A/N: Hey everyone.

I'm sorry for the long absence. A lot has been happening. Online drama with another fandom I'm a part of, feelings of not belonging to this one because everyone seems ready to hate on each other's ships (trust me, there are a lot of ships I am not a fan of, but to each their own and I respect that), and then—and this was/is the most stressful one—I had some cyber stalk me. They knew my phone number and my email, and sent unwanted messages my way. This isn't the first time it's happened, but it is the first time that the same person had both my cell and my email, which made it scarier, as other factors have made me almost certain it is someone I know in real life. Changed my number and email, so I feel a bit safer, but...my trust has been damaged...

So, yeah. I'm back. Kinda.

Also, I drew my OC/Self-Insert! Her name is (last name first) Hatsuga Suta. You can find it on my DA and umblr with a T! My umblr with a T has the full description of her Quirk, as well as that of my good friend Drekk Deina and his girlfriend. My tag is starfangssecrets, check it out if you want! :D

Without further ado, enjoy the third chapter!


Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. I do own the plot of this story, and any OCs I add to it unless otherwise stated.

It was a testament of how well Katsuki and Ochako knew each other as they simultaneously flung themselves forward without warning. Bringing back his right arm, Katsuki made to bring it down in a powerful blow upon Ochako's head.

'He hasn't changed.' Uraraka thought, before being surprised as the attack turned out to be a feint, his left arm shooting out to collide with Ochako's head as she dodged the feint. She gasped, sure her older counterpart was going to be K.O.'d, when Ochako's hands flashed forward. The young woman firmly gripped the forearm about to ram into her face, before using it to propel herself up and over her attacker in a perfect somersault just as an explosion set off from Katsuki's open palm. She went higher than what was normally achieved, seeming to pause in the air for a split second, before she came spinning down on Katsuki with a drop kick. With lightning-quick reflexes, the young man dodged the attack that was aimed for his head. Hitting the ground in a crouch, Ochako gracefully got to her feet and spun as she and Katsuki faced each other one more.

All this had taken place in the span of fifteen seconds.

"Damn." Sero muttered, eyes wide. He wasn't the only one.

"That was so cool!" A few of the girls in Class B gushed.

"I didn't know you could move that fast without an augmentation type Quirk."

"Damn, those reflexes…"

"I didn't see her use her Quirk when she jumped..." Midoriya commented from besides Uraraka, and she nodded.

"Me either, but she definitely used it." Uraraka commented. She bit her lip. 'And that drop kick...did she...increase her weight?' She frowned. 'No, that's not it. She released her Quirk and spun to create force…' More and more, it was becoming harder for Uraraka to reconcile herself with this stranger that seemed so much stronger than she was.

Katsuki's lips quirked up slightly, breaking the serious facade he wore as he overheard the wonder of the students. He broke out into a full grin at Ochako's slight blush. He released a of couple mini explosions in rapid succession, regaining Ochako's attention. "Keep your eyes on me!" He bellowed as he charged her head on.
"What is he saying?" Ochako muttered to herself. Bracing herself, she waited until Katsuki was right in front of her, before she sidestepped his attack and made to drive her elbow into his back as she shouted, "I always have my eyes on you!"

Katsuki ducked and whirled around to avoid the blow, while simultaneously delivering a kick to her side. Ochako blocked it, but ended up with an explosion in her face that forced her to backflip to avoid most of it. It was a low-level move, the damage negligible, though the force behind it left her breathless. She didn't even wait a second before she was rushing towards Katsuki once more.

"Ochako-chan, you become really fast, ne?" Hagakure Tooru gushed as they watched. This was prompted when Ochako dodged another strike from Katsuki.

"Since they're married, it would make sense that they would spar together regularly." Midoriya mumbled, gaining the attention of those around him. "Naturally, she would have to develop the reflexes necessary to keep up with him. If that's the case, I wonder what else—"

"Shut the hell up, you f*cking nerd." Bakugou snapped, eyes on the fight.

"Ah," Midoriya flinched, a sheepish expression cast Bakugou's way. "Sorry."

Bakugou tsked before refocusing on the fight. It was the perfect distraction, and he did not need the subject to be brought up again. He could barely control the rate of his heart as it were, he didn't want the subject to loop back around to the topic of his future marriage to Uraraka. He gritted his teeth as his heart skipped a beat at the thought.

In that moment of conversation between Midoriya and Bakugou, Ochako had managed to land a solid hit on Katsuki, knocking his balance off-kilter as she twisted her leg behind one of his while pulling his opposite arm to the side where he had overreached on a punch. Twisting the arm around while taking hold of his opposite shoulder and turning him, she kicked his feet from under him and followed him to the ground.

The result was Ochako pinning Katsuki face-down to the ground, her knee planted firmly between his shoulder blades as she held his arms in a hold behind his back. Panting, Ochako gave her husband a smug grin as he turned his head slightly to glare up at her. "Pinned ya."

Before anyone could comprehend what had just happened, Katsuki's expression shifted to that of a grin.

"Wha—" Was all Ochako managed to get out before his hands sparked to prelude a huge explosion as she was sent flying.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Katsuki shouted, a grin on his face as he took advantage of Ochako's disorientation and propelled himself towards her with more explosions. She tried to defend herself as he made a grab at her, but he merely ducked under the swipe of her hand and rammed himself against her midsection. The two tumbled until they landed with Ochako flat on her back, Katsuki pinning down her legs with his own as he straddled her thighs, one hand managing to secure both of hers above her head while the other was poised in front of her throat, sparks crackling threateningly just a few inches from the delicate skin. Ochako glared at Katsuki as he grinned, neither one out of breath but still panting.

"Match." Katsuki declared proudly, and Ochako rolled her eyes.

"Do you want a prize?" She retorted sarcastically.

Katsuki's eyes darkened slightly as he lowered his voice into a rumbly baritone that was for her ears alone, "You know what I want."

While the students couldn't hear what was being said, the sudden flush that erupted across Ochako's face would be damning on its own. Mindful of their audience, Katsuki removed himself from atop Ochako, and offered her a hand to help her up. Still flushed, she accepted it, grateful for the extra support

'Damnit, Katsuki.' Ochako mentally complained as her knees wobbled slightly. 'There are children present!'

At Kaminari's and Mineta's snickering, Bakugou could only imagine what they thought had transpired, and glared at his older counterpart as his cheeks warmed slightly.

Before much else could be said or done, a loud clapping sounded from the back of the gymnasium, and the entire group turned to see All Might. The former hero was not in his hero suit, but instead in the same black gym uniform as Katsuki and Ochako. Leaning a shoulder against the doorframe, he pushed off from it as he approached with a wide smile.

"That was a splendid spar, you two!" Toshinori commented as he stopped before the two adults. "You've both improved immensely!"

Blushing, Ochako rubbed the back of her head while Katsuki turned away as he scratched at his cheek as they mumbled their thanks. They're reactions were peculiar to the students, especially to Uraraka as she could have sworn she saw her older counterpart's eyes become glassy.

Turning to the class, All Might clapped his hands once more. "Now then! I'm sure they've already explained things a bit to you, but I'll go over it again. Today we're working on teamwork. More accurately; teaming up with a fellow hero you're not familiar with."

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu raised his hand, and All Might gestured for him to speak. "All Might-sensei! If we're going to be fighting, why aren't we in our costumes?!"

Toshinori smiled. "Good question. Why do you think that is?"

Startled, Tetsutetsu fumbled, unsure.

The former hero looked around the group of students. "Can anyone tell me?"

Yaoyoruzo raised her hand before speaking. "It's because a hero is never 'off-duty'. There might be times when we're aren't on the clock and a villain appears. It would still be our duty to dispatch them until authorities arrive to the scene, and in those cases, we won't be in uniform or have our support gear." The girl stood tall as she said this, confident in her answer as those from 1-B stared in awe.

Toshinori nodded. "That is correct, my girl!" 'It's good to see her confidence strong once again.' "As a pro, we don't always know when we'll be needed, so we must be apt at handling situations even when not in uniform. Now, I want you all to go change into your gym uniforms. After that, we'll pick teams by random selection!"

As the students went to change, Uraraka couldn't help but glance one more time at the time travelers. What she saw was unexpected; Katsuki pinching one of Ochako's cheeks, the woman whining at the action—but that's not what startled her. No, it was the fondness in Katsuki's eyes that made her pause; the pleased expression on Ochako's face when he finally released her cheek, only for him to caress it soothingly. She could see it now.

They're happy.

Before she could turn away, Ochako met her gaze and gave her a reassuring, sincere smile. Although her stomach twisted with nervousness at what lay ahead of her, the smile she sent back was in no way forced.


"So…" Kirishima began as he pulled on his gym undershirt.

"Don't." Bakugou grunted, keeping his gaze down as he threaded his arms through the gym uniform jacket. He ignored the worried look his friend cast his way.

Conversation was alive around them in the boys' locker room. Normally, the red head would fill in the silence with his usual chatter, and Bakugou would respond with a grunt or eye roll, but there was a heavy silence between them that originated from the blond.

"Hey, it's not a bad thing." Kirishima tried again. "At least—"

"I said f*cking don't, Hair-for-Brains!" Bakugou nearly shouted as he slammed his locker shut, causing Kirishima and a few of the other boys to jump at the noise. Kirishima stared at him as he kept his gaze on his locker, his expression murderous. Or, it would have been, if not for the light blush on his cheeks.

Wide-eyed, Kirishima's expression quickly shifted to soft amusement as an amused huff left him.

Bakugou's temper spiked at the sound, his shoulders tensing as he leveled narrowed eyes at his 'friend'. His brow twitched when he saw Kirishima's expression. "Shut the f*ck up!" He bellowed, and Kirishima held up his hands in defense as he chuckled. "Damnit!" Bakugou then turned away and stormed out of the locker room before anyone else could attempt to talk to him.

"Scary…" Shoda Nirengeki muttered once Bakugou was gone, glancing at the boys from 1-A. "How do you work with a guy like that?" He was taken aback by how the boys seemed to seriously consider it.

"Kachan is...difficult." Midoriya hedge, a chagrined smile on his face. He couldn't help but think on how the explosive teen had treated him as kids. 'But ever since our fight after the provisional license exam…' It was with conviction that he said, "But I'm glad to have him as a teammate."

"He certainly is a more than worthy comrade." Iida agreed.

"It's like, his bark is worse than his bite?" Kaminari mused as he rubbed his chin, and a few of the other boys from 1-A nodded in agreement. His mind flashed back to the fight they'd had with the meat roller kid from Shiketsu High. "He's a pain, but he's serious about being a hero and what being one entails."

"Regardless," Monona said as he looked back at the group form his spot at the door, "no matter how you look at it, he's a magnet for trouble and will cause nothing but trouble no matter where he goes." He then chuckled cynically to himself as he exited the locker room.

"That guy's got some serious issues." Kirishima muttered, a bit miffed at Monoma's words.

"Yeah, sorry about him." Awase Yosetsu apologized as he adjusted his bandana. "Honestly, I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to work with you guys."

"Really?" Sero asked, curious.

Awase nodded. "Ever since the beginning, there's been a gap between our classes. It was something I didn't really think about until the summer camp disaster." He looked down at his hand as he remembered how terrified he was as he fused the Nomu with the tracking device. "Your classmate Yaoyorozu-san, she was so level-headed even after getting hurt, that she was able to think of such a thing like a tracking device...it made me realize how wide that gap was...that there may have been more—" A hand on his shoulder made him look up at Kirishima.

"That's such a manly thing to say, but it's not your fault." Kirishima said with empathy.

'Kirishima…' Midoriya thought.

Awase went to argue, but came to the jarring realization that this was something the redhead had to convince himself of. Pressing his lips into a line, he nodded solemnly, even as a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Oi." A voice sounded from the entrance of the locker room, and they all turned to see Katsuki holding the door open.

'When did he open the door?' Was the general thought as the older blonde glared at them.

"If you're done chit-chatting, get your asses out of here and go join the girls." Katsuki commanded, and held the door open as the boys filed out. Making sure they were all out, he followed behind him, his face set in a scowl.

"Took you long enough." Ochako teased Katsuki as he joined her.

Katsuki tsked. "Not my fault they were standing around like a bunch of girls."

Ochako gave him a look. "That's sexist."

"It ain't if it's true, Angel-face." Katsuki shot back.

Tsuyu turns to Uraraka. "Angel-face?" She whispered.

Uraraka felt her cheeks heat up at the obvious endearment as she shook her head. 'He's only ever called me Round-face…' Leaving it be, both girls refocused on the teachers as All Might spoke.

"Now we shall pick teams!" He announced as he revealed two boxes; a white box with the letter 'A' on it in black print, and a black box with the letter 'B' on it in white print. He held up the white box. "Class 1-A will pick a card from this box, numbering one through twenty. Class 1-B will then pick the corresponding number from this box." He then lifted up the black box. "Those with matching numbers will be the teams! Now, single file!" He instructed before handing Ochako the white box, and Katauki the black box. One by one, the students picked their numbers before giving them to Toshinori, who wrote them down on a clipboard.

"Now!" All Might continued, "teams will be kept confidential until it is your turn to spar. To keep things fair, I want Class A to my right, and Class B to my left. Chop chop, let's go!" Obediently, the two classes separated to their designated area. "Unlike our first class together, there is no villain scenario. You are simply to work with your partner to take down the opposing team. Same rules as the Sports Festival: Quirks are allowed, but excessive force will not be tolerated."

"That's what we're here for." Katsuki pitched in.

"And we won't hold back." Ochako smiled pleasantly at them that did nothing to soften her words. "So keep that in mind before you step out of line."

"Any questions?" All Might finished. Rin Hiryu from Class B raised his hand, and he nodded towards him. "Yes?"

"This is slightly off topic," he began before his eyes shifted between the time travellers before settling on Ochako, "but in the spar a few minutes ago; why didn't you use your Quirk on him?"

At first, Ochako was surprised by the random question directed towards her. She then smiled, and turned towards Katsuki. "It might be best if you explained."

Katsuki nodded in agreement. "I'm already apt at maneuvering myself mid air, and over the years, me and Ochako have familiarized ourselves with each other's Quirks to the point where we're a formidable force on the battlefield." He folded his arms and cast his wife a cocky grin, to which she rolled her eyes at. "If she had used her Quirk on me, it would have been a fifty-fifty chance of it working to her advantage, which isn't ideal in a simple spar."

Deku timidly raised his hand in the air, and relaxed when Katsuki nodded at him. "Could we, um, get a demonstration?"

Katsuki smirked. "Perhaps another time. Right now, you have training. All Might?" He said, turning to the former hero.

"Right." Toshinori grinned. Reaching into another box that he procured out of thin air, he pulled out two numbers. "The first match is Team 4: Kuroirou and Mineta, and Team 6: Midoriya and Kodai. Those teams, please head over to the matts. Everyone else, stay behind your senseis."

"One more thing." Ochako chirped as Kuroirou, Mineta, Midoriya, and Kodai situated themselves on opposite sides of the matts. The expression on her face quickly became something that screamed 'Bakugou' as she continued. "You have five minutes to best your opponents."


It was with a hot cup of tea that Toshinori sat down at his desk, evaluation notes stacked up before him. He was alone in his office, Ochako and Katsuki already off to the next class they were assigned to assist that afternoon. Taking a sip from his cup, he let out a contented breath.

"Now, let's get started on these." He murmured to himself, picking up the first page before him. 'Team 13 and 20…' His thoughts trailed off as a knocked sounded on his office door. 'I'm not expecting anyone.' Toshinori frowned, but that quickly turned into a smile as he called out, "Come in!"

He would be the first to admit that Bakugou was the last person he'd expect to walk into his office. Ever since he had revealed the whole truth to the youth, the boy had grown substantially, but had also been distant, more so than usual. He quickly shifted his surprised expression into that of delight.

"Bakugou, my boy!" All Might greeted, standing up.

"All Might." Was Bakugou's subdued return, which worried the former hero.

"You did marvelously during today's exercise." It had been more than clear that Bakugou has been unhappy with his partner, Monoma Neito, but had managed to work with—more like commanded, if he were honest—the other blonde well enough to pass. Gesturing to the empty seat across his desk, All Might softened his smile. "Come, why don't you take a seat?" Bakugou did so without a word, and All Might retook his seat. "It's been a while since we last had a one-on-one. How have you been, my boy?"

The ash-blonde boy frowned at this as he averted his gaze. "Been better."

Sympathy swelled within All Might, though he made sure to keep it hidden. "Yes, the situation you are in is unique, indeed. If you ever need anything…"

"I can take care of myself." Bakugou retorted briskly, though there wasn't much heat behind the words as there might have once been.

"Of course." Toshinori agreed, and then leaned back in his seat as he waited. It was something he had come to notice with the boy; if you came to him, a mighty task it would become to get anything out of him. But if he came to you, one merely had to wait patiently for him to state his reason for approaching you. He didn't have to wait much, as red eyes finally flicked up to meet All Might's blue gaze.

"I want...some feedback."

Toshinori smiled welcomingly. "Sure. What is it?"

"My Hero Name." Bakugou began with a frown. "Midnight was giving me shit about the ones I came up with before—even though they were awesome—so I just wanted some feedback before I make it official so she doesn't complain. Again."

As soon as Bakugou had mentioned his reason for being here, Toshinori's mind had blanked for a second. Katsuki's words from before rang through his mind. 'They really are from the future…' He thought. Though he believed the time travelers, it hadn't really sunk in until this very moment. Until something he had been told happened as they said it would.

"All Might?"

"Yes, I'm listening." The older blonde quickly reassured. "What did you have in mind?"

Bakugou seemed to hesitate for a moment, before relaxing a bit. "Ground Zero."

Even though he was expecting it, Toshinori could not help the proud smile that stretched across his face. "That's a perfect name for you."


It was pure chance that Uraraka and Bakugou ended up alone together in the commons area. Everyone else was either in their room doing their own thing, or elsewhere otherwise occupied. Uraraka had been one of the students occupied in her room, when she had decided to get something to eat. That's when she found Bakugou on his phone, sitting on the couch, by himself.

He noticed her the instant she had walked off the elevator, and they both sort of froze as their eyes met. It seemed to last an eternity, neither one able to turn away as the air between them became charged with something foreign, but exciting.

Surprisingly, it was Bakugou who ended the eye contact by standing up. He shoved his phone into his pocket as he stood, turning to head back to his room.

"Wait!" Uraraka called out to his departing form. She was surprised when Bakugou actually did stop, his head turning slightly so he could look over his shoulder at her. "Uh…" Having spoken without thought, she scrambled to say something. "Hi." 'Nice going, Ochako.'

Instead of walking off as she expected, Bakugou further surprised her by turning to face her more and returned the sentiment. "Hi."

There was a pause.

"A-ano...how...how have you been handling things?" Uraraka asked nervously. 'Why are you nervous? You're never nervous talking to him!'

Bakugou shrugged.

Tossed further into unease at his perceived nonchalance, Uraraka began to ramble, her Kansai accent coming out full swing. "Yeah." She chuckled nervously, gaze averted. "I admit, I was a bit freaked out at first—because who wouldn't be, y'know? I don't—I mean, I talked with Tsu-chan and we look happy, y'know? And I like that. I mean, it's gonna happen regardless, but I like that we can make each other happy…" She trailed off, her cheeks heating up as her words finally processed in her mind.

She had just told him she liked their future together. In essence, she had told him she liked him. Which she didn't! Not yet. But she would. 'Oh my goodness, did I just confess?! No—but—what—'

Needing a distraction desperately before her thoughts could make her develop a new Quirk relating to steam emitting out her ears, chocolate eyes jumped upwards and froze.

Bakugou was staring at her with wide eyes, his mouth slightly agape in his shock. In any other circumstance, Uraraka would have lord it over the testy blonde that he had ever made such an expression, but that was not all of it. No, what made this different—what made her freeze—was the deep red blush across Bakugou's cheeks and steadily creeping down his neck.

As the boy quickly covered his face and turned away, she watched after his retreating form as startling realization dawned on her.

Bakugou was embarrassed. He was embarrassed because he cared. He cared because—

'Does...does Bakugou-kun already...like me?'

And that's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts on my stories, and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

For those of you curious, keep scrolling and you'll find a list of the teams. I decided not to show the list and the fights in the story, as it isn't pertinent to the plot.

Answers to your Reviews and Questions

kikijrv: I'm glad you liked it! I'm also on AO3, but FFnet is my main hub lol

Badass Guest: I actually did not know that Horikoshi-sensei had Ground Zero for Bakugou's pro name. I really like it and I hope it becomes canon!

kalmaegi (Guest): It was actually Katsuki reassuring Bakugou that it wasn't a Quirk Marriage, but that would have been a cute scene too lol also, OMG! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT KIRISHIMA NOTICING! IT WAS JUST HIM KNOWING THAT BAKUGOU WANTED TO RUN AWAY! HOLY SHITAKE! I can't believe I didn't even think of that when I wrote that, but I'm super glad it comes off that way. Okay, that will be the official version XD

Jezzabella (Guest): I'm so glad you like it! I hope the fight lives up to it XD


Here it is! And for those of you, like me, who don't know off the bat who in Class 1-B looks like what save for Kendou, Tetsutetsu, and Monoma, Here is a list of the teams and Class 1-B descriptions. Or, you know, Google's a thing XD

Team 1: Awase Yosetsu (Weld: can fuse two objects together, but he has to be touching both of them, spiky black hair with a bandana, M)-Jirou Kyouka

Team 2: Kaibara Sen (Swiveling: N/A; means to turn around a point or axis or a swivel; rotate, pivot, swing. Short spiky black hair, M)-Kouda Koji

Team 3: Kamakiri Togaru (Sharp Blade: N/A; looks like a mantis with a green mohawk, M)-Sero Hanta

Team 4: Kuroirou Shihai (Black: N/A; skin is literally black and he has white hair, M)-Mineta Minoru

Team 5: Kendou Itsuka (Large Fists: can enlarge her hands to gigantic size, red hair in ponytail long, green eyes, F)-Ojirou Mashirao

Team 6: Kodai Yui (Size: can shrink or enlarge herself. Close with Kendou, shoulder-length black hair, F)-Midoriya Izuku

Team 7: Komori Kinokou (Mushroom: N/A; brown bob cut and her bangs cover her eyes)-Tokoyami Fumikage

Team 8: Shiozaki Ibara (Vines: grow vines from her head that she can use to extend, attack, grab, and defend with)-Uraraka Ochako

Team 9: Shishia Jurota (Beast: N/A; looks like a brown version of Beast from X-Men)-Shoji Mezou

Team 10: Shoda Nirengeki (Twin Impact: N/A; kinda pudgy with pale blue hair, always looks worried/scared)-Aoyama Yagi

Team 11: Tsunotori Pony (Horn Canon: N/A offically, implied that she rams into things like a bull; the foreigner, blonde hair blue eyes, F)-Asui Tsuyu

Team 12: Tsuburaba Kosei (Solid Air: can solidify air to form walls or platforms by blowing them. Now that strong as of yet, spiky brown hair, M)-Todoroki Shoto

Team 13: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (Steel: can turn his whole body into living steel, spiky silver hair, M)-Kaminari Denki

Team 14: Tokage Setsuna (Autotomy: N/A; means the casting off of a part of the body, like a lizard's tail, by an animal under threat, wavy black hair, F)-Kirishima Eijirou

Team 15: Fukidashi Manga (Comic: N/A; his head is a speech bubble, M)-Hagakure Tooru

Team 16: Honenuki Juzou (Softness: can make the ground soft like quicksand, possibly other items?, face like Ichigo's Hollow mask, M)-Satou Rikkidou

Team 17: Bondo Kojirou (Cemedine: sprays a glue-like liquid from the holes in his head that hardens very quickly to trap people, has no actual face, M)-Ashido Mina

Team 18: Monoma Neito (Copy: can duplicate another's Quirk after touching them, no limit on number, but can only use them one at a time for 5 minutes, and then loses that Quirk, M)-Bakugou Katsuki

Team 19: Yanagi Reiko (Poltergeist: N/A; assumed she can become ghost-like and behave like a poltergeist, grey hair, F)-Yaoyoruzo Momo

Team 20: Rin Hiryu (Scales: can form scales on his skin; black hair pulled back into a braid, M)-Iida Tenya