Disclaimer: I do not own FMA. All associated characters and settings are the property of Arakawa Hiromu. No copyright infringement is intended; no profit is being made.

"No, this wasn't—!"

"Ed—no!" Roy's cries echoed through the hollow basement, echoing off the cement walls and metal tables. The cold floor chilled his knees through his uniform pants as he lunged forward, catching Edward's left arm in a tight grasp—and only narrowly halting the transmutation the boy was millimetres from completing.

It took all of his strength for Roy to wrench Edward back and into his chest, so he could get both arms around him. The boy fought like a wild animal, actually snarling as Roy strained to hold onto him. He barely managed.

"Let me go! Let me go, Colonel Bastard! Fuck you LET ME GO!"

"Ed, no!" he countered, feeling tears trickle from his own eyes. It was nothing on the furious sobs coming from Edward, though. How, Roy wondered distantly, had it come to this?

On the floor, just inches from them, sat a piece of Al's shattered blood seal.



Roy met the kid's eyes over his desk for a long minute, before Ed scoffed and looked away. "So, why am I here?"

"I have a lead."

That got the kid's attention. "Getting right to it for once, eh Mustang? So where are me'n'Al heading next?"

"Well, that's just it—this time, it's more like..."

"Don't beat around the bush, bastard."

"It's more like you and I, this time."

Ed hesitated, frowning. "Wait, what? You? And what about Al?"

Well, that was good, at least. Roy had been worried about more of an explosion. This was a pretty decent start. "It's the easiest way in. I've been invited to a...get together, of military personnel. The host is a researcher; a friend of a friend. I can get you in, but Al will have to find his own way in."

Ed grinned. "I think we can work something out. When is it?"

"Next week, in West City. We leave in four days, at o-eight-hundred hours. Al can come with us to the hotel, and then you two boys will have a day to figure out what you're doing."

"That's plenty of time. Thanks, Colonel!"

"Don't thank me. Just be on time—oh, and Edward? Bring your uniform."

That, at least, got a reaction.

It was Saturday morning, seven-fifty-seven in the morning, their train due to depart in three minutes...and still no Elrics. Roy bit back the overwhelming desire to pace, and instead stood, arms folded and foot tapping, outside the door to their cabin. As if having to share an overnight train to West City with the boys wasn't enough, but they couldn't even do him the courtesy of being on time. Whimsically, Roy recalled the, admittedly very short lived, days when Ed had jumped if he said toad.

...if only those days had stayed.

"You don't really want that, Sir."

Hawkeye's words startled Roy out of his fantasy of Ed, on time and in uniform, saluting him. With a sigh, he turned to her. How she always knew exactly what he was thinking...

"No, I don't," he admitted. He would much rather the two boys, whole and in the flesh, running off and...playing one of Resembool's pastures, or something. But that was not what he had, was it? He would do all he could to see it come true, though. Even if it meant taking the next train.

The sound of clanking armour drew Roy's attention further up the platform, where Al was running towards them. "Colonel Mustang! Sorry we're late! Brother—"

"Don't you dare, Al!"

"—forgot where he'd put his uniform. We were trying to find it."

Edward groaned, mumbling something that sounded a bit like traitor as the two boys pulled up beside himself and Riza. "Yeah, yeah, but we're here now. That's what matters, right?"

Roy sighed. "We'll address the issue of your lost uniform later, Fullmetal. For now, get on the train."

Edward groaned, but did as told, offering Riza a wave as he passed.

Al stopped to offer them both a short bow. "We really are very sorry to be late. Brother did manage to find his uniform, though." Small miracles. Somehow, Roy suspected Ed was not the one who had found it, though—or intended for it to be found.

"Good, now go ahead Alphonse. I'll be right behind you."

Nodding, the boy turned and headed up the steps just as the warning whistle blew. "Guess that's my call. Take care of things for me, Lieutenant. I'll be back soon."

"Yes, Sir. And you take of yourself, and those boys."

"I will," he promised, shooting her his most charming smile. "See you in a week."

She saluted as he climbed on the train, which he turned back to return as one of the station attendants came along to close and check the door. Shouldering his bag, Roy set off to find the boys.

It wasn't hard. Roy had rented an entire sleeper car for the trip, wanting relative privacy to discuss things with the boys. Inside the cabin, Roy noted the two had already made themselves comfortable. The modest table, set into the wall under the window, was covered in notes of all sorts, and the two were seated across from one another on the small benches. Despite his tiny stature, Edward had managed to sprawl across two seats, whereas Alphonse simply...needed two seats to fit.

Their beds, tiny bunks built into the wall and stacked three high, were on his right. Tossing his bag onto the bottom most bunk, Roy strode over to the table. "What's all this? No room for me?"

"No bastards at the table. Mom's rule," Ed retorted cleanly, attention hardly wavering from whatever he was reading.

"Need I remind you who paid for the car?"

"Nope," Ed replied, "just don't care."

"Brother," Al hissed, "be nice and move over."

"It's fine," Roy said, before an argument could start, "I'm going to go look for something to eat. You want anything, Ed?"

...he should have known better than to offer to feed Ed, Roy realised as he staggered back to the cabin, a horrendously overstuffed tray shaking in his hands. With a sigh, he managed to slide the door open with his foot, and entered the room, plopping the meal down on top of the boys' research notes.


Well, at least Ed didn't seem to mind. Shoving the teen's legs off the bench, Roy plopped down and began helping himself—if he wasn't fast, he wouldn't get anything, after all.

"So what are you boys working on?" Roy asked, aiming his question at Alphonse.

Undisturbed by the meal, Al shrugged. "Brother looked into the place we're going—these are some blueprints. We're going to try and work out a way to sneak me in."

Something told Roy—but no. The brothers were a team. He could as soon tell water not to be wet as try to stop them from operating together.

"Here, show me. Maybe I can help." After all, it was better to try to make sure they were careful than to try to stop them.

By the time they made it to West City, Roy thought they had a pretty good plan in place.

He had never been so wrong.

"You h-have to let me—let me try! Colonel! His soul, i-it's—I know it! It's still—he's still there! You have to let me try!" Ed's voice was broken by sobs, his small body shaking in Roy's arms, even as he continued to fight. "Colonel!"

Roy felt his heart shatter. These boys had tried so hard, fought for so much—grown up way too fast. This wasn't right. They were supposed to succeed, not...not this. Anything but this.

"I can save him, Colonel! Colonel!" Edward was shrieking still, flesh arm reaching pathetically for his brother's armour. "Please, I can do it again! I have—Truth can take my other arm, just give Al's soul back to me!"

"Edward! Ed! Stop! Stop it and listen to me!" Because Roy knew two things for certain: one, Ed had given up enough and two, this was Roy's fault anyway. "Listen—I'll do it." And wasn't this a supremely bad idea. "I will do it. Show me how."

Slowly, Ed turned to meet his gaze, his golden eyes full of pain. "...you?"

"Me," Roy agreed emphatically. Edward had already lost two limbs, Roy could...could spare one.

"No! This is our problem! Just let me do it!"

"No, Edward! This is a direct order from your superior! You will tell me what to do, and I will do the transmutation. I'm not releasing you until you agree." Roy felt bile rising in his throat. He needed Edward to agree, because they didn't have much time.

"O-okay. Fine! Just...just save Al!"

"That's a promise?"

Edward went limp, then, Roy's arms suddenly the only thing holding him up. "Yes. Just please...for Al."

Roy let him go, and after that, everything was a flurry of activity. Using his belt knife, Roy sliced his own palm. Under Ed's careful eye, they used the blood to draw a new blood seal on Alphonse's helmet.

With that part done, Roy stripped off his uniform jacket and shirt, leaving him bare-chested in the chilly air. He barely felt the cold, however, as adrenaline had his blood running hot. A thin trickle of sweat rolled down his back as Ed approached, showing him the circles to draw and explaining the meaning behind each mark.

Roy subconsciously realised just how much of a prodigy the thirteen-year-old really was.

Four circles, one on his forehead, one on his chest, and one on each arm. Ed had done this without help, while bleeding from a missing limb.


He met Edward's eyes with a weak smirk—and touched the circle on his chest. The blood composing each circle lit up, and Roy knew no more.

The evening of the event was cool and crisp. In the hotel room, the weather was the farthest thing from Roy's mind, however.

"Stay still, Ed! Dammit, I can't do this with you running away!"

"Fine! Then just let me wear my regular clothes!"

"Come on, Fullmetal, you knew full well this was part of the deal! So buck up and deal with it!"

"Forget it! I'll just—"

Roy finally caught the teen and shoved him against the wall, pinning him there while he smoothed the uniform's lapel and fixed his collar.

"Dammit, Mustang!"

"A thank you would not be remise," Roy grumbled, frustrated, as he released Edward. "There, for once you look fit to be seen in public."

The hotel room did not, however, having been utterly trashes in their little scuffle. Blankets and pillows were strewn across the floor, the desk's chair was upended, and garbage had been kicked everywhere. Never mind the clothing, accessories, and even a shoe that were spread from window to door.

Al sniggered. "Looks good, Brother. You should wear blue more often."

"What, and look like Colonel Cinderfingers over there? Fat chance."

Roy sighed, ignoring the insult. Picking up Ed's pocket watch from the table, he tossed it to the boy. "Here, you'll need that."

Ed caught the watch and pocketed it. "Alright, I'm all dressed up," Ed complained, "now can we go?"

Was this what it was like, to have children? Oh sure, Maes was always saying how great it was to have Elicia and Gracia, and while Roy was not against the idea of marrying, not really—



A loud crash sounded, making Roy wince. When he finally dared seek the source of the sound, he sighed. Loudly. Yes, kids were...wonderful.

"Come on, Fullmetal. Bed time isn't for hours, yet." With that derisive comment, he stepped over the dazed boy, laying flat on his back between the two beds. "We don't want to be late."

Some grumbling followed, along with the sound of Ed picking himself up off the floor. Roy did not so much as glance back as he left the room. Ed would follow, and Al would come a little later, once the party was under way. With that knowledge, Roy stepped out into the cold, and into the car waiting for them. Once Edward had climbed in alongside him, Roy nodded for the driver to set out.

The gathering was...incredibly dull, if Roy was entirely honest. Famed Alchemical researchers or not, these people were dry as bones—and they made their material to match. Oh, there was plenty to talk about, but there were ways to...make it interesting, weren't there? Even Ed looked—

He glanced around, at the clock, then swore. It was too early, and if the kid had abandoned him...!

"U-u-uh, um...well, I-I...that is..."

Roy raised a brow, finally spotting his subordinate surrounded by a group of other alchemists. Alchemists with fire in their eyes. Clearly, the famed child prodigy was a very interesting subject for these people. Well, let him stew a bit. It's what he deserved for abandoning Roy like that. He turned to walk away.

"M—Colonel! There you are!"

With a sigh, Roy turned back. "Ah, Fullmetal! I was wondering where you had disappeared to. You're so short I didn't see you there."

To Ed's credit, he managed to control his temper. Barely. "I'm certain these people would be very interested to hear from the famed Flame Alchemist."

Those hungry eyes turned on him.

Oh shit.

Roy did not miss how Edward made his break as the flock surrounded him, asking a thousand questions a second. Maybe he shouldn't have made that crack about Ed's height after all.

"Fullmetal, get back here!"

"I'll get us some punch!"

Yeah, the kid wasn't coming back.

It was hours later, when the party was starting to thin out, that Roy and Ed bid their farewells. Edward had slipped away, briefly, a few times, scouting out the lay of the house. He had managed to find the basement—and didn't everything bad happen in the basement? With that in mind, the two doubled back, sneaking back into the mansion.

It was almost laughably easy to navigate the halls, the house's occupants either passed out or too close to passing out to notice the intrusion. Exchanging a look with Ed, Roy tugged up the trapdoor, revealing steps leading down into darkness.

"I'll go first," Roy said, tugging on his gloves and taking the lantern they had filched from a wall sconce. At Edward's shrug, Roy swung over the edge and began climbing down.

The first thing to hit Roy was the stench, dried blood and excrement, as well as more than a hint of death. Wrinkling his nose, Roy landed on cement, boots crunching on the dirty floor. Pausing to listen, he determined it was clear for the moment.

"It's safe, Fullmetal," he whispered back up. A moment later, the sliver of light coming from above was cut off, and then Edward was descending.

With a snap of his fingers, Roy lit the lantern, raised it—and bit back a noise of horror. The basement was a warzone of its own type. Gleaming operating tables dominated the room, each shadowed by trays filled with instruments. The walls were lined with shelves, each filled with what Roy could only assume was formaldehyde and...organs.

In the corner sat a trash can, filled to overflowing with bloodied paper and...other waste. Glancing down at the floor, Roy also noted old blood stains ground into the cement. He pulled a face as Edward sidled up to his shoulder.

"Sheesh, that's..."

"There's a door," Roy said, cutting him off. "Let's try it."

Edward nodded, but before they had gotten ten steps, the door swung open. Immediately falling into a defensive stance, Roy barely noticed as Ed did the same. So much for a clean—

"Brother! Colonel!"

Roy relaxed.

"Alphonse!" Ed said, hurrying to his brother. "What?"

Alphonse looked down. "It's...animals. I looked in there already."

"Animals...Al, did you?" Ed demanded, tone strangely accusatory.

Alphonse shrugged his metal shoulders. "I just...opened the cages..."

Edward sighed. "Al!"

"What? They looked so helpless! I—"

Roy let them bicker, watching. The door, it was moving—

"Fullmetal!" Without a second thought, Roy dove forward, tackling Ed to the floor and shielding him from the lunging chimera that burst through the door. Already-bloodied talons tore through the air unnervingly close to Roy's ear.

"Great job, Al!" Ed snapped, disentangling himself from Roy's grasp. "You let out the chimeras?"

"No, I swear! I didn't touch its cage! Only the animals. Pigs, rats! I didn't!"

"Regardless," Roy muttered, tugging at his glove, "it's free. Let's just take it out before it makes too much noise."


Roy hadn't noticed the second chimera enter. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Ed lunged forward, trying to get to Al. Roy caught his arm, tugging him back as the bear chimera barrelled fully into Al from behind. There was a crack, then a shattering of metal.

Al's armour dropped like a stone.

Roy didn't even feel himself drop to his knees, taking Ed with him. With a snarl of fearful rage, Edward wrenched free of Roy's grasp and lunged forward.


I love writing for this fandom. I hope everyone can enjoy this fic as much as I love papa!Roy. Comments are my bread and butter.