Reviews for Miracles - An Epilogue
narutogirl103 chapter 1 . 6/22
that was incredible! i love it just amazing fantastic story
P.F. BlaringSilence chapter 1 . 4/8
This is the epilogue that the Klaroline fandom deserved! Ever since that graduation scene, it should have been established that they were the endgame. But for some reason, JP didn't want to disrespect the memory of Stefan. Well, how about Caroline's story arc and how she was never the first choice or Klaus' chance of happiness. While I love Stefan, Klaus and Caroline's story should not have suffered.
clashcityrocker083 chapter 1 . 1/26
The finales of both OGs and TVD left such a sour taste behind, I quit the CW entirely and unfollowed pretty much everyone from the fandom I had followed on social media (actors, writers, and fans) because seeing and and reading about it just left me...ugh. anyways, it was actually quite liberating lol... and it was especially crappy, because of klaus' ending, no matter how much I tried to ignore it, I -canon- ... that he was dead. And I couldn't even enjoy reading KC fanfiction anymore...something I had been reading pretty much since TVD ep 3x12. They were my main pairing for so many years and I think...maybe that was the worst of it all? That they ruined the fanfic for me lol. Anyways, fast forward a couple years, nothing to do for a weekend, and I hit up a couple old and well-loved KC fanfic stories. Dungeons was next. And I came across your profile and...there was a "new" posting ? And it was an episode fix-it? EVEN BETTER. maybe it'll help me pretend and imagine for awhile that klaus and caroline got what they deserved and what we were promised at her graduation all those years ago... and it did. It so did. This was utterly beautiful and I never wanted it to end. I even tried reading it slowly to make it last a little bit longer. But since I was starved for something like this, I couldn't help but gorge myself. Some thanks for helping heal a bit of the wound left behind. I loved it, and thank you for sharing it with us.
VioletLites chapter 1 . 1/6
I adore this. All of this. Thank you for writing it.
amcke1991 chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
Oh my life! This was so tearfully beautiful. A true ending I wish came to pass.
oophtie chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
It's perfect.
secile chapter 1 . 9/18/2019
Oh I hate the original and everything around it. They ruined my beloved Klaroline but you make it so damn good to read about them. Even hope and Hayley and that stupid ending seems bearable. Btw it was perfect as usual, You make me fall in love with the way he loves Caroline “sigh” it is beautiful
Emily81802 chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
OMG the ending we Klaroline peeps needed! Thank you...done so tastefully and realistically to how it could be! Julie Plec needs to make this happen...fabulous writing
iamjg26 chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
this is an amazing fic. im crying "make it one hell of a ring" . im happy klaus and elijah get to be with the women who made them better versions of themselves. i really can see the twins and hope with klaroline as family
styless chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
literally my favorite thing i’ve read since the finale, i always go back to reread your fics they’re all amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2018
im literally in tears this is the best one shot I've ever read its so powerful
Renee17 chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
This was fabulous! A perfect, wonderful, HEA for our poor, tormented, misunderstood Klaus. Thank you!
zansdivine chapter 1 . 12/6/2018
Loved it xox
klavscaroline chapter 1 . 12/4/2018
what a beautiful story, truly. that line "only one of us was in love that time" was so powerful and had my heart thumping nonstop. thank you for this story, i'm sure it's something a lot of us needed after TO ended in the way it did
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