A/N : back again with another chapter I'm so glad you guys are so supportive to my story! Thank you for all the wonderful reviews you guys make me keep wanting to write.

Please keep reviewing , following and favoring ️ now on with the story!

Chapter 12

The snow village

Kagome gripped Inuyasha tightly as they walked through the forest. The school girl has sensed a new shard, and Inuyasha made it a point of saying she was leading the way too slow. So the hanyou was carrying her on his back, not that she was complaining, Kagome loved it when Inuyasha carried her, this was the only time she could be so close to him.

The others followed along, walking for hours seeing nothing but what seemed like endless trees.

"So where are we goin' exactly?" Ranma asked the slayer that was walking behind her.

"Kagome senses a jewel shard, so she's leading us too it." Sango answered.

"Looks more like he's leading us." Ranma grunted.

Inuyasha has been barking non stop, telling them to hurry up. Ranma didn't know who he thought he was, barking orders at her.

"Yes Inuyasha tends to get controlling when it comes to the jewel shards." Sango said slightly frowning. "It does become tiring."

"So why don't we take a break it's been hours." The red head suggests.

"Goodluck telling Inuyasha that." Shippo says, knowing full well how the hanyou could be, "he'll just call you a weak lazy human."

Ranma suddenly picks up her pace and walks to the front of the group until she stands right in front of Inuyasha halting him to stop.

"What the hell are you doin?!" He demanded glaring at her.

"We're taking a break." Ranma told him, her expression dry.

"What?!" Inuyasha practically shouted, "Hell no were not!"

'Since when the hell does she think she can just run things?!'

Ranma crosses her arms, "I didn't ask you I'm telling ya, we're taking a break, you got us walking in the forest for hours now, taking a rest won't be the end of the world."

"We don't have time to take a break, you lazy human." Inuyasha insulted.

Ranma smiles at him sweetly, "Kagome ya' might wanna get off the puppy's back." She suddenly warned the school girl.

Inuyasha raises an eyebrow. "What ya wanna piece of me wench!"

"Come on guys let's not fight about this..." Kagome tried to reason but she was already being shrugged off the hanyou's back.

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles. "You just can't keep your mouth shut!" He then lunged at the red head, Ranma quickly stepped too the side and crouched to the ground, sweeping her leg under his making him fall to the ground.

She rises up with a triumph smirk, "sense your already on the ground we might as well take a breather."

"I have a couple of snacks in my bag too." Kagome added with a smile.

"Snacks!" Shippo says cheerfully jumping on the school girl's shoulder.

"Sounds good I'm starving." The redhead said happily walking over to them, leaving a fuming half demon on the floor.

The group sat and chatting for a bit while eating Kagome's snacks while Inuyasha sat away from them pouting.

When they was finished Kagome walks up to him. "Alright Inuyasha were ready to keep going."

Inuyasha simply glared at the school girl.

She looked at The hanyou puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you go ask that wench to carry you instead, since you go and take her side." He huffed stubbornly

"Inuyasha really! we just wanted a break." Kagome frowned placing her hand on her hips. "There's no reason for you to be upset."

"I mean I can carry ya' no problem if he's gotta issue or sumthin." Ranma says with a grin stepping next to the school girl.

Inuyasha instantly gets up and pulls Kagome away from Ranma, "I don't think so! Come on Kagome hurry up and get on." He told her crouching down.

Kagome smiles. "Sure thing Inuyasha."

The group continues their search for the jewel shard. They were coming across a small creek. Lucky for them, mostly lucky for Ranma, a large tree branch laid on top like a bridge, it was a thick enough branch for them to cross, but thin enough for them to easily loose their balance if they didn't cross carefully.

Ranma gulped nervously as she started walking on the branch. "Don't fall,don't fall, don't fall!'

"It's a good thing this branch was here for us to walk on." Shippou said happily as he sat with Kagome on Inuyasha's back.

Inuyasha narrows his eyes at the fox demon, "why you actin' so relived it ain't like your walking."

"Why would I walk when you guys can just carry me." Shippo grinned.

"Lazy brat." Inuyasha grumbled

Shippo frowned, "keep talking to me like that Inuyasha then I'll just go ride with Miroku or Sango!"

Inuyasha growled and snatched the fox child off his back. "Then go ride with them!" He said tossing Shippo behind him at the others.

Ranma barely had time to blink when Shippo smacks into her face. "Hey! - Whoaaa!" Ranma yells failing her arms frantically as she titled to the side loosing her balance on the thin branch.

Shippo jumps off Ranma not trying to fall down with her and then the redheads foot slips off the edge of the branch, 'oh no! I'm screwed, They're gonna see my curse!'

A hand quickly grabs Ranma by her wrist. The red head looks up to see Miroku's smiling face.

"That was close." The monk says pulling her back up.

Ranma panted heavily as she rested on her knees, "Geez I thought I was a goner...thanks for that." The redhead smiled sheepishly at him.

"Your welcome ms Ranma." Miroku says staring deep into her blue orbs rather passionately while Ranma stared back at him awkwardly, "you seem quit shaken, let me comfort you." The monk says pulling the pig tailed girl into an embrace.

Ranma felt her skin crawl as the monk rubbed her back. "Ya don't gotta get all touchy-AHH!" Ranma yelled as Miroku gripped the redhead's butt. Ranma's face went bright crimson, her cheeks burning in anger and embarrassment.

"Get off me ya' pervert!" She snapped slamming her fist onto his chest making Miroku stagger backwards.

To the monks surprise he was caught by Sango. "Aw thank you Sango I can always rely on you-"

Before he could finish Sango pushes the perverted monk off the branch letting him fall in the small creek.

Sango huffed and turned her nose in the air following after the group as Miroku drags himself out the creek.

Kagome squints her eyes seeing a village come into her view.

"Is the jewel shard coming from that village Kagome?" Inuyasha asked setting her down.

"It looks like it." The school girl nodded.

Inuyasha smirked and clenched his fist, "Alright we can easily take it from any villager then."

"Pssh and you call me a thief." Ranma mumbles dryly.

"You say something wench?" Inuyasha jerks his head around to her. "Why don't you speak up if ya got some shit to say."

Ranma glared at him, "what ya can't hear me with those big stupid doggie ears of yours."

Inuyasha clenched his jaw and growled at the redhead, "that's it!"

Without warning he pulls back his fist and swings at Ranma, the red head was barely surprised and moved her head to the side letting the punch swoosh past her. She then kicks her leg out and slams it into his chest knocking Inuyasha off his feet.

"Come on man ya' gotta do better than that!" Ranma challenges, dropping her pack and getting into a fighting stance.

"Inuyasha stop it!" Kagome tried to tell him but he already flipped back up on his feet and rushed at Ranma and tackled the small fighter to the ground.

The two wrestled on the ground while the others watched in horror as the two went at it again. Ranma held Inuyasha's wrist as he tried to overpower her, he was trying to sink his claws into her skin. Ranma was repeatedly kicking him in his side making him grunt with every blow.

Then Inuyasha was being pulled back off Ranma and the redhead found herself being pulled away as well by Sango.

"Dammit stop interfering! Lemme teach this wench a lesson!" Inuyasha snapped kicking his legs like a child having a tantrum.

"Inuyasha, stop this foolishness you should be kinder to such a beautiful woman." Miroku scolded him holding him back.

"Beautiful?!" Inuyasha repeated his face scrunching up in disgust. "That woman resembles a dam witch."

"Oh yea! Your one to talk, got the face of a horses ass you jerk!" Ranma insulted.

Inuyasha tried to lunge at her again, "I'm gonna rip that stupid mouth off you!"

Kagome just did a tired sigh. "Sit boy."

Again Inuyasha was pummeled into the ground face first.

"Music to my ears." Ranma grinned down at Inuyasha.

"Dam Kagome who's side you on! Traitor!" The half demon spat.

Kagome places her hands on her hips, "Inuyasha, Ranma is on our side, so stop trying to treat her like the enemy."

"Thank you!" Ranma exclaimed

"Keh!" Inuyasha snorted raising to his feet and dusting off the dirt. "I'll never see her as one of us." He said bitterly walking in front of the group heading toward the village.

Ranma crosses her arms and glared at him. 'So who cares! If he wanna see me like that, then I'm gonna see him that way too!'

Sango put a hand on the redhead's shoulder, "hey don't let Him get too you, Inuyasha is difficult but he becomes easier to travel with overtime."

"Gimme a couple minutes with him and I'll shape him out, dogs needa good spanking then they act right." Ranma scoffs

When they finally reached the village the group stood for a second, stunned to what they saw. The roads and all the huts was covered in pure white snow.

"Look, there's snow everywhere..." Shippo said in complete awe.

"Yea no shit Shippo." Inuyasha grumbled, but was just as surprised.

"How is this even possible..." Miroku said in shock inspecting the snow making sure it was real.

"It wasn't even cold before..how is it only snowing in this village..." Sango says feeling puzzled.

Ranma nervously walked on the snow, she prayed it wouldn't melt into water and make her change..

"Kyaa~" Kagome suddenly yelps.

Ranma looks over at the school girl to see her now on the ground holding her leg painfully.

"Kagome what's wrong." Inuyasha asked as he rushes to her side

"I tripped on something.." she says as Inuyasha pulls her back up to her feet. "Ow my ankle!" The school girl winced.

"You must of twisted it." Sango says inspecting her friends ankle.

Inuyasha crouched down in front of the school girl. "Here hop on, we'll find a spot and patch you up."

Kagome smiles gratefully at the half demon. "Thank you Inuaysha.." she said hopping on his back once again.

The group then proceeded to move forward into the strange snow covered village. They all wondered if they could get some answers to why it's only snowing at this village.

As they get closer to the villagers they noticed how they all looked sick, sad , and very cold. They was obviously not prepared for this type of weather to occur in their village.

"Poor people...it must be hard to live like this..." Kagome says sadly eyeing the shivering villagers.

Miroku then starts to walk towards a man that was shoveling some snow. "Excuse me sir." The monk calls out, grabbing the mans attention.

"I wonder if Miroku can get us a place to stay." Shippo said curiously.

"How's he gonna do that?" Ranma asked.

"By doing a fake exorcism." Shippo simply shrugged as if this was a normal thing for them.

Ranma raises an eyebrow. "Really, he schemes people like that huh?"

"Your obviously to stupid to see he's not your average monk." Inuyasha grunted crossing his arms.

"Oh really? Well no shit! I just thought all monks are perverts and fakes!" Ranma spat sarcastically.

Kagome gasped at The pig tailed girl's foul language. While Inuyasha's eye twitched angrily at the smart mouth redhead.

"Your just asking for it wench." He threatens.

"Ranma you shouldn't talk like that.." Kagome chided gently.

The pig tail girl blinked , confusion on her features. "Huh? Why not?"

"Because your girl, try talking a bit nicer." Kagome suggested with a smile.

"That ain't a very good reason." Ranma countered folding her arms across her chest. "Blame the way I grew up, With the way I was raised, talkin' nice wasn't exactly a lesson."

"Oh I see.." Kagome smiles nervously. 'I wonder how she was raised..'

"Don't bother Kagome, she doesn't even act anything like a girl." Inuyasha commented.

Ranma frowned, if it was one thing she hated was someone commenting negatively about her woman hood. Due to the fact she is force to turned into a male, she hated to be compared to one. Those was fighting words to the pig tail girl.

"What the heck did ya' just say." Ranma said her voice cold and harsh as she took a step forward to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha smirked, feeling rather victorious that he got under her skin. "I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time." He said taking a step toward Ranma, getting in her face glaring down at her.

"Come on you two no fighting, this is not the time.." Sango said getting between the two.

The two just continued to glared fiercely at one another both of their eyes practically beamed with fire.

"Inuaysha my ankle..." Kagome reminded him. Hoping to snap him out of his fight mode.

The half demon then remembered the hurt girl on his back. Inuyasha bit his lip and turned his head away from the small martial artist. "Keh whatever!"

"Ya ain't even worth it." Ranma scoffed shoving her hands in her pockets and turned her head away from him.

Sango and Shippo sighed in relief that the two fighters didn't try to kill eachother again.

"Hello everyone." Miroku says as he walked up to them. Behind him was the villager he had been talking too. "This kind villager is letting us stay in his hut for the night."

"That's so kind, thank you." Sango says with a grateful smile.

"It's the least I can do for you since it's snowing. Besides what kind of person would I be if I turned down such a holy monk and his companions." The villager says with a small smile.

"Holy huh." Shippo scoffed quietly.

The man then lead them all back to his hut. As they got settle in the hut Sango wraps up Kagome's ankle.

"How's that Kagome?" Sango asked

"It's fine now , much better thanks Sango. " the school girl responds.

"I'm s-so c-c-cold." Shippo says through chattering teeth.

"Oh I have some blankets and some jackets." Kagome says as she rummages through her bag. She pulls out a couple of jackets and some blankets.

'How she fit all that in her pack...' Ranma thought curiously.

"Yay a blanket! " Shippo cheers as he wraps himself around one.

"Um Inuyasha, Miroku I don't think my jackets will fit you but there's one blanket left, you guys can share." Kagome explains.

"Shall we share Inuaysha." Miroku smiles at the hanyou.

"Keh don't sound ridiculous! I'm fine. I don't get cold so easily like you humans." Inuyasha stated stuffing his hands in his sleeves.

"Suit yourself." Miroku shrugged wrapping his body in the blanket.

"And Ranma and Sango you guys can put these on." Kagome says handing the red head and the slayer a warm jacket for each of them. The school girl then puts her own jacket on. "Now that everyone's warm I can make some-"

"Someone help us!"

Kagome was cut off by a woman barging into their hut.

"Please we need help..." the woman pleaded.

"What seems to be the problem miss?" Miroku asked.

"Several of the homes are buried in the snow and we need help shoveling them out." The woman exclaimed.

Miroku was instantly on his feet and grasped the woman's hands in his. "Have no fear miss, I shall personally assist you, I am a monk." Miroku said flashing her a dazzling smile.

The woman blushes, "oh monk you are too kind thank you."

Sango raises up as well. "I'll help too." She stated throwing Miroku a deadly glare.

The monk let out a disappointed sigh as if his plans was now ruined. "We'll be back..." Miroku and Sango then follow the woman out the hut.

Ranma leans her head against the wall, she finally had some relax time to just sit and think about her next move. She didn't know how long she was planning to stay with the group. She liked them, there was just one problem, a certain white haired half demon kept getting in her face, she can't work with a guy like that.

'It ain't like I have anywhere else to go though...I still don't know to get home...and I can't go running around blindly tryna find a way back to the future. So my best bet would be to stick around..even if it means I gotta deal with this jerk!'

"Inuyasha.." Kagome says suddenly bringing the redhead out her thoughts. "I sense the sacred jewel shard."

"Where?" Inuyasha asked Eagerly

Kagome gets up and limps toward the door and points outside. "It's coming in that direction, towards that mountain." She explained, The mountain was a bit far from the village but you could still see it in the distance.

"That must be where some demon lives." Inuyasha's says with a smirk. "Perfect, I'll jus take care of it real quick." He says rather smugly already walking out the hut.

"Wait! You don't plan on going alone do you?" Kagome asked in concern pulling his arm holding him back.

"Well duh stupid, That's why we came to this village in the first place, to get the shard." Inuyasha simply said.

"Yes but you think going alone is the smartest thing?" Kagome presses him.

"I'll be fine Kagome." Inuyasha exclaimed pulling his arm from her grip. He didn't need the school girl slowing him down right now, he could take care of himself just fine! Inuaysha wanted to hurry and get this over with. "I'll be back soon." He said then charged off in the direction of the shard.

"Inuyasha Wait!" Kagome tried to call him but he didn't stop and kept running. The school girl made an attempt to chase after him but instantly winced from her hurt ankle.

"Hey you needa rest, or your ankle will only get worse." Ranma said stepping out the hut coming to Kagome's side.

"I know But...Inuyasha, he left out alone to where the jewel shard is, toward that moutain." Kagome explained. "And Ranma it's just not safe for him to go by himself!"

"I'm sure he'll be back before ya know it, so let's head back in and - huh?" Ranma stopped talking as she noticed Kagome's eyes got big and wet with tears.

"What if he ,sniff, never comes back." The school girl's voice sounded shaky, tears steaming down her cheeks.

The pig tailed girl sweat dropped nervously, as Kagome cried. 'Aw crap she's crying...oh boy what do I do bout this...' Ranma was never good dealing with people that was crying or over emotional.

"I-Inuyasha you fool!" Kagome wailed, and put her face into her hands as her shoulders shook from her sobs.

The redhead took a deep breath. 'Why me..' she thought. "Come on Kagome don't cry, I'll go after him."

Kagome looked over to the red head , her eyes moist. "You will?"

"Yea so don't ya go worryin." Ranma tried to reassure her.

"Okay." Kagome nodded wiping her tears away. "Oh wait before you go." Kagome started saying and limps into the hut. A second later she comes out with a pair of boots. "I have some extra shoes, the snow might be deeper out there. I'm not totally sure if I'm your size...your feet are really small."

"These are perfect Kagome thanks!" Ranma said with a wide grin. Wearing the boots would give her less of a risk to change into her curse form, since the snow is water. (Duh)

"Thank you ranma...really." The raven haired girl said smiling as The martial artist quickly shoved on her boots.

"No prob, I'll be back soon Kay." Ranma told her and sprinted off in the same direction as Inuyasha. 'Great..this is gonna be a pain in the ass...'


A/N : Ranma and Inuyasha still isn't getting along , but stay tuned to see how they work together in the next chapter to get the new jewel shard!

Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter though! I love hearing opinions and suggestions thank you !