Author has written 25 stories for Lost, Vampire Diaries, and Lucifer. Hello darlings, my name is Dee. I am a child wearing an adult costume, living forever in the land of Disney and make believe. Here you will find a plethora of silliness under the guise of art. I encourage you to take a gander if it suits your fancy, although I will put a mild disclaimer that anything written in the era of LOST was created by a much younger, less experienced version of me. (Meaning that I think it's really bad writing and you should totally skip it. :P) Don't be shy or hesitate to reach out and contact me, follow me on tumblr, leave me a message, or anything of the likes. I promise I am nothing but a mere human just like you, and I absolutely love making new friends. Criticism of all shapes and sizes is welcome, and us writers thrive on your comments like you wouldn't believe. However, if you do choose to leave a review, for me or for anyone, please be gentle. Writing, like all art forms, is a piece of the writer's soul being thrown out to the public in great fear and hope. I love all my readers with all my heart. You all make writing 100% better. Truly, my love for you guys is greater than your love of my writing. Thank you. xxxx Follow me and my writing adventures, or just pop in a say hey: Facebook: @diannaberrian Twitter: @dianna_berrian Instagram: @dberrianwriter Tumblr: strongbeautifulfulloflight |
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