(Inuyasha's thoughts)
Jealousy is an ugly feeling.
I've never had much experience with being the object of it.
Because bitch, who's gonna be jealous of me?
But lately... ever since he's let me be at his side again -
(is it still 'again' if it's been this many years?)
-ever since then, I see them
look at me
like they would rather see me rotting by the side of the road
and I'm not really a stranger to that, many youkai and humans have felt they would rather see me dead than alive
but this, this is worse because... this time, it's not my life, but my happiness that they've come for
it's unsettling because they look like regular people, relatively good, even... they don't look like those kind of monsters
It's not him they want, most of them.. they crave his power, his beauty, his wealth, his title..
(they don't even know that's not him)
they want to be looked at by that power and beauty and wealth and title, the way that he looks at me
after the first few that he ground ruthlessly under his heel, I think they have learned better than to touch me while I'm his
I think I will be dead if I'm ever left by him.. they'll come for me within the hour, tear me to bits
But then, I think if I were left by him, I would die anyway..
So really, I have nothing to fear from their ugliness.
And as for them, I guess they're already afraid enough of all that they will never have.
A/N: Hi everyone! This story has actually been completed years ago, but this drabble I wrote now is set in this universe so I added it here. There may be one more chapter with Sesshoumaru's thoughts. As always, I'd love to know what you think. Thanks for reading!