Chapter 1: Risks
It has been four months since they left. Their fuel is all used up, and they have to solely rely on the VASIMR for any changes. But they wouldn't need it.
"At this rate we should be there in about twenty days." Lola Rockwell said as she looked over her crew.
She may only be the chief of engineering on this mission, but since she was the one who funded it, everyone acted like she was the captain. Lola was the last person who would want to be in an authoritative role, but it didn't matter. Right now, they can see the dot in front of them that will be their new home.
"Who would have thought that we would be the first humans on Mars." Xiao-Hua said with a slight laugh, even though she never took her eyes off the monitors.
"December 15, 2028. Who would have thought that would be the date." Neil said and Lola rolled her eyes at the older man.
"35L of water, 20kg of carbon, 4L of Ammonia, 1.5Kg of Lime." Ed listed out, going over the list for the nth time.
"Phosphorus 800g, Niter 250g, sulphur 100g..." Al continued walking around as Ed started packing up some of the stuff to move to the basement.
"Magnesium 80g, Manganese 1.5g, Iron 5g, Silicon 3g. I think that's all of it." Al finished and Ed gave his little brother a huge grin.
This would work. Before the sun rises tomorrow, they wouldn't be orphans anymore.
"What fuck happened!" Lola yelled as the red lights flashed.
"W-We must have hit something. I... There's a break in the tank." Xiao-Hua said over the com to Lola and the rest of the of the crew in engineering.
"We're already there and I don't see anything!"
"It must be outside. The presser difference is too much..."
"I'll deal with it." Lola said, leaving to where the space-walking airlock was.
"Be careful, that's gonna be part of our mom." Ed said light heartedly as Al carried the last of the elements down.
"Heh, what should we say to her first when we see her?" Al asked as they walked down stairs together.
"Isn't it obvious? Don't tell our Master!" Ed said and Al laughed.
"Rockwell! Get back in here now!"
"Like hell I will! We are looking at being stranded in space if someone doesn't fix this, and I didn't see any of you volunteering!" Lola said through the com since her helmet was now on.
"There is space debris out there that didn't show on our sensors. It would be suicide to go out there right now."
"It will be suicidal to stay and do nothing! You heard what our oxygen levels are looking like. It is just going to keep doing down as long as that hole is there! If you have a better idea right now, I would love to hear it." Lola yelled, not even feeling sorry for the people wearing headphones.
The silent said everything. Lola continued with her plan and opened the airlock.
She isn't going to let this fail. She has too much riding on it, a whole life's work.
"Basic ingredients that construct an average adult." Ed said as they finished pouring all the elements into a large shallow tub they found.
Ed got the paint and the thin paint brushes to draw the alchemy circle with. That took some time, as Ed had Al triple check their notes. But not even an hour passed before they drew the last mark.
"The alchemy circle..." Ed mumbled with a smile looking to Al who already used the paring knife to cut his finger.
Ed took the knife, making a face as he pricked his own finger.
"...and some genetic material for her soul." Ed commented as they both walked into the circle to let their blood drip into the tub.
They were still both smile as they carefully walked out of the transmutation circle, looking over one last time before kneeling down next to each other.
"Are you ready?"
"Yep." Al said with a nod, still smiling.
"Here it goes Al." Ed said, looking away from his brother and together they both placed their hands on the outside ring of the circle.
"There it is." Lola mumbled as she spotted the large rip in the side.
She tugged her lifeline and flowed over, grabbing the handrail as she pulled herself in the right direction. Lola still couldn't see what caused it, but it must have been an asteroid too small for them to detect with their monitors. Whatever it was, it did a good job of wrecking the heat plating. If they try to enter Mars atmosphere, even if the planet barely has one, it will cause a fire. And of course it has to be right where their main oxygen supply was.
Lola pulled out the gel gun that was an astronaut's duck tape, and started plugging up the hole. Once the oxygen isn't escaping, she can go back in and see what they can do about the plating.
Then before she knew it, she was spinning out of control.
"Lola...What...Come in...Lola..." Xiao-Hua voice called out, static breaking her up, but Lola didn't noticed.
There was a creak in her helmet, and she could already feel the pressure change as her ears popped painfully.
"Fucking.." Lola grabbed her lifeline, pulling hard to get herself back to the ship.
There is no sound in space since there is no molecules to carry the waves, but Lola could have sworn she heard a snap when she saw the line break.
"Big Bro, something is wrong..." Al said as Ed noticed the blue energy turned more a purple hue.
"AAHHHH!" Al screamed in pain, and Ed finally looked to his brother.
"AL!" Ed yelled as he watched as his brother's arm started being deconstructed.
"AL!" Ed tried to run over to his brother, only to fall down.
It's a rebound! Ed realized as he watched his own leg start to unravel, fear greater than ever slipping into his heart.
Ed wiped his head up to see it wasn't just Al's arm that was being deconstructed.
"AL!" Ed yelled was he crawled to him.
"BRO..TH..." Al cried.
He only has a hand and part of his head left, but Ed was so close to grabbing it.
Then there was white and only white.
Lola opened her eye to a white space. It wasn't a room, no matter how much Lola wanted to say it was just a hospital room. She couldn't see any walls, and as she looked around, couldn't see anything. No lights, not even her own shadow.
Behind her was a weird ass floating door thing, that looked like a tablet. One of the old tablets made of stone ancient people would write on.
"What the hell?" Lola said out loud as she got closer.
It looked familiar, but she couldn't place it. Probably something I read about in high school...
"Oh, this is interesting." A bunch of voices said, and Lola turned around at once.
There infront of her was a bright shape, humanoid, her exact height and shape, but otherwise featureless. Lola was almost thinking it was a weird anti-shadow when they spoke.
"You aren't supposed to be here, nor even be able to get here. And yet, here you are." The voices said once again, and Lola thought she hear Alvin's voice in with the mix.
But that impossible, that old fart died years ago.
"You are dead too." They said, and Lola wasn't too surprised at what they said.
It would have been nothing short of a miracle to survive, but if Lola was dead, then who was she talking to?
"Dickwad, are you ment to be God or something?" Lola realized with a groawn.
"I have many names. Some Humans call me the World, or the Universe, or God, or True Knowledge, or All, or one, or even you!" They said and even without a face, Lola knew they were smiling.
"Man, that means I owe Xiao-Hua 5K!" Lola complained, and They chuckled.
"I don't think you need to worry about the bet you made with your friend. I have to figure out what I am going to do with you." They said, tapping their cheek like they were deep in thought.
"Um, aren't you going to put me in the afterlife... or were the Hindu right and we are reincarnated."
"That is what makes this so interesting! While I am what you call God, I am not Your God."
"Somehow, you were able to meet us from another world. Or Universe, or God, or..."
"Ya, ya I get it. Wait, are you saying I was able to... what? Fall into a wormhole as I was dieing or something?"
"Wouldn't that be interesting. I have never heard of that happening, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened to other Gods. Or Universe, Or-"
"Nope! I am not having you say that speech every time. Just stick with Universe since that makes this sound like i'm dealing with multiverse theory, and at least I know what that is."
"Alright. But that still doesn't change this situation."
"You don't think you could... just bring be back to life? This this is obviously a technicality. Next time I die I'll be sure to do it nice and prober, making sure there is no wormholes around." Lola joked.
It was worth a shot, and Lola had her crew that she was worried about. Even though Lola join knowing it could lead to an early grave, she was still young enough that she never really thought it would happen. There was no harm in asking.
"You know what, I like that idea."
"Well it was...wait, really? You are going to bring me back?"
"There is a small... price you'll have to pay, but I will let you live once more. I find myself curious in what you will do."
"Hell Yes! I can give you whatever amount of cash you want. Just state the amount and i'll wire you up babe, or will you just magic it away?"
"Oh, I'm not talking about money. I hope you'll have a good story to tell me next time, Lola Rockwell." They said, and Lola watched in shock as the form started to change.
First there was light brown skin, than black hair with red highlights that was fading from four month without applying. Followed by narrow dark brown eyes, along with a button nose. Before Lola knew it, she was looking at herself.
Then she was pulled backwards by shadowy tentacle arms.