Author has written 1 story for Fullmetal Alchemist. Hello random person who found my profile! Shoot me a PM if you want, though no promises to answer. I refuse to put the copypasta on my profile. The stories would be a heck of a lot harder to find should I stoop into such practices. I have just returned from this very long hiatus and will attempt to use this wonderful website to get back on track with a lot of things in my life, starting with writing. Therefore, Announcement: Ways to Blow Cover on a Mission will once more be updated, albeit irregularly. Any other potential stories will be put on the account as they are published. (And now I am cringing at that creative name. I mean, really, what was I thinking?) I must say that my interests have shifted somewhat in the past two years. I still enjoy a variety of fandoms and prefer writing platonic relationships in most cases though. If you are looking for slash you are still unlikely to find it here. |