be able to change people's past"... No matter how you look at it, it's a horrendous ability. I ask you, does that even matter? No matter how much of your past he changes, he cannot change your future! Those bonds that you lost can be rebuilt! Ichigo! These fools don't understand that this isn't nearly enough to make you despair! They don't know the caliber of despair that you have already conquered! Show them, Ichigo! Despair cannot ever hope to stop you!"- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach) "Ryūken. Have you forgotten? It is my sworn duty to dedicate my entire life to serving you. From the day we first set eyes on one another, my life has belonged to you. So, please...please do not be sad. If you feel sorrow, Ryūken, my heart will be torn apart."- Kanae Katagiri (Bleach) "That day, I saw Minato as an amazingly splendid ninja. He made me believe that he could fulfill my dreams, and above all, he changed me. This ordinary red hair that I hated so much had led me to my one true love. It became my own personal 'red thread of fate'. Ever since then, I liked my hair and, most of all, I fell in love with Minato."- Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto) "Do you remember the first time when you were a child that you stood up and walked on your own? If you don't remember doing it, and yet you did it, it means that you weren't conscious of it at the time. So how did you know how to do it? The answer is all humans are born already knowing how to stand up. Just as birds are born knowing how to fly, and fish are born already knowing how to swim. It's because of what we call instinct. All living creatures use instinct to obtain their natural powers when the time comes that they need them."- Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach) Favorite Inuyasha Pairings: Inuyasha/OC Inuyasha/Sango Inuyasha/Kikyou - This one is alright better than Inuyasha/Kagome. At least, they genuinely love each other. Unlike Kagome, who just views Inuyasha as a mere trophy to be won, so she could finally beat Kikyou at something. Sango/Miroku Sesshomaru/Rin Sesshomaru/Kagura Sesshomaru/Sango Sesshomaru/Kikyou Sesshomaru/OC- I read a couple of stories of this, and they were great. Too bad Inuyasha ended up with Kagome. I hate Inuyasha/Kagome! Rin/Kohaku Sango/OC- Sometimes...I feel like Sango deserves someone better than a womanizing monk, meaning Miroku. Kikyou/OC- Kikyou deserves love, too, right? After all the hell and tragedy she's been through, right? Kagome/Koga- Maybe. This is the only acceptable Kagome pairing there is in my book. Koga/Ayame Naraku/Kikyou- Maybe. Naraku/OC- Maybe. Disliked Inuyasha pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome- Kagome never once explains her reasons for loving Inuyasha. Her reasoning just boils down to being jealous Kikyou. Jealous that Kikyou hogs Inuyasha's time away from her. Jealousy does NOT equal love. Kagome doesn't love Inuyasha. She's just possessive over him. Plain and simple. No different than viewing him as a mere trophy to be won. 'I'm bitter towards a guy who doesn't spend enough time with me and hangs out with his ex' is Kagome's reasoning for liking Inuyasha. That's not love, it's called possessiveness. Naraku/Kagome Sesshomaru/Kagome Kagome/OC Favorite Naruto Pairings: Naruto/Sakura Naruto/Hinata- Maybe. This one I'm unsure. They are cute, but...eh. Sorry. All the stories I've read so far just plain suck, and/or are unbelievable. Plus, they make Hinata WAY too OOC. But they are a decently cute couple. They only problem I have with this pairing in the anime is that there's little to no development for these two. Sasuke/Sakura-maybe I'm trying to tolerate this, and the fanfics I read about this pairing aren't half bad as long as Sakura isn't an obsessive Sasuke fan girl. Naruko(FemNaruto)/Sasuke Naruko/male-Hinata- Honestly, I like Naruto/Hinata gender flipped more than their original counterparts. The regular, usual Naruto/Hinata is...meh. But gender flip them both, and they are super cute! Plus, the rarity of it also makes it more desirable. Guess, I just really love the masculine girl/feminine boy pairing, if done right. Kiba/Hinata Ino/Shikamaru Temari/Shikamaru Sasuke(female)/Naruto Minato/Kushina Naruto/OC Sakura/OC Hinata/OC Sasuke/OC- As much as love Sasuke/OC fanfics, it's my fourth favorite pairing to read behind Naruto/Sakura, Naruko/Sasuke, and Naruto/OC pairings, there are some things that put me off from reading some Sasuke/OC. The first and foremost is having the pairing happen during part two of Naruto. Like when Sasuke is homicidal sociopath. Really is that the time to be establishing an OC for Sasuke to magically end up with? No, it's the worst timing that anyone can ever come up with. Most of the time when I see this time of thing happen, I drop the fanfic right there...favorite pairing or not. The only one that this is acceptable to me is that...a) it's not really a Sasuke/OC pairing and the OC was just a one night stand or something for Sasuke to release stress...because there is such a thing as releasing stress through sexual release, but Sasuke will NEVER sleep with ANYONE randomly unless he was really, REALLY drunk. And why sleep with some random OC when he has Karin obsessing over him to the point where she's sometimes trying to get him to sleep with her. Or b) The fanfic better be pretty dark one on how Sasuke mistreats and abuses the OC, like he does to all his comrades and allies even Team Seven and Team Taka later, then after realizing what a monster he is, begs for forgiveness. That's good for an angst/romance/drama type of story. If you are not going to use either option, (option B more than option A), then don't do a Sasuke/OC pairing! Either establish it during part one of Naruto or post-war/post-chapter 699 of the manga. And Sasuke/OC pairings seems be the second most desirable Sasuke pairing behind Sasuke/Sakura. Sasuke/Hinata being behind it and Sasuke/Karin, despite having it's own fan-base, being almost non-existent. I have always wondered why there are more Sasuke/Hinata stories than Sasuke/Karin ones. Not that I care because I don't really like either pairing. I either like Sasuke/OC, Sasuke/Sakura, or Sasuke/Naruko. Hell, I even like the homosexual pairing of Sasuke/Naruto better. Naruto/FemKuuybi(Nine Tailed Fox/Kurama) Naruko/Kuuybi(Nine Tailed Fox/Kurama) Sakura/Itachi- This is cute. I hate how people say that Itachi is just a replacement. At first, they say Naruto's the replacement, now Itachi? Which is it? Make up your mind! Haters are always trying to find the lamest excuses to hate. Naruko/Itachi- I don't care if people call me stupid for liking this pairing because Naruko (fem-Naruto) is a Jinchuuriki and Itachi is an Akatsuki member. Make this an AU, then you'll understand how cute this pairing is. Itachi/OC- Maybe, I just can't see him having time loving someone... story just has to be really well-written. Kakashi/OC- Same as Itachi/OC. Jiraiya/Tsunade Kakashi/Rin Kakashi/Fem-Obito Obito/Rin Obito/Fem-Kakashi Neji/Tenten Lee/Tenten- Maybe... Most likely if Neji is dead, like in canon. Naruko/Madara- I read a few fanfics of this pairing and I'm generally started to like it. I even re-watched the scenes of Hashirama's and Madara's past and Madara was a really sweet kid before everything went haywire and he became power hungry and bloodthirsty. He kinda of reminded me of pre-massacre Sasuke, except Madara is more short tempered and more humorous. And just like Sasuke, they both went insane when they lost their brothers. I can see why so many people love Madara! I used to be indifferent, but now I'm starting to love him! To me, he's one of the few definition of 'evil is sexy'. But, truthfully, I'll only enjoy this pairing if it's a time travel story where Naruko is sent to the past before Madara went batshit insane. I can't see her not trying to save Madara from himself after befriending him, like she does with Sasuke. Madara/fem-Hashirama- Maybe. If there is a pairing between them, I prefer Hashirama to be the female. Evil men are sexy. Well, in this case. Madara/OC- Maybe. With an evil villain like Madara, this has a few interesting possibilities. For one, you could have this outlaw or unholy matrimony relationship going on. Two people, particular lovers, bent on taking over the world and becoming an evil king and queen. Or has the potential of becoming a tear jerking (depending on how it's written), tragic, star cross lovers type of story because of Madara's eventual betrayal of his lover in order to gain more power. Disliked Naruto Pairings: Naruto/Sasuke Sasuke/Karin- I don't mind Karin's character. She just too much of a creepy, obsessive stalker for Sasuke in my eyes. And Sasuke killed the possiblity of the pairing itself with him coldly stabbing Karin right after she just healed him. And his half-hearted 'sorry', and Karin easily forgiving him with no effort or seemingly self-respect for herself and 'oh, he has a cute/handsome face, I can't stay mad at him'...ABSOLUTELY killed the pairing for me! At that point it was established that Karin's obsession with Sasuke was ten times worse than Sakura's, as in that time Sakura is still second guessing her feelings for Sasuke, despite what Sakura haters say. And wow... Karin ends up with no one...all because Sasuke/Sakura happened. Is Karin THAT obsessed with Sasuke that she can't fall in love with someone else? I've already knew Sasuke/Karin wasn't going to happen, but at least thought she will get paired up with someone other than Sasuke. Someone that actually treats her right and respects her. Sasuke/Hinata- This two are just not compatible, no matter how you slice it. I used to be neutral to this pairings, but everytime I read a fanfic about them...it just seems so weird. Too weird to imagine them together. Sasuke is way too...power hungry and controlling for Hinata, and Hinata is way too shy and meek for Sasuke. I know people say this pairing is adorable and all that garbage because opposites attract, but the whole 'opposites attract' only works when they also have SOMETHING in common. And let's face it...these two have almost NOTHING in common! The only thing in common that they have is that they are the heir/heiress to their respective clans (Uchiha and Hyuga clan). But now that similarity is thrown down the drain because Hinata is not the heiress of the Hyuga clan anymore. Her sister, Hanabi, is because Hinata quit being the heiress after marrying Naruto, which makes no sense to me, and is a huge disappointment to me. It makes me think that Hinata is nothing more than Naruto's fan-girl. No different than Sakura, Ino, and Karin being Sasuke's fan-girl. And people don't give me an excuse that Hinata is not a fan-girl. She may not be Sasuke's fan-girl, but she sure is Naruto's. There's different types of fangirls. Enough said! Why else would she be stalking him, if she wasn't a fan-girl? Oh, because she has a crush on him? Puh-lease! That's no an excuse. Sakura, Ino, and Karin had crushes on Sasuke, and you call them fangirls. What makes Hinata so special? Because it's Naruto she's attracted to? That's the lamest excuse I have ever heard! Back to the topic... Sasuke/Hinata is like...oil and water. It won't work, no matter how you try to make it or fantasize about it. Sasuke/Sakura is better pairing, and that's saying a lot! Kakashi/Sakura- This pairing seems to be one of the popular Sakura pairings just under Sakura/Sasuke and Sakura/Naruto. I just find it really weird, awkward, and uncomfortable to read. Kakashi has known Sakura since she was a child, now that's she's older they are dating? Really creepy. Maybe a time travel fanfic would make this pairing more bearable, but... I don't know. Kakashi/Naruko- Same reasons as Kakashi/Sakura. Akatsuki (all members, besides Itachi)/anyone- Really? REALLY?! They are all homicidal, bloodthirsty killers (except for Itachi). Do you really think they have time to love anyone?! I don't even think they don't know what 'love' is. Although, I adore reading OC fanfics, I plainly despise reading OCs paired up with any members of the Akatsuki, except Itachi. It makes me sick to my stomach! It's established that most of the Akatsuki don't even like each other, some even downright hated others. They are only together for mutual benefit, that's all. Favorite Angel Beats Pairings: Hinata/OC Hinata/Yui Hinata/Otonashi- I can tolerate this. Otonashi/Kanade Kanade/OC Yui/OC Yuri/Noda- Maybe. Shiina/Fujimaki Fujimaki/Ooyama- Maybe. Iwasawa/Hisako Iwasawa/Otonashi- Maybe. Iwasawa/Hinata- Maybe. Sekine/Irie Hisako/Fujimaki- Maybe. Disliked Angel Beats Pairings: Hinata/Yuri- I just don't see this happening. Yuri/OC Otonashi/Yuri- Maybe. Favorite Bleach Parings: Ichigo/Orihime Rukia/Renji Ichigo/OC Hitsuygaya/Karin Disliked Bleach Pairings: Rukia/Ichigo-I don't know. They just look more like siblings than lovers. Orihime/Ulquiorra- This is just Stockholm Syndrome at its finest! Why the hell would Orihime fall in love with her captor?! What the fuck is wrong with people?! Have they've seriously forgotten how much psychological and emotionally abuse he put her through?! Have they forgotten that HE was the reason Orihime was taking to Hueco Mundo in the first place?! HAVE THEY FUCKING FORGOTTEN THAT ULQUIORRA WAS THE ONE OF THE FEW CAUSES (including Aizen, of course) OF HER MENTAL/EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN AT THE NEAR END OF THE FUCKING ARC?! But oh no, they have one fucking sympathetic scene (not romantic) together, and all the fucking torture Ulquiorra put Orihime through is a-okay. STOP FUCKING ROMANTICIZING ABUSE PEOPLE! IT'S ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SICK! Favorite Blood Pairings: Saya/Haji Saya/Solomon Diva/Haji Diva/Solomon Diva/Riku Diva/OC Haji/OC Kai/Mao- Maybe. Dislike Blood Pairings: Amshel/Anyone else- the punk deserves to be alone, and to burn in hell. Saya/Kai- How can they go from siblings to lovers? But I guess that's what they call incest, sort of. Favorite Higurashi When They Cry Pairings: Mion/Keichii Rena/Keichii Shion/Satoshi- This is like so and so for me. They seem like a cute couple, but I can't stand the fact that Shion murdered everyone for the sake of 'avenging' Satoshi. Especially, after the way she killed Satoko. I'll understand to just kill her instantly, but torturing someone like that, especially, a little kid...IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE! Mion/OC Rena/OC Rika/OC Satoko/OC Mion/Shion- Maybe. Satoshi/OC- It's just funny to see Shion having a little competition over winning Satoshi's heart. Hehehe! I'm evil. Dislike Higurashi When They Cry Pairings: Keichii/OC- It's heartbreaking to see Keichii falling for someone else that isn't Mion, unless it's Rena, then it's acceptable. Shion/OC- Maybe. Shion just seems so dedicated to Satoshi and only him. And after the Watanagashi-hen and Meakashi-hen arcs, it's going to be really hard to believe she falls for anyone else. She's a completely or slightly yandere fangirl for Satoshi. And I don't even know why. She barely knew him. Sigh. Well, that's love for you. Mion/Satoshi- He doesn't seem to be his type. And more importantly... Sisters, especially twins, shouldn't steal each others crushes. Shion/Keichii- Same as above...Mion/Satoshi. Favorite Future Dairy Pairings: Yuki/Akise Hinata/Mao Yuki(female)/Yuno(male) Akise/OC Akise/Tsubaki Minene/Nishijima Akise/Yuno-maybe Dislike Future Dairy Pairings: Yuki/Yuno- I hate crybaby boys! Yuno/OC-maybe Favorite Akame ga Kill Pairings: Tatsumi/Akame Tatsumi/Mine Akame/OC Leone/OC Sheele/OC- Sheele is my favorite character out of the series. Why did she have to die so damn early? Her death served no purpose whatsoever. Kurome/Wave- Even though I believe Kurome should die for killing Chelsea. Plus, I like the anime a little bit better than the manga. For one reason... Kurome, who is one of my most hated characters in the series, next to Esdeath and Seryu dies. And Run, who is one of my favorites, lives. The only way I would possibly like Kurome in a fanfiction, is as if was an AU of some sort, like the standard high school AU, or an AU where Kurome decides to leave the Empire with her sister, Akame, and join the Revolutionary Army. And another thing. I hated how the author used romance as an excuse to keep her alive. However, this pairing to doomed to tragedy. Kurome's body is so weak from constant drugging that she wouldn't last more than five to eight years without continuous treatment, and it's heavily implied they haven't found a treatment yet. As long as Kurome doesn't commit suicide out of guilt first because she has an extreme case of PTSD. And the risk of dying during child birth is also very high because of how weak her body is. Seriously, I like this relationship, but realistically, it's doomed to tradegy with Kurome's death sooner or later. And also hate how they used the excuse that Kurome was being brainwashed by her drugs. Get the fuck out of here! There wasn't anything hinted of drugs brainwashing their consumers. This is just a REALLY lame excuse to say none of the evil actions were Kurome's fault when it clearly is. She CHOSE to take the drug, and to continue taking them. That's like saying a person high on cocaine wasn't their fault. Yes, it is. They chose to buy it and consume it. By all means, I like the pairing. The only Jaegers pairing I support, but all these excuses the author makes up for Kurome just makes me HATE her more! I wished she died in the manga, like in the anime! Oh, well, she will eventually because of the aftereffects of drug overdose. Lubbock/Nanjeda Lubbock/OC- I just find Lubbock really funny with all his goofy, perverted antics. And the way he took his torture like a boss, sold it. Man, I like this guy! Too bad he died. Dislike Akame ga Kill Pairings: Tatsumi/Esdeath Esdeath/Anybody- I just hate with a passion. She doesn't deserve to be with anybody. She needs to burn in hell. Seryu/Anybody- I just hate the twisted justice psycho! More than Esdeath! I was so glad she died! Favorite Elfen Lied Pairings: Lucy/Kohta- Maybe. This is the only decent romance story out of the entire. But honestly, it's mediocre to me at best. Kohta is too much of a wimp for me. He's mostly just the butt monkey of the series. He serves no purpose other than being Lucy's emotional support. To me, for a male protagonist like him, it's a waste...because if you can replace him with any other character, even an OC, the series wouldn't change much. Kohta was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Lucy/Kohta reminds me of Yuno/Yuki from Future Diary. How ironic. Both Yuno and Lucy have pink haired and pink/red eyes, have dark and troubled pasts and are psychopathic yanderes for their love interest, which they both have black haired and blue eyes and ordinary, wimpy, school students (Lucy to Kohta, Yuno to Yuki). Lucy/Kohta are similar to Yuno/Yuki in some many ways, it felt like I was witnessing an AU version of Future Diary. Or vice versa, whichever suits people. Honestly, I just don't like Kohta. Although, I do hate almost every villain in the series...because well, they are villains. I also dislike Kohta. He just annoys me in ways I can't understand. Yeah, the poor guy lost his father and younger sister, but he still annoys me. Almost every character in the series irritates me, except Lucy, Nana, and Mayu, and possible Nozomi. Lucy/OC- Like I said, I rather see Lucy with an OC than with Kohta. Nana/OC Lucy (male)/Kohta (female)- I wonder if I'll find the story more appealing if both the main characters were gender bent. I guess, I just can't stand wimpy and useless male characters, especially if they are supposed to be one of the protagonists. Not saying, if the male lead was a female, I would find it more appealing. I don't like wimpy females either. Just that, if Kohta is supposed to the 'emotion/heart' of the series, it's less of an appeal to me. I guess, I just don't like crybaby men. Yuki (Future Diary) was torture enough. I don't need another male protagonist, like him! Disliked Elfen Lied Pairings: There's not really a list for this. I hate almost every pairing presented in the series, except maybe Lucy/Kohta. All the pairings, besides Lucy/Kohta, are either incest or pedophilia, which I find both disgusting. No offense to those who are. Favorite Puella Magi Madoka Magica Pairings: Homura (male)/Madoka- Really! This anime would have made a great tragic love story, if Homura was a male instead of a female. That's probably why I like it so much! But it's a magical GIRL show, so... Kyouko (male)/Sayaka- Although, I despise Sayaka for many reasons... No doubt, if Kyouko was male, then they would have been a good side pairing. Homura/OC- I just want Homura to feel loved. Sometimes, I feel like she's under-appreciated, but that's to be expected. No one remembers her. And another reason... The main reason Homura likes Madoka, if you think about it, was because she's the first to 'truly' be her friend. And being the lonely girl she was at the time, Homura was desperate for friends and just cling to Madoka when she first showed her 'true' kindness. It was simply a coincidental meeting... So, what I'm saying is that... If Homura had meet someone else in her desperate time in need... You can obviously see where I'm going here. To me, Madoka is easily replaceable in Homura's life. If you think about, you can place any person (even an OC) in Madoka's position and Homura will be just as clingy to them. It's not like Madoka is the 'chosen one' or even 'destined' to meet Homura. It's all about 'meeting a person and/or encountering a situation at the wrong place and the wrong time'. That's why I think if you can replace any character with an OC, it will definitely be Madoka. Madoka coincidentally meet Homura at her desperate time of need and it's Homura who made Madoka so powerful, so if you were to replace her with an OC... Yeah, surely you can see where I'm going. Madoka is only important because she's important to Homura, and only powerful because Homura unintentionally made her powerful. If any other person was in Madoka's place... They would be just be as powerful and as important to Homura. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is really Homura's story, plain and simple, and Madoka is just the catalyst. If you were change the catalyst... So yeah. This why I think Homura/OC stories can be more than acceptable. Just place an OC in Madoka's position, and...there you go! Disliked Puella Magi Madoka Magica pairings: Homura/Madoka- Surprised?! I know... It's not like I dislike them as a character, I just dislike them as a pairing. Fans can try to justify this pairing all they want... But this is an abusive relationship through and through... The anime and the movie shows how abusive Homura can be, even if with good intentions. Yeah, she promised Madoka to keep her from contracting in one timeline, but she NEVER asked Homura to suddenly be cold and emotionally abuse her. Just to be clear, it's not that I don't like the pairing because it's a yuri pairing. I don't care about that. I don't like it because it's an ABUSIVE relationship. It's funny how people try to justify it or overlook because of Homura's 'please pity me' past (it's sad, though, really sad) and because she's 'cool and badass'. No matter what the excuse, abuse is STILL abuse! I probably would tolerated it more, if Madoka was a more outspoken and strong-willed, then this pairing will be more tolerable because I know Madoka won't take Homura's abuse, no matter what the reason. And please don't say... Well, Madoka is innocent and kind... That's the problem. Madoka... is too unrealistic or just too generic as a character. I can't connect to her in anyway... That's probably why she's ranked number four in the order of how I like the characters (Homura, Kyoko, Mami, Madoka, Sayaka). I don't care how powerful Madoka is... People have to honest, Madoka isn't popular because of her 'innocence' (as I've seen characters in other anime who are just as innocent, if not more, even though they more valid excuse than Madoka not to be so innocent) or because how powerful she is. Madoka is popular because of Homura. Face it, without Homura included SOMEHOW, Madoka would be nothing. Just another Magical Girl who got in way over her head. To help people? Ha! There are other ways and teens who have similar problems as Madoka. Not knowing what to do in life and such. Face it, Madoka is simply just a less corrupted version of person wanting power just so they can feel important. Honestly, I do love Homura and like Madoka, but there's enough problems with both of them and their 'relationship' that I can write an 'two-thousand word' essay on it. And I just have a debate with someone on this pairing, and the debate made me realize that is Homura not only abusive towards Madoka, but she's always WAY more abusive, manipulative, and resentful she is towards all the other characters not named 'Madoka Kaname' (even though they don't remember and Homura doesn't bother to explain to them), and makes me realize how much more unrealistic Madoka is as a character in general. I even began writing essay about how of a truly awful person Homura (I do love her, but I can't ignore the fact that she is an awful person) and comparing her to Rika Furude (Higurashi). Two characters going through one month long time loops for nearly a hundred years. Overall, this pairing may seem nice and good, but overall and realistically it's harmful to not only itself (themselves?), but everyone else around them. And friends that abandoned their friends just because they don't find them perfect, which Homura basically does. She abandons Mami, Kyoko, and Sayaka because they aren't perfect, like perfect, innocent Madoka. This makes me want to slap Homura (screw her time powers), and scream at her that humans are flawed and it's not fair to abandon them because they do one bad thing wrong (which they don't even remember) that she doesn't like. She basically gives up on everyone because they weren't perfect, flawless human beings. Favorite Fullmetal Alchemist Pairings: Edward/Winry- maybe. I'm not that big of a fan. I see it more as a brother/sister relationship. There's too much abuse, which is a huge put off for me. But other than that, it's one of the few Edward pairings I don't mind. It's either Ed/Winry or Ed/OC, although, I prefer the latter, being a lover of canon character/original character and all. I also find the whole 'Ed only has a single target sexuality towards Winry' a huge misconception. It's not that Winry is the only girl that ever interested him, it's the fact that he's so busy trying to reach his goal that he simply thinks romance is a distraction. Honestly, if Winry wasn't his mechanic, he wouldn't pay any attention to her. She would simply been that one girl that he used hang out with when he was little before his life went to hell and he joined the military. Seriously, it's not that he only ever loved Winry. Winry is just the ONLY girl available for him. It was either Winry or no one, like the 2003 version, because every other girl is either taken, too old for him, or just not interested in Ed. But really, I just find Winry to be really annoying sometimes. Even more annoying than Edward and that's saying a lot since Ed is supposed to be one of the most annoying yet endearing characters in the show (comes with being a jerk with a heart of gold and all). The reason why I find Winry annoying is partly due to the feminist/sexist way she's portrayed by the author herself. Wow. Both Ed and Winry are really annoying characters. No wonder they end up together. No one else could stand being in a relationship with either of them. Edward/OC Alphonse/OC Alphonse/Mai Chang Roy/Riza Edward/Noah- Maybe. I learned that Noah and Ed was originally supposed to end up together after the canon movie (the sequel movie of the 2003 FMA), but it was scrapped away for the movie's plot. Once, I learned that... It made me think. And I would admit, they do look kind of cute together. I actually wouldn't mind if Ed and Noah got became an official couple, canon-wise for 2003 FMA. They probably didn't want to piss of Ed/Winry fans. Disliked Fullmetal Alchemist Pairings: Homunculi/Anyone Edward/Roy- I've never got the appeal. People do realize that this is pedophilia, don't they? I mean, if Ed was twenty one or older, it'll be different or if fanfics make him such, but unfortunately, he isn't. HE'S ONLY FIFTEEN, maybe sixteen if you include the timeskip. I mean, I'll admit that some part of me would found this pairing somewhat cute if Ed was a female. But the fact that he's only fifteen (unless fanfics make him older) and Roy is in his late twenties, is a real turn off and disgusting because, once again, THIS IS PEDOPHILIA! Or statutory rape, if, you know, take the relationship that far. Favorite Yona of the Dawn Pairings: Yona/Hak- So adorable! And Hak is best boy! Hak/OC- Seriously, I would love to read about Hak being paired with a female OC. The only problem though is Yona. I do enjoy her and Hak together. But if Yona ends up with a different love interest that isn't him, then I want Hak to get his own love interest. That sexy guy deserves some loving. Hmm! Tall, dark, funny, strong, and sexy... The perfect package! Favorite Crossover Inuyasha/Bleach Pairings: Inuyasha/Orihime Uryu/Kagome Disliked Crossover Inuyasha/Bleach Pairings: Kagome/Ichigo Orihime/Naraku- Really?! Kagome/Bakuya Favorite Crossover Naruto/Angel Beats Pairings: Naruto/Kanade Sakura/Hinata Hinata/Otonashi- He just seems to like quiet girls. Kiba/Yui- Maybe. Disliked Crossover Naruto/Angel Beats Pairings: Naruto/Yuri-I'll never accept this! Hinata/Hinata- I just think she's too shy and quiet to be his type. Favorite Crossover Angel Beats/Bleach Pairings: Ichigo/Yui Hinata/Orihime Rukia/Otonashi Renji/Yuri-maybe. Favorite Crossover Naruto/Inuyasha Pairings: Sakura/Inuyasha Sasuke/Sango-I don't know. They just both lost their families by their own brothers, so it might work. Disliked Crossover Naruto/Inuyasha Pairings: Kagome/Naruto Kagome/Kakashi Kagome/Sasuke Kagome/Itachi Kagome/Minato Favorite Crossover Inuyasha/Blood Pairings: Inuyasha/Diva Sango/Solomon Disliked Crossover Inuyasha/Blood Pairings: Kagome/Haji Kagome/Solomon Favorite Naruto/Future Diary Pairings: Naruto/Tsubaki Akise/Sakura Dislike Naruto/Future Diary Pairings: Naruto/Yuno-maybe Favorite Naruto/Akame ga Kill Pairings: Naruto/Sheele Naruto/Mine Naruto/Leone Kakashi/Najenda Sasuke/Akame Sasuke/Sheele Tatsumi/Sakura Tatsumi/Hinata- maybe Leone/Kiba Disliked Naruto/Akame ga Kill Pairings: Esdeath/anybody Seryu/anybody Favorite Naruto/Elfen Lied Pairings: Lucy/Naruto Lucy/Sasuke- Two hate filled psychopaths bent on getting revenge on those who wronged them. Hehe... What else could go wrong? Favorite Naruto/Fullmetal Alchemist Pairings: Naruto/Winry Edward/Sakura Edward/Naruko Alphonse/Hinata Favorite Bleach/Fullmetal Alchemist Pairings: Edward/Orihime- Honestly, I'm surprised at myself. Truthfully, the more I worked on this pairing in my story, the more I'm falling in love with it. Just imagine Ed's boisterous, snarky, down to earth, science guy personality clashing with Orihime's bubbly, optimistic, whimsical, gentle nature. I know they technically make a Savvy Guy/Energetic Girl pairing or the Brooding Boy/Gentle Girl cliche one, but it's still adorable! And besides, cliches aren't bad. So there! And besides most pairings Ed ends up with are tsundere characters, whether canon characters or OCs. Time to try someone new! I want to tell you guys about the different types of writing. I say this because most people I've seen get confused, especially when it comes to writing in third-person. First-person- This is when the story is writing in a certain character's point of view (POV), and is indicated with 'I'. It must stay in first-person throughout the story. There is no switching...unless you tell us otherwise. But if you are going to do that...you might as well write in third-person limited. Second-person- This is similar to first-person, except the writer/author is replacing 'I' with 'you'. It's mainly get the readers more involved with the story. Writing in second-person is against the rules on this site, but if you want write your fanficitions that way...go ahead. I'm not stopping you. I'm just here to inform you. Now we get to the tricky part... Third-person. But what most people are unaware of...is that there are two types of third-persons. Third-person omniscient and third-person limited. Third-person omniscient- Is when the author/writer is the narrator of the story. Not any of the characters. It's mostly written in past tense form because it's the author 'retelling' the story that has already happened. Think of the author as the 'all-knowing god' or the 'third, unseen party' of the story. Third-person limited- It is similar to first person, except it is written in the third-person as the name implies. So... 'I' is replaced with 'he/she', but it's still written in one character's perspective/POV...just in third-person. Don't get this confused with third-person omniscient because there is no 'all-knowing god' in this one. It's always told in one character's perspective/POV. Meaning, we (the readers) should NOT know any other character's thoughts and actions...unless told otherwise by the characters themselves...or until the author/writer switches over to their perspective/POV. I say all this because...like I said...I've seen people get confused...mostly when it comes to writing in third-person. As for me...most of my fanfics are written in third-person omniscient, so I'm the 'all-knowing god' of my stories. If you want to know. Future Stories (maybe, these are just ideas that I may or may not write): Inuyasha/The Pet Girl of Sakurasou Title: Mistress and Pet What if Naraku was already born before, and a freak incident happened to him on the night before his wedding with Shiuska making him and her forget everything? As Shiuska starts to have flashbacks of her time in Sakurasou with Naraku, the villain who she thought was her and her friends, the Inuyasha group's enemy. When she arrives at Sakurasou mansion during their travels trying to destroy him the memories of Shiuska's time with Naraku and her friends at Sakurasou starts to become more vivid. Will she rediscover her last memories and find out what happened to them on the night before their wedding? (Naraku/OC) Angel Beats Title: HMSN Movie: Journey to Hell What will happen if instead of Kira going on a training trip, messengers from Hell come and get her for her punishment of her crimes. Filled with anguish and regret, Kira finally accepts her dark and lonely path to Hell for punishment for her sins in life and afterlife. Hinata tries to stop her only to fail miserably, and yet have Kira realize her mistakes even more. With a sorrowful goodbye to him, she leaps into the gateways of Hell. There is one chance for Hinata to redeem himself and save her. It takes six months before Kira is sent into the fiery depths of Hell for good. Will he be able to save her in time? Or will Kira perish for all eternity? A side-story. (Hinata/OC) Inuyasha/Blood Title: Shattered Blue Rose Thorns Blood. Pain. Hate. Sorrow. Loneliness. Diva just wants to get away from it all. No more war with her sister. No more being treated like an experiment by her Chevaliers, more specifically, Amshel. All she wants is to be free. Truly free. Free of the world and the pain it brings. What happens when she falls down the Bone Eaters Well and meets Inuyasha? Can he heal the dark sorrow and loneliness in her heart? (Inuyasha/Diva) Inuyasha/Angel Beats Title: Priestess in the Afterlife After passing away in Inuyasha's arms for the final time, Kikyou finds herself tasked to help a certain group of rebellious teens that call themselves the Afterlife Battlefront or SSS, and to help them overcome their own regrets in life and move on by Midoriko herself. Seeing as herself as a priestess that helps others, and had a similar situation agrees. Finding herself not liking the attitude of the Battlefront's immature leader, Yuri, and seeing her heart is being tainted by her deep grudge against God, she decides to team up with Kanade instead, finding her to be somewhat the same as her in more ways than one. But something happens, Kikyou finds herself falling for yet another man, a blue haired baseball teen, who shows her what it's like to life like a normal human. Just an ordinary woman, like she always wanted to be. But there isn't much time before the Afterlife's hatred for God and greed for life brings great calamity upon the Afterlife. (Kikyou/Hinata, Kanade/Otonashi) Inuyasha Title: Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairytale Remix Donna Jo (DJ) Kejisuta lived a life of almost normal sixteen year old girl with her mother being a scientist and school. Until one day she fell down the Bone Eaters Well that her family owns. Demons from all over after a crystal which is called the Shikon Jewel or Jewel of Four Souls which she accidentally shatters it into many tiny fragments. She has to team up with a hotheaded, arrogant half-dog demon known as Inuyasha to retrieve all the jewel shards, and make it whole once again. Along the way they meet Shippo, a fox kit, the lecherous monk called Miroku, a demon slayer, Sango, and her fire demon cat companion, Kirara. Will they be able to find the shards of the jewel, or will someone else find them and bring total destruction upon the land? Kagome is NOT in the story. Follows the story of Inuyasha with a twist here and there. Basically a remix of the anime Inuyasha. (Inuyasha/OC, Miroku/Sango) Angel Beats Title: The Psychopath of the Afterlife Utaushi Tachibana has entered the Afterlife with amnesia. She meets Angel/Kanade, and she seems familiar. Utaushi has a strong desire to protect Kanade and watch over her. The Afterlife Battlefront beware of the Utaushi's psychotic nature. They learned that she is not just Kanade's ally, she's a lot more ruthless and fierce. Killing the Battlefront members in bloody and gory deaths, making her a force to be reckoned with. She's far worse than Angel's ever been. A slight crossover with Future Diary. (Not the original plot, though. My own original version of Future Diary.) Blood/Future Diary Title: Blood Diary Leviana Kiatsu has known Diva for quite awhile now. She knows Diva isn't as happy as she makes herself out to be. And decides to stay with her to help out with whatever the Chiropterean Queen needs. She acts almost like a sisterly figure to Diva. Then one day, Deus, the God of Time and Space, who she thought didn't exist, gives Leviana her own Future Diary and tells her about the Survival Game along with twelve other contestants. She's the thirteenth diary owner. Now, not only does she have stay clear from Saya, Haji, and the members of the Red Shield, she also has to stay clear of other diary users. Will she be able survive through all this chaos? (Follows both plotlines of both series somewhat.) Naruto/Future Diary Title: Enter: Sakura: the Thirtheenth Diary Owner Sakura left alone in the modern day age of Japan, is invited to participate in the Survival Game by Deus becoming the Thirtheenth Dairy Owner. But there's one problem for Sakura... She's never used any of her ninja skills since coming here. Will she need to or is her strength, intelligence, and knife skills enough to win the game? Follows the plotline of Future Diary. (Sakura/Akise) Inuyasha/Higurashi When They Cry Title: A Miracle is Something Worth Fighting for After seeing the alternate timeline where Naraku wins through the Lake of Mirrors, what if something happened to the lake that made Inuyasha and the others disappear into an alternate world where none of their tragedies occurred. Kikyou is alive with flesh and bones, Inuyasha was never pinned to the Sacred Tree, Miroku's father is alive and no Wind Tunnel, and Sango's Village was never destroyed. This is the life they have always wanted, but nothing is as they have hoped. They have the four seasons to choose whether they will stay in that seemingly, perfect world, or to return back to their original one. Which would they choose? Sequel to 'The Tears of my Blood Upon My Hands'. Based off the Saikoroshi-hen arc of Higurashi. (Inuyasha/OC, Naraku/OC, Miroku/Sango, Kagome/Koga) Angel Beats Title: Slamming the Doors of Hell with Vengeance This is basically explaining about Kira's arrival into the Afterlife, and her forming the Anti-Human Battalions. A story about how it all started right before she meets Hinata. From Kira's arrival all the way to the first chapter of 'Hinata Meets Someone New'. (A prequel to 'Hinata Meets Someone New'.) Gash Bell Title: Kuronokishidan After six months until Gash becomes king, a rebellious group called the Kuronokishidan (translated to Black Knights in Japanese) emerge. In all out war begins in the Mamodo World to decide the fate of all Mamodos. Gash must realize what it means to be a true king. His path of becoming a kind king is tested through trials, errors, rage, blood, sacrifice, friendship, and happiness. Zeon must also rediscover his own self and his own prowess. In this long fought out battle the origins of the Mamodo World's past is revealed, such as the Bell family and the origin of the Mamodo Battle. What shocking secret will Gash, Zeon, and all their friends discover through their hardships to survive in this gruesome battle? (Warning: some character deaths may happen.) Naruto Title: Drifting Mami Uchiha, younger sister of Itachi Uchiha and older sister of Sasuke Uchiha, grows up with the invidious expectations of being one of the heirs of the great Uchiha clan. All she wants to do is enjoy a semi-normal shinobi life, but being daughter of the Uchiha clan head that's an impossible dream. Things go from bad to worse as the persecution against the Uchiha worsens. "All I wanted was to have a simple and successful life... Is that to much to ask?" Akame ga Kill Title: We are Assassins! A prequel of Kira's Ninja Adventure. This explores Kira's past and her adventures with Night Raid. Nothing much else to say, except that it'll mostly follow the anime with a few snippets of a manga, such as the Wild Hunt arc, and some original plot points. Although, Sheele would not be in the story. Even though she's one of my favorite characters. Extase belongs to Kira, not Sheele. And also another OC, Cheri, would also be a member of Night Raid with her own original background and everything. But everything else would loosely follow the anime. So expect plenty of tragedies and deaths. |