![]() Author has written 10 stories for Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Hey I'm Zangetsu50 I have other favorite animes but my top five is 1. Fairy Tail 2. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 3. D-Gray-Man 4. Gintama 5. Bleach Name: Dont need to know (Classified) Age: Old enough. 14-25 I am still in school but I am not saying if I'm in High School, just graduated, entering college or am currently in college. Gender: You can figure it out ;) Country: USA Disclaimer: This Disclaimer applies to every story I make. Tite Kubo owns Bleach so all the characters belong to him, except my OC characters. Hiromu Arakawa owns Fullmetal Alchemist, all the characters belong to her I do have a habit of writin in txt form, so ya (Ex: Wat-what, going-goin, know-knw, you-u) my stories dont have them though i make sure, but sometimes i do miss some. Deviantart account: http:/// You know you lived in 2009 when... 1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have a screen name or myspace. 4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV. 6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job. 7.) You read this list, & keep nodding and smiling. 8.) As you read this list, you think about sending it to all your friends. 9.) And you were too busy to notice number 5. 10.) You actually scrolled back up to check that there was a number 5. 11.) & now you're laughing at your stupidity. 12.) Put this in your profile if you fell for it. And you know you did 11/19/14 So sorry for not giving any updates. Two reasons 1. Life is being a bitch at the moment 2. No wifi No wifi at home, its been like this for about 3-4 weeks. We're changing services and so far we haven't picked one, so I haven't had access to update anything, only times I get access is when I'm school and even that time is limited as I use that time to try to take care of things while I have the chance. If I have spare time then I try to fit in story working time, but for the moment this is how its going to be for a while not sure for how long. I'm not dead or anything its just hard to work on things when you have no wifi and are usually occupied. So sorry for not updating anything :( 11/19/14 8/14/14 Just released a new story called Black Cross: Side Stories, it focuses on my OC Akira and her interactions with everyone. More info if you go to it 8/14/14 8/7/14 Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with family issues as well as moving to a new house and because I moved I had no internet for a while. Just got it back today. I prefer to type then write so I didn't work on my stories that much while I was waiting for my internet to come back. Anyways while I had no internet I thought of a side story to go with Black Cross, its not out yet, but it will be soon. It focuses on Akira and her interaction with everyone, its like the recap arc but with more detailed chapters. More info when its out 8/7/14 7/4/14 So I released a drawing of what Akira looks like on my deviantart account, here is the link incase anybody wants to see it http:/// 7/4/14 7/2/14 Ok so this is a quick update on whats been going on, I redid Questioned Trust and its now called Black Cross. I'm working on the second chapter but I wont release it until I finish drawing the characters that will show up in the story. I need like two or three more to do, I've also recently been using the dA muro on deviantart to color them in, I've completed coloring three drawings and its going kind of slow cuz I'm doing it on a laptop and its a little hard to keep my hand steady, don't have a mouse available to make it easier at the moment. Anyways I've been focusing on my drawings more and that's slow because I can only draw pretty well when I'm in a certain mood to do it, which usually doesn't happen often. I've also started a World of Warcraft account because I wanted to see what the big deal about the game is and sadly I kind of got addicted to it. So anyways again for anybody interested Black Cross wont be updated for a while because I still need to finish a few of the character drawings, when I'm finished with the characters I'll let you guys know in the authors note of the second chapter. I wont upload all of them though only as the characters appear in each chapter. Like I said I have 13 recently 14 OC's that I have already created a while, while back they wont all appear at the same time, they will appear at different points in the story Depending on how I decide the story will go, Black Cross might have a sequel, and if it did have a sequel the rest of the OC's would appear in it, because I don't want to have them all show up to soon since the last one appeared. So it actually most likely will have a sequel. I've also been slow because I wanted to see how the Bleach manga was heading because Black Cross happens before that and a few scenes I've already wrote down involve them showing up in the arc, but if I want to finish my Black Cross stories before my life gets way to busy I might have to either skip it or make up my own on how the arc goes. Chances are though that it will mostly likely go to me making up my own unless Bleach finishes before I even finish the sequel to Black Cross Anyhoo that's all I wanted to say See ya 7/2/14 5/22/14 Wow I haven't updated since Feb 18, did not even realize it, anyways I'm not gonna really say anything I'm just updating my profile to let you guys know that I am not dead Repeat I am not dead!!! 5/22/14 1/3/14 Hey its a New year! I am sorry I have not been updating anything, Honestly OMG I have actually been preoccupied for once during my break, its a little annoying. I will do what I can to update, but no promises 1/3/14 12/22/13 I know I said I would update, but omg I keep getting like interrupted, I am going to be babysitting my younger sibling as a favor for my parents for my break, so hopefully I will have time to get to work 12/22/13 12/4/13 So I finished watching Fairy Tail last week as well as catching up on the manga. I'm still in that Fairy Tail phase, but I need to go back to working on my stories, so I will try to update maybe by next week or the week after, cuz finals are approaching fast for me, I will be occupied with that, but I will do what I can 12/4/13 11/11/13 Ok so theres going to a delay in my stories, as I'm finally watching Fairy Tail and I am so hooked on it, I'm already reading fanfiction of it. Anyways I'm currently on Ep. 68. I started it a few days ago, anyways I just wanted to let you guys know that their will a delay because I will be watching Fairy Tail until I finish and I might even read the manga after that, not sure if to read where it leaves off or wait for the anime to come back, because I know it is. So I'm not sure yet Anyways that's all I wanted to say 11/11/13 11/5/13 This is the link to an image of Akira's apartment from chapter 4 http:///photos/big-apartment-interior-design-in-tokyo-3.jpg 11/5/13 10/7/13 A/N: OK I have an announcement, I was just want to apologize beforehand, if my chapters begin to suck I apologize. Just recently a close friend/family (Don't want to say which one, because of privacy) has had some suicidal issues, and I'm having difficulty coping with the situation. but I don't want this to affect the things I do in my life, like writing my ideas, etc, so I'm trying to force myself to try to go about things as if nothing has happened or else this is going to eat me inside, but also try to find a way to help my family/friend through this tough time, our close friends/family are also here to try to help him/her. so I am terribly sorry if my chapters are terrible or if my chapter/profile updates slows down dramatically. I will try my best to continue working on my stories 10/7/13 9/25/13 I haven't updated in a while, so Im just letting you guy knows of recent events, I finally finished Recap Arc, and have now started on my main story. Currently working on the second chapter, but school work is like delaying that. Anybody who wants to read Questioned Trust I really recommend you guys go over Recap Arc first, because I don't remember which chapters but a few of them actually are like leading up to Questioned Trust, think of it like references that will be brought up later in the story. I'm going to have this posted on the second chapter of Questioned Trust incase nobody really checks my profile, but I thought of this idea while trying to work on my story. Its a Fullmetal Alchemist fic. Specifically Parental!Roy fic. If anybody wants to use, its totally fine just clear it with me first. Idea: (FMA Fic, its a parentalroy fic) Ed wakes up in a different world where the Homunculus were never born, Hughes is alive and well, everything in Amestris seems to be fine, but with a few problems, for starters why is Ed's last name Mustang, why isn't Al with him, why is Roy the Fuhrer with Hawkeye as his wife, and more importantly WHY IS HE NINE YEARS OLD! The only reason I'm not doing it is because I already have my hands full with my stories. Like I said anybody who wants to use it just clear it with me, I would also want to know what your planning on doing with it, like how will the storyline go. Only reason I want to know is because I want to see this idea written down, and as much as I would love to do it, for two reasons I cant, (1). Not that good at FMA fics, (2). Already have my hands full with my own incomplete stories, and I don't really want to add onto it. Anyways anybody can use it, just clear it with me and tell me what your plans are for it and I'll let you know if its fine. 9/25/13 8/28/13 Damn time passes fast I didn't realize I haven't updated my profile in almost a month. Well anyways I just wanted to let you guys know that the Recap Arc story is almost finished, here is the remaining chapters that will be updated, I only have 9 chapters left if I did my math right :) Hueco Mundo Arc - Two Chapters left Turn Back the Pendulum - 3 Chapters The Fake Karakura Town Arc - 3 Chapters With The Lost Substitute Arc as Extras since she was not in it only made small, small cameos or just mentionedThe final chapter will be when Ichigo sees Akira again and then the main story will be uploaded, I already have the first chapter ready to go, I just need to hurry up and wrap up this Recap story up. 8/28/13 7/31/13 I have created 14 OC characters each with their own first and last name as well as their own abilities. To make things clear before I even introduce them in the story, I created these characters like 2 years ago and I continued to work on them until I finally finalized how they are going to be. So I don't want anybody thinking I copied somebody's character if I could show you the word doc that contains everything about it including the date the doc was created I would. Actually I started everything by writing it in a notebook I still have it, after knowing that things will be edited while working on it, I moved it to a Word Doc, anyways I still have the original, original file. On my new computer that I mentioned I got months ago I copied the file to here and kept the original original on a separate computer, so either way I haven't copied anybody. The fact that I'm even saying this shows that I just want to clear the air before even introducing the characters. Some of my OC's are even based on people I know, and the people I based them on even helped develop them, like two of my favorite OC's are based on two people close to me. 7/31/13 7/22/13 Wow, its been two months since I left a note on here, don't worry I am still alive and well. Man when I look back at this and see that I said that I'm not going to be one of those people who don't update in like a year or months blah blah you know what I mean. Well I'm so sorry that I'm not keeping that promise, when I first stated that I did not have much work to do but you know school, as you go to the next grade or college work increases. I thought I would be able to balance it, but I couldn't. This isn't a goodbye note, don't worry!! I will finish them, I can promise that even if people lost interest. Ok well the main reason I am leaving a note is because I wanted to let you guys know that the story It All Comes Together, will be deleted and restarted, I am going to be putting my focus onto that story, so the stories The Hollow Within and Under the Moonlight will be put on hold until I complete at least more than 10 chapters. The reason behind this is because like I stated in the chapters of It All Comes Together I have had these ideas for my OC characters for so long I finally wanted to put them into a story, and I did but I didn't like how the story turned out so I'm restarting it. So sorry for the disappointment, but this is a little more important to me then the others. I mean everyday my mind is coming up with ideas with them and I'm always writing down short versions of it so that when I put into a story I can put the ideas I wrote down, I don't even care if nobody likes it, as long as my ideas are finally out I will be so satisfied. So I am going to restart the story and put my full on attention to it, after I update at least more than 5 I will then work on Under the Moonlight and then The Hollow Within. So yeah that's all I wanted to say, oh BTW when I restart It All Comes Together it will probably be under a different name, don't know what yet, but I'm just letting you guys know. Alrighty then now that this is settled I am going to start working on the first chapter of the reboot, and deleting It All Comes Together , the previews that are on my profile will stay just to let you guys know The poll is going to be removed as well as anything concerning the poll on my profile 7/22/13 4/29/13 Published my first Fullmetal Alchemist story today!! Let me know how I did! 4/29/13 4/23/13 Hello im still alive!! sorry I have been occupied with my story. Honestly the only reason I'm working on this instead of my other ones is because like the whole thing I have written down has been in my head for like 2 years and I finally have it all planned out. I have all the characters personality's, appearance, part in story, abilities, etc finally figured out. Even their pasts and relationships with each other, like I said all of this has been in my head for actually maybe 3 I just finally sorted it out back then I had basic plans but now I have it fully figured out. I mean you should see my word doc that has everything written down its past 10,000 words I think or was it 100,000 I don't remember I just know theirs 10 in it. Anyways that's all I wanted to say. 4/23/13 3/28/13 I posted the character info so you guys can understand my OC more, I even posted the previews I had here a while ago. Character Information Name: Akira Kimura Age: (Nope, not gonna say, but she has been around for a long time) Gender: Female Race: Human, Shinigami, ?,? Appearance (Not going to give off much): Akira has black layered cut hair, her hair reaches an inch below her shoulders, and she has a bangs going to the left. She wears black eyeliner, sometimes black eye shadow, her eyes are yellow like a hollows but a bit darker. Her skin tone is a bit darker than ichigos, she is the same height as Ichigo though. Her nails are painted black She wears a smooth, thin leather, finger-less gloves that extend to her elbow on her left hand. On her right, she wears the sleeves that don't connect to her shirt, she has a black choker against her neck. When she makes her first appearance, she was wearing civilian clothes, but with a black untied yukata. She only wears it whenever theirs hollows, when she exits her body, and when she went to Soul Society, but in public she wears civilian clothing. When dressed in civilian clothing she does dress kind of gothic, she does keep the choker, the glove and sleeves on. Personality: At first shes slightly cold, but can be nice when she wants to, she treats opponents with a cold tone when their not worth it. She shows to care for ichigo and rukia but as the story progresses her personality starts to change to a darker tone. (You'll see what i mean) When on missions she's usually pretty serious. Appearances: Agent of the Shinigami Both Soul Society Arcs Both Bount Arcs All Arrancar Arcs Amagai Arc The Past Arc Zanpakuto Arc Gotei 13 Invading Arc The Lost Substitue Arc (Mentioned and Cameo Only) Thousand Year War Arc Abilities: Zanpakuto Name: Rei Command: Crush their Soul Appearance: It looks like any other sword, the handle is a very deep dark red with a square guard Ability: It has the ability to copy anything, like if she says a crossbow it will transform itself into that and keeps it memorized, she just has to think it after the first transformation, this includes zanpakuto's. At first I wasn't going to give off much but then i was thinking well its ability is simliar to the sword from my very first story, so it wont be much of a surprise. 2nd Ability (Not Zanpakuto related): (?) I like to leave you guys curious. Bankai: Revealed in another story, not in any of the bleach arcs. A/N: I know its not much to go but honestly i cant give off much about her, just basic info, the reason why theirs not much for personality is because I want to keep you guys in the dark about how she truly is. Agent of the Shinigami Arc Ep. 1 The Day I Became a Shinigami (Two different scenes) Scene 1 The stranger from before lands on rooftop and watches as she sees the boy from before looking at the shinigami with determination. Ichigo looks at the shinigami with a smile and says "Give me your sword, Shinigami" Rukia smiles back and replies "Its not Shinigami, its Kuchiki Rukia" Ichigo grabs the swords blade with his hands, the stranger continues to look with curious eyes, curiosity fills her eyes and she hears him say "I'm Kurosaki Ichigo" She watches as they plunge the sword into his heart, she puts her face over her eyes as a huge flash of light suddenly appears, when she moves her hand away, she sees the boy soon standing in shinigami clothes with a huge blade on his back. Though she doesn't look surprised. Scene 2 After Ichigo finished exterminating the hollow, she smiles and says "Kurosaki Ichigo, lets see if you can peek my interest" She then vanishes The Rescue Arc Ep. 47 The Avengers Scene 1 "I'm gonna drown you!" Ichigo looks at Akira whose leaning against a rock, with her eyes closed "Are you just going to stand there?" Akira looks at him "What? You want me to come in there, your such a pervert" Ichigo blushes, "That's not what I meant" Yoruichi looks at him "What? Your interested in her" Ichigo turns red "That's not what i want!" Akira smirks "The way you react shows how your virgin, Ichigo sorry your not my type" Akira just has a smirk on her face Scene 2 After Ichigo and Yoruichi were done talking about Urahara, Ichigo looked at Akira "Ne, Akira, Can I ask you a question?" Akira opened one eye "What?" "Who trained you?" Akira opened both eyes "Why do you want to know?" Ichigo looked at her with both serious and curiosity "You have amazing skills when it comes to swords, hand-to-hand and even in kido, all of that must of taken you a while to learn, and you couldn't have done it alone, so I'm curious to know who trained you" Akira closed her eyes "That's none of your business, but if you must know, most of my training was done by someone very close to me" The Bount Arc Ep. 70 Rukia's Return! Revival of the Substitute Team! "Doesn't Soul Society know anything about the Bounts?" Ichigo looked at Rukia, Rukia looks at him "Huh?" "Judging from the timing, isn't that why you were sent here?" "Unfortunately I wasn't told anything, that encounter was the first I'd ever heard of bounts, it was a surprise" Ichigo looks at Akira "What about you Akira, you know a lot of things" Akira sighs "Unfortunate for me as well, I don't know much I have heard of them before and what they can do, Soul Society destroyed most of their history about it, i know where to retrieve that lost information, but sadly I don't have access to it right now" Rukia looks at her surprised "Where is it?" "None of your business" She tells her bluntly, Rukia's shocked she said that to her, Ichigo sighs "Oh, well...then" Now these are just a few random lines most of them are Akiras of course and none of the sections are in order "That was never my sword..." "This was my sword!" "Well, well, well, if it isn't Juhabach" "What are you doing here?" "Why do you think, I'm pretty sure you had a conversation with us not that long ago" Ichigo looks at the new stranger in surprise "Who are you?!" The stranger pulls down his hood "Who am I? I'm shocked she didnt mention me, I'm Akira's..." 3/28/13 3/25/13 Im still alive sorry I haven't updated recently I finally watched the anime Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, it was one of the best animes ever, I absolutely loved it!!! So ya that's my reason for being absent for a while that and after watching it I started reading FMA fanfiction, so ive been distracted SO SORRY!!. Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know what been going on 3/25/13 PREVIEWS BELOW A/N: This is just a teaser, once again random quotes from random scenes, for starters this wont come out until ive reached an ark in bleach so this is in the future Bleach: Invasion of the Demons "What is that thing?!" A NEW ENEMY APPEARS "A Akuma" FACED WITH A NEW CHALLENGE "What is it that they want?" "Not what but who" "The person they want is Akira" "Why?" "She has something they want, something shes had since shes been a child SHOCKING SECRETS REVEALED "If we dont get to her, she will...die" "I made a promise that I will never let it go, I rather take it down with me, then let it go!" ''Then we'll force you" ENEMIES WORKING TOGETHER ''Go! I'll take care of it! "Theirs a reason she thinks of herself like that, theirs a reason she volunteered" "At this rate things will get out of control, Karakura Town will be destroyed, and eventually this world" PASTS REVEALED "Stop!" "AKIRA!" A/N: I know i said i would put this on deviantart but i decided to put it on my profile instead Bleach: Invasion of Akumas Scene Ichigo and Rukia got into their battle position as they faced this new enemy. Ichigo didnt take his eyes off of it "Rukia, what is that thing?!" Rukia looked as shocked as well "I dont know, Ive never seen it before, it looks like it could be a hollow but wheres the mask or the hole?!" The enemy before them had the body of a dragon standing on its hind legs, its tail had spikes on the end, its head had horns curled in, its head looked demonic, it looked like what you found find on the internet when you look up demons. It had black wings portruding from its back, it had black long claws, its whole body was a dark red with black lines on its side. Its eyes were like a hollows only difference was that its iris was red instead of yellow and its pupil was slit. It looked at Ichigo and Rukia, it narrowed its eyes, Ichigo and Rukia got tense when it began to laugh "Ara, Ara, what do we have here? Shinigami? Havent encountered one you in a long time" It looked at Ichigo "I see and smell darkness in you, anger, despair, your heart will be tasty" Scene Ichigo was panting his body was already beaten up he had blood dripping down his face. He stood in front of an unconscious Rukia "What is this thing? Our zanpakutos arent working, how do we beat it?" The creature in front of him chuckled "Whats wrong? Are you ready to give up?" Ichigo looked at him with a glare "Yeah right! Im not going to lose to you!" Scene Ichigo didnt know if he can hold up any much longer, he felt like collapsing on the spot. The creature attacked "Die!" Ichigo braced himself until he heard a familiar voice "Your pathetic you know that!" He looked up to see Akira coming down from the sky, she lifted her leg and slammed it down on its head, the creature gasped and fell to the ground, Akira landed in front of Ichigo. Ichigo eyes widened "Akira!" She didnt look at him "Get out of here, I can handle this, you'll both die if you dont" Ichigo was about to retort but looked back at the creature which started to get up, it looked at Akira "You bitch! You'll pay for that!" Akira merely smirked "I doubt" She got in a fighting stance, she pulled out her sword, she swiped her fingers across its blade "Let's do this Rei!" Scene Ichigo watched as Akira finished off the creature, its body was enveloped in black flames, Akira swiped her sword to the side, the blood came off, she sheaths her sword before looking at Ichigo "What was that?" Akira face was calm "A Demon" Scene After that whole encounter Ichigo and Rukia just had and being healed everyone met up at Uraharas place, they were all seated in front of Akira, on the way to Uraharas, Akira said she would explain whats just happened, she looked up at everyone "I've been given orders to explain to you what going on? That creature that you just fought was an akuma" Ichigo was the first to speak "A Akuma!" Akira nods her head "Akumas dont come from hell if thats what you think, they actually come from another place" Scene "You bitch!" The demon clutches his arm, a portal opens up behind him "Until next time! You will be mine!" He starts to back away, Akira glares and grits her teeth, she lunges "No you dont!" She slams into him, entering the portal with him. Ichigo lunges after her "Akira!" The portal closes before he can reach her Scene "Akira is none of your concern" Ichigo and the rest turn to see two people in familiar uniforms, the one on the right pulls down his hood, Ichigo recognizes him immediately "Your...(-)" He looks at him with a serious expression "If you want to reach that world, its impossible for you too" Ichigo glares at him Quotes/Scenes "I will find a way, I will save her!" "And im telling you that, shes none of your concern, we will be the one to do it" "Just tell me how to get there!" Random Quotes "You dont even know anything about her, in her mind your nothing to her" "Fine you'll come, but lets get one thing straight, I'm in charge" "I was observing them earlier, they seem to be looking for something" "They are" "At this rate, they will get out control and destroy Karakura town and eventually this world" "What are they looking for, what is it that they want?!" "Not what...who" "The person their looking for is Akira" "If they get to her, were pretty much gonna be screwed" 12/29/12
Heres the link I am not that great of an artist so i dont have any art so dont bother looking. Anyways honestly when i was writing the previews it got me all excited so im going to do it anyways. But I want to know if its spiked your interests at all, its just out of curiousity, i will have a poll up at some point today, the previews will be added to my account soon so check my deviant art account everyone once in a while to see if its there, if it is please check it out and vote on my profile the poll will be open after i upload the previews I will get rid of the story that has the previews here after i upload it to deviant art Also if anybody is good at drawing anime and their style is similar to bleach, gintama, d gray man (hopefully you get what i mean) and is willing to draw my OC characters for me on deviantart that would be swell. I will send you the descriptions. I promise to give credit to you, just message me if you do meet these requirements. If your stlye is close enough to it thats alright too. 12/29/12 12/22/12 This time its a definite im going to try to get this out by Christmas as a present, im forcing myself to work right now even though its 9:56 PM here, i remember saying that the only reason i havent worked on or updated it is because im not usually near my computer, honestly the only times i was, was when i went to bed and then when I wake up to get ready for school. But im in winter break right now and its been F*ing cold lately so ive been in my room with a heater so ya near computer. And for Under the Moonlight i will try to get to that after this, i remember on one of my updates i said i lost all the future chapters for this story and i havent been able to remember how most of it was gonna go so ill try to scavenge something in my head that is close enough. On another note Gintama is finally on the arc ive been waiting for AHHH!!!, i love this show, it brings up my day, and a movie is coming out on 2013 so excited!!!!!! You guys should try it. 12/22/12 12/2/12 Im really hating myself right now, i cant keep my stupid word!!! I have to make this quick, i couldnt update last week because i got grounded, and i no longer am right now, but i have a research project right now thats due tomorrow and its using up my spare time to work on my story. BTW im keeping the poll up until i update 12/2/12 11/7/12 Wazzup i know its been so long since ive updated of whats going, i should be or probably by this or next month update the story you've all been for. Sorry for all the delays, you have no idea how ashamed i feel about not having updated for so long, but hey life keeps you busy, sorry about all this. Another reason is also cause like i said before ive been watching Gintama, i was so happy when it came back for another season! :) Anyways i just wanted to let you guys know whats been going on 11/7/12 8/15/12 i forgot to say the other reason theirs been delays. ive been tryin out new anime shows so far ive seen kaze no stigma, black cat and soul eater (hvnt finished stopped at 20 or 25 dont remember) Right now im watchin Gintama and i just cant stop watchin it! its so funny, im at ep 109 right now, anyways thats wat ive been doin most of the time, Gintama is just so funny im sorry!!!. That doesnt mean ive forgotten about Bleach im still readin the manga and the fanfictions. i was sad that the anime was ovr :'(. anyways thats all i wanted to say 8/15/12 8/2/12 sorry i havent checked in, in such a long time. I feel so ashamed cause i know i have said that im not one of those people that forgets their stories and doesnt update in like 2-3 yrs and stuff. Well having writers block and skool doesnt help. I feel so bad that i havent updated in a long time. Im goin to be deletin I got sick story and the one that saves others. The one that saves others story is goin to be deleted because 1. i have no idea where i was goin with it, 2. and plus like when i was writing it i was still like learning how to be a better writer. Now i got sick story it was just one of those stories that i was going to work on while i was stuck on my other stories. Ill probably bring it back, like ill rewrite it, just not right now. If anybody wants to use the idea go ahead you have my permission! If anybody ever wants to use my ideas go on but just let me know first before starting. Oh! Btw i am almost done with the 4th movie chapter i know you guys have been waiting for it. Sorry! :(.The reason it taking a while is because i had to do alot of rewriting in it. did not like the first version of it. 8/2/12 3/21/12 Alright set bak here, i forgot ur documents only stay here for 60 days, and right now they hve all been deleted. i usualy work on my stories on word before submittin here. So ya setbak i need to rethink a couple things and put them bak, so the 4th movie is on a tiny hold. it might tke a while it might not depends on how good of a memory my brain has 3/21/12 1/30/12 Wazzzup im bak sorry i havent updated anythin lately high skool is a bitch, and ive also been diagnosed with laziness im already ashamed so nobody has to tell me anything, anyways i am going to finish my most popular story within 4 months so look forward to that!!!! maybe 5 depends on skool. 1/30/12 12/27/11 I am dealing with a big problem right now since 11/19 somebody copied my story and will not get rid of it! The person claims that the whole entire story is hers/his. Which is a bunch of bull-! I have already reported the person three times and nothing has happened and its really pissing me off. My good friend Little White Comet is also assisting me in this matter, but i would really appreciate it if you guys help as well. If you guys try to message dont bother the person has pm disabled, the only way to honestly contact her/him is by reviewing i usually check on the user to see if its been removed but the only change i saw was that 3 other people have reviewed saying that she/he copied my story which i greatly appreciate. One of the reviews is by Little White Comet, which once again i am grateful for. So please i would love it if you guys help. Heres the link to the user http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2828971/emiko_uchiha_wolf_demon and heres the link to the story they copied http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7564110/1/Fade_to_Black So theres the link, if anybody wants to try to help. So yes this has honestly been my main concern. 12/27/11 11/30/11 Making a couple changes to my story, after i read someones review it made me think about where im goin with this so im making some changes. 11/30/11 11/23/11 Ok, i am gonna be honest here i havent been working on my chapters these past 5 days because i have been hanging out with my best friend. And today i havent because i felt really really weird today like sick but lazy at the same time. So sorry. I will start working on it on friday because tomorrow is thanksgivin so ya. Anyways sorry everybody!. :( 11/23/11 11/17/11 I am back people, i bet you all missed me!!! Anways i just want to say sorry for being gone so long, school is hell!, but i have been working on my school work because this year im doin really well and i wanna keep it that way, but that doesnt mean i wont be working on my stories, GOOD NEWS!!! tomorrow is my last day until thanksgivin break which means a whole week off, durin that week i will be typin up my chapters so HURRAY!! Well thats all i wanted to say, i got to go, i need to work on a research paper, and its 7:51 p.m right now and im sort of a slacker Soo...bye 11/17/11 10/18/11 Internet went out yesterday, was not aware, dont know when im getting it back, i am right now updating this at school 10/18/11 10/11/11 We found a new home and we started moving our boxes into the house so i will be on hold, my stories are almost complete, i can still respond to messages on my phone, i will update my profile the day before i lose internet for a while and when i update on my profile that means i got it back. But ya i can respond and review messages through my phone. For beta-reading I can also try through school since my 2nd period i have access to one but its not a promise, that class normally has us occupied unless you finish early in an assignment, so ya its not a promise. Anyways i will update again the day before i lose internet 10/11/11 9/6/11 Just want to let everyone know that i will be moving soon, so all my stories will be on hold soon, since i will be busy packing and moving, it wont be for that long, maybe a week depends, i will try to see what i can finish before i move, cause i wont have access to the internet, only through my phone, but i cant work on my stories through my phone so yeah. Just wanna give everyone a heads up. 9/6/11 8/10/11 I start school tomorrow, so that means ill be up early so i will be able to respond to anyone that sends me messages in the morning quick. I wont be having that much access to a computer like i did last year. So any chapters sent to me through docx, i wont be able to read it over, in my opinion i suggest you try sending it early, before 7:00, you can try using a world clock to check if you live out of the country, but i will definitely be available after 3 p.m. My computer charger is broken right now and i have to share with my dad so i dont get to use my laptop that much because of the battery, so when i dont have have access to one for now i use my phone to reply to messages. I ordered a new one yesterday and it should arrive sometime this week or on wednesday or thursday. 8/10/11 8/2/11 I will be starting school soon around next week. Just to give everyone a heads up, i can still respond to messages since i will be using my phone to check my inbox during school 8/2/11 7/16/11 http:///fs13/f/2007/069/0/6/lycan_tattoo_by_wolf100185.jpg Well like i said i just found this when i typed in on google lycan symbol, i thought it looked pretty cool so i used it. Ok how the symbol shows is it slowly shows from the top to the bottom. i couldnt really describe it which is why i posted the picture. But thats the symbol, but ignore what it says on the background. I do give credit to Wolf100185 from deviantart, cause apparently thats whos made it, but ya credits to him/her its a cool picture 7/16/11 7/15/11 so far i have 2 votes for no mixing and 1 for yes. I just wanna explain it clearly if i mix it together. It will have the poison same effects but they are gonna still want ichigo and the poison will also have another effect. The poison will just be to weaken him so it can be easier to take him. So ya its gonna be combined together, the stories will come out when i finish The 4th movie, I Got Sick, Say What, and Under the Moonlight. The 1st one is almost finished just 4 or 3 chapters left, the 2nd has about 2 or 3 more chapters left. Under the Moonlight has about 7 chapters left 7/15/11 6/20/11 Bleach: The 4th Movie will be updated sometime next week, im hopin to get it done, between June and July, i wanna finish it before the real one comes out 6/20/11 6/2/11 Exciting news!!! Bleach the 4th movie will be out sometime this month!!! Since my summer vacation is almost gonna start!!! I have half of it done, but got stuck, im trying here!!!! Under the Moonlight is just a story i work on to get my mind off the struggle with it. But i do have hopes for it though, its turning out great! But ya dont worry you will not be disappointed this time!!! I know i havent updated my other stories, well its because ive been focused on Under the Moonlight and Bleach the 4th movie. But all my stories will be finished, im not one of those writers who quits on a story or one of those who completely forgets about it and updates in like 2- 3yrs or never. But also Im alive! I dont live in Joplin, or anywhere near it, for those of you who have heard of Joplin, Missouri destroyed. I know its taken me a while to update even though its been a while since that. Sorry. But i do feel sorry for the lives that were lost there. I had family friends that lived there and just recently we have heard from them. Anyways thats all i wanted to say 6/2/11 4/19/11 I know alot of people are waiting for my Bleach: the 4th movie story, im sorry im taking forever, FORGIVE ME!!!!, im not sure when it will be out, but i am pretty sure it will be out this year, i will try to finish it before i start my summer vacation, it will most likely be out during my summer since i will have alot of free time 4/19/11 I am a huge IchiHime hater, i have so many reasons why, Why ichigo and orihime wont get together 1. i see more of a brother-sister relationship or at least he just cares thing cause shes his friend 2. i honestly think hes protective of her cause she obviously cant defend herself 3. ok people made such a big deal of the hole Hollow Ichigo vs Ulquiorra thing, ok he died and became a hollow what did you expect, of course he would turn into a hollow, plus the anime version overdid it. 4. he never swore on his soul to protect her like Rukia. 5. he doesnt smile at her like he does with rukia, actually now that i think of it he hardly smiles at her 6. he didnt have the same resolve to save her like rukia, i mean he just wanted to save orihime because he knew she was a good person and not a traitor 7. she even admitted that "Rukia changed his whole world" 8. he wouldnt even really know her if it wasnt for Rukia 9. deep inside i think she knows herself that Rukia is truly precious to him 10. she bothers him alot, like doesnt give him space she wants to know everythin, unlike rukia where she completely understands 11. honestly i only think that she was able to sense him during his trainin because since the shield is like hers it cant realy block everythin since their abilites are simliar like, since their alike she can sense whats in them 12. She is really annoyin i mean their is more IchiRukia fans then Ichihime, i mean how can tite kubo just let that pass 13. i think she would of confessed to him by now, i mean wow after what they have been through, saving rukia, her rescue, the war, she still keeps it a secret 14. ishida seems to understand her more, so does orihime they understand each other more 15. She cant cheer him up 16. He still calls her by her last name unlike Rukia where he is on 1st name basis, in Japan thats a huge thing, calling someone by their first name means you are very close or your disrespecting but i highly doubt hes disrespecting her, now Byakuya thats someone he disrespects. 17. He cant act like his true self around her, i mean if they were dating he has to be kind to her, he cant be his usual self, i mean orihime is too nice, she cant realy put up with his usual self. 18. Alot of you IchiHime fans think they should be together because they make a cute couple, not realy i mean i have givin it a shot, it didnt work, i mean realy just picture it in your minds seeing them being a couple, to be honest that looks weird, it does look a little weird for ichigo and rukia but orihime and ichigo looks weirder 19. He hasnt realy done so much for her for him to develop feelings 20. I think orihime knows it too, but just wants to ignore it, i mean go with ishida i see something there IchiRuki. Reasons why they should be together 1. I can definitely see something i mean they got along when they met 2. It might of been aizens doin that got them to meet but what if behind that they were meant too anyways 3. They both have heavy burdens and i think they can understand, what they have been through 4. Rukia killed Kaien and she continues to blame herself, even if it wasnt her fault also even when kaien told her thank you 5. Ichigo blames himself for his mothers death, even when it wasnt his fault 6. Hollow ichigo was created because of her (dont mean it in a bad way) so why wouldnt he want her like protect her or if he gets out while shes around he will probably go after her. 7. Those two have such a deep understandin for each other 8. We all know how protective he is over her, but unlike Orihime who doesnt know how to defend herself, i think he knows Rukia can watch herself but he still wants to keep her safe 9. Remember when they were going their seperate ways how he didnt want to seperate because he was worried for her 10. He had such a resolve to keep her safe, he SWORE it on his soul 11. He got worried when she got hurt after her fight with 9th espada 12. He even said "Rukia changed my whole world" 13. Always smiles at her, its because of her he actualy smiles 14. Ever since he met her hes opened up especially to her 15. They can read each other like a book 16. Rukia knows when to give Ichigo space 17. Chapter 423 What did that tell you! Did you not see how they looked at each other 18. They always have references to each other like when Ichigo was tellin his dad that he can wait till he feels like talking 19. Ichigo pushed himself to hard to keep her safe 20. Fade to Black: Bonus that beats the Orihime hugs Ichigo! Ichigo hugged Rukia!!!! 21. If Ichigo truly didnt want his shinigami life and wanted Rukia to go, he would of done that by now. 1. he didnt have to rescue rukia 2. he could of stopped after he saved her 3. he could of gotten his powers sealed 4. he was sad that he was goin to lose his powers. 5. could of erased his memories. But no he stayed not,because of responsibilities because he wanted it. 22. He got so depressed when Rukia didnt remember him 23. They have such a bond, not just because of the transferin powers, over time it grew 24. Their always worried for each other 25. They will always be in each others heart 26. When Rukia finished the 9th espada, while she was rememberin did you not see how she looked when she remembered Ichigo even in the manga 27. Ichigo is on first name basis with Rukia. So what now!!! :P 28. "The Rain Drags Black Sun Down, but the rain dried by White Moon 29. Ichigo can be himself around her, Rukia can pretty much put up with him, like i said they have a unique bond, they truly understand each other 30. Ok ya maybe if she does have feelings for him, it might be because of Kaien, but that was just a close mentor-student relationship, i mean he was married come on, shes not gonna stoop that low. 31. He has done so much for her, both of them have done so much for each other. 31. Their swords HELLO!!! Black and White!!! Sun and Moon!!! I mean people!!! seriously!!! 32. Just because Ichigo got his powers back in the manga doesnt mean he still doesnt owe it to Rukia, i mean none of this would of happened if it wasnt for her. 33. Meeting Rukia and getting his powers was pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to him. Favorite Quote: Got it from blades of blood4888. Gave me this link- www.bleachasylum/threads/12068-v36-IchiRuki-FC-The-Story-of-Destiny-Begins/page34 "When I close my eyes, a figure of one woman came into my mind. She's a short, black haired girl who wears a black kimono. She has a high temper and haughtly eyes. Memories of our casual days together. Days when we trusted our lives to each other, when we swung our swords. There's no way I will forget her. I know that woman. The memories that were carved deep inside the depths of my soul were floating...Rukia!!" - Ichigo JOIN THE ICHIRUKI PARADE SPREAD LOVE THE ICHIRUKI WAY. If you believe that Ichigo and Rukia are meant for each other, paste this in your profile. If you believe that Black Sun is meant for White Moon, paste this in your profile. If you believe that Rukia belongs to Ichigo and Ichigo belongs to Rukia, paste this in your profile. If you believe that they are perfect for each other, paste this in your profile. If you do not believe in IchiHime, paste this in your profile. If you believe that IchiRuki shall prevail, paste this in your profile. IF YOU LOVE ICHIRUKI, PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE! If you're a die-hard IchiRuki lover for life copy and paste this into your profile- Ichiruki lovers unite!! If you've ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile. If you want to learn Japanese, copy/paste this into your profile Ok i dont know what happened but all of my info was deleted except the bottom, i dont know what happened so the stuff above is what i had to rewrite i dont remember all the links i had so if you have questions just ask me and i will try to remember what it was. heres a picture of a werewolf thats close to what i thought of. only difference is that mine has chains around its legs, it doesnt have a flaming tail, the red on its back isnt like that, its actualy black, theirs a black collar with red gems, its fur is a dark red, its body has the appearance of being able to stand on two feet. Like in Underworld: Rise of the lycans. And its head looks like a wolf obviously, like the werewolves that roam free in underworld 3, the first generation werewolves. its ears arent that big in the picture. this is the closes i can get to what i thought of. http:///images/image_uploads/Hellhound-urban-legends-856566_495_539.jpg TRUE STORY A teenage girl about 17 named Diane had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her." Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 of teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93 of the people that read this won't repost it? Repost this if you truly believe in God. PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what, and if you stand up for him he will stand up for you. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. A/N: Got it from Little White Comet |