Caroline's boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously and her two best friends Enzo and Klaus make it their mission to help her out.
Accidentally in Love
"Care Bear! Oi, where are you?"
"Lorenzo! Must you be so…"
"Handsome, charming…"
"I was going to say so indiscreet and garish, but now that you've interrupted me that's a hell no to both of those adjectives."
"You wish you could be as wonderful as yours truly, Niklaus. I know it's been difficult living in my shadow the past few years, but I'd be more than happy to help facilitate your improvement and make you a better person."
"Are you listening to this, love? Although, she probably can't breathe given your oversized ego crammed into such a small space."
This was Caroline's morning.
Waking up to her two best friends bickering by her bedside.
They did it all the time but, given her week, Caroline wasn't inclined to engage. Hence why she'd pulled the covers over her head. Yet here they were like clockwork.
It wasn't that she didn't love her two besties, but in a crisis their need to protect and comfort her went into overdrive.
"Is this some weird game of peek-a-boo, darling?' Enzo asked, sitting on the bed and crushing her hand in the process. "You know how much I love games so I can do this all day."
"Get off her," Klaus growled. "I could think of far more deserving things you could crush, like Salvatore's head."
"Amongst other things."
"Get off me!" Caroline huffed, although it was decidedly muffled by the blanket.
It was only once her covers were off that she realised just how much of a mess she must have looked. She'd been crying during the night and Caroline couldn't be too sure how red her eyes were, not to mention how much of the death by chocolate had found its way onto her white top.
Although, she was certain her friends had seen her looking worse.
Some people thought that their friendship was unorthodox. Caroline had met them two years earlier when Enzo approached her at the local mall. She'd been shopping with Kat and Bonnie when he'd interrupted and asked her to help his friend out. The friend turned out to be Klaus and he wanted to make someone he liked jealous.
Fast forward a few weeks and the girl he supposedly liked was nowhere to be found and Caroline had taken her place as best friend extraordinaire.
"Who needs an alarm clock when I have you two?"
"I told him to be quiet," Klaus argued. "But we both know that Lorenzo loves hearing the sound of his own voice."
"Charming," Enzo drawled. "Caroline, I mean this with love, but there's this handy invention called a hairbrush, you might want to use it."
Caroline didn't bother to reply just hurled a cushion at him. He was her best friend, but he was also the bitchiest person she knew.
"Why does my mother keep letting you in the house? It's already bad enough that everyone at school calls you my British harem."
"Think my brother might have something to say about that," Klaus noted, looking to Enzo in particular. Kol and he had only been going out for the better part of a year. "And your mother loves me," Klaus boasted. "I think she's still not completely sold on Lorenzo but that's understandable."
"Liz made me pancakes the other day, Niklaus," Enzo shot back. "She even cut them into little hearts."
Before Klaus could object, Caroline intervened. "Now, even I know that's not true. The Sheriff doesn't do love hearts."
"And she also only makes pancakes when Caroline is sick," Klaus offered.
"So, that's why you're always sniffing around when I'm sick," she muttered. "And here I thought you were just being sympathetic friends."
"We're here now, aren't we?" Enzo asked, bouncing up and down on the bed. "So, what are we going to do to Salvatore?"
"You're not going to do anything to him…"
"You do realise that's like telling us not to like the Jonas Brothers?" Enzo asked, completely aghast.
"Speak for yourself," Klaus muttered.
"I mean it," she warned. "That idiot is not even worth the time spent on revenge."
Caroline wasn't exactly telling the truth, of course she wanted the loser to pay but encouraging her over protective best friends wasn't a smart idea.
Given she was barely 18, Caroline knew she'd look back on Stefan Salvatore as a self absorbed, broody asshat that cared more about his hair than anyone or anything else. Then she'd ask herself why she went there in the first place and wasted so much time on such an idiot?
It just hurt a little right now and she wanted to give herself time to wallow.
"How about I go pick up Kol and some high calorie foods and we can watch a movie?"
"Not Legally Blonde again," Klaus shot back, before noting Caroline's pout. "Okay, fine."
After Enzo had left, Klaus made himself comfortable on her bed. It wasn't long before she was leaning against him, her head resting in the crook of his neck. He felt warm and familiar and Caroline knew she could lay like that all day.
He ran his fingers through her waves softly, the gentle rhythm of his breathing lulling her into a calm and soothing place.
Caroline loved Enzo but sometimes he talked too much and it was nice to just sit in silence with Klaus.
"He's an absolute imbecile, you know that, right?" He asked after they'd been laying there for about 15 minutes.
"Mmmm," she mumbled, unable to find the right reply.
"You are completely out of his league, love. He never deserved you," he murmured into her hair. She knew he meant well but it was difficult to answer because, even if it was true, she didn't feel it. Not yet anyway.
"I'm not sure given Enzo's opinion on my hair," she teased, attempting to lighten the situation.
"He meant it with love," he offered. Caroline could tell by his tone that he was smiling and no doubt flashing one of those dimples.
"I notice you didn't disagree," she pressed.
"Legally Blonde, hey? I'm psyched."
"You are such an ass," she laughed, thinking she hadn't done that much lately. Klaus had this amazing knack of knowing when she wanted quiet reflection and when she wanted fun and laughter. "And what's wrong with the Jonas Brothers anyway?"
"Well, Nick and Joe maybe but I don't know about Kevin," he replied matter-of-factly.
"I love you," she said simply. She felt his body tense slightly and realised what she'd said and how it could be interpreted. "Both of you, I mean, you and Enzo." She closed her eyes, mentally kicking herself and thinking just how awkward that sounded.
Enzo and Kol returned not long after but all Caroline could think about was what she'd said and question why she felt so uncomfortable?
I mean, it wasn't like she had feelings for her best friend, right?
It was on that day that two best friends accidentally fell in love. It was no doubt always there beneath the surface but both were completely and utterly oblivious to it.
Of course they didn't act on it straight away because, if you've seen the best romantic comedies, that just doesn't happen.
When they finally said those three words and eight letters years later in college and subsequently married it was clear they always loved each other but just needed a push in the right direction. Enzo officiated at the ceremony and took delight in telling their guests his master plan all those years ago had worked.
Caroline and Klaus weren't quite sure whether it was true but either way they didn't really care.
And they all lived happily ever after.
P.S. Wondering what happened to Stefan "Hero Hair" Salvatore? Although she warned them against it, Klaus and Enzo spiked his latte with laxatives, poured itching powder in his clothes and replaced his shampoo with hair dye. They figured it was the least he deserved.