Reviews for Naïve No More
FF-loverHP1 chapter 33 . 8/5
very good fic.
cherryberrygal22 chapter 33 . 8/4
congradulations on your new baby! get better and feel better each day and loving the story so far!
Bianei chapter 33 . 8/2
Hola espero que todo te vaya bien con tu bebé, eh estado leyendo esta historia una y otra vez, es realmente interesante porque hace ver el crecimiento de los personajes de forma directa y cruda como cualquier adolescente a esa edad solo sumándole lo de los ninja, espero que puedas continuar con esta historia me encanta, muy pocas historias llegan a su termino espero que está se uno de ellos, es difícil ya que hay una vida aparte las responsabilidades y obligaciones más los momentos de inspiración o falta de ello son todo un factor a tener en cuenta, aún con todo eso gracias por tu tiempo en esto ánimos y espero seguir leyendo más de tu historia . (. ᴗ .)
Mimi-moo224 chapter 33 . 8/1
This is so good! I honestly don’t mind them exploring their sexuality underaged because it does make since if your expected to kill as young as they are then what’s so wrong with losing your virginity. chapter 33 . 7/30
Honestly, this is very adorable and I love it all so much. Seeing their feelings develop within themselves and with each other is blissful and I’m glad this story is taking an uplifting turn. Thanks for the wonderful update and relax all that you need to! chapter 32 . 7/30
Don’t worry about having to rush out chapters or anything like that! We can all take a pause and pleasure knowing that you’re updating when you can and that you think of us fondly. There’s absolutely no rush! chapter 31 . 7/30
Noooooo! Don’t feel shitty Naruto! She loves you tooooooo! Oh god, I’m acting like a teenager now with all these little squeals and gasps. I’m hitting my mid-late 20’s and I thought I’d be passed this by now... hmm. LOL. chapter 30 . 7/30
Oh my god. This story is adorable now! It’s literally going to be mushy for now!
LovelyOrihime chapter 33 . 7/29
I read thru the whole thing in two days. So good! Can’t wait for more updates!
actual-bi-mess chapter 33 . 7/29
Happy to see this fic update! Totally understandable considering everything happening in the world right now, I'm just happy to see this fic's not abandoned! Adore Sasusaku and Narusaku equally and this fic is meeting my shipping needs along with my need to see Sakura kicking ass. Looking forward to any future chapters.
Also Congratulations!
Angie2002-01 chapter 33 . 7/29
I still want this to be a SasuSakuNaru! My heart is too invested into this ship for it NOT to happen! They’re also so cute together and I’m so looking forward to them exploring their sexualities(with each other that is huehuehue) Anyways I’ll be looking forward to the next update!
Guest chapter 33 . 7/28
i'm loving this fic. couldn't stop reading. i hope nothing happens while they're underage because it feels really voyeuristic and twisted.
animemangaobsessed chapter 33 . 7/28
the both of them are silly
MJKS8Akira chapter 33 . 7/28
¿Why she needs to choose? She can have it all. Her heart is big enough. You need to watch the movie SAVAGES.
Dino chapter 33 . 7/28
Damn I am hooked on this story
Love everything about it love the way the characters especially Sakura has grown I also like the way team 7 has bonded a become a family unit
Also like how this Parton the story is being explored the whole puberty thing and how it all works in the ninja world with Sakura not being from a clan how she will do diffrent missions to girls from clans also love the way you ecnoliged Kiba s amazing Sean of smell and how that effects him and how he views other ninjas
Excited to see where this goes with team 7 training and then splitting up and how the village and other ninja will react once there back I feel Sakura will come back after training like a Minnie version of Tsunade minus the gambling
But super excited keep up the awesome work
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