crystalclaes - Aw, thanks. He's my forever favorite, so I'm glad to hear I do him justice. :)

Kellie - Me too! I need more Koltherine lovers in my life.

LisaLevine - I'm glad you mentioned Elijah's reaction because he's eventually going to be playing a big role in this story as well. ;)

chocolate - Thanks! I love hearing that. :)

Guest - Awww yay thank you! And thanks for the continuing patronage to all my other stories haha

An Amber Pen - I always thought they'd be a fiery couple. I don't know if they would ever succumb to any kind of romance but definitely hot in the bedroom.

Thank you all for all the lovely reviews. And thanks to all who have favorited/followed. Means the world to me. It's nice to find some other Koltherine shippers out there! I know this was kinda just an idea I threw out there but I always meant to continue it when I had the time. So, sorry it took so long. Although the updates for this may not be cranking out as frequently as my other stuff, I still plan to keep working on this so please bear with me. xox

Chapter 2

Kol stood rooted to his spot at the edge of the dance floor locked in a heated staring contest with his latest prospect. Katherine held his gaze, a ghost of a smile passing over her face. It was a smile that held promise for good things to come. And then just like that, she was gone. Kol blinked, lifting his chin at the suddenly empty threshold when something clapped him on the back of his shoulder, breaking his trance. He turned around to see his brother wearing a curious, dimpled grin.

"Another failed attempt?"

Kol shrugged Klaus' hand off of him with a cheerful smile. "To be determined."

"And who is this mystery lady?"

He looked up at Klaus with a secretive, mischievous smirk. "Just a girl."

"It's never just a girl with you, Kol," Klaus chided. "If you're going to play with your food, do it where Elijah can't see."

"Don't get your knickers in a bunch, Nik. I'm not going to ruin Elijah's party. Not that it's much of one," he noted, glancing around at the lack of excitement.

"You know Elijah enjoys the quiet evening out," Klaus teased. "Let him have his fun and you can have yours later."

"Looks like Rebekah is having the most fun, currently." He pointed to her too close for comfort with a human man, whispering in his ear as his hand slid inside the slit of her dress, inching upward. Klaus' eyes hardened as he huffed a tiny snarl through his nose.

"I'll see to that," he assured, stomping off angrily on a war path.

Kol chuckled to himself, sipping his champagne and sparing one last glance in his brother's direction, making sure he was good and distracted before speeding out of the room, hoping to still be able to catch Katherine but the hallway was empty. He ventured outside, looking up and down the streets, but she was gone without a trace.

She'd be back, he told himself. One way or another.

It had been a week since Elijah's gala and Kol had heard no news of Katherine Pierce yet. He kept himself entertained with little disruptions to the town's otherwise perfect existence, enjoying taunting the gang his family constantly butted heads with. The Gilbert girl was less than interesting, though sometimes he would amuse himself watching the soap opera unfolding between her and the Salvatores. The perky blonde one was good for an occasional eyeroll, and the quarterback was every bit as stereotypical as they came. Some days the Bennett witch would intrigue him, but mostly he just waited. Waited to see when he might catch another glimpse of the minx-like smile he couldn't get out of his dreams. By the end of the week, luck was finally on his side.

The Mystic Grille was mostly empty as Katherine walked in. She scoped out the potential dinner choices when her eyes fell on a certain familiar face. Her shoulders set in dread.


She rolled her eyes, running her tongue over her teeth and smiled through it, strutting right over like she owned the damn place until she stopped right beside him. She leaned over the bar to signal the bartender, intentionally giving him an eyeful, before turning to face him with a dry expression.

"What are you, like, everywhere?"

He straightened in his seat with a sly smirk. "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be."

She narrowed her eyes as she took a seat beside him. "And where's that?"

He cocked his head, playfully. "With you." She shot him a wry look making him laugh. He shook his head with pouted lips. "Don't worry. I'm not nearly that romantic once you get to know me."

"Whatever you say, Romeo."

"You don't believe me?"

She turned toward him, raising a suggestive eyebrow. "Prove me wrong."

"How would you propose I do that?"

Just then her drink slid down the bar and she caught it, expertly. She picked it up and stood, turning to him. "Figure it out."

She started to leave when he grabbed her wrist, clenching his fingers iron tight around it. His eyes were laden with impatience now, all humor lost.

"I didn't say you could leave."

"I didn't ask," she shot back.

"You're not required to."

Her lips curved, slyly. "So is this you trying to prove you're not a sap?"

"No," he told her, still not smiling at her teasing remark. "This is me telling you to sit back down."

Her eyes narrowed, amusement leaving her face. "Or what?"

"You don't want to play that game with me."

She tore her arm from his grasp, glaring now. "You're right. I don't."

Kol glimpsed his dark beauty turning to stalk down the aisle and couldn't resist letting her go so easily. "I know who you are, Katerina," he called. Katherine stopped, her shoulders stiffening. "If you don't want to be served on a silver platter to my brother, I'd sit down."

In the tiniest of swivels she turned to stare back at him over her shoulder. He grinned with a twisted satisfaction at the gross amount of fear in her eyes. Leaning back against the bar, he crossed one leg over, keeping it loosely against his knee while his arm laid across the counter. He noted a change in her eyes, almost flickering with a newfound fear. Kol was well aware of how easily his body language could read harmless and casual while he was plotting at least a dozen different ways to mutilate you in his mind. And clearly, so was she.

"Now why don't we try this again." He gestured for her to sit with a charming flash of pearly whites. "Won't you join me for a drink, darling?"

Begrudgingly, she joined him back at the bar, slumping into the stool with a defeated grunt. He smiled victoriously.

"There's a good girl."

"Don't patronize me."

He beamed, wider. "I'll do a lot more than that."

"Can the cutesy act. What do you want?"

He sat up, leaning on the counter as he glanced sideways at her. "Would the pleasure of your company be too hard to believe?"

She glanced narrowly then turned her head with a dull look. "Yes."


Katherine scoffed, turning fully towards him. "You just threatened me and you wonder why I don't believe you just want to 'hang out'?"

"I had to ensure you'd stay somehow."

"And death threats are just so charming."

"If it makes you feel better, I won't actually turn you over to Nik." He picked his drink up and took a sip, furrowing his brow as if he was considering its taste. "If I did, I wouldn't get to have any fun with you myself."

She smiled, half-heartedly, bringing her glass to her lips. "Relentless as ever."

"One of my better qualities. So why does my brother want to rid the world of such a beautiful, cutthroat woman?"

"I thought you said you knew all about me?"

"I knew of you. I never said I knew all about you. Although," he let his eyes travel the length of her body. "I wouldn't mind learning."

"Let's back up a little bit. Where have you been all this time?"

His lips raised in a lopsided smile. "Well. My brother did manage to kill me. Temporarily," he added before taking a sip of his bourbon. "I've been confined to a coffin the last century, give or take."

"What'd you do?"

He grinned, wagging a finger at her while still holding his glass. "I believe that question was directed at you first."

"And I'm deviating," she smiled sweetly.

"Then so will I – you have a lovely smile."

She rolled her eyes. "He's been hunting me for six hundred years and you just so happen to approach me? Please. I know when someone's playing me."

He grinned, glancing upward. "I can see being Niklaus' prey has done a number on you. Or have you always been paranoid? They have doctors for that now, you know."

"I do what I have to to stay alive."

"If I wanted to turn you over to my brother, don't you think I'd have done so by now?"

"Not if you're as sadistic as he is," she muttered, sipping her drink morosely.

"I don't deny that. In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that compared to me, Nik looks like a regular rageaholic." He hummed grimly, taking a swig of his own drink. "I'm likely the worst kind of monster of all of us." She turned to him dully, raising a dubious eyebrow. He licked the liquor from his lips and set his drink back down before turning to face her fully, flames burning in his brown eyes. "Elijah has always been more reserved, never killing unless he can somehow find validation or redemption, what with his constant moral dilemma. Rebekah kills when her pride is wounded. And Nik is just downright vengeful and power hungry. But deep down he hates how alone he feels after he kills."

"So where does that leave you?"

"Me?" He laughed, cocking his head like she'd amused him, and he had, but the light soon faded and his normally brown eyes were almost black. "Have you ever killed someone out of pure boredom, just to watch them bleed out? To see the light fade in their eyes as you take their last breath into your mouth and kiss them to sleep eternally?"

Katherine raised her eyebrows, pouting her lips. "So you are a romantic." His face became stolid, penetrating her gaze. She leaned closer to his face, purring, "Is that supposed to scare me?"

His eyes enflamed with unprecedented intrigue, lowering to her lips as she remained inches away from him. They curled into a smile and he felt his own mirroring. "You are not what I expected, Katerina."

"Katherine," she corrected.

"Katherine," he repeated, his smile widening.

They stayed locked on each other for a few more seconds before Katherine eased back into her seat, tossing her hair over her shoulder with a jerk of her head. Beneath batting eyelashes, she flicked her eyes back to his.

"Whats your poison?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You're going to buy me a drink?"

"Don't overanalyze it."

A slow smirk formed over his lips. "Bourbon. On the rocks."

Two and a half drinks later, all caution and inhibitions were out the window. They'd relocated to where Katherine was staying – an old house just outside the town's parameters – and barely made it through the door before he slammed her back into the paneling, dragging his lips down her neck and into her tanned breasts. She arched her body into his, scraping her nails against the wall in reaction to the hard bulge her hips had just unintentionally thrust into. Kol growled into her skin, looking up at her with reddening eyes. He lifted her legs around his waist and sped them up to the bedroom, dropping her onto the bed and climbing over to straddle her.

"Bit of a warning, darling. I tend to get rough."

She laughed, wrapping her hand around the bulge in his pants, tightly squeezing. "So do I."

He moaned through gritted teeth, gripping her wrists and pinning them above her head. She struggled to free them but he quickly distracted her with his tongue gliding between her breasts. Her body writhed and she let out a small sigh.

"When I said I like to torture, I meant in all aspects," he said, eyes burning with heat. "Meaning I enjoy the hell out of foreplay."

She flipped him suddenly and tore open his shirt, then dragged her nails down his chest leaving thin trails of blood dripping down his skin. He groaned, his body convulsing into an arch, absorbing the pain as his ruined shirt fell away. She leaned down licking a trail upward until she reached his jaw then breathed into his neck.

"As long as your idea of foreplay lives up to mine."

He grinned then quickly grabbed her legs and slid her from his waist up his chest to pierce her inner thigh with his fangs, drinking her in. She gasped, throwing her head back to savor the sensation of stinging pain mixed with a warm heat tingling at her core. He pulled back, fangs dripping, with a sinister grin.

"That's the best meal I've had all day." He eyes traveled down to where she was sitting and a dangerous smirk appeared. "Now onto the main course..."

Before Katherine could question what he meant he'd had her flipped onto her back again and bare, his head dipped between her legs. A surprised O formed over her lips as she felt his tongue glide over her. Her fingers clawed at the sheets as she bunched them into two handfuls while he continued to tease with the tip of his tongue around her clit. She whimpered out pleading moans that seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"Do it already!" she begged through a clenched jaw.

He looked up laughingly. "So eager..." He leaned up over her parted lips and flicked his tongue between them briefly then whispered, "Don't rush me."

An agonized moan escaped her as her body fell back in frustration. Kol planted soft, sucking kisses down her stomach until he was back to where he started. Katherine latched her legs around his throat, making him look up to catch her darkened gaze.

"I'm not a very patient girl."

He grabbed her ankles and held them down, spreading her legs wider in the process. His eyes were scolding, a dangerous sneer on his lips.

"And I'm not a very tolerant man. Behave, Katherine, or I won't be gentle."


He looked up stunned, heart stopping for only a second. His lips quirked in a pleased grin, tightening his grip on her legs. "Count on it."

He dove his tongue into her, swirling around to hook inside her before coming out again, teasing her folds. Katherine gasped in pleasure, her body bucking up toward him.

"God, just fuck me, Kol," she breathed out, desperately.

"Say please," he growled against her, dipping his tongue in and out in a fast rhythm.

She cried out, throwing her head back in pleasure. "Please!"

He lifted his head and towered his body over hers again, lips a breath from hers. "Tell me again, Katherine..."

She whimpered, pleadingly. "P-please, Kol..."

"Please what?" he demanded, eyes dark and gleaming.

She opened her eyes, blackened with determination. "Fuck me."

He grinned, kissing her roughly, biting down on her lower lip to draw blood while she shoved his jeans and boxers down for him. As soon as he was free, he plunged himself hard and deep inside her, showing no restraint. Katherine let out a shivering cry, gripping the sheets as he moved in her. He thrust continuously, hard, deep and fast, watching her face all the while. Her eyes rolled back and eventually closed, her hand curled around the fabric of the sheets as her body met his momentum. He nibbled at her neck, wanting terribly to bite at her pulse but afraid of her reaction. He thigh was one thing, but the neck was sacred – the Mecca of blood supply.

"Oh god!" her voice shakily whimpered.

Kol moved over her, relishing the look of wild abandon in her eyes, his own desire driving him insane. Forgetting his apprehension, he sank his fangs into her neck, drinking her in with a delighted growl. She gasped, body arched from the bed and tightening around him. Nails dug into his shoulder blades, provoking him to thrust with inhuman speed. A scream tore from Katherine's throat, sending a shrill tremor through him and hardening him impossibly more inside her. He pulled back from her neck, lips stained red and dripping with her blood. Her legs squeezed tightly around him as she whimpered through bouts of pleasure devouring her. He was throbbing now, the slickness of every slide of his cock into her making him swell as she tightened.

"Katherine..." he moaned, agonizingly.

She cried out again, on the verge of combustion. His back was ribbons of blood and flesh from her nails, but he ignored it, pushing as deep as he could reach until he filled her up again and again, his breath catching as he felt the coil of heat inside starting to snap. A loud scream vibrated against his ear drums, the sound pure pleasure as Katherine climaxed. Her spasms and reverberations were all he needed to let go and find his own release, pumping slowly as he finished off inside her, groaning out in relief. He collapsed over her, panting and sweating from exertion. She was glistening, her neck still bleeding from the two neat little punctures he'd left her.

"Damn..." she breathed out.

He let out a muffled laugh against her chest. "That's one way to put it."

She laughed, lightheadedly. "I can't feel my legs."


She hummed. "Why is that good?"

"I like to bask in the glory of a job well done."

She smiled lazily with a moan. "Well done? More like...sufficient."

He lifted his head, eyes lit with insult. "Are you saying you've had better?"

"Define 'better'," she smirked, playfully running her hands through his dampened hair.

Kol growled, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. "Don't toy with me."

"Ooh. So defensive."

He smiled, dangerously. "You should never tease a man in bed."

"The fact that I can't feel my legs wasn't enough for you, huh?"

He slid his hands tantalizingly down her arms, smiling slowly. "Not nearly. Next time, I'm not holding back. You won't even remember your own name."

She leaned her head up to brush her lips over his as she whispered, "What makes you think there'll be a next time?"

He brushed a curl away from her face with an endeared chuckle. "Oh my dear. We're just getting started."